lotusfurliveson · 1 month
I adore the chaos that is the fact that every new clan I start, almost without fail, the first cat to have kits will be the medicine cat. The rng just loves doctors having kids
The rng has a mind of it's own, we can see! xD
✦ Chibi ✦
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lotusfurliveson · 1 month
Updated Crestedstar design!
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look! she has her star marking! YAY!!!
yes, she does canonically have a chest/ "heart" star mark, I just forgot to add it in her OG design. she was designed a while before the other leaders so the star marks weren't really on my mind at the time :P
some bonus Crestedstar lore since a lot of ppl have asked about her collar's star shaped tag-
Her collar is part of why she was chosen to be the next leader of Singingclan! She had been taken by twolegs and had been given the collar by them, but she escaped and returned to the clan. When she returned it was at a time when the old deputy was ready to retire, and the star on her collar was seen as a sign from Starclan that it was time for her to be the new deputy!
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lotusfurliveson · 1 month
Do you guys have a list of possible backstories in clan-gen? I want to edit the code so I can start with a bunch of kittypets - but I wasn't sure how...
Check out our resource masterpost— specifically the text guide!
☆ Fable ☆
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lotusfurliveson · 3 months
how do surrogacies for cats in another Clan work, socially? With honor siring you don't have to stick around once the cat you're siring for is pregnant; but with surrogacies you're going through an entire pregnancy and kitting process, which your Clan will probably catch onto at some point. Do you just... go off to give birth and come back and tell your Clan "bad news they didn't make it :( they all got uhhh eaten by a hawk sry all" after dropping them off with the cats you surrogated for
The out of universe reason is simple logistics. Some parents can't give birth but they still need a visit from the stork, with how small Clan sizes are.
In-universe, it's a whole process.
MOST surrogacies are done by family, or are in-Clan. A sibling who is able to get pregnant will do so, with the expectation that their family member will take and raise the kits.
More are done on a sort of "open book" policy. Onestar and Whitetail are an example of this; One wanted kits and asked White, but didn't want to coparent. She agreed, and neither one kept it a secret.
So Whitetail is not Heathertail's MOTHER, but it is known she was the honor-sire.
Likewise though, it's within your rights to keep it secret, even within a Clan. If you asked Onestar where the kit came from, invoking Queen’s Rights would shut it down.
But you could put two and two together that Whitetail was probably pregnant and stopped being so right when Onestar became a Mi.
For the record though. Listen carefully.
not every cat who is expecting will suddenly flash like a neon sign indicating it. The whole Clan will not suddenly get a text saying "DUDEHEART IS PREGNANT." Some people just don't show. Some cats don't smell that different. It's rude to ask unprompted and even worse if you guess wrong. Like real life.
Please understand.
On the Anthro-Scale, from 100% feral cat to 100% fuzzy human, BB cat gestation is closer to the feral cat than most of their other behaviors. So this is not the same "big deal" as a human pregnancy.
In general, I write "medical" topics closer to real cats than the Erins do. I mostly take "liberties" in the portrayal of disabilities so THOSE are closer to the real humans in my audience
intelligent cats are not going to be correcting me on my incorrect portrayal of Feline Diabetes, but I could unwittingly cause harm in spreading diabetic misconceptions that real people try to clear up, y'know?
Anyway. What that means is that warriors giving birth is not the federal issue that it is for humans. It's still not TOTALLY safe, but dying in childbirth is exceptionally rare, plus being much less painful and considerably faster
"The Birthing Stick" means something is wrong.
So there's several factors at play within Clans, but Out-of-Clan surrogacies are much more interesting.
These are usually arranged at Aftergatherings. They were rarer before the move to the Lake, which now sees waaaay more cross-clan friendships.
USUALLY the Clan's Cleric will be involved, which IS technically a waiving of the Queen’s Rights. Leafpool simply doesn't interpret it that way.
A more "traditional" Cleric, like Littlecloud, will NOT be involved for personal safety and comfort reasons. This makes a bad situation but that's the reality of QR (and is a reason why Fire Alone cats think QR doesn't go far enough.)
Kits are always given to the parent before 1 moon. Fading Kits aren't socially questioned if they fade before that 1st moon. So it's pretty easy to hide it.
"All of my litter was faders" is unfortunate in the way that a car accident is unfortunate. "Shit, are you ok?" "Is StarClan trying to keep a close eye on you? Are you going to try again?" Etc.
"Frequent Flyer" surrogates, like Brightheart, often keep a single kitten from each litter to avoid the implication of "bad omens."
If they aren't Brightheart who likes raising kittens with her mate, the kitten is often given to an in-Clan parent who wanted a child.
Most surrogacies aren't "free," but it does depend on who's doing it for you.
Like all other things in BB, this looks very different between generations, and depends heavily on the "attitudes" of the Clans at the tine. But, Queen’s Rights will protect you from revealing too much. STILL, surrogacies ARE harder than sirings. Just not impossible.
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lotusfurliveson · 3 months
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The Blueflower AU
The Blueflower AU is an AU I came up with about a year ago! In this universe, Bluestar is actually a medicine cat named Blueflower!
It all starts after Moonflower’s death. Bluepaw begins to neglect her training as a warrior apprentice, and after struggling with Sunfall for a few moons, she tells him that she wants to train as a medicine cat instead. She announces it publicly to the clan at the same time Pinestar decides to leave to become a kittypet. Her choice is not well-received, but both Featherwhisker and Sunfall (soon-to-be Sunstar), stand by her and allow her to begin her training. Snowpaw and Goosefeather in particular are especially unhappy about all of this.
