lokisapreentice · 2 months
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Deity of Mischief
i take requests
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lokisapreentice · 2 months
I spent a few months without coming in here and in the meantime Hel appeared in my life. Her presence is so strong and powerful and yet so good. It wasn't long ago that this happened, what I feel is that Loki appeared to me at a time when I needed to find the courage to make big changes in my life. But Hel is with me so I can deal with the issues within me, including grief.
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lokisapreentice · 2 months
Invocation to Hel
[[Prayer written by a member of the Godsring.]]
Hail unto thee Hel,
Oh goddess of Helheim,
The one who brings us into your warm embrace,
Who grants the lonely and restless a place to belong.
We invite thee, oh sister of Fenrir, sister of Jorgamandr, daughter of the mighty Angrboða and Loki into our lives at this time.
May your presence of peace fill our aching hearts,
May your hands comfort us in all walks of life.
We ask that you, oh goddess of half life and half death,
Lead and guide us as our souls travel down this ancient path.
Oh Hel, we praise thee and thy presence as it enters into our lives,
May it always be there,
Your loving light guiding us from the darkness.
Hail Hel!
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lokisapreentice · 2 months
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Devotional to Hel
Hail Hel, she who provides comfort and courage!
You are the clouds of breath dancing across biting winds– You are the sunbeams on petals after a storm– You are the smiles piercing through hard hearts’ walls– You are the words of love reaching satellite souls.
Who can say your guests have not known war? Who would deny your guests the honor due lives led bravely?
In our times of grief, you keep fond memories alive. In our times of sorrow, you nurture inner resolve. In our times of pain, you rekindle hope.
Hail Hel, she who strengthens life’s meaning!
[[artist is @maidenbeast on Deviantart, but has deactivated their account]]
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lokisapreentice · 2 months
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Hel in the underworld
(sharing some process pics under the cut)
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initial pencil sketch, digital sketch to fix proportions and composition, pencil lines, and scanned pencil lines with more detail added digitally
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lokisapreentice · 2 months
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She is the one who stands with Her arms open,
Ready to welcome those who have walked across the Gjöll bridge.
She is not one to be tricked,
For Her holy name is renowned through the nine worlds,
All of which know of Her power:
She cradles the souls of those who come to rest with the Gods,
And She does not discriminate the peasant from the king,
Nor the humble from the noble.
To Her we send songs of praise.
Onto Her I entrust my life.
Beside Her does the Luminous One sit.
Upon Her is a crown made of ash.
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lokisapreentice · 2 months
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Absolutely stunning piece from Johanna Polle (website / Instagram / Etsy shop) titled "Loki's Kin."
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lokisapreentice · 2 months
worship evolves with time. yes, the people who worshipped the gods back in the day had specific offerings to be given. but what is stopping you from giving modern offerings? things around your house? offerings shouldn't have to cost you a fortune. your deities aren't holding you at gunpoint to only receive what you can't easily get. they are a means of showing your love in your day-to-day. so yes!! give your deities candy bars! show them a silly little doodle of them in the corner of your notebook!! make a spotify playlist and play it for them!! dedicate a journal to them!! make a pinterest board and fill it with pins that remind you of them!! the important aspect of these offerings is that you are thinking about your deities. thinking about them and feeling love and devotion to them is a means of offering! you are devoting your energy in these acts!!
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lokisapreentice · 2 months
I am not afraid of death.
I am afraid of the uncertainty of it, the waiting. The watching my grandmother be tired all the time, watching the cancer steal her energy, her appetite, her smile. I am afraid of what it will mean to be without her. To lose her so young, both of us.
I am not afraid of death.
I am afraid of the pain of it and what that will do to my mother. She and my uncle have been Grandma's caregivers for the last five years, losing first my grandfather, then their own. I am afraid that my mother, so stoic and strong, will be without anyone to focus on to keep her mind busy and keep her own aches and pains and diseases at bay.
I am not afraid of death.
