lorenzoriccis · 4 days
“Correction: you were complacent with the treadmill and dumbbells.” He noted with a smirk, stepping back to give Gaby some breathing room. “Wait – that’s actually a dope idea: a Miss Tonopah pageant. Sponsored by The Enterprise Casino Conglomerate, some of the proceeds going to charity…oh Gaby, you might have just made me ‘Son of the Year’ with that suggestion.” Which, ideally, he always should have been given that he was Giovanni’s one and only son, but nevertheless the older male tended to recognize that more when it benefited him. A chuckle fell from his lips when the blonde put on the little pageant girl voice, shaking his head. “Good attempt, but I don’t think I’ve ever seen my dad use a damn oven much less bake a whole pie.” Not to say that he had either, but… “Boo. This is why you are and will always be boring.” Enzo joked, throwing his sweat towel over his shoulder. “Fine, only if we get smoothies to wash it down with. I haven’t had enough protein today.”
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Pressing her lips together, she gathered her concentration to finally push the bar up and back in its place, before sitting back up again. "I was fine with the treadmill and dumbbells, you know." She could feel her cheeks get warmer as they spoke, her breath uneven do to the extra weight she had on the bar. "What should I be reaching for? You want me to apply for Miss Tonopah? Will you be my sponsor?" Gaby jumped off the bench, put the towel across her torso, and spoke in a soft, girlie voice - one that she never used. "I would wish that all war ended on the warmest day of the year! Because then we could all have cherry pies and sweet tea made by the nonno in town, mister Giovanni Ricci himself." Gaby batter her eyelashes for a full ten seconds before bursting into a fit of giggles. "There's two things in that sentence that would never happen. Soz, cuz." She patted his shoulder apologetically. "How about we replenish our energy by getting some food instead? We can have a salad, if that would make you feel better?"
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lorenzoriccis · 4 days
"Ew, wait -- the one with the fucking diaper?" Enzo's nose scrunched in disgust before ultimately devolving into an amused giggle, glancing over at Bobby. "Okay so I'm supposed to...open a window and drop an egg on the dude's head? Why do I have to do it? Why can't you do it? You're the one who brought the damn carton." Enzo had always been the type to let others do his dirty work for him, and he suspected his good friend was the same way. "Why not just use all your fancy lawyer powers and sue the bastard for, like, assault or whatever? Ruin his life? That sounds more fun than just ruining his day."
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They're watching out of a window in one of the meeting rooms that sits on the lower floors of the building, offering front row seats to the weekly climate protests. In the corner of the room stands Bobby, one foot up on a chair with a carton of eggs resting against his thigh, bent down at the hip as he leans so close that the tip of his nose almost touches the glass. "And this is where you come in." An arm stretches out towards Enzo, as he beckons him over. "That one, the mouth breather with the nappy kink. That's your target." Revenge, for last week, as he entered the courthouse with eggyolk dribbling down his face. "Got it?"
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lorenzoriccis · 4 days
"Buy you dinner? That's all? Damn, you're an easy date, MacNally." He teased, pressing his hands together and offering a bow. Considering how thick Enzo's pockets were lined, between his paycheck and simply just being a Ricci, buying another person dinner was essentially the same thing as putting quarters in a parking meter. "Oh yeah? You're going to ease me in?" Enzo mocked, taking another long sip of his drink. "You're a real shit stirrer. I promise I'll be able to keep up -- sooner or later you'll call me the Italy-MacNally."
"I don't know. Both? Whatever would make me wanna barf the most, I'm kind of a freak for that." Enzo let out a chuckle, though he had to admit he typically found interest in a lot of really morbid things. Call it a wandering curiosity that was never nurtured by the path his father had steered him on over the years. "What the hell were you trying to do? Make a human soufflé?" His nose wrinkled as Riley went on with his story, face devolving further and further into absolute disgust by the end of the story. "Oh my god, dude. And you still decided to stick with it? Shiiiit." Enzo couldn't imagine being dedicated enough to anything to keep on with it with only sheer will backing it, so add human goo and an ungodly mess to the mix...well, he wasn't sure what the hell went through this guy's mind for a multitude of reasons. "That's crazy man. Engineering really sucked that fucking much, you had to slum it with a bunch'a dead guys?" He asked, though there was a part of him that was really curious. At what point did you just say fuck it and pursue what you wanted to pursue? Honestly, Enzo had long accepted he'd never get that chance, but Riley's situation had him curious.
