loveindomitable · 3 hours
I'm changing henry's trials and tribulations verse title to 'i feel so high school every time i look at you' because it's fitting tbh.
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loveindomitable · 3 hours
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His lips are still a little kiss swollen the next morning, not that Henry knows yet. He’s not felt this content in a long time. It’s like something has finally SETTLED within himself and he can only hope that Alex feels the same way. He really does feel that Alex has been brought into this world to be with him, though he knows that it’s going to take time for Alex to calm that thought about himself on his own.
“G’morning, darling,” Henry says back, curling an arm around Alex to tuck him in close. He enjoys this, the fact that they’re being so open and free with each other. At least while in private. “Better than I have in years, if I’m honest. You?” He kisses Alex, soft and slow for a moment before resting his forehead against his and waits on his response. Once he has it, he smiles and tucks his head into the crook of Alex’s neck. He’s never felt so much love, that he wonders if he’s ever known what love is before now. Henry doesn’t say it though. They may be soulmates, but he doesn’t want to rush into things too much.
“I’m going to talk to Philip, before the wedding, I mean,” Henry says, voice soft as he fiddles with the hem of Alex’s shirt. “If anyone has any sway with my grandmother, it’s him. Martha is his soulmate. I can only hope he’ll have some sympathy for us when he learns I’ve found mine.”
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Being with Henry had ALWAYS felt like home, but being with Henry like THIS, feels like the puzzle pieces that have always been kind of ajar, are finally falling into place, completing the whole picture of his life, or how it could be, anyway. Alex knows things aren't that easy, but he also knows he's going to fight for Henry, and for them to be together, and if it's the last thing he does.
They kiss, and kiss and kiss until their lips are slightly numb and it makes Alex GIDDY almost, because he's never wanted to kiss someone quite this bad, and it's a pretty nice feeling if he's being honest. When they wake up, it's tangled together, with his arms wrapped around Henry, that familiar warmth coming back to flood him as he sleepily blinks his eyes open.
"Mhm...morning, baby." he mutters, allowing himself a moment to bask in that warmth, pressing a kiss to Henry's temple. He knows they should be talking about last night, and whatever their game plan would be for the rest of their time here, and when Alex goes back to D.C., but for now he just wants to stay tangled up for a moment longer. "Sleep well?"
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loveindomitable · 21 hours
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Even though Henry still thinks that Alex deserves BETTER than him, someone that can give himself fully, he’s glad that they’ve this for now. He just nods and kisses him with everything he has. Henry’s future has always been planned out for him, soulmate or not. He really doesn’t want to break Alex’s heart, but as of now, he doesn’t see a way out of everything.
And yet he’ll take whatever he can give to Alex and vice versa and hope that he doesn’t break him too badly later on. “Darling,” he says, nudging his nose against him, curling up on Alex’s lap like a cat. They kiss and they kiss some more and Henry doesn’t push for anything else, even though he knows he could because it would be too soon. And yet he knew if Alex had asked for more of him, he would’ve given him his all, because he was already Alex’s.
They wake up the next morning, practically tangled. David is gone, probably being taken care of by Shaan. He hears an alarm go off and promptly shuts it off, snuggling further into his covers and his soulmate. Alex goes home in a few days. He is here for Philips wedding to Martha and then he is off. It is only because they are such good friends that he’d been able to get Alex here before everyone else. The wedding was tonight. He had no doubt his grandmother had a plan up her sleeve to announce her own intentions for him. Henry wondered if he might get the chance to speak to Philip to see if he would be willing to stop her.
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Alex might still feel like something isn't quite RIGHT with him, but whenever he's with Henry, those voices quiet down, and he honestly can't imagine a life where the other isn't by his side. He's aware that things won't be easy for them, but there's no way he'll stand by and watch that old hag ruin Henry's life. All those things he had told him are true, Henry deserves love and kindness and everything good this world has to offer, and if Alex can be the one to give that to him? Then he'll do so for the rest of his life.
