loomisfallsgf · 1 year
hi guys sorry to disappear for so long im in college now and work full time, hope u guys are well
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loomisfallsgf · 2 years
THIS VIDEO OF LOOMIS MY INSTAGRAM FRIEND SEND ME??? he’s so cute i love him so much 💔💔
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loomisfallsgf · 2 years
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this is killing me
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loomisfallsgf · 2 years
⊹ road-trips with jackass ! . . . ( fem reader )
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let’s start with the van
the thing has been through hell and back.
it has its little kinks
the ac only works intermittently
so the windows are constantly down
and someone has definitely recklessly dropped an expensive piece of equipment out of the window
and the heat works fine as long as you don’t have a cd in the cd player and the front passenger’s side’s window is up
the radio is staticky no matter where you are or what you’re playing
and you best believe half the guys try to sing over it
chris is the worst about it
he’ll absolutely belt every song on the radio (cause some how he knows them all)
and you’re right there with him, stumbling over your words a little
but still singing
“baby can’t you see- i’m calling-“ “a guy like you, should wear a warning…”
and you’re singing breathy and dramatically into the nearest objects, hairbrushes, camera equipment, bottles, your favorite is ehren’s hands cause he absolutely hates it
at first it was kinda funny
but after about an hour everyone’s fed up
except for johnny, who’s just overjoyed at the sight of his friends’ annoyance
and of course you guys just keep going, until eventually everyone begrudgingly joins in
you take a lot of candids because someone’s always doing something stupid
shitty drive through food is your life source
and you will order 100 mcnuggets for the crew and you won’t be ashamed of it- even if the mcdonald’s workers look like they want to strangle you
bam is ten times more whiny and bitchy during especially long trips
he acts like a seven year old
always wants a window seat so he can sulk nd pout
if he doesn’t get one he’s pissy until the first rest stop, where he can steal preston or chris’ window seat
the guys are more likely to pull over on the side of the road and piss in the woods than they are to take the time to find an actual rest area
which pisses you off because who wants to piss in the woods?
“why don’t cha’ jus go pop a squat?” “why don’t you just stand still while i shove my foot up your ass, knox?”
everyone in that van is annoying
picking on each other 24/7
god save the first person to fall asleep
you’ve learned not to rest until at least two of the guys are doing the same
“why’s there a tampon up my nose?” “a question everyone must ask themselves from time to time-“
cue a theatrical rant from chris, boyish, obnoxious cackling, and a camcorder in your face
steve o once signed your forehead while you were asleep
so you did the same to him, but the man has no shame
he woke up, looked in the rear view mirror, and giggled
“nice.” “you’re not supposed to like it!”
everyone takes turns sticking things up ehren’s nose until he wakes up
the breaking point is usually something that smells- like a gum wrapper or a cigarette
no one is wearing a seatbelt
except for whoever’s driving just in case they get pulled over ( kosick, preston, tremaine, ehren, and chris take turns- though no one really trusts anyone but kosick at the wheel )
you volunteer to drive only to be able to pick the music
and no one lets you because they all, somehow, hate your music taste
there are times where you’ll take rest stops and decide to stay in a little town or the middle of the woods for the day
you’ll find little lakes or creeks to swim in between stops, just to get everyone’s energy out
then the guys get back in the car smelling like wet dogs, leaving damp ass prints on the seats and shivering for the next hour
gas station stops are a must
you buy a pack of cigarettes that’s gone within the hour
you only had one
steve o the type of guy to buy a bug juice and spike it
someone’s definitely trying to pull a bit on the underpaid, middle aged cashier who truly doesn’t have the energy for their shit
“can you take the banana out of your pants, sir?” “this is all natural, baby.” (steve o, probably)
dave is saddled with directions just cause it’s funny
“go right at this light- no left, sorry- wait no right! fuck!” “you’re gonna get us killed!”
an hour or two into the trip, at least three or four people are sleeping
bam and ryan will fall asleep next to each other- ryan’s head on bam’s shoulder, bam’s head on ryan’s
that or ryan will try to take up a whole row of seats
“ry, get your nasty ass feet off me!” “you get your face away from my nasty ass feet!”
steve o and chris will wear themselves out at a rest stop and fall asleep splayed out all over each other
one way or another- someone will end up with their head in your lap or on your shoulder
everything calms around 2 or 3 am
everyone’s tired and tremaine will have resorted to letting johnny drive
you usually end up squished between dave and ehren- who pick at each other despite you being in the middle of their cat fights
you definitely fight sleep when johnny’s driving
because he’ll seriously forget that he’s at the wheel
but someone will have an arm wrapped around you
maybe steve o is drooling on your shoulder
or ehren’s snoring in your ear
you’re weirdly sweaty and also freezing- the true road-trip feeling
and you’ll fall asleep soundly, even if someone’s vans are pressing into the back of your head
because you’ve got one of the guys’ hoodies draped over you
and someone’s limbs are tangled up in yours
and johnny’s at the wheel, humming and drumming his fingers to a quiet, muddled up version of a johnny cash song on the country radio
and as you drift off you just can’t deny a feeling of warmth and security
even if the reality of the situation is that you’re in a van chock full of little psychos who may or may not have buzzed a strip of your hair off overnight
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loomisfallsgf · 2 years
When they’re all happy together 
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loomisfallsgf · 2 years
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i present: the ultimate jackass iceberg!!
hope you guys have fun digging into some of these <3
(forgot a handful of entires so please excuse that, the ranking is all based off person opinion so don’t take it too seriously!)
edit: looking at this in 2023 i firmly believe this is the best jackass iceberg idc
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loomisfallsgf · 2 years
Cky gets jobs
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loomisfallsgf · 2 years
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loomisfallsgf · 2 years
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loomisfallsgf · 2 years
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wax gifs as a treat
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loomisfallsgf · 2 years
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behind the scenes of wax’s music video “who is next”, directed by spike jonze.
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loomisfallsgf · 2 years
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how to become rake? 🙏🙏🙏
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loomisfallsgf · 2 years
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this bam fit was ASTROOONOMICALLLYYY good. swear.
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loomisfallsgf · 2 years
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loomisfallsgf · 2 years
as someone who posts primarily bam related content, i wanted to come onto here and make it clear that i do not condone anything that bam has said and done... and i do not support the person that bam has become in recent years. addiction and mental illness is tough but it does not excuse one's behaviour, he is a grown adult and he knows better. as suckish as it is, i think that it is important that we recognise and acknowledge that bam, now, isn't the same person that we once looked up too... current bam is someone that i have more or less ignored in the past, aside from hoping that he gets his shit together and owns up to all the shit that he has done - and i still hope that he does. even though, it doesn't have to be forgiven.
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loomisfallsgf · 2 years
Wdym Jackass doesn't have good rep? We've got a manwhore, a sleepy guy, a whole himbo, a cishet portlander, a dude with only one ball, two pro skaters(one of them is goth!), an edgy tumblr user, and a scaredy cat!
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loomisfallsgf · 2 years
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