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"Yeah, it's a feckin' riot, honestly. Tell ya what, I'll cut a deal. Buy me dinner next time we're out and I'll mail you a personal invite to the next bash." Riley opened his arms as he spoke his proposal, one that of course was only in good humour. He'd invite him regardless of a free meal. "Might ease you into one here though, not sure you'd survive a trip to Ireland without getting a taste of what you'd be in for first." He chuckled, taking a gulp from his beer as he narrowed curious brows towards Enzo. He didn't comment on it, but he did make a note to ask Maeve about their friendship. Not that it was any of his business, but if you didn't try to ask, you never got answers, right?
"Like gross or weird? Or both?" He curved his lips up in thought. "It's all pretty nasty in general, there's been some really gross situations though, usually when I find something inside a body that shouldn't be there. But really, I don't think anything will top my first month there. I wasn't qualified yet, but I put a body in the oven," he paused, pulling a face as he looked around, hoping that didn't sound as insensitive as it probably did. "Anyway, long story short, the last guy hadn't emptied the tray of... let's call it goo, human goo. So you know what happened? The goo overflowed across half the room and I had to clean it up. Running on 4 hours sleep with a hangover from hell. Somehow by the grace of God, I didn't puke, but it was definitely something I could have done without. Don't even start me on the smell." Riley practically cringed as he recalled that day, but hey, Enzo did say he had a strong stomach. "Just wanted a change. I was a structural engineer for a while but the Crem came up and..." He shrugs. "Guess I just took the opportunity to learn a new venture. It's morbid to say but I enjoy it. It's quiet," he snorts. "I mean, if it wasn't, then I'd worry."
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lorenzoriccis · 4 days
Lorenzo didn't consider himself the type of person who was easily scared -- but, hell, Ruby seemed to bring it right out of him. He was coming out of his third (fourth?) conference call of the day, all of which could have easily been turned into simple emails and not long, drawn out pissing contests between board members who wanted more of a say on how the advertising money was spent. Literal torture.
Alas, the moment he stepped into his office, he immediately jumped, a hand flying to his chest as he locked eyes with the brunette. "Jesus chr -- you scared the fuck out of me. How did you get in here?" Closing the door behind him, Enzo took a moment to catch his breath. "Actually, fuck it, it doesn't matter. I don't want to know. But like -- did my assistant let you in? He's fucking useless, gives me an excuse to fire his ass." He shook his head. "Excuse you. My order has always been and always will be sesame shrimp, and I'm pretty positive you know that by now. You pay way too close attention to shit for that."
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Where: Enzo's Office With: @lorenzoriccis
Getting into his office was no longer a hard task. Ruby knew where the key was as well as she had figured out his security code, and honestly, it didn't even take her that long. If she was a better person, she might had given him and his security some tips. But then again, she didn't want to make it too hard on herself.
Once inside, she took of her shoes and went straight towards the desk, sitting down and ordering food. On his card, of course. She memorised that pretty quickly, too. That wasn't to say she ever abused it, only when she was hanging out with him. Plus, she got him food too, she wasn't a monster.
"In here." She said, once she heard him. "I've ordered you chicken and broccoli and plain rice." She was joking, of course. Too bad if he wanted that. "I hope you don't mind that I let myself in, I had a free minute and you've mentioned something about being home. I got lucky."