I am afraid of how my family will be forever changed. She is not the first grandparent that I've lost, though she is one of two surviving members of that generation of my tree. This woman has nurtured me, cared for me, shared my secrets, fed me sugar before dinnertime, let me come over to just sit and watch TV with her and Grandpa.
"I'm tired," she says with a sigh and a weak, resigned smile.
I know she's not talking about her sleeping habits.
I am not afraid of death. I know my Lady Hel waits for me and that her hall and her realm both are filled with green, growing things, with ease and rest. I am faithful that when my time comes, I will walk unhurried to her and lay myself down in the grassy fields. I know my grandmother readies herself for joining her family in her Heaven, watched over and cared for by her own Lord.
I am not afraid of death, but I am afraid of loss.
Lady of the grave, help me be ready in this transition. Queen of the resting dead, help me understand that death is not the end, but simply a change. Goddess of the cairn, help me remember that we each live on in the hearts and memories of those who loved us and that we are never truly gone from them, even though we are absent.
Help me to remember her.
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lokisapreentice · 2 months
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Hel, also called Hella and Hela, is the name used to refer to the Goddess of the Underworld in Norse mythology. She is the daughter of Loki and the Goddess of death, disease, decay, and destruction. Hel is a mysterious, otherworldly deity who presides over the realm of the dead. According to the lore, her followers would be taken to her afterlife after death, where they would face their eternal fate. Though her domain is dark and seemingly frightening, Hel is a powerful and important deity in Norse mythology and has strong ties to the otherworld and the afterlife.
Appearance: in Norse mythology, Hel is described as a very pale but beautiful woman, often with dark, pale hair. She is sometimes depicted as being very thin and gaunt, with a corpse-like appearance. She is also described as often being very sorrowful and sad, and she is known to be a rather ominous and sinister figure. She is often depicted wearing dark, gothic-style clothing and bearing a variety of symbols associated with death and the Underworld.
Personality: Hel is often described as being very sorrowful and solemn. She is often depicted as being a rather quiet and melancholy figure, lacking in the warmth and friendliness that is attributed to the other Norse goddesses. She is generally regarded as being a somewhat sinister and oppressive presence, and she is often seen as having a much darker and more brooding nature than her sisters.
Symbols: ankh, wolves, bones and skulls, ravens, corpse, scythe, fire, spiral, broom, rake, and Hagalaz Rune
Goddess of: death and the Underworld
Culture: Norse
Plants and trees: beech, alder, elm, ivy, juniper, willow, yew, nightshade, belladonna, datura, nettle, wormwood, elder, hellebore, mistletoe, and blackberries
Crystals: obsidian, amethyst, black onyx, bloodstone, jet, black tourmaline,
Animals: rats, wolves, crows, dogs, and serpents
Incense: myrrh, dragon’s blood, frankincense, and patchouli
Colours: dark green, black, dark blue, red, white, and dark purple
Tarot: Death, The Tower, and Suit of Swords
Planets: Pluto
Days: Monday, Halloween, Winter Solstice, Samhain, Helrbjörg, and Allhallowtide
Parents: Loki and Angrboða
Siblings: Fenrir, Jörmungandr, Váli, Narfi, and Sleipnir (Odin’s horse)
Partner: Baldr
Children: Krampus and Santa Claus
• Wolves: which are often seen as the guardians of the underworld.
• Ravens and crows: associated with the realm of the dead.
• Pluto: the planet associated with death and rebirth.
• Moon: is the celestial object associated with death, madness, and witchcraft.
• The wolf Gnaa, whose name translates to "the one of the deep" and is the guardian of the underworld.
• Helhest: a mystical three-legged horse that can run across the sky and the sea, carrying souls to the World of Death.
• The black dog Cegrim: which is said to guide souls to the land of Hel.
• The Norns: who are the three Goddesses who spin the fate of each individual soul.
• Holds a biconical horn, called a drink horn, which she uses to drain the souls from dead mortals.
• She is the daughter of Loki and Angrboda.
