lonelybarnacles · 1 year
Fuck you for not doing smut
ngl this made me giggle a little
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lonelybarnacles · 2 years
in chpt 7 watch yuu touch malleus’ horns and falls under a sleep curse lmao
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lonelybarnacles · 2 years
Can I have honkai hcs for Kiana, Mei, Fu hua, and Elysia with an s/o who has the same powers as Kim Dokja from Orv? (Like, being able to switch "PoVs" with characters, reading their emotions/minds, etc.)
She finds it so cool! So does that mean you can switch to her POV? But then she realizes you can see the way she looks and thinks of you and quickly backs down.
She asks you to read fu huas mind, her words being “fu hua is always so calm! I want to know what it's like inside her mind!”
She also may brag about how awesome of a s/o you are and tells them you have superpowers
Overall is so amazed by your power
Fu hua
She lived for a very long time but has never seen an ability like yours, so naturally she's curious even though she may not show it.
She doesn't ask you to do anything and instead just admires your powers from the sidelines
She subtly brags about you, but so subtly you wouldn't even notice
(kiana asked you to read her mind once)
Also curious! She asks you a lot of questions but not enough to overwhelm you
Uses your powers to her and yours advantage and often asks you to read mei’s mind
Manages to SOMEHOW prank someone with your powers even though you can't really prank anyone with it. How she does it? She says it's a secret
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lonelybarnacles · 2 years
Actually writing<<<<<<sitting on my phone with my computer open in my lap
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lonelybarnacles · 2 years
I hear you're bored, may I quench your boredom with a twst request for Floyd,Jade, Azul & Idia with the prompt (do you do prompts?) "you look a lot like my next boyfriend" ? If so, Thank you! 😘
HELL YEAH! I also decided to only do the octotrio if that's fine with you! and sry if jades a bit short lmao
cw: none
Floyd was currently in one of his moods. The mood swing was so bad that jade and azul had to ask the prefect to get him out of it so he could work. So, making your way to the monstro lounge, you found the moody eel laid across the couch. “I already told you jade, I'm not in the mood to work!” ‘i'm not jade” with that sentence he turned around and his face lit up slightly, but not enough to make him get up and work. One of the ways to get him out of one of his bad moods was to surprise him, and you knew a perfect way to do that. “You know, you look a lot like my next boyfriend.” The eel stared at you for a few seconds and soon a big grin was etched on his face. “Shrimpy! I never knew you felt that way about me!” Uh oh. You prayed he wouldn't squeeze you too tightly, but at least he was in a better mood…?
Azul always looked so calm and collected, and you wanted to see that facade fall for once and all. The octopus was currently in the VIP room looking over his contracts. So you decided to strike at the right moment. Knocking on the door, you heard a faint “come in.” Now is the time! When the prefect opened the door, he looked at them with a polite smile. You made your way to his desk and sat on it. After chatting for a while, you calmly said “you look a lot like my next boyfriend.” Bingo. With just that one sentence, he broke out into a blush and kept stuttering, so much in fact he didn't notice you leave the VIP room
The mushroom loving eel was currently informing you about all the plants in the botanical garden. The way his face would light up, but so lightly that if you were truly observing him would you notice. Which you are. Without thinking, the prefect mumbled “you look a lot like my next boyfriend.” unfortunately, (or fortunate) he caught what you had said and a small smil was etched on his face. “Hm? Well why not make it come true?”
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lonelybarnacles · 2 years
Send in requests IM SO BORED
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lonelybarnacles · 2 years
Idia, vil and jamil with an s/o who’s love language is physical touch pls?
Ty for requesting! here it is!
cws: none, just fluff
Lord help this man
He will combust at any physical contact, so it may be a little time before he gets used to it. Even then, he will blush madly and his hair suddenly flares, so it's best to be patient with him.
After he somewhat gets used to it, he LOVES cuddling while playing games. Having you in his arms while fighting a boss gives him so much motivation! But just don't give surprise affection while he's playing or he will most likely get distracted and lose.
Big no on PDA from him, he can barely handle physical affection in private, do you think he can handle everyone witnessing it?! It's like you're trying to kill him. But a deep part inside him likes that everyone sees that you're in a relationship with him. 
He likes linking pinkies though! if he's feeling confident, he’ll even hold your hand.
Overall, you'll have to initiate any affection with him, but do not fear! He loves it even if he suddenly freezes up like a deer in headlights.
His love language is words of affirmation, but he loves any affection from you. Infact, he loves it when you shower him with kisses. It makes him feel loved, but not the type of admiration from his fans, real love. Affection that loves him for him. Not the public facade, but for the real him and his flaws. 
He likes a moderation of PDA, however if you'd like to keep the relationship private, he understands it because some of his fans can get a little crazy, and the last thing he’d want is to put you in danger.
Having you give him physical affection grounds him and reminds him that he's loved. Waking up to you giving him butterfly kisses is one his favourite moments and will be grumpy if you don't give him a good morning kiss.(please do or epel is gonna suffer because of it)
Lord help this man pt2
He's used to platonic affection from kalim since he was always clingy but affection from you in a romantic way? You can bet he will blank with a heavy blush.
