lostforgottenspaces · 8 months
rb and put in the tags your username without using the middle row of the keyboard
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lostforgottenspaces · 8 months
snail ur amazing, also yes i shall :)) im always happy to talk about them oh my godddd, some of this will be a mix of general thoughts and just convos me and Leo ( @lostforgottenspaces ) have had abt the crouch family, specifically for our fic SFTDWD (Sing For The Damage We've Done) be prepped for a long ass rant!!
anyways, i feel like people don't talk about their canonical story as much as they should because they're so interestingggg,
Snr being in the ministry and not w/ the deatheaters?? Barty getting involved with them through his time at hogwarts??? The trial flashback??? Bartys own trial??? Mrs. Crouch sacrificing herself for her son??? Snr openly hating his own son??? Snr locking Barty away for decades in his childhood home??? Barty killing Snr?? Barty going back to the deatheaters?? like helloooo????
the angst potential there is so good i wish people used it moreee,
in my mind i view their dynamic as; Snr meeting Bartys mom/Laura (I usually name her Laura so I'll probably just use that here) in Italy when they are young, probably around 18-19. Laura had been homeschooled as a witch there with her family, and she meets Snr and they actually have a very happy love story,
but as time goes on, Snr's drive for success within the ministry pulls the couple a part. Snr believes he knows Laura fully, and that she's an angel, which is not true! Laura is human person who makes mistakes, but Snr sees her as someone higher, so when she does makes mistakes he loses it. They have a child because of a societal expectations, Snr never wanted kids, he believes them having a child will only hold him back.
Barty is born, Snr doesn't pay him much mind, though he tries to get past his negative feelings to be a father to his son. He attempts to be a better father than his own father was to him, but as time goes on he starts to care less and less. I imagine something happens in the ministry, maybe he gets demoted, and he starts blaming Barty for those problems, as well as Laura too.
Barty attempts to get his fathers positive attention for most of his childhood, though he never gets it. His father uses curses on him, especially the imperius curse, to get him to leave Snr alone. Laura tries to get Snr to stop, because she loves Barty, but Snr won't.
Another thing I like to note is because of Snr's cruel treatment of his son, Barty is much closer with his mother. Though he, as well as Snr, start to see her in this perfect light, and is confused when she does something that is more siding with Snr than with Barty. I think it adds depth to the two of them, being similar like that, and it makes Laura quite the tragic character imo, so yk 🤭 i love tragedy
anywho, Barty isn't allowed to leave the house much as a child, his only way of refuge is books and studying, so thats what he does. He reads and takes notes, etc. This is one of the reasons why he decides to take on all of his OWLs when he's in Hogwarts.
id imagine Barty slowly gets involved with Deatheater stuff simply by association with his classmates, hearing them talk, being a part of things like that. He'll join the deatheaters with them, secretly.
when he turns 18 and graduates, he gets a job at the ministry per his fathers request, while still being in with the deatheaters. A year passes, and at only 19 he gets exposed during Karkaroff's trial, his father is shocked and so is his mother. During his own trial, (along with the Lestranges) he gets sentenced to Azkaban, both his mother and father are present.
his capture soon weakens Laura's health, and she becomes weak. She tells Snr her last request, which is to save her son from a life in Azkaban. Snr begrudgingly helps her with this, and she switches place with Barty. Barty resists at first, though his mother tells him everything will be okay, because his father will keep him safe. Laura doesn't know what Snr will do afterwards to keep Barty out of the Deatheaters and Voldemorts company.
Barty still remains a prisoner, although now one in his own home, his childhood home. He's barely 21 at the time, and he spends around a decade there. Snr mostly ignores him, only hearing of him from their house elf, Winky. She becomes Barty's caregiver, bringing him food and keeping him company. Barty would ask her for the current news, for books to keep him entertained, and simply just to be around. Though, Winky wasn't allowed to talk to him mostly, she would follow his requests, and would stay around sometimes.
Barty was the one to convince Winky to bring him to a quidditch match, she then convinced Snr, who begrudgingly accepted after being prodded quite a bit. Then...well yk most of the rest of the story, blah blah he escapes for a second, blah blah...yk the jist.
I also like to think that Barty talks to Moody while he's being held captive in the suitcase thingy. He doesn't have anyone else to talk to and he hasn't been out of captivity in a while, which is one of the reasons why people think Moody is acting so weird, as he's being freakishly antisocial and unaware of things. But Moody knows like a shit ton about Barty and his life, just because I think that would be fun lol,
Barty then kills his father finally in an act of revenge, something that had been replaying in his head for years...he'd been imagining that moment since forever. He finally kills the man who tormented him for his whole life, and he relishes in the fact of seeing that Snr is terrified of him now, bc finally Snr gets to feel the same way that he had made his son feel for Barty's entire life.