• Garmr (sometimes also called Garm) is the dog or hound that is considered to be Hel's guardian and protector in Norse mythology. Garm is a demonic and monstrous creature, with the size and strength of a bear, the aggression and cunning of a wolf, and the ferocity and loyalty of a dog. Garm is also immortal and has the unique ability to never sleep or rest, which makes him an incomparable guardian and companion to Hel.
• Bears the nickname Goddess of the Dead.
• She resides in a giant estate called Helheim.
To respectfully worship Hel, set up a sacred space dedicated to her and keep it organized and clean. Honor her symbols of death and rebirth with your attire, decorations, and rituals and rituals. Use colours associated with death and rebirth (black, dark purple, and dark green) in decorations and rituals. Light candles and incense during rituals and dispose of them responsibly.
To begin, you can address her by name and say something like:
"Hail Hel, Lady of the Underworld. I come to you seeking your guidance and protection. Please bless me with your wisdom and help me to walk the path of death and rebirth. Guide me into the realms of darkness, so I may emerge stronger and more enlightened.”
"Now that I have honored you and asked for your guidance, I offer this as a humble offering in your name. Accept my gratitude and blessings, and may our paths cross again in the future. Hail to you, Lady of the Underworld, I bid you farewell for now. Hail Hel.”
• Feeling a sense of pull or attraction to her energy and teachings.
• Experiencing synchronicity or signs that point to her presence.
• You have dreams or visions about her.
• You hear/see her name on the TV, radio, online, in books, etc.
• You recently had a family member pass away
• You’re currently working on healing from religious trauma, specifically fears of death and Hell
• The Death card continually pops up in a reading
• Hagalaz rune is calling to you and showing up everywhere
• Hel’s animals are coming to you as a sign: dog, wolf, or horse
• An increased sense of devotion and reverence towards her.
• Feel drawn to her symbols or representations, such as skulls, bones, and Gothic imagery.
• Something in your life triggers an intense emotional or mental reaction where you feel a strong urge or desire to work with her and embrace her teachings.
• Experiencing a strong sense of passion, dedication, or devotion towards her.
If your request to work with her has been accepted, here are some signs that you can look for:
• Feel a sense of peace and calm after reaching out to her, as well as a strong sense of connection and familiarity.
• An overwhelming sense of happiness, gratitude, and appreciation for her.
• You sense a strong sense of guidance and direction, as if your path has been made clear.
If your request to work with her has not been accepted, you may notice the following signs:
• Strong sense of confusion, doubt, and disappointment.
• Intense negative feelings such as anger, frustration, or even guilt.
• Having a sense that something is off or missing, and a feeling of hopelessness and apathy.
• Feeling like your path is unclear, and a lack of direction and purpose.
• Lack of connection and familiarity with her energy and teachings.
Overall you need to be respectful of deities denying your request.
• Money
• Jewelry with dark or gothic themes, as she is often depicted wearing such items in artwork.
• Precious stones
• Weaponry.
• Alcohol or other intoxicating substances.
• Herbs.
• Food or drinks: tea, soup, meat, honey, bread, milk, fruit, and other delicacies.
• Items that represent the cycle of life and death: such as bones, skulls, jewelry with a skeleton theme, and plants associated with death and rebirth.
• Fire or candles: associated with the realm of the dead.
• Music and instruments: she was said to be a talented musician and musician herself.
• Dried Flowers
• Blood
• Keep a journal, record your thoughts and feelings about her.
• Create an altar or sacred space for her.
• Read or study books on Norse mythology and the goddess Hel.
• Pray to her and ask for her guidance and protection.
• Mindfully clean the graves of deceased loved ones. Talk to them when you visit. If you can’t visit your loved one’s graves, you can write to them and burn it. Watch the letter burn and think that the fire and smoke is delivering the message to them.
• Keep a small altar to honor your beloved who have passed and tend to it. Do not forget their names.
• Honour and embrace all of your emotions. This includes your negative emotions such as anger, jealousy, pain, etc. Accepting and acknowledging these emotions helps process them better and thus help you be a better person. Denying them allows them to fester.
• Do shadow work especially during Sundays.
• Do spirit work. Be cautious when you this and properly protect yourself and dismiss the spirit soon after.