Snowpaw, feeling abandoned and confused, grows closer to Thistlepaw. This of course only puts more of a strain on she and Bluepaw’s relationship. Meanwhile, Bluepaw is also trying not to be bothered by Goosefeather’s ranting. He comes to her multiple times, insisting that she’s denying her true destiny and disobeying Starclan. She ignores him, and starts to resent him.
Bluepaw, now struggling to be close with any of her kin in Thunderclan, begins to form relationships outside of her clan. Namely with Yellowfang and Oakpaw, who, in this AU, is also a medicine cat. She and Yellowfang quickly bonded over the fact that they previously trained as warriors, and Oakpaw gives her the opportunity to let go of all her stress and expectations.
Finally, Bluepaw earns her medicine cat name. Featherwhisker chooses Blueflower, in honor of her mother. Despite her clan’s initial reservations, she’s become a trusted medicine cat. Both Stormtail and Snowfur are disappointed, but Snowfur tries to be supportive. Blueflower is elated that her sister seems to want to rekindle their strained relationship… Until she learns that Snowfur is expecting Thistleclaw’s kits. She can’t help but feel a bit betrayed that Thistleclaw, who’s terrorized her for moons, is the cat that Snowfur chooses as her mate. Still, she tries to remain close with Snowfur, not wanting to lose her again after moons of hardly speaking. Besides, she can always vent her frustrations to Oakheart.
Snowfur’s kits arrive, and Blueflower adores Whitekit. Thistleclaw isn’t fond of Blueflower’s presence, and fears she’ll make him “soft” or encourage him to become a medicine cat. But, in this AU, Snowfur lives, and he knows he can’t exactly threaten Blueflower with her around.
Oakheart and Blueflower start to spend even more time together, and Blueflower is surprised when she starts to develop feelings for him. She tries to suppress them, but fails. Besides, it’s so easy to hide it all behind “medicine cat duties”. They meet once every full moon anyway, if not more. Maybe they could hide it, maybe no one will find out.
Of course, Yellowfang isn’t that naive. She tries to warn Blueflower, but knows she won’t listen. She’s the first one Blueflower confides in when she learns that she’s expecting kits, and wishes she could do something to help, but ultimately there’s nothing she can do. Blueflower confides in Snowfur about her kits, and they pull a Leafpool and Squirrelflight.
Thistleclaw, who has recently been appointed as the Thunderclan deputy, is thrilled to have three more kits, but he is not happy about how much time Blueflower is spending with them - even more so than with Whitekit.
I’ll add more to the story later, but for now, that’s all!
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lotusfurliveson · 3 months
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took these screenshots for people like me who would rather just know how to opt out than read several paragraphs on corporate greed
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lotusfurliveson · 3 months
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this is how i feel about any Warriors character
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lotusfurliveson · 3 months
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lotusfurliveson · 3 months
its official: tumblr is selling our data to Midjourney
we'd been hearing rumors about this for a bit but now its open and out there. some details from this article
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it goes without saying, but if @staff goes through with this its going to be an utter shitshow and im all but certain the website will not survive it.
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lotusfurliveson · 3 months
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show this to a former warriors fan to watch them Die Instantly
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lotusfurliveson · 3 months
Lol not to be girlie girl but like what if
leafpool fretted over her sister’s “kits” so much that thunderclan endearingly started referring to her as the 3’s second mother.
It would make sense, since of course leafpool couldn’t have kits of her own, so her nephews and niece would fit perfectly into that role for her.
And like- squirrelflight obviously didn’t care in the slightest because of the love she had for her sister. Plus it gave her the chance to stretch her legs whenever the other queens were busy.
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lotusfurliveson · 3 months
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Full designs for all y’all who liked em!
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lotusfurliveson · 3 months
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Needletail as Rootpaw’s ghost guide in TBC, episode 2: “my wine aunt’s spirit is haunting me and she’s also super annoying”
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lotusfurliveson · 4 months
Is there a list of all the possible personality traits anywhere? (Other than discord because I don’t use it)
Here's the Clangen text guide, for the stable release! It'll be under 'Traits': https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1KVJhjHQLyp1iopov3SQOJmjTabOxTGWHI6fQhoh3HB8/edit?usp=sharing
✦ Chibi ✦
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lotusfurliveson · 5 months
Damn, Tempeststar, imagine getting your ass munched by a seven month old magical horse goat noodle lol
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*fumes alone in her cave*
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lotusfurliveson · 5 months
i'm a little confused about a question answered earlier. is it no longer okay to use the game sprites for art? before it was allowed with credit and no profit now i'm worried all my recolors for characters are considered stolen
I think you may have misunderstood the answer a little.
You are of course allowed to use the sprites as inspiration and reference. You can even have a little picture of the sprite by your art (as long as that isn't included if you're selling it) to say "this is what it is based off!
But you can't take the sprite itself and call it your own.
However, from your ask, it sounds like it's alright what you are doing, as long as you credit us and aren't selling your art.
Here is our license that our art/game is licensed under if you would like to read up on it!
Hope this helps, please reach out if you need more clarification!
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lotusfurliveson · 5 months
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Screenshots from a High-res mod for Clangen I've been working on! You can follow the progress of it and download it from Clangen's discord server (in the mod library)
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