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lorenzoriccis · 4 days
"Um -- no? Sometimes it's, like, hereditary or whatever the word is." Not that he'd be able to come up with the correct term even if he wasn't bugging out, but that definitely contributed to it. His heart felt like it was beating a mile a minute, quicker and more frantic than it even typically did when he was in the presence of his father. "So, what you're saying is she wouldn't be surprised by the headlines? Or would she think it's bullshit?" It was strange, the fact that Enzo felt bothered by the prospect of Val being more in the know about the dark, twisted secrets of the Enterprise than he -- even if it sickened him to comprehend
Swallowing thickly, Enzo shook his head. "There's no way she's going to want to meet with me. Are you kidding? The second I or someone else reaches out, she's going to go running to the hills." Shock was a hell of a drug, because even still as his stomach did backflips, he was preparing to take orders from Giovanni. "I --" Prove to me that you're still worthy of being my son. "-- I don't..." How the hell was he supposed to respond to that? "Dad, I'm -- I've always...I'm trying..."
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Giovanni observed his son silently. He'd always known the boy was soft, but he had hoped that giving him more to do within the organization would help to toughen him up, get him to be more competitive and cutthroat like his sister. How disappointing it was to find that his chosen heir to the family's fortune was so far from who Giovanni wanted him to be.
"Not everything, but isn't that how all kings come to their thrones?" Giovanni raised a brow. "Don't worry about your sister; she already knows sacrifices have to be made to stay on top. If a few deaths make you react like this, then the things others have done just to sit within my presence in that boardroom would frighten you." He picked up the paper again and searched for the author's name. "I want you to arrange a meeting with Miss Beaumont. I believe Dante kept a record of her contact information within his things. We have to know if she has any legitimate evidence or if she's only got the stories of these so-called sources of hers. If she's got nothing but hearsay, then we can easily dismiss the claims and go about our business." He glanced back towards the boy. "Prove to me that you're still worthy of being my son."
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lorenzoriccis · 4 days
Was he stupid, blind, or had he simply been in denial this entire time? Giovanni's ruthless nature had never been hidden -- perhaps in the eyes of the public he was a bit more agreeable, friendly, a man who gave back to his community and put all he had into his business, but Enzo had never been under the impression that his father was capable of more. Even as he stood there, slack-jawed and shaken as the man essentially drew out a criminal confession, he still couldn't believe it.
"Risk the livelihood of your -- dad, haven't you done just that? You could go to prison, our assets could be seized, our --" His arms reached over his head, hands interlocking behind his head as he attempted to comprehend what he was hearing. "So everything you've built...it's all resting on a pile of dead bodies? How -- what am I supposed to tell Val? What am I supposed to tell the press? What am...what am I supposed to..."
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There was a part of him that was satisfied by his son's shock. Even with him insisting the boy take over the business after Giovanni retired and his apparent lack of desire to do so, his surprise highlighted the fact that Giovanni had done his job well of insulating his children from the worst of it.
He laced his fingers together, placing his hands atop the table. "People rarely step aside quietly when they have something you want. And then there are those who stick their nose into business that does not concern them. Should I allow them to risk the livelihood of my family by giving that information to people who could take it all away?" He watched him closely. "I'm sure you remember Finnegan's son, Roman. Did you know the reason he came back was only to use our resources for his own personal vendetta? He wanted to find out if we were behind his sister's murder, and I suppose in a roundabout way we were by nature of Dante being a terrible shot, but she was never the intended target. I just had to be patient and let the detective's siblings discover the identity of his attempted murderer and they took care of the rest. We'll call it killing two birds with one stone -- no pun intended." He chuckled. "At least it got the both of them out of my hair once and for all."
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lorenzoriccis · 6 days
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lorenzoriccis · 13 days
He knew that squeal anywhere, but unfortunately he was just entering Lotus' line of site and couldn't turn back now. So, instead, he pushing his sunglasses further up his nose and braced himself. "You good, Lo?" he asked, fully knowing he'd get some sort of rant or monologue in return. "Not to defend this 'podunk 'lil town' too much," because, well, he didn't disagree with her there, "but I'm pretty sure the cracks in the sidewalk were, like, ten times worse in Vegas. Just sayin'." Still, uncharacteristically for him, he felt sorta bad. "C'mon, let me buy you some new shoes or somethin'. Some of these vintage shops actually have designer shit."