• Do ancestral work and establish ancestral healing starting with you. This helps heal the ones who have come before you.
• Take time to sit in silence and watch the world move around you. You can do this in a symbolic way by leaving fruit like an apple outside and watch it rot.
• Meditate and learn the value of taking a pause in this fast-paced world.
• Accept change and adapt to it.
• Learn to appreciate the sudden changes or slight inconveniences in life. See the positive side of it.
• Learn the value of patience.
• Live your life as if it was your last (mindfully).
• Volunteer in cleaning cemeteries or in your local mortuary
• Keep a garden and care for it. (Some SDAs say she likes roses but she could ask you to care for other plants)
• Visit or volunteer in hospital work especially for the critically ill. Bring joy into their life even for a short while. You don’t know how much time they have left.
• Dress in neutral and dark colours.
• Dedicate a playlist for her.
• Collect animal bones. Clean then and breathe life into them (do so ethically, killing animals for bones is a blatant disrespect for Hel, the animal and the law).
• Adopt unwanted animals (the ones who are critically ill or are of old age) and give them the best life before they pass
• Carry an organ donor or a blood donor card.
• Enjoy fermented food and drinks such as wine and mead. Do not forget to toast to her name.
It is not recommended to eat or drink offerings given to Hel because she is a powerful, protective, and guardian entity associated with the Underworld. She is a figure of death and rebirth, and she is responsible for ensuring the souls of the deceased cross over to the afterlife. Her energetic presence may not be fit for human consumption, and consuming offerings that were given to her may cause an imbalance in energy and a disruption in the connection with this deity. It is always better to err on the side of caution and avoid consuming offerings that were given to Hel.
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lokisapreentice · 2 months
e offering for fenrir
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lokisapreentice · 2 months
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lokisapreentice · 2 months
Loki is chaos, yes, but there is comfort in chaos. There is comfort in change. Change can be terrifying, but embracing that fear is so freeing. Embracing the newness of it all, the rebirth. If we stayed the same, we would never grow or learn. Life would become too stagnant, too boring. There would be no sense of adventure. There would be nothing new. Change is required, even if it is chaos. Loki is chaos, yes, but there is comfort in chaos.
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lokisapreentice · 2 months
Great Wolf of Ragnarök, Breaker of Chains! Be with us as we bring end to unjust systems that no longer serve us. Guide us on our path to reparations, to radical change, and to breaking all of the chains that bind us. May we embrace the wolves within ourselves and in one another. Hail Fenrir!
(I've been doing a little Heathen mentorship with a friend and they loved this invocation I wrote so much that I wanted to share.)
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lokisapreentice · 2 months
Great Wolf of Ragnarök, Breaker of Chains! Be with us as we bring end to unjust systems that no longer serve us. Guide us on our path to reparations, to radical change, and to breaking all of the chains that bind us. May we embrace the wolves within ourselves and in one another. Hail Fenrir!
(I've been doing a little Heathen mentorship with a friend and they loved this invocation I wrote so much that I wanted to share.)
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lokisapreentice · 7 months
I just saw a TikTok just now about “how to become a witch,” with a list of steps for beginners to follow. The first two things on the list were to buy books on witchcraft, and then to buy a bunch of materials. So here’s me reminding you that you don’t need to buy anything to become a witch. Sure, buying the tools is fun and all, but it isn’t a requirement to getting started. Witchcraft is a spiritual practice, not a consumerist hobby.
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lokisapreentice · 8 months
It's my personal belief that just about every beginning pagan and polytheist who worries about upsetting their gods if they don't give enough offerings should go one or two months without giving any offerings but still politely ask their gods for assistance.
Why in the hell would I say this? It's simple, dear friends: it could hopefully show them that, hey, gods are actually a lot more chill and willing to help than mainstream paganism and polytheism would have us believe.
The gods aren't going to devour your soul for asking for their help. It's my opinion that they actually appreciate being valued and trusted enough by you for you to rely on them in your times of need. You don't need to feel guilty for asking for help - that's the main point of this post.
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