loubuggins · 8 months
Prompts for 2023!
The content that is allowed should be from PG up to a Teen audience. Explicit content is not allowed at all for this ship week. That being said, aging up is absolutely allowed and may be more appropriate for certain prompts, however you do not need to do this if you don’t want to.
There is no specific theme for this week, however, because of the dates of the ship week, you can theme your works around the Holidays (Christmas, Hanukkah, etc.)
Prompts should be used creatively, and used as a guideline for your creation!
Creativity looks like: Fanart, Fanfic, Animations, Moodboards, Headcanons, Analysis, Videos and even Playlists! Anything that revolves around Roudise.
Can people submit posts? Yes they can, however if you just want to post on your own account and tag the blog that is okay too! Make sure if you are submitting posts onto the blog, that they meet the guidelines mentioned here, otherwise we will not post them.
All posts should have the hashtag Roudiseweek2023 or Roudiseweek23, and should tag this blog in all your wonderful posts!
Absolutely no harassment! I will not take kindly for any explicit language used towards other fans and their works. If people have different Headcanons around the pairing, please respect people's opinions.
If you have caused any type of harassment to anyone during the ship week, we will not post/reblog your work.
If you have questions about prompts, dates, themes, or anything. Please message this blog, or Me @devilh0rnsinc and @ltwharfy and we’ll be happy to help. 
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loubuggins · 8 months
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i lov them
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loubuggins · 11 months
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Things are getting dramatic at the kindergarten playground
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loubuggins · 11 months
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loubuggins · 1 year
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Shemihaza entrusted me with her hopes...so I can’t let her down!
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loubuggins · 1 year
For the Color Pallette Challenge: Bill Watkins in "#112 - Sober," PLEASE.
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loubuggins · 1 year
the way spyfam chap 78.1 makes me think of your fanarts….. i want this group of friends to be silly together forever
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One can say I got a little inspired after reading it lol🙊
It’s okay sweetie go at whatever pace you need to.
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loubuggins · 1 year
Dating Amaimon would include:
You most likely having to make the first move because he’s low key hopeless 
Him not having a clue about the whole ‘dating’ thing because dating in Gehenna and Assiah are significantly different 
Being fun and a somewhat care free person
Dates would literally be the candy store, Mepphyland and exploring Japan together
Laying around his brother’s office all day
Spying on Mephisto’s guests with him, hanging from the ceiling 
He shares his lollipops with you
Behemoth loving you
Playing with his familiar together
Playing childish games when your both bored such as hide and seek and tag (but ofc demonified so it’s extreme af and takes place all over the city)
Having to explain stuff about human culture that he doesn’t understand
Him telling you stories of his time in Gehenna and all about his older brothers
Your like literally the only person he really listens too
Practising Mephisto’s video games together so he can try and beat his brother
Him not really caring about it though
Him defending you after you eat Mepphy’s second custom made ‘Mephisto’ controller (lmao watch the mini OVA’s if you haven’t already, there on kissanime.ru for free)
Sharing candy with each other
Both of you being amazed and overly excited when a vending machine accidentally gives you two candy bars instead of one
Checking out every single restaraunt/cafe/street stall/anywhere that sells food within the city
Discovering new favourite snacks
Teasing Rin with him
Wanting him to kiss you but he’s too absorbed by whats around him to notice whats in front of him
“Theres one piece of candy left…it’s yours if you kiss me.”
“What do you mean?”
Giving up and just grabbing him and kissing him
“Hmm…you taste like candy.”
Him getting used to having more psychical contact with you 
When he notices other’s looking at you in a way he doesn’t like he suddenly gets quite possessive
Has a tight arm around you
“I wanna murder that guy.”
“Your brother would be mad if you did that.”
Him talking to you in his own language 
Your glad sex and lust was a thing in Gehenna because you didn’t want to explain that one to him
Anything to do with food Amaimon is into, so when you introduced him to the food kink it quickly became his favourite
Whip cream, lollipops, cherry, even pocky tbh.
He can be rough when he’s had an unpleasant day or if he’s in a bad mood or if he’s in the right mood, but he loves exploring your body so he goes at a slow pace too
He’t not very romantic in any aspect, so that includes in the bedroom too
Doing it in his brothers office
Your actually very surprised that he hasn’t caught you 
But also thankful because he’d probably blast you both off to be lost in the depths of time and space
a student walked in on you two once, you both looked at her for a breif moment, before continuing
Waking up in the morning and either getting up really early or staying in bed half the day
Making pillow forts
After a while, becoming infatuated with each other and loving one another unconditionally
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requested by anonymous 
If you’d like any other aoex characters please let me know! I also do other things as well like head cannons and i do ships! BTW, I also do male & female characters so tell me which you’d prefer 
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loubuggins · 1 year
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loubuggins · 1 year
A request: Dodgeball grudge match. The only grudge is Becky's. She is going to get Bill Watkins with that red ball if it is the last thing she does. (Bill is maybe a little clueless about this. But the flames in her eyes definitely make his heart doki-doki)
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Commissioners get colored sketch requests❤️❤️❤️
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loubuggins · 1 year
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Ace and Aro babies for aromantic awaraness week💜💚
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loubuggins · 1 year
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let then know i’m yours
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loubuggins · 1 year
AFW Round Four
It's almost time for Arospec Fanworks Week Round Four! This year, we'll be running or the week from February 20th to 26th. Now is a good time to take a moment to reacquaint yourself with the guidelines. This time around, there threre are two sets of prompts with themes of arospec experiences and a selection of lesser-discussed and represented arospec identities. Daily prompt posts during the week itself will include additional information and inspirations. Remember you can use either prompt, both, or neither.
Day One (Monday, 2/20) Experience Prompt: struggling with one’s identity Identity Prompt: non-SAM aro
Day Two (Tuesday, 2/21) Experience Prompt: pride in one’s identity Identity Prompt: loveless aro
Day Three (Wednesday, 2/22) Experience Prompt: facing arophobia Identity Prompt: aroflux
Day Four (Thursday, 2/23) Experience Prompt: educating others and/or oneself Identity Prompt: frayromantic
Day Five (Friday, 2/24) Experience Prompt: aro stereotypes Identity Prompt: lithromantic
Day Six (Saturday, 2/25) Experience Prompt: meeting other aros Identity Prompt: aegoromantic
Day Seven (Sunday, 2/26) Free Day
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loubuggins · 1 year
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When your boyfriend is manly as hell during workouts
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loubuggins · 1 year
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When’s the last time I posted these two??? (I checked, it’s been like 9 months 😭😭)
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loubuggins · 1 year
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chilly boys
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loubuggins · 1 year
Labels do not have to be permanent. People who identified with hundreds of labels before finding one that fits them are super valid. People who identify with labels they aren’t sure fit because it’s the best they have right now are super valid. Identity can change and it can be hard and confusing to figure out, but no one should feel like they can’t claim a label that makes them feel happy and seen because it might change later, or like they can’t discard one that no longer fits. Labels are there to make you comfortable. As long as you’re being respectful, there are no rules.
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