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open starter for everyone location: on a downtown sidewalk
lo was making her way down the sidewalk when all of a sudden her heel got stuck in a crack and she all but fell onto the ground as her shoe broke. "stupid town and it's stupid sidewalk!" she practically screamed out as she stopped the ground, the rest of her heel breaking off. "i swear this podunk little town just gets worse and worse everyday. these heels were expensive and yet.." she huffed, ranting to the person closest to her.
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lorenzoriccis · 13 days
"Alexa is for poor people, simple as that. Siri is a classy bitch, you should be flattered that I think so highly of you." Honestly, Enzo could barely keep up with half of the shit that came out of his mouth most of the time. It was a classic case of speak now, think later -- or not at all. "Okay, right? Why does everything here close by, like, ten? It's so annoying, and I hate having to drive all the way to Vegas for a decent night out. Could just take the private plane but apparently that's 'bad for the environment' or whatever. Stupid global warming, ruins everything." A smirk tugged at his cheeks. "Yeah? Where you thinking? Can I come?" Any chance to reap the benefits of his sister's more thought-out plans. "Same old shit. Mostly visibility, some B2B acquisition bullshit." He shrugged, bringing his drink to his lips. "Why? Just chompin' at the bits to give me some unsolicited advice?"
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"Yeah well aren't you lucky to have a big sister who's so knowledgeable. I kind of resent a comparison to Siri but I'll let it slide for now. I didn't know you were so passionate about Siri vs. Alexa." She rolled her eyes at his words, knowing half of what he said was nonsense. But sometimes she did worry about what he was walking around with in his brain. "He was thinking about himself, probably. I wish we were on the countryside and not in a town where half of the places close early. I'm very much planning a vacation soon because I will not let this campaign take my summer. Plus, we've hired so many new staff he'll barely notice," she said, partly as a joke but they both knew it was true. Giovanni mostly noticed them when he needed something from them. She reached for her drink at the thought of it and took a healthy sip. "What does he have you working on right now?"
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lorenzoriccis · 13 days
He stayed quiet at Giovanni's initial admonishment, knowing his place when it came to arguing with the older man -- which was to say, he had no place at all -- but it was the second thing that caused him to take pause, to wonder if he heard him correctly. "What?" Brows knit together, and Enzo let out a scoff. "And it isn't true. That's -- that's my point. Right?" After all, while he knew how cold and ruthless Giovanni was, both in his personal life and in his business practices, there was no way he'd resort to something so criminal. In the strictest sense.
But then, as he continued to speak, Enzo could feel his heart start to sink deeper and deeper, a pit forming in his stomach. "Dad, I --" He could hardly believe what he was hearing. "I just thought, I thought you were a good business man. A hard ass, yeah, but...I don't -- dad, I don't understand." Enzo swallowed thickly, shaking his head. "What are you saying"
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Giovanni's eyes narrowed, his curiosity piqued, and he waved his son forward and reached out his hand to take the paper from him. He quietly read over the article, careful not to show his reactions on his face, though he listened to the incredulity Enzo shared on his behalf. "You think you would've learned the difference between slander and libel given your level of education," he remarked beneath his breath, "and it's only libel if it isn't true."
Folding the paper, he set it down onto the table. "I must give her credit for her bravado, but we'll see if she's as willing to say this directly to my face when the opportunity presents itself." He turned his gaze back to meet Enzo's, pointer finger pressed down into the image of his face on the cover of the Tribune. To an extent, he had kept Lorenzo out of the dirtier side of the business for plausible deniability's sake, but it seemed his hand was now being forced. "Lorenzo, to get to where I am, you must squash the competition. Sometimes that requires being the one to make the calls that others won't. How else did you think I'd managed to make this life for our family?"
