lovedballoons · 3 years
i’m not sure who is active anymore but i’m bringing rach back so ---- click the heart for a starter from doctor greene! if you’re a multim/use please reply with what muse you’d like a starter for. 
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lovedballoons · 4 years
click the heart for a starter from rachel!
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lovedballoons · 4 years
send me a topic to write a meta about my muse on
I might write anything from a paragraph to a whopping essay, but send me something you’ve noticed about my characterisation or just something you want to know about my muse and I will write what I can!
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lovedballoons · 4 years
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❝  did  you  say  it  ?  i  love  you.  i  don’t  ever  wanna  live  without  you.  you  changed  my  life.  did  you  say  it  ?  make  a  plan.  set  a  goal.  work  toward  it.  but  every  now  and  then,  look  around.  drink  it  in.  ‘cause  .  .  .  this  is  it.  it  might  all  be  gone  tomorrow. 
                                                                                  rules  &  muses.
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lovedballoons · 4 years
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lovedballoons · 4 years
Send 📱 for five texts my muse didn't send yours, and one that they did
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lovedballoons · 4 years
okay but tik tok is making me miss grey’s and it is making me want to make a multi filled with muses. i used to rp zola and addison but !! i just love so many characters.
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lovedballoons · 4 years
* phone call prompts
[ 📞 ] ‘ say something.’
[ 📞 ] ‘ it’s good to hear your voice. ’ 
[ 📞 ] ‘ are you still there? ’
[ 📞 ] ‘ you’re lying. ’
[ 📞 ] ‘ wait, don’t hang up. ’ 
[ 📞 ] ‘ i need your help. ’
[ 📞 ] ‘ are you crying? ’ 
[ 📞 ] ‘ i love you. ’ 
[ 📞 ] ‘ i’m scared. ’
[ 📞 ] ‘ i worry about you. ’ 
[ 📞 ] ‘ where are you? are you okay? ’
[ 📞 ] ‘ don’t beat yourself up about it. ’
[ 📞 ] ‘ hang on, i’m coming to get you. ’ 
[ 📞 ] ‘ are you in trouble? ’
[ 📞 ] ‘ something happened. ’
[ 📞 ] ‘ it’s me. can we talk? ’
[ 📞 ] ‘ i’ll stay on the phone until you fall asleep. ’
[ 📞 ] ‘ i’m glad you called. ’ 
[ 📞 ] ‘ i’m sorry about earlier. ’
[ 📞 ] ‘ tell me you’re not planning on doing anything stupid. ’
[ 📞 ] ‘ you have to promise. ’ 
[ 📞 ] ‘ i have to go now. ’ 
[ 📞 ] ‘ stop disappearing. ’
[ 📞 ] ‘ i’m always here for you. ’
[ 📞 ] ‘ you’re important. don’t forget that. ’
[ 📞 ] ‘ i had a nightmare. ’ 
[ 📞 ] ‘ leave me alone. ’
[ 📞 ] ‘ i trust you.’
[ 📞 ] ‘ i hate you. ’ 
[ 📞 ] ‘ it wasn’t your fault. ’
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lovedballoons · 4 years
* phone call prompts
[ 📞 ] ‘ say something.’
[ 📞 ] ‘ it’s good to hear your voice. ’ 
[ 📞 ] ‘ are you still there? ’
[ 📞 ] ‘ you’re lying. ’
[ 📞 ] ‘ wait, don’t hang up. ’ 
[ 📞 ] ‘ i need your help. ’
[ 📞 ] ‘ are you crying? ’ 
[ 📞 ] ‘ i love you. ’ 
[ 📞 ] ‘ i’m scared. ’
[ 📞 ] ‘ i worry about you. ’ 
[ 📞 ] ‘ where are you? are you okay? ’
[ 📞 ] ‘ don’t beat yourself up about it. ’
[ 📞 ] ‘ hang on, i’m coming to get you. ’ 
[ 📞 ] ‘ are you in trouble? ’
[ 📞 ] ‘ something happened. ’
[ 📞 ] ‘ it’s me. can we talk? ’
[ 📞 ] ‘ i’ll stay on the phone until you fall asleep. ’
[ 📞 ] ‘ i’m glad you called. ’ 
[ 📞 ] ‘ i’m sorry about earlier. ’
[ 📞 ] ‘ tell me you’re not planning on doing anything stupid. ’
[ 📞 ] ‘ you have to promise. ’ 
[ 📞 ] ‘ i have to go now. ’ 
[ 📞 ] ‘ stop disappearing. ’
[ 📞 ] ‘ i’m always here for you. ’
[ 📞 ] ‘ you’re important. don’t forget that. ’
[ 📞 ] ‘ i had a nightmare. ’ 
[ 📞 ] ‘ leave me alone. ’
[ 📞 ] ‘ i trust you.’
[ 📞 ] ‘ i hate you. ’ 
[ 📞 ] ‘ it wasn’t your fault. ’
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lovedballoons · 4 years
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starter call while i work on making icons!!
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lovedballoons · 4 years
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“Can you walk?”
“How did this happen?”
“What the hell happened?”
“I hit my head.”