"It's okay...it's...a lot, I get it, but I'm always in your corner, alright? I'm ALWAYS yours." He replies, pulling Henry closer and into the kiss, the heaviness in his chest finally dissipating fully. He's NEVER quite felt like this about anyone, and now Alex knows why, too. He'd been meant for Henry all this time, and the universe had put them on the right path, now it's up to them to figure things out.
"Baby," it slips out again without Alex even planning on using the term of endearment and he smiles, shifting so he can pull Henry into his lap as he leans back against the headboard for a more comfortable position. His lips brush the corner of the other's mouth again as he glances up to meet Henry's eyes with a smile. So THAT'S what love feels like, he thinks, and kisses the other again.
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loveindomitable · 21 hours
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Before meeting Alex, Henry had always felt like something was MISSING. His father had often told him he would find that something, but then his father had gone and he felt at even more of a loss. But then he’d crossed paths with Alex and it had seemed like EVERYTHING finally made sense in his life.
“And here I’ve been trying to push you away. I’m sorry, by the way. It’s just been … a lot.” His eyes close, fingers brushing against Alex’s shirt as he holds him there against him for a moment. “You feel like home too. I could be anywhere in the world and so long as you are there, everything would be fine in the world for us.” Henry lifts a hand to caress Alex’s cheek and he says, “Then we’ll be with each other for as long as we can be, yes?”
Henry still feels a little shy and uncertain about everything, but what he had said was true. Alex was home. And if he wanted a kiss, well, that wasn’t an impossible request. “All you had to do was ask, dear,” Henry says with a quirk of his lips. He shifts forward a little, allowing their mouths to meet and their noses to brush together too. It feels like heaven, kissing Alex, being with him. Everything really is right in the world, at least for the moment. And he will do whatever he can to make sure Alex feels like he’s wanted, that’s he’s complete. It saddens him to know he’s felt anything but, so he wants to fix that for him.
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There's a sudden, vivid memory of him at age nine or ten, maybe, finding a magazine in June's room with Henry on the cover, and running his fingers over the glossy pages, wondering what it would feel like to ACTUALLY run his fingers through the other man's hair, and now he gets to do just that. Maybe Alex had already felt the connection back then, when soul marks had only really been a story they were told, something he couldn't quite put his finger on. Now that he knows they're REAL though, and he's found his other half, Alex knows he'll be hell-bent on fighting to stay by Henry's side.
"I can't imagine not having you in my life, you know?" he says, mirroring Henry's embrace, lips pressed to the top of the other man's head as his fingers run through the very real, very soft hair. "You make me feel like...home, you know?" And admittedly, Alex hadn't felt like that in A LONG TIME. "My head...gets very loud sometimes, but never when I'm with you." He quietly admits then, allowing his eyes to slip shut for a moment.
There's that spark of warmth again, spreading from his chest throughout his entire body and he smiles, pulling back just a little so he can look into those impossibly blue eyes. "Can I KISS you again?" he then asks, voice almost breathless, "Because I really, really want to."
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loveindomitable · 22 hours
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As Alex forces their gazes to meet, he wonders what it might have been like if they’d met a little earlier. If they’d grown up knowing what they were to each other. It happened sometimes. “I could say the same of you, you know, even the sweets thing,” he says back with a soft, watery sort of smile. He snorts at the mention of his gran and he knows that Alex is right. Mary likes to act tough, but faced with a real challenge, she wouldn’t last a minute.
“Because you want to be,” he breathes it out, repeating the words, eyes brimming with tears again and not out of sadness, but happiness. “I think I’ve known for awhile, even before the mark, that I wanted you,” he told him, earnest and true. Henry wraps his arms around Alex in a loving embrace, pulling him in and tucking him in close.