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lorenzoriccis · 13 days
"The fact that you're even asking me that question tells me you definitely do need this." Enzo assured, fingertips lightly hooking under the bar as Gaby lifted, acting as potential support in case she felt like everything was going to fall over. "Listen, Gabs, you're hot as hell but you're def not reaching your fullest potential." Enzo let out a laugh, shaking his head. "Likely story. We'll work on your grip strength next so you'll actually be able to pull the trigger." Relenting, he grabbed hold of the bar and helped her place it back on the rack. "See? Not so bad."
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Where: Ignition Fitness With: @lorenzoriccis
"Are you sure I need this?" Gaby was somehow enrolled on the 'Enzo Fitness Plan', as she called it to herself. Finding herself on a Sunday in a gym doing benching? Not something she thought she'd ever be doing in a million years. "Are you trying to indicate something? You know if I would have a gun in my hands, I would own your ass?" Her hands were weak, however, so she was struggling to put the bar back in place. "Hello, you're supposed to be helping me."
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lorenzoriccis · 13 days
Always the expressive one, he listened with wide eyes and short spurts of laugher as Riley regaled him with the story. "Dude, that is fucking sick. Like, sick as in gross as hell but also hilarious. Who do I have to sleep with to get an invite to one of these MacNally shin digs?" Ricci parties typically consisted of formalwear, six course meals, and a lot of schmoozing -- and, honestly? As much as Enzo preferred the finer things in life, boasting about all the things his money could buy, his less than savory actions while out at clubs and afterparties suggested otherwise. "Yeah, yeah. We've hung out a couple of times. She's a firecracker -- guess that's the case with all you fuckers, though, ain't it?" As crass as Enzo could be, he wasn't about to come out and talk about the amount of blow they'd do together to her damn brother. "Huh, right." Honestly, he didn't give two shits about the silence, not really paying Riley's hesitation much mind. He just figured maybe he'd text her later that week. "Hmm, guess so." Giovanni wasn't exactly a warm and fuzzy father figure, but he loved the man all the same. He was the reason he was able to live the life he lead -- and that was good. Right? "Don't I fuckin' know it." Enzo laughed, taking another long sip os his drink. "No shit? Damn, dude, that's some Twilight Zone shit right there. What's the nastiest thing you 've ever seen? I've got a strong stomach, promise." Enzo had always been the morbidly curious type, evident enough by the true crime podcasts he often fell asleep to. "What even makes someone go into that line of work? Strong stomach?"
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"You've got no idea," he snorted, pondering an example to give, "so most of the extended family is in Ireland, yeah? Little after I turned thirty we all headed up for a get-together, usually just means a huge piss up," he chuckled. "I remember we all went out on the Friday night, I remember singing Sweet Caroline in a bar, and the next thing I remember is waking up in a field at 5pm the following day. Surrounded by cows, and covered in mud. I was hugging a traffic cone, my da' was laid out holding an empty glass and a slice of bread, one cousin was missing the denim leg from his jeans and the other was covered in glitter. It's become one of the MacNally mysteries, nobody knows how, and none of us know why. The field was around seven miles from the bars we were in." His eyes were alight with warmth and amusement as he recalled such a happy time, passing a heartfelt laugh. With a couple sips from his beer, he tips his head to the side before giving a nod. "Maeve, yeah. Guess you're acquainted?" Riley nods, not thinking anything of it, really. He and Maeve knew a lot of the same people. "Uh.. just this and that, keeping herself occupied," he shrugs, not feeling like it was his place, nor the guy's business, to tell him what had happened. If Maeve wanted to tell him, that's fine, but it would have to come from her because Riley would never talk about her business like common gossip. "Well, each person and dynamic to their own, right?" Riley offers a smile, understanding perfectly well that the title father didn't hold any kind of superiority over personality. Every parent was different because every person was. "Oh yeah, I can fuckin' believe that. Sisters have a way, you know? They let people know the only person who can bully you is them, and that's how it is." He laughed, drinking a little more, "Actually, yes. Yesterday there was someone with twelve fingers and one ear. Not sure good is the word, but interesting, definitely."