“Did you hit your head?”
“Can you hear me?”
“Don’t close your eyes, stay awake!”
“Come on, stay with me!”
“No no no no no!”
“You shot me!”
“I didn’t mean to shoot you!”
“You stabbed me!”
“I didn’t mean to stab you!”
“Take the knife out!”
“Don’t take the knife out!”
“It was an accident!”
“That/this wasn’t an accident!”
“That looks broken.”
“I think my leg/arm is broken.”
“That doesn’t look good.”
“Am I going to die?”
“You’re not going to die!”
“Calm down!”
“Don’t panic!”
“I can’t help you if you don’t let me!”
“Are you bleeding?”
“Don’t move, you’re bleeding.”
“Is that blood?”
“Whose blood is that?”
“That’s a lot of blood.”
“Do you know how to get bloodstains out?”
“Why do you know how to get bloodstains out?”
“Damn, I got blood on my shirt.”
“Don’t move, you’re losing blood!”
“I won’t let you bleed out!”
“You have blood on your face.”
“I swear to god, if you get blood on me…”
“What’s your blood type?”
“Why in the hell would you need to know my blood type?”
“That cut is nasty.”
“You have a massive gash in your arm/leg!’
“Don’t touch it!”
“Don’t move, you’ll only make it worse!”
“I’ll get some bandages.”
“You’re going to need stitches.”
“That looks infected…”
“Did you get bit by something?”
“There’s no exit wound, the bullet is still in you.”
“There’s an exit wound, the bullet went through you.”
“How are you feeling?”
“How does it feel?”
“It’s still not healed, but it’s getting there.”
“Let’s go home.”
“I just want to go home.”
“Let’s get you into the bathtub.”
“We need to change your bandages soon.”
“Get some sleep, okay?”
“You need to eat something, you’ve been through a lot today.”
“I’ll check up on you in a bit.”
“You’re going to be fine. I promise.”
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lovedballoons · 4 years
i    :     in reference to siblings .
❝ i’m not here to see you. i’m here to see your brother/sister. ❞
❝ so, how many siblings did you say you had again? ❞
❝ sometimes i wish i had a sibling or two. ❞
​❝ where ever my brother/sister goes, i go. from now on. ❞
❝ i have a long lost sibling out there somewhere. ❞
❝ you are like my brother/sister. ❞
​❝ you are brother/sister to me. ❞
​❝ you are the brother/sister i never had. ❞
​❝ no offense but, your brother/sister scares me. ❞
​❝ if you brother/sister knew about us … come on. ❞
​❝ me and my siblings don’t get along that well.  ❞
​❝ i never knew you had a brother/sister. why didn’t you tell me? ❞
​❝ i always wondered what it would be like to have a twin. ❞
​❝ for a twin, you all look nothing a like. ❞
​❝ i have a twin brother/sister somewhere out there. ❞
​❝ my brother/sister and i don’t get along anymore. ❞
​❝ hey, we should invite your brother/sister to come with us. ❞
❝ me and your brother/sister, we might .. kind of … like each other. ❞ 
​❝ my brother/sister would have liked you. ❞
​❝ you remind me of my brother/sister. ❞
​❝ sometimes i just think about what my brother/sister might do. ❞
​❝ me and my siblings go everywhere together, what did you expect?  ❞
​❝ my brothers/sisters are always into trouble but not me. ❞
​❝ i’m the only good sibling between me and my siblings.. ❞
ii    :     in reference to parents .
❝ so, your parents turned out to not be your actual parents.. ❞
❝ i didn’t realize we were at that point in our relation/friendship to meet parents. ❞
❝ i thought you might of wanted to meet my parents. ❞
​❝ no offense but your mom(s)/dad(s) scare me. ❞
❝ i’m not sure that your parents like me very much. ❞
❝ wait, you want me to meet your parents? ❞
​❝ my parents are going to freak out if they find out. ❞
​❝ are you insane? my parents will kill me, bring me back, then kill me again! ❞
​❝ my mom(s)/dad(s) are fighting again.. ❞
​❝ your parents give me hope that love does last. ❞
​❝ i don’t even get along with my own parents, let alone yours!  ❞
​❝ i think we should definitely call our parents. ❞
​❝ my mom(s)/dad(s) will know what to do, trust me. ❞
​❝ wait, you want me to lie to my parents? ❞
​❝ my parents took my phone, so i couldn’t text or anything. ❞
​❝ i can’t go, my parents want me to either stay in or go with them somewhere. ❞
​❝ my mom(s)/dad(s) called yours and so, that’s how i know. ❞
❝ wait, my mom(s)/dad(s) called you? why? ❞
​❝ my parents are grounding me, i’m not sneaking out anymore. ❞
​❝ okay, just let me go ask my mom(s)/dad(s). ❞
​❝ i asked my mom(s)/dad(s), she/he/they said no. ❞
​❝ what your parents don’t know won’t hurt them, right?  ❞
​❝ hey, i think your mom(s)/dad(s) are starting to like me finally. ❞
​❝ so, you just found out that you were actually adopted? ❞
iii    :     in reference to children .
