longc2 ¡ 10 years
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Oatmeal with Banana, Peanut Butter & Chocolate - As Requested!
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longc2 ¡ 10 years
“I must wear the world as a loose garment. Nothing in the world should seriously upset me, as long as my inner life is lived with God. All successful living arises from this inner life.”
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longc2 ¡ 10 years
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Splurge time?? Try these! Vegan no bake chocolate peanut butter oatmeal cookies!! Yummy!! -1/2 cup soy milk (or milk of choice) - 1/2 cup vegan butter (I use earth balance) - 2 cups sugar (I did say it was a splurge!! Lol) - 4 tablespoons coco powder Add to pot and bring to bowl for 3 min stirring the whole time to not burn. Remove from heat and add: - 4 cups quick oats (must be quick) - 1 cup peanut butter Mix together and scoop (I use a tablespoon as a scooper) cookies onto wax paper and let set for 15-20 min and enjoy!! #funeralformyfat #vegan
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longc2 ¡ 10 years
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"99.9% of the violence is being perpetrated by men and somehow, men have had the luxury of being able to say, ‘It’s a women’s issue.’ And that’s a deeply mysterious thing, why that is." (x)
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longc2 ¡ 10 years
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oops I went on a rant
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longc2 ¡ 10 years
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longc2 ¡ 10 years
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longc2 ¡ 10 years
When I loved myself enough, I began leaving whatever wasn’t healthy. This meant people, jobs, my own beliefs and habits - anything that kept me small. My judgement called it disloyal. Now I see it as self-loving.
Kim McMillen  (via thatkindofwoman)
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longc2 ¡ 10 years
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"Uses for College Textbooks"
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longc2 ¡ 10 years
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longc2 ¡ 10 years
petition for robin thicke to be launched into the sun
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longc2 ¡ 10 years
1. Your place is in the kitchen. If you somehow manage to find work outside of the home, it is because you fucked the interviewer. 2. You cannot participate in sports because no one will want to watch you play. Unless your uniform is a sports bra and spandex. 3. ‘You are not like other girls’ is the best compliment you can receive. Other girls are your enemies because they are your competition. Not in landing a job, but in landing a husband. 4. Homosexuality is okay in pornography. Love and marriage with someone that is of the same sex as you is not. 5. You were asking for it. Despite the fact that he was your friend, despite the fact that you were too inebriated to say ‘yes’, despite the fact that you were passed out. You were asking for it. 6. Wearing revealing clothes makes you a slut. 7. Don’t have sex because everyone will think you’re a slut. 8. The worst thing you can possibly be is a slut. 9. But you still need to be sexually alluring and available. Just not a slut. 10. It is your responsibility not to get pregnant and your responsibility alone. However, if you do get pregnant, you cannot get an abortion because that’s just being selfish. 11. You don’t want to have children? That’s not how things are done. You’re not living up to your role as a woman. 12. Being upset and cognizant of your feelings is a sign of emotional and mental instability. 13. Lose weight. 14. But keep your curves. You’re not a real woman without them. 15. You don’t own the rights to your body. 16. If you notice any discrimination based on your sex or gender, it’s better to keep quiet because you don’t want to upset anyone. Silence is better than making someone uncomfortable. 17. It is your fault for being born a woman. And you should be ashamed.
absentions, Things society will try to teach my 16-year-old daughter (via aacissej)
too relevant not to reblog
(via nutritiousnomz)
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longc2 ¡ 10 years
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longc2 ¡ 10 years
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(via Vegan Meatloaf Cupcakes | Fork and Beans)
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longc2 ¡ 10 years
Have you ever heard the phrase cockblocking? You know, you’re at a bar, talking to a girl, and what happens? Her less attractive friend comes over and ruins everything. Cockblock. Well I have to tell you something guys: I have been the less attractive friend, and you were NOT cockblocked. I was following orders from my better-looking friend that she did not wanna fuck you. …Girls have two signals for their friends: ‘I’m gonna fuck him’ and ‘HELP.’
Amy Schumer [x] (via rashaka)
The number of “get me out of here” tactics women have developed and shared to help each other escape from overly-insistent-to-borderline-predatory dudes in public places should probably be enough evidence of the existence of rape culture all on its own.
(via madgastronomer)
Bolded commentary.
(via bidyke)
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longc2 ¡ 10 years
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longc2 ¡ 10 years
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(via Sweetly Raw: White Chocolate Pecan Fudge)
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