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lorenzoriccis · 22 days
Lorenzo couldn't help but laugh, shaking his head. "That's wild man." In all his thirty-something year son god's green earth, he couldn't imagine his family getting together for anything remotely party-like. Not unless it was a mandated company event, maybe the occasional birthday, but even then it was usually just dinner and schmoozing. Always for an opportunity to get ahead, never anything genuine -- though, really wouldn't be able to tell what in his life was genuine and what wasn't even if it hit him square in the face. "Your twin -- Maeve, right?" he asked with a quirk of his brow, keeping any hint of that mischievous grin of his to himself. He was no stranger to Riley's twin sister, Maeve; the two had partied hard together and had ended up in one another's bed on more than one occasion. "What's she up to these days?" He hadn't heard from her in some time. Not that his feelings were hurt -- no they didn't have that type of relationship, but color him curious. The male's next question about his relationship with his dad caught him off guard, nodding a quick 'thank you' to the bartender to give him a few moment's to answer. "Nah, like, we're tight, we get along real well," as well as anyone could get along with Giovanni Ricci. "He's just not the details type when it comes to shit like that." Enzo get a dismissive wave of his hand, bringing his glass to his lips. "Yeah, I guess. She's on my case half the time but she claims it's 'cause she loves me." A laugh bubbled from his lips. "Val's definitely the type to tear someone down with her words than with her fists. She can be mean as hell -- no one messed with me in school, she made sure of that." The admission wasn't one he'd likely s say out loud to his own sister, always going the extra mile to avoid giving validation in true Ricci fashion. "Anyway, find any good dead bodies lately?"
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"What's it like?" He snorts, pondering the thought. "It's loud, usually chaotic, especially when the extended family pile in too. Does make for one hell of a party though." When all the clan was together, it was always good vibes, although, there was definitely a shift there ever since Dean passed. Like an empty seat at a family gathering, it was an unfillable void; a never-ending ache in the depths of the family's heart. "Yeah, I get that, but I think because it's always been that way, never really known anything else. Got lucky though, my family keep me grounded. Especially my twin." He smiles fondly, knowing just how much Maeve's influence had guided him when he struggled to find the right path. "You and your da' not close then?" Riley had already assumed as much, but he opened the question for Enzo to elaborate if he wanted to. "Yeah, like I said, I got lucky with mine," he laughs. "It's good you've got one of her though, yeah? Nobody will have your back like a sister will, that much I know is true. They'll throw down at a moment's notice if you tell them someone's offended you. I don't know about yours but both of mine packs a mean punch and one of them has a bat she's happy to crack heads with, so..."
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lorenzoriccis · 22 days
"Yeah -- no, I know. I'm sorry." Enzo stood up a bit straighter, thumb absentmindedly rubbing against the smooth, unperturbed texture of the newspaper as it sat under his arm. There weren't many things that made the youngest Ricci nervous, able to navigate even the muddiest or most treacherous of waters with his quick-wit and a pearly-white grin. However, when it came to dealing with his father on more sensitive matters, Enzo started to resemble dog with a tail between his legs. "This just wasn't something that could wait."
Clearing his throat, Enzo held the paper in both hands. "Have you seen the latest copy of the tribune?" he asked, waiting for the other's permission to approach. "It's, uh -- well, some nobody decided to do a pretty...comprehensive hit piece on us. On you." A scoff fell from his lips, and he shook his head. "I mean, it's all bullshit. It's slander -- or libel, whichever one is worse. We could sue her ass into the ground for some of the stuff she's claiming. Like, murder? Yeah, right -- maybe she should stick to listening to those stupid ass crime podcasts instead of making up little stories to start a damn witch hunt. You know?"
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Giovanni's days were mostly spent dealing with campaign duties, schmoozing with the right people in order to guarantee their votes come November. It wasn't something he was unfamiliar with -- especially having built his business from the ground up the way he'd done -- but that didn't make it any less irritating. He'd been spending the morning in his study with his morning espresso and record of Vivaldi's The Four Seasons, mentally preparing himself for a day full of strategy sessions with Valentina, when Lorenzo made his way into the room.