They were so young. They had so much time still. His grandmother might insist and arrangement, but he would find a way to fight it. Surely she could not go through with her plans if she knew he had found his mate, his OTHER HALF in every sense of the word. Most people would be against it if they knew and there would be backlash towards Mary otherwise. “I’m so glad I met you,” Henry says into Alex’s neck, breathing him in. He was grateful they’d befriended each other at the Olympics. He’d been an arse at first, but a look at Alex’s sister told him he should go apologize, so he had and he’d explained himself in the process. They’d been friends ever since. “You’re pretty amazing too, you know that? I have never met someone who has as much SPARK as you do and I say that as a good thing.”
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Alex had NEVER doubted that his mother would become president from the moment she had set her eyes on doing so. She had always been very ambitious, he assumes it's a family thing anyway, even if the campaign had meant not seeing her very much anymore. He'd been able to do some helping on the trail, but there's so much more he wants to do if she lets him.
Still, he thinks it might have been the universes way of making sure that Henry and him meet, the other man's touch lighting up every nerve in Alex' body. He'd felt drawn to Henry before, though he'd never quite ALLOWED himself to fully give into it, not until now. "Hey, no." He quickly replies, scooting closer to pry the other's hands away from his face as gently as possible. "There's literally NO WAY I could ever regret being your soulmate, Henry." Even just saying the word sets off a spark of warmth in Alex' chest, so he places Henry's hands over it with a soft smile.
"You are the sweetest, kindest, and most wonderful person I have ever met, even if your taste in sweets is questionable," he then adds. "We'll figure it out, okay? I promise, and if I literally have to fight your grandmother to death, I will. Pretty sure I can take her actually." He pauses, leaning in to brush their noses together, "I'm YOURS, Henry, and not just because the universe says so, alright? I'm yours because I want to be yours."
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loveindomitable · 22 hours
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Henry has always been careful to hide his mark. He doesn’t wear short sleeves in public often anyway, so that’s a good excuse for it. And when he’s alone, he can tuck the mark in so it’s not seen, giving it’s on the inside of his arm, rather than the back of it. People ask what his mark is. In fact, magazines had made rumored guesses about it before, but they’d all been SO VERY WRONG, that they’d been laughable guesses.
He finds himself leaning into Alex’s touch, eyes closing for a brief moment. The endearing words like sweetheart and baby from earlier melt him like no others do. Then, he notices Alex revealing his own mark and it’s clear as day what it means. In fact, he wonders if Alex’s has known what it’s meant far longer than he does. “That’s … that’s pretty amazing,” he says, voice gentle as he reaches out to touch the mark briefly before pulling back.
“And to think, if your mum never became president, we might not have met.” But soulmates always do, he knows that. They meet even in the briefest of circumstances and are expected to find each other again somehow. “I’m sorry,” Henry finally says, letting loose a breath as he meets Alex’s eyes with some hesitation. “I’m sorry you’ve been linked with me. You deserve happiness and I can’t … my grandmother …,” he can feel the panic rising and takes some breaths to calm himself, putting his head in his hands. “I wish I were anyone else but a prince.”
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The thing is: Alex hadn't really been paying ATTENTION to his soul mark. He'd seen things go catastrophically wrong before, and even when his mother had met Leo, who had very clearly been made for her, he'd worried that things would go wrong again for them. He'd never really wanted to find his soulmate, or anyone to be with at all, had told himself he'd focus on his career instead, and then the universe had decided to bring Henry into his life at the Olympics just after his mother had been elected president.
Maybe Alex had felt it WAY BACK THEN, the gravitational pull towards the other man, and the moment he had shaken Henry's hand, he had felt that very same wave of calmness over him. "Hey," his voice is soft as he reaches out to wipe at Henry's cheeks, wishing desperately that he could make the other man's pain go away, when he catches sight of Henry's mark. It's so very clearly the key around Alex' neck that, for a moment, it takes his breath away. "Sweetheart..." he the mutters, brushing his fingers over it in almost wonder, before pulling back the covers.