But! He loves it. He was always the one to take care of other people so having people give him affection is like a fresh breath of air
Not big on PDA and rather likes to save affection for more private moments. He will hold your hand in public and sometimes a kiss on the cheek.
After a long day of babysitting kalim and juggling all his tasks, he is always looking forward to going to ramshackle dorm and receiving showers of affection from you.
If you're cuddling, he prefers to be little spoon but won't say it. Instead, any affection from you he will take with no hesitation
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lonelybarnacles · 2 years
okok so im working on a request rn and it should be out today
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lonelybarnacles · 2 years
Hi! I would like to request a fanfic about Idia overhearing his s/o saying some bad things about him, but he actually misheard it and they were just talking about a classmate/fictional character?
Thanks <3
Thanks for requesting anon! I haven't wrote in a long time so plz excuse me if im a little rusty
Having friday gaming nights were common with dating idia, even if you weren't the best at them. He didn't mind though, spending time with you and enjoying his interests while staying in his room? He was killing two birds with one stone!
While the both of you were hours into gaming, the prefect grew thirsty leaving his room to get water for the both of them. Few minutes after they left, he forgot to ask for some snacks as well. After all, what's a game night without snacks? The fiery haired boy soon panicked, you left your phone in his room and ortho was powered down for the night, meaning he would have to leave his room. Or, he can just wait till you come back. ‘But what if they think I'm annoying for not telling them while they were gonna get the water?’ he grew anxious, and with a sudden urge of confidence, he left his sanctuary to meet you.
Walking down the stairs, he heard you conversing with his other dorm mates. “He is so annoying! He never goes out even if it’s necessary! Why do I even hang out with him?” Idia made his way to his room and slammed the door, to which you heard. The prefect soon made a beeline to his room with water and snacks. Knocking on the door, you waited for a response. However, there was none. Growing anxious, you opened his door slightly and caught sight of him curled up on his bed hugging a pillow. Now the prefect was really anxious. They were accustomed to his sulking, but everything was going good today! So carefully, they put down the water and snacks on his desk and sat on the end of his bed. “Do you really find me annoying? Maybe you're just like the rest of them.” he muttered the last part, but you still heard. “What gives you that idea? Would I hang out with you if you were annoying?” “but I overheard you talking with someone about how annoying I am…” the prefect stared at him and they soon chuckled. “I wasn't talking about you, I was talking about leona. Plus, I'm dating you. Would I date you if I found you annoying?” He turned around, and as soon as he did, you gave him a quick peck on his cheek. “Anyways, i got snacks and water, so lets resume where we left off!”
All he knew is that whenever you're around, everything will be fun, even if it's sometimes out of his comfort zone.
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lonelybarnacles · 2 years
can anyone send in requests I can't think of any scenarios :(
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lonelybarnacles · 2 years
I'm back (fr this time)
I need to update all the links and I'm NOT having a good time.
Im also updating my rules and stuff plus fandoms so if ppl remember me plz check it out
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lonelybarnacles · 3 years
Tumblr media
I got skyward spine TWO TIMES ON the weapon banner- idek how that happened since I wasn't near pity at all but at least I get guaranteed mist splitter
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lonelybarnacles · 3 years
-ˏˋ⋆ send this to ten bloggers you think are wonderful. ⋆ˊˎ-
I was given this so I wanted to pass it on :D no pressure though!
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lonelybarnacles · 3 years
IM BACK!!!!!!
I kinda disappeared for like 4 Months
im here again!
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lonelybarnacles · 3 years
SHIP YOUR MOOTS !!! if u want <3
@sivtries ; honestly I see them with suna haha like Idk if its the vibes they both give off or what...
@serowotonin ; ATSUMU please you would both be so cute together awww
@lilikags ; to be honest, sugawara... I know you love ur man's shirabu but Suga seems to suit you very well Lili
@yamadashii ; ive shipped her with tanaka and asahi before but now I'm thinking she'd be really sweet and lovely with daichi! Like she's a mom friend and hes a dad friend and uuuuu
@milks-writings ; Ellie would be so good with Iwaizumi, shes a smol cutie and he's buff and I eat that dynamic up like cotton candy
@gh0st-with-a-top-hat ; OKAY BUT GHOSTY WOULD BE REALLY SWEET WITH UKYO I see him caring for you a lot <3 and vice versa <333
@ryuomen ; kyoutani. Both of you bark bark woof
That's the most I have the energy to do now fjsjdjs
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lonelybarnacles · 3 years
stop fucking comparing blm to protect asian lives. literally fucking stop it. comparing the hatred of two groups and saying one is more important than than the other is so disgusting. the hate crimes towards asian americans due to covid-19 are not comparable to the crimes commited against black people and vice versa. stop making everything a damn competition.
and the bullshit of "i'd rather support this than blm" is so embarrassing. SUPPORT BOTH OR NEITHER. you don't get to pick and choose which minority group gets to live and which one doesn't. you fucking crackers are so ignorant.
anyway, here are ways to help and support people with all of the issues going around in the world. actually fucking read it and donate if you're able to:
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lonelybarnacles · 3 years
ok y’all, i’m going to try start learning Japanese starting tomorrow wish me luck 🧍‍♀️
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