He sighed. "You know how I feel about unplanned drop-ins, bambino," he chided, setting his cup back down into the saucer on the side table and swiveling his armchair in the young man's direction. "What is it?"
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lorenzoriccis · 29 days
where: gio's estate who: @giovanniiricci & lorenzo ricci
There weren’t many things that got Lorenzo Ricci’s heartbeat racing these days – well, nothing organic at least, a thrill seeker through and through who often felt numb if he wasn’t engaging in hedonistic activities, illicit substances – but the moment the latest issue of the ‘Tonopah Tribune’ was slapped down on his desk, he could have sworn his heart had migrated northward to right inside his eardrum. Eyes frantically scanned the pages, after a moment shooing his assistant out of his office so he could read in peace. Words like violence, killings, power all surrounded the name of one man; Giovanni Ricci. His father. 
Of course, Enzo was no crowned prince, no saint – he knew that the Enterprise’s operations could be rather shady, having to cover up certain practices with carefully crafted PR and wording vetted thrice by the most amenable of lawyers. But this, these accusations in the article – they couldn’t be true, could they? Enzo shook off any semblance of doubt that crossed his mind, tucking the paper under his arm before grabbing his jacket and exiting his office. “Cancel the rest of my meetings today.” He told his assistant, slinging the fabric over his shoulder and making a beeline for his parking lot, not stopping for anyone or anything in his path.
In mere minutes he was at his father’s estate, let in by one of his staff and guided upstairs and into the study where Giovanni was. “Hey, pop.” Enzo swallowed thickly, dismissing the man who’d lead him there before closing the door behind him. "Sorry I didn't get a chance to call. You, uh, got a sec?"
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lorenzoriccis · 29 days
where: the scarlet lounge who: @riley-macnally & lorenzo ricci
“You’ve got a big ass family, right? What the fuck is that like?” Enzo remarked as he tossed back the rest of his whiskey, lifting the now-empty glass up in the air and wiggling it around in view of the bartender to signal another round. The Ricci’s were a very tight-knit clan with complicated relationships all the way around, which stood in stark contrast to how the MacNally’s seemed to operate. Honestly, it fascinated him. “What I don’t understand is how you don’t go absolutely bonkers with all those people all up in your business. Shit, I don’t even think my dad knows the name of, like, any of my friends – and don’t get me wrong, I really fuckin’ prefer it that way.” Was he trying to convince Riley, or himself? Like most things, Enzo wasn’t willing to give it much thought. “My sister and I are pretty tight, but I don’t think I could handle two’a her, let alone three.”
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lorenzoriccis · 1 month
“Ooh, wow, do you want a medal?” Enzo tossed back shamelessly, brows arched in a taunting manner. This was part of the reason he liked Maeve so much, even despite their vastly different backgrounds. She was fun, easy to get along with, and had a backbone that could put most men to shame. Of course, their relationship was anything but – in fact, half the time they just used each other for a good time, but in Enzo’s book that was as good of a rapport as any. Especially when you took into account all the corporate drones he was surrounded with day and in and day out. “I never understood that expression. Like, why the fuck are we talking about eggs, and why the hell they gotta be in China? Is that the point?” The male shrugged, knocking the shot back as she did. “Please. You know I’d just have one of my people pick ‘em up and take ‘em to the cleaners. Or, better yet, I’d just buy you brand new sheets. You ever sat your ass down on Egyptian cotton? That shit slaps.”
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She let out a scoff and rolled her eyes. "That's where you're fuckin' wrong because I had leftovers for lunch today." The way Ally packed leftovers, it was practically another full meal. "So, I could do this all night." She was determined to prove she would come out on top, as usual. "The fuck does any of that have to do with the price of eggs in China?" The sky was blue, and the grass was green—hell, maybe those two shots earlier were hitting her harder than she wanted to admit. "Yeah, I'll call an ambulance to haul your ass outta here. Can't have you puking your brains out all over my freshly washed sheets," she warned. Maeve picked up the shot glass, raising it slightly as if in a toast, before knocking it back.
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