Alex doesn't question how he hasn't seen Henry's mark before, instead he pushes up his boxers to reveal his own mark, etched into the inside of his thigh, a mark in the shape of a ring, with the letter H on it, not unlike the one he knows Henry wears. His hand finds Henry's, pulling it against his skin and the mark there, shivering at the simple touch of fingertips.
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loveindomitable · 23 hours
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he gave his title up to pierce his ears and wear crop tops and send pictures of it to his husband i don’t make the rules.
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loveindomitable · 23 hours
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Henry wants to tell Alex that he’s here because he’s meant to be with him, because if he hadn’t been born, well … Henry wasn’t sure what would have become of his life. And he wants to comfort Alex with the fact that he doesn’t need to doubt, because they’re there for each other and that’s ALL that should matter. Even though he’d all but been rejecting him of late. He would understand if Alex decided he wanted nothing to do with him after all.
“Not many people do. NO ONE does.” The words are breathed out, like they’re almost painful to say because they’re true. No one KNOWS him like Alex does. Even parts of himself are tucked away from his family, even those he considers himself close to. He knows they wouldn’t be able to list all of those things about him like Alex had done and it makes him feel more EMOTIONAL than he could have perceived.
He half expects Alex to pull away, but when he pulls him closer, Henry gasps into his mouth, eager for MORE. More of Alex, all of him. And it’s the baby, something so unexpected and beautiful all at once that has the tears flowing with no chance of stopping them. Henry sniffs as he pulls away and he lifts up the shirt sleeve on his other hand, revealing the soulmark to Alex for the first time. There, plain as day, almost glowing now, Henry knows that he can not hide this from Alex forever. And yet he knows they can never be too. His grandmother would forbid it. He’s doomed for a life of misery as Alex has pictured and it pains him that he’s going to do that to Alex too, because he most certainly doesn’t deserve it. "I've had this for as long as I can remember. And I didn't know what it meant until a few months ago when I saw your key," he whispered, voice soft and eyes downcast once more.
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I know. Alex wants to say, but that doesn't change anything about the way it makes me feel. He's never really told anyone about it, and there's part of him who's thankful for Henry trying to tell him that he's wanted, but he's not even looking for reassurance, because it won't change the way he feels about himself, and has felt that way since he's been a child. It hadn't been as evident when his parents had still been together, but ever since that day he had returned from summer camp, only to find his father gone, Alex had felt the SHIFT, the way he just...doesn't seem to fit, clearly.
This isn't about HIM, though. This is about Henry, his brilliant, wonderful, smart and kind best friend, who deserves a life filled with love and happiness, and not whatever his grandmother deems best for the public image. "Why WOULDN'T I notice that?" He echoes, thinking about exactly that. About how he wants to tell Henry how much he deserves to be loved, but all coherent thoughts go out the window the moment the other man leans in to kiss him.
It's unexpected, and yet there's an instant feeling of COMING HOME. He's always had that with Henry, but this time it's so clear and evident, washing over Alex like a tidal wave that pulls him below the surface. It's not scary though, if anything it's the opposite, causing him to reach out, grabbing at Henry's stupid long arm shirt to pull him in and keep him in place. "Henry." he then breathes, "Baby."
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loveindomitable · 24 hours
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“When my grandmother wants her way, she gets it,” Henry says, wishing that weren’t the case. There were so many times that he wished he was born into a family that wasn’t tied to a royal line, it would’ve been so much easier without all of that. And it’s like he can SENSE the anger from Alex and he doesn’t blame him for it, not really.
“Alex,” Henry’s voice is soft, but concerned when blue eyes turn on the others lovely brown ones. “There’s NOTHING wrong with you. You got that? You’re BRILLIANT, smart, funny, charming. You know how to make others smile when they need it and you can quote just about any of your favorite movie at the bat of an eye. There’s nothing off with you. Sure, your parents weren’t soulmates, but you’re MEANT to be here all the same. There’s a reason for that.”