❝ cute kid, is he/she yours? ❞
❝ do you have any kids? ❞
❝ wouldn’t you like to have kids some day? ❞
​❝ how many kids would you want to have in the future? ❞
❝ do you ever think of having kids with me? ❞
❝ i have a kid, things are different now. ❞
​❝ i’d rather hang out with my kid than hang out with you. ❞
​❝ you can walk with me to pick my son/daughter up from school if you want. ❞
​❝ i don’t think i’m really ready to have anymore kids, what about you? ❞
​❝ so, you have kids? how many? ❞
​❝ i’ve raised enough kids to know better than that. ❞
​❝ hey, she’s/he’s just a kid, leave she/he alone. ❞
​❝ you’re really good with kids. ❞
​❝ wow, i’ve never seen anyone so good with kids before. ❞
​❝ i’m really good with kids considering i have one of my own. ❞
​❝ sometimes i think i should just have more kids. ❞
​❝ i’m good at a lot except for being a parent, it seems. ❞
❝ i’ve seen you with your kid, you’re doing a fine job. ❞
​❝ the hardest thing to do is to raise my son/daughter. ❞
​❝ you worry too much, i’m sure you’re daughter/son will be fine. ❞
​❝ i met your daughter/son, he/she seems wonderful, sweet almost. ❞
​❝ i like the idea of having kids more i think.  ❞
​❝ it’s natural as a parent to worry for their child, relax. ❞
​❝ my child drives me crazy but i love him/her and wouldn’t have it any other way. ❞
iv    :     in reference to all the above .
❝ i’m leaving town, going to stay with some of my family. ❞
❝ today is the day i meet with my real family, wish me luck. ❞
❝ you are more than family to me. ❞
​❝ my whole family decided to come into town and stay a bit. ❞
❝ are you worried about meeting my family? because you shouldn’t. ❞
❝ have you seen my family? crazy is an understatement. ❞
​❝ i wish i had a family, but i’ll never know the feeling. ❞
​❝ you are lucky to have a family, that’s all i’ve ever wanted. ❞
​❝ i will do anything and everything for my family, no matter what. ❞
​❝ you are family to me, more so than some of my actual family. ❞
​❝ it’s the closest thing i’ve got to a family.  ❞
​❝ this family is falling a part and it is all your fault! ❞
​❝ you’re the reason our family is the way it is now. ❞
​❝ i don’t think your family likes me very much. ❞
​❝ i have a complicated relationship with my in-laws. ❞
​❝ what’s it like to have a family? i’ve never known. ❞
​❝ one day, we are going to have a family of our own. ❞
❝ do you want to start a family with me one day? ❞
​❝ i have a really big/small family. ❞
​❝ where is your family? ❞
​❝ i don’t have a family. ❞
​❝ we are not family anymore.  ❞
​❝ we’re no longer family as far as i’m concerned. ❞
​❝ if you mess with any of my family then you’re messing with all of us. ❞
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lovedballoons · 4 years
Send 🏆 If you like my character portrayal
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lovedballoons · 4 years
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   ‘ i had to grow up fast --- i’m not a baby or a girl scout anymore. ‘ it is the truth, she did grow up faster than a child or teenager should have to. although he never managed to physically scratch the task off of his list, mark did manage to fix her. rachel knows that doug isn’t her mother’s favorite person. however, rachel thinks highly of the man whom her father considered a true friend. ‘ yes sir, i know. ‘ 
@lovedballoons asked: ‘ family don’t end with blood. ’ for doug ross!
“You’re right, kid. When did you get so grown up? Let me tell you, Rachel, you will always be my family. I’ve known you since you were a little girl - nothing will change the fact that I’m always here for you, no matter what you need, alright?” 
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lovedballoons · 4 years
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❝   people like to leave but somehow --- county keeps drawing you back in.>   ❞   rachel is grateful to have been taken under his wing. rachel has learned plenty from him but feels as if she still needs to learn more from him. especially, since she feels as if she has to live up to her father’s legacy. his daughter wants to keep the greene family name positive.  ❝  i’m far from perfect --- you already know that though  from my past mistakes but i’m too stubborn to leave. i guess that’s what happens when you have mark greene and a lawyer for a mother.  ❞  
@lovedballoons asked: “ i hope i don’t lose you.” for dr. carter!
“why would you lose me?” he asks, staring down at the woman he’d known since she was just a little girl. “i’m not planning on going anywhere, doctor greene, and i sure hope you aren’t either.”
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lovedballoons · 4 years
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❝   you know, it’s a shame that you and dr. shepherd weren’t in chicago even though you weren’t a doctor then.   ❞   her father was a fan of john lennon, not necessarily her -- but rachel attempts to metaphorically take a sad song and make it better.  ❝   there was this guy a few years ago  -- a legend at the hospital that i worked at --- he ended up having a glioblastoma at thirty-eight years old.  you guys make miracles happen every day in the operating room --- he deserved that too.  ❞  needless to say, the e.r. doctor admired the younger grey. 
paging @epiphnies​​ ! 
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lovedballoons · 4 years
click the heart for a starter that i will write once i get off of work! multi's please reply with what muse you would like the starter for!
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