And then, Barty loses his soul from the dementors kiss, and he's all alone...yk i love that fact so much. Especially for those Slytherin Skittle fans, Barty dies last out of all of them, and he's all alone.
another thing id like to note is Barty's involvement with the deatheaters. I think that it was a mix of him being with the wrong crowd, as well as basically seeking them out. He's being abused and neglected by his father, and it causes him to act out more, and he finds these kids who are basically doing the same thing, so he joins them, and then follows them. He's just a child when he does, he's ignorant obviously, and i think that's what really gets to me about his character.
Barty is practically still a child when everything happens to him. He and a lot of the deatheater characters in the marauders era are just victims of being looped in as a child, if childhood ignorance and abuse. Even though the crouch family isn't involved in the deatheaters, Barty still seeks comfort in it because he can't find it anywhere else, which is just fkin heartbreakingggg,
i love this family so much, they're so goddamn interesting to me, i love barty angst and just his character in general, i would love to see more people explore it, and i will always continue to throw my bbg around like a ragdoll!!!
anyway, thank u for the ask!! i love talking about them, so i will actually die for anyone who asks me abt them,
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lostforgottenspaces · 8 months
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The Crouch Family.
ive been wanting to draw a family portrait of them for a while... so here it is!! This family is so interesting to me, their story is so cool and underrated frrrr
!!click 4 better quality!!
(technically art for sftdwd, the darksun fic me and @lostforgottenspaces are writing...)
extras (closeups and sketch)
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lostforgottenspaces · 8 months
sometimes it's like. hey i peeled an orange for you. i know you won't eat it. have it anyway. i wrote you a letter. i know you won't read it. have it anyway. here, i made you tea. you won't drink it. have it anyway. here's my heart. you won't love it. have it anyway.
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lostforgottenspaces · 8 months
you ofc love 🫶 who else?
not again :(
do you thrive on being a heartless prick? /aff
im in ur basement
snail??? is that you???
anyway, to answer the question, yes :) i do very much i love my silly lil characters who do silly lil things 🫶🫶
dont be shy, come say hi :) you can watch me write my black brothers angst xx
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lostforgottenspaces · 8 months
do you thrive on being a heartless prick? /aff
im in ur basement
snail??? is that you???
anyway, to answer the question, yes :) i do very much i love my silly lil characters who do silly lil things 🫶🫶
dont be shy, come say hi :) you can watch me write my black brothers angst xx
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lostforgottenspaces · 8 months
reminder that commenting on someone’s literacy levels when they try to argue with you is not a nice thing to do. especially in spaces that are international
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lostforgottenspaces · 8 months
James: *giggling and gluing a coin to the footpath* this will be the best prank of the week, for sure
James: *two days later* a coin! *takes half an hour to attempt at picking it up*
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lostforgottenspaces · 8 months
there are so many songs i have liked on spotify and i skip every single time they come up i haven’t listened to them in years but i’m so attached to them i can’t get rid of them
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lostforgottenspaces · 8 months
Pronouns? I mean, I'd say I am. I don't see why anyone would be anti-nouns, that seems like a weird hill to die on, especially since they're so common
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lostforgottenspaces · 8 months
mutual reblogged my post which means they still love me 10002992 healed 383782728272 revived
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lostforgottenspaces · 8 months
Barty “the only test he’s ever failed is a drug test” Crouch JR.
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lostforgottenspaces · 8 months
the sheer amount of fanfiction in my notes app that will never see the light of day...if i ever lose my phone it will be my own personal burning of the library of alexandria
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lostforgottenspaces · 8 months
coming back to say the Thoughts are being Thunk.
thank you and goodnight<3
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lostforgottenspaces · 11 months
thanks for the tag!! (this is from my recent spotify stats and look-)
I Took A Pill In Ibiza - Mike Posner, Seeb
Dial Drunk - Noah Kahan
Better Than Revenge (Taylor's Version) - Taylor Swift
Summer - Imagine Dragons
Sober - FIDLAR
no pressure tags: @risetherivermoon @mo0n-water @nightskystarsandmoon @instarredsworld and anyone else who wants to (im bad at tagging)
my top 5 songs rn
tagged by @jxrdansdiary777 xoxo <3
how to disappear ldr
words gregory alan isakov
homesick noah kahan
1979 smashing pumpkins
gooey glass animals
@ethel2009 @rosyclouds22 @i-know-you-wanna-kiss-me i’d love to see y’alls ;)
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lostforgottenspaces · 11 months
I love how you can click on the darksun tag and there are like 5 posts from other accounts and then I've just SPAMMED the tag with content
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lostforgottenspaces · 11 months
so billie marten has led me to start a jegulus fic…. it’s called ‘i can’t get my head around you’ (just like the song on her album drop cherries) and it’s when james and regulus are potion partners after regulus gets moved up a year in advanced potions! it’s mostly canon compliant with evan, pandora, barty, marlene and dorcas as the secondary characters!
my ao3 is faeriieblush <3
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