Feeling Alex’s hand atop his own calms something in him that no one else could do, not even Bea when she tried. “Alexander.” He rarely calls Alex by his full name like that, since he knows the man prefers his shortened version, but he can’t help it and tears form at the corner of his eyes. Maybe Alex does know. Maybe Alex has a mark somewhere that represents him that he hasn’t seen before. “How have you noticed all of that?” No one else had, not even Pez. He sniffed and lifted a hand to wipe at his face, trying to hide any evidence of how Alex’s words affected him. If he could, he’d tell him he loved him right then. “I want … you have no idea how much I wish I could have better.” His thumb brushes softly against Alex’s skin and it’s all he can do to not lean in and kiss him. And somehow, Henry finds himself doing that anyway. Henry leans forward, slow and careful and presses his mouth to Alex’s in a soft, but chaste kiss. If Alex pushes him away, he won’t stop him, but kissing him alights something in him that he’s NEVER felt before.
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"She CAN'T truly want your entire life to be that miserable. That's bullshit, Henry." Alex can feel his emotions getting the better of him, and despite trying to fight it, he knows he's losing the upper hand. There's that sharp pain in his chest not unlike the panic attacks he's been having every now and then, mixed with ANGER that Henry's grandmother seems to have no fucking regard for anyone but herself and the Royal image, along with anxiety that, strangely, doesn't feel like his own, but keeps buzzing beneath his skin anyway.
"Don't...just...you don't want to do that to your kids." He then says, a little more quietly. "It's...I KNOW my parents love me, but they weren't soulmates and...I always felt like something was wrong with me, like something was slightly off." He pauses, "...like...like I'm not supposed to be here." He's never told anyone that, not even June or Nora, and sometimes Alex wonders if June feels the same.
"And you deserve BETTER too, H." glancing down, Alex watches as Henry grabs his arm, and without thinking, he rests his hand on top of the other man's, feeling an instant relief, like a wave of warmth washing over him. "You deserve someone who loves you for who you are, not because it's their duty. Someone who knows how much you love Jane Austen, that you can practically quote all of Pride and Prejudice in your sleep, how you scrunch your nose up when you're annoyed with someone, but not REALLY annoyed with them, that you can't cook to save your life but watch Bake Off to fall asleep to, and how much you love those weird Jaffa Cakes. That you'd live off them if you could. Someone who knows how much you hate crowds, and that you look adorable when you wake up in the morning, with you hair all messed up. You SHOULD have that, you DESERVE it, no matter what that old hag says."
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loveindomitable · 1 day
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Parenting Sentences, Vol. 1
(Sentences for conversations between parents and children. Adjust phrasing where needed)
"I sometimes expect too much of you."
"Have you got a girl in your room?"
"Haven't you learnt to forge my signature yet?"
"Didn't your mother teach you that two wrongs don't make a right?"
"I don't appreciate your attitude."
"That was very rude. You know better than to stare at people."
"You know, I'm so proud of you."
"You don't suppose you ought to be thinking about a proper job?"
"You disappoint me."
"You're spoiled because you're an only child."
"When I was your age... I can't tell that story. It's wildly inappropriate."
"As long as you’re trying to be good, you can do whatever you want."
"How far do you expect to get in life with an attitude like that?"
"I think my daughter may be keeping something from me."
"I'm sure you understand what you put your mother and I through tonight."
"There's something wrong with this baby."
"If you two guys can't play nice together, I'm taking away your toys."
"Come on, we'll get ice cream!"
"When did you become so mature?"
"Do as you're told."
"You're good with kids. Do you have any?"
"Good manners cost nothing, do they?"
"A father would do anything for his daughter."
"I expected better from you."
"I don't know whether to be angry or proud."
"I'm 18. I don't have to ask for permission anymore."
"I thought I taught you better than that."
"Where does this attitude of general unpleasantness come from?"
"You are the prettiest daughter I could ever have."
"You don't disrespect me in this house. Do you understand me?"
