longislandcharm · 6 days
[pm] It's very rare that I make a mistake, Regan. But when I do, I let people live with me. How can you know it's not fixable if you don't even know how she feels? [....] The pizza girl? I didn't even know they were friends. All I really know about Thea is she has some weird hair issue and she seems to like peanut butter.
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I fixed that, remember? She's in my house.
[pm] I won't. It isn't -- what mistakes have you made that were so easily mended? There is no fixing what I have done. And trying is the precursor to failure. I don't even know how my leaving has impacted Thea yet, but it surely has. And then... [user remembers what she wanted to pry into] hey, did she ever tell you why she left Van?
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Fair enough. Most would still value the house.
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longislandcharm · 6 days
I don't know if I can speak to you anymore.
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No, you have to know. Dolly is a national treasure. I Will Always Love You? Originally hers. Here You Come Again? A bop. Jolene? Iconic. Educate yourself.
Who [...] is Dolly Parton?
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longislandcharm · 6 days
I wasn't. I was the one he was calling no fun because I don't bite ice cream. He's a degenerate and he's where he belongs now.
She's fine from what I know. Replied to me on here as well. She might be a little shaken but who can blame her?
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Why are you biting ice cream?
Okay, actually clearly that's not the important thing here - though I would still like to know - is the woman alright?
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longislandcharm · 6 days
[....] Why? That's what it's for. That is debatable. Actually, not even debatable, it's a flat out lie.
[user knows things aren't always what they seem around here but wants to keep being petty] No, I think he's just crazy.
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Yeah, I have money. But I don't want to waste it on a hotel room if I don't have to. [...] I'm staying with Finn for a little. I'll be okay. I can take care of myself, I'm a big boy like that.
I [...] yeah, I do. I mean, going after someone like that isn't cool but... I don't think that we're seeing the full story, that's all.
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longislandcharm · 6 days
I have been doing just that. There's a document on my computer being filled as we speak. They failed again. I went to check and see what the godawful noise in my backyard was and they were down. I don't think youtube can teach me how to hack into a security company's data system. Maybe how to fix a web browser issue or something but hacking is a little advanced.
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I didn't go looking for someone to stab me in the shoulder. Or looking for a reindeer to destroy my car. Or go looking for my best friend to try and eat me. It's not always on the other person. Sometimes trouble can just find you. It does that a lot in this town. [....] That is not a fossil. That is a live ass leg. You're right though, wish the cameras had been working so I can catch the oreo thief. I have things to say to them.
If I were you, I would document all the times it happens, and demand your money back if it keeps being a problem. Document their failure to support you, too. Put it down as insubordination, that'll really hit them where it hurts. One does not need to be a bad ass civil disobedience super power to have hacking skills. I learned how to change my wifi password simply by using 'the youtube'. I suggest you do the same with your little problem.
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That's because people are fools and confirmation bias is a real thing. People go looking for trouble around here, and they manage to find it. Oh wait, it's a bird leg? I assumed it was a human leg. This... actually makes way more sense. All it tells me is that dinosaurs were real and that massive rain storm washed up a fossil. Nothing more, nothing less. Stealing food is a crime, so you're right. It's too bad you've been having camera malfunctions. Suspicion, sure. Delusion? Never.
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longislandcharm · 6 days
Whatever you say, turtle killer.
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@longislandcharm replied to your post “What did you do with your childhood turtle?”:
I'd trust him over a turtle killer...
​I didn't kill it, it died. Also I was twelve. Also also, shut up.
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longislandcharm · 6 days
[....] You don't even know who Dolly Parton is. Your opinion is invalid.
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@longislandcharm from here:
So much goes into it though? Style, fabric, how well it's made, comfort, color schemes? Do you not take any of this into consideration?
​No. I only care if it's free. You should not pay for a couch.
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longislandcharm · 6 days
Felix [....]
[pm] Do you need some help?
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@longislandcharm from here:
Why do you need a new space?
​Oh, I'm [...] kind of in a weird temporary spot. It's not great. Haha.
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longislandcharm · 6 days
A turtle killer. Can't believe you're friends with a turtle killer. Actually, wait, yes I can. You're roommates with a lunatic.
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@longislandcharm replied to your post “who do you consider your best friend? tell us what...”:
....I'm asking. Had to debate on whether it would be worth it but I'm just curious enough.
​Oh, please do. Tell me your thoughts once he tells you.
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longislandcharm · 6 days
[Winter doesn't reply but she vows to herself that she is proving that reindeer had a vendetta and she will stop at nothing to do so]
Okay, if you want to prove it, I'm sure you will! But I think I know more about animals than you could learn by having a cat and going to zoos, because sometimes I turn into It'll be fun!
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longislandcharm · 6 days
Appreciate you lying to me. Nope, never heard of him. I'm guessing he doesn't know how to work his phone unless it's to get on facebook...
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Oh, yikes. Isn't that You're human, right? That's Oh, thirty's totally not that old! [user gets a stomachache from lying, because she's like 12 and thinks anything older than her is old.] He totally has old man energy. Have you met him?
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longislandcharm · 6 days
[pm] Fine, then don't stay here. No sweat off my back. I don't see why it's so hard, Regan. If you mess something up then fix it and if you can't fix it then at least you tried. Giving up without trying is lazy and irresponsible, two things I never saw in you.
Yes, but nobody died. Hence, no big deal.
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[pm] Well, I didn't say... There is no such thing as no danger. Humans kill each other every day. They get into accidents every day. But I told you, it will not work with Thea there. It is complicated. Or I am just a coward. My grandmother would I'm not like you -- capable of causing such ruination and then stepping in to make it right with such ease. Sometimes it cannot be done.
No big deal, but it destroyed a house?
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longislandcharm · 6 days
[pm] I have serious doubts about that. [...] It's not just a thing in the movies, no. If it felt like a goodbye it probably was and he was able to move on. Which is a good thing, Finn. It's what we should want for them. If not, they turn angry and evil and try to kill you.
[user rolls her eyes at the threat] Oh no....financial ruin. I Oh uh I guess it is but [....] we're not exactly normal.
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[pm] Hey, I've actually been very well behaved since last time. Threat of murder kinda does the trick Maybe? I mean if he had something more to say, I think I'd want to hear it but [...] last time did feel a lot like goodbye. That's not just a thing in the movies, right? The whole unfinished business thing ghosts have keeping them around?
If he takes my arm, you're reimbursing me for the money spent on tattoos. I don't know, making conversation? Isn't that a thing normal people do?
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longislandcharm · 6 days
Don't you have money? It's called a hotel room, Charles. Or I guess my house is becoming a haven for lost strays. I should have a couch left over. I don't know but if you had seen him today...
You trust him? Even though he's a lunatic? Yes, arrested. That's what happens when you go after a woman on the streets. I, for one, am happy the police are finally doing their jobs.
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Since I fucking moved here? Oh fucking kay??? And go fucking where? You want me to go back to the original plan of living out of my fucking van? He's not [...] I trust him around me. I do. But arrested? Seriously?!
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longislandcharm · 6 days
Since when do you have a roommate? [....] I guess it's a good thing you dodged that bullet. I suggest you move out before he gets out of lock up.
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(@longislandcharm) from here.
Winter, that's my fucking roommate. You mean to tell me he got fucking arrested??
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longislandcharm · 6 days
This is him, Charles! He's was the lunatic! See how weird he was with me?
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Yo. Wait. What?
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longislandcharm · 6 days
[pm] I'm sure it did. He was insane. Anything you want, you deserve it.
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I am not a poor woman
[pm] I would like that drink, yes. It gave me quite a scare.
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