"Do not take that tone with me!"
"I see myself in you."
"Nothing I do is ever good enough for you."
"I don't care whose fault it is!"
"I'm so thankful to have a daughter like you."
"I don't need a babysitter!"
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loveindomitable · 1 day
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'I can't have smut filling my inbox!!' 💌
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loveindomitable · 1 day
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“Hey, no, you’re not TOO MUCH either. Whoever told you that is wrong.” Henry frowned a little, wondering why anyone would think Alex was too much in the first place. Yes, he could be outgoing, but sometimes he wished he was more like that himself.
“I can still go to uni,” Henry says, voice soft. His eyes are downcast again, though he feels a sharp pain like he gets when he’s having a panic attack and he knows it’s not him having that feeling, but he’s feeling it all the same. Concern appears on his face as he reaches out a hand to squeeze Alex’s arm. “Breathe with me, Alex. Go on. It’s alright.” It wasn’t alright, but he didn’t need to say that, he just wanted Alex to calm down before he got worse.
“I … my gran would never … she wouldn’t approve of my soulmate. She wants me to settle down early, have babies with someone else, carry on the family line with someone respectable.” The last words disgust him, but it was something Mary had said to him, because it was like she knew exactly who he was and wanted to stamp down on it. It makes his brows furrow just thinking about it. Alex can’t know they’re soulmates, though sometimes he wonders if he feels it, particularly when they are apart and it feels like he has less trouble breathing than when he’s around.
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"You're NOT difficult, Henry." He replies instantly, shaking his head. "I just...I don't want you to feel uncomfortable, I know I can be a bit much sometimes." He doesn't mean to be, really. Sometimes he can pretend it's his personality, and the way he'd been raised, but if he's being honest, then Alex knows he sometimes can't control the way he acts. Especially when he gets excited or focuses on something a little too intensely.
All of those thoughts go out the window the moment Henry starts talking about marriage though, and Alex has to do a double take to make sure he's understood correctly. "WHAT?" He then asks, hands clutching the bedsheets between his hands. "H, we're barely eighteen? What about college? Or uni, or whatever. What about..." he trails off, shaking his head. See, the thing about the whole SOULMATE thing is, Alex has seen what not being with your soulmate can do to a person. He knows it's far from everyone who finds theirs, and you can be happy by yourself, but he'd grown up with his parents not being soulmates, and fighting against the odds, LOSING spectacularly. ( It's why Alex thinks he's always a little broken, maybe, because he's not supposed to be here in the first place ). "What about...your soulmate?" He finally asks, and suddenly it feels like he's been hit in the chest with a blunt object, like it's becoming hard to breathe, and Alex clutches the sheets harder. "I know your grandma is shitty, but she can't...she can't want you to be miserable forever, right?"
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loveindomitable · 2 days
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RED, WHITE & ROYAL BLUE (2023) dir. Matthew Lopez
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loveindomitable · 2 days
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Sometimes Henry didn’t know why Alex bothered with him. They were too opposite, too different. He supposed a lot of friendships and relationships started off that way, but he really wasn’t used to having friends outside of Pez, who really only became his friend because he was in similar circles and they’d dealt with a lot together back in school. Alex was different and he knew it. He supposed closing himself off was preventing himself of getting a BROKEN HEART, but he had a feeling that was going to happen anyway.
“Y’know I don’t always …,” he lets loose a sigh before continuing, “I’m not the best at reading people.” It’s one of the things that often makes him wonder if there’s something wrong with him, not that he’ll be saying that out loud. “And you didn’t upset me.” Flickering a look over at him, Henry did frown then. “Why are you apologizing?” He notices Alex fidgeting, something they have in common. “No,” Henry says, voice softer. “Stay. You don’t … I’m sorry I’m difficult.” His gaze drifts away, toward David instead who is trying to comfort him. Sometimes he thinks his dog knows him better than he knows himself. “Though I should tell you, even though I know you won’t be in London much longer, I doubt you’ll be allowed to continue to stay with me. My grandmother is … she has told me she is finding a match for me. I’ll be expected to wed, soon.” Why he was telling Alex that, he wasn’t entirely sure, but it felt important to tell him, because he wasn’t even sure either why Alex wanted to stay with him like this in the first place. That wasn’t something just friends did, did it?
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Alex INSTANTLY knows that something is wrong. Teasing has become a usual thing between them, it's an integral part of their friendship and has been from the start, so when Henry gets defensive, Alex realizes he must have hit some kind of nerve, even though he can't quite put his finger on which nerve that would be. Still, he frowns, eyes drifting to where Henry starts petting David, who instantly burrows closer, probably sensing the other's discomfort.
"Hey, Henry." He says, much softer, as he almost automatically reaches out to rest his hand on the other man's arm, but the stops himself just mere inches away, like his body remembers that Henry JUST pulled away from him. "I was just teasing, I didn't mean to upset you," He truly didn't, and now that he has time to think about it, the guilt begins to sweep in easily. "I...sorry. Was it too much? Basically deciding to sleep in here? We've done it before so I just assumed...sorry." he blinks, shaking his head. "I should have ASKED." Another pause, his hands now toying with the hem of the bedsheets. "I can go if you want me to."
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loveindomitable · 2 days
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loveindomitable · 2 days
au ending verse where, Henry does write a book. that book becomes successful. and then he ends up writing another, more ... fictional, but realistic based on himself and Alex. he calls it, you guessed it 'red, white & royal blue' and it's a hit! he ends up making it into a trilogy, detailing his life with alex and the happily ever after they ended up receiving after all.
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loveindomitable · 2 days
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Henry’s had the soulmark for awhile now. For as long as he could remember. And he’d never thought much of his own before until he realized exactly what it meant. On his arm, near his elbow, laid a design that looked more like a tattoo than anything else. Everyone got them, but Henry had always tried to hide his, even more so now. The mark looked like that of a key, with the initial letter of A inside at the top. He wouldn’t have linked what it meant until he saw that key dangling from Alex’s neck one day and the sight of it had made him go pale. Not because it was Alex, but more because his family would never approve. In fact, he knew his grandmother was arranging an arranged marriage as he laid there. He supposed he should’ve already been pushing Alex away and he had been, but Alex was ever persistent to keep them in each others lives. It made him wonder if Alex had a soulmark that related to him somewhere as well.
“Because I can?” Henry says, trying not to frown. He shifts a little, pulling his arm back. “I’m not strange and I’m not being … well,” he swallows and looks away. “I don’t know what you want from me Alex. If you don’t want to wear a shirt, go ahead.” Although, Henry wished he wouldn’t, because it was already difficult enough being around him with how attractive he was and Henry realizing things about them that he knew would ruin everything if he ever told Alex. “If it bothers you, you can go back to your rooms, you know. They’re only across the hall,” Henry says, voice soft and eyes distant as he looks anywhere but at Alex. David snuggles up against him and Henry absentmindedly reaches out to pet him, the motion having always been something that he found soothing and calming.
[ hide ]   -    for my muse to hide their soul mark from your muse. | - Henry @loveindomitable
Henry's acting...CAGEY. Honestly, Alex doesn't know WHY, or what it is that sets him off, but he can tell that something is bothering the other man. They've been friends for over a year now, and Alex is taking the last chance he gets to spend some time with Henry in London before he'll be busy going off to college, and he doesn't want to spend that time being awkward for no fucking reason.
"H," He says, furrowing his brows as he watches the other get into the bed they share ( because Alex refuses to sleep rooms away from his best friend in this giant ass palace ). "It's the middle of fucking July, why are you wearing a long sleeved shirt to bed?" He shakes his head, "I've been debating on not wearing a shirt at all and here you are, being even STRANGER than usual," He pulls at the fabric of the other man's sleeve. "Care to explain?"
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