lovesresus · 29 days
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lovesresus · 2 months
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From the manhua "The Player", Chapter 4
(Be warned, it may take a while to find it through Google search)
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lovesresus · 2 months
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From the manhua "Weak Point", Chapter 68
(manhua have a lot of good CPR scenes)
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lovesresus · 2 months
I would love to give her chest compression
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23K notes · View notes
lovesresus · 4 months
I'm pretty sure I'm a boobs man, I think I'll need to see yours a few more times to be sure
You think this could help you decide? 😈😼
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lovesresus · 4 months
Experiment part 2
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lovesresus · 4 months
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Hello my kids I keep going up contented here read I leave some screenshots of me being a sexy rescuer in a roleplay with you where I danced and revived you 💖💋
Remember that by sharing you also support me 🔃
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lovesresus · 4 months
Reblog if you would meet up with us in person for a role play scenario. 🙋🏻‍♀️
(Please don’t flood our inbox with messages, this is just something fun to ask!)
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lovesresus · 5 months
It’s time for your x-ray
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lovesresus · 5 months
Filmed this a couple days ago and now bored waiting to see the doctor (for real lol) so I thought why not post medfet content 😂 discreetly of course :)
As requested by a follower, a seizure in my towel
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lovesresus · 8 months
Reblog if you would meet up with us in person for a role play scenario. 🙋🏻‍♀️
(Please don’t flood our inbox with messages, this is just something fun to ask!)
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lovesresus · 1 year
Please ❤️ and reblog ! It'll mean a lot !
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lovesresus · 1 year
Story Content and Summary - 4,373 words. When Nathan's wife has a heart attack during sex, he is asked to participate in an experimental resuscitation procedure developed at the nearby research hospital. Explicit sex, on-site and hospital resuscitation, intercourse with a person who cannot consent.
“Oh, God!” Jessica threw her head back, eyes rolling. Her legs were spread wide, toes curled, her hand working furiously at her clit. Nathan thrust into her, hard, knowing she was close and that he wasn’t far behind.
She was panting and moaning, her free hand balling into a fist and pressing against her own chest. Her hips matched his thrust for thrust.
“It’s so good, it hurts!” she exclaimed, breathless.
This confused him, but she still seemed into it so he leaned over and kissed her, plunging his tongue into her mouth until she pulled away and gasped for air. At the same time, he felt her walls begin to spasm, the muscles rippling against his dick.
It was probably the most intense orgasm he’d ever observed; her eyes rolled back in her head and she stiffened, making a croaking noise.
Then she went limp.
Nathan continued to pump into her, his own orgasm close. He reached down and cupped her cheek, chuckling a little at how thoroughly wiped she was. Then he leaned in to kiss her.
To his surprise, she was unresponsive, her lips unmoving beneath his. He stopped thrusting his hips and patted her cheek. “Babe? Jessica?
Then he grasped her shoulder, shaking her. “Jess!”
Her head lolled, but she didn’t respond. Nathan withdrew and crawled to her side. “Jessica! Jess, babe, are you okay?!”
He shook her again. “Can you hear me?”
His erection softened as concern gave way to fear. She looked very still, her muscles completely relaxed as he shook her. Nathan put his hand on her face and tipped her head back, leaning his ear close to her mouth.
Several long seconds passed with no breath stirring against his cheek. He pressed his fingers into her neck, waited. There was no reassuring pulse against his fingertips.
“Oh my God!” He stretched his body across hers, reaching for his phone on the nightstand and dialing 9-1-1. As the line connected, he gathered Jessica in his arms and climbed down from the bed. He laid her out on the rug, cradling her head as he treated it on the floor.
“It’s okay, babe, we’re so close to the hospital!” The instructions for compression-only CPR trickled through his head.
“9-1-1, what’s your name and the nature of your emergency?”
“Nathan Spalding. I think my wife just had a heart attack! She isn’t breathing and she doesn’t have a pulse!” Nathan traced the line of her ribs and found her sternum. He interlaced his fingers and pressed the heel of his hand to the lower half of her breastbone. “I’m starting CPR now! Oh my God, Jessica!”
When he pushed down, her ribcage felt stiff. He remembered he was supposed to press down two inches, but hasn’t given a thought as to what that would actually look or feel like. Her chest caved under his hands, springing back up when he relieved the pressure. Her breasts wobbled with the force, her stomach bulging out.
“Your wife is not breathing?”
“No! And she has no pulse! I’m giving her chest compressions! Please send an ambulance to the Star Condos on Main! We’re literally just around the corner. Our unit is twenty-nine!” He shoved his hands into Jessica’s chest. Her head fell to the side, shoulders popping with the force her exerted on her sternum.
“I don’t know if I’m doing this at the right speed!”
“Sir, I have an ambulance crew leaving the hospital now. Make sure you have your hands on her sternum and you are pushing her chest down two inches. Come all the way up each time. Go ahead and count out loud for me each time you push down on her chest.”
“One, two, three, four, five, six…”
“Good pace, keep it up. Nathan, will the medics be able to get into your condo?”
“…eight… Yes! The doorman will let them in! Three, four, five, six…”
Come on, babe! I didn’t know you were sick! You have to breathe!
He could hear the sirens outside. They really did live extremely close to Suncoast Research Hospital. The medics could have almost walked there.
“…six, seven, eight, nine, ten, one…”
Nathan was breathing hard, sweat beading up on his brow. Both of them were still naked, which was a thought that had only belatedly occurred to him, but he decided that didn’t signify. 
“Sir, Nathan, does your wife have any health conditions?”
“…three, four… No, I didn’t think so! Uh… she had chest pains right before she lost consciousness… seven, eight, nine…”
“Drug use?”
“One… Just pot! And not tonight… not all week! One, two, three, four…”
“Okay, Nathan, the ambulance has arrived and the crew is making their way to you. Stay on the line until they enter your condo, okay?”
“Eight, nine—okay! One, two, three, come ON, Jess!”
The speaker in his apartment activated with a series of beeps, and he heard a man say: “Mr. and Mrs. Spalding, EMS has arrived and has requested entry to your unit. I’ve sent them up the cargo elevator with staff and am buzzing them into your unit remotely. Please respond if you are able.”
“Yes! This is Nathan! Mr. Spalding! Please, let them in, I can’t… One, two, three, four…”
“I’m disabling your door lock for the next ten minutes. Please let me know if I can assist further.” 
Nathan heard the front door lock disengage, and shortly after there was a loud knock and the door opened. “Mr. Nathan Spalding? EMS here!”
“…five, six… BACK IN THE BEDROOM!” He heard the sound of them wheeling a gurney down the hall, and then three men were in the room with him, all wearing dark blue polos and black pants.
“Thank you, sir, I’ll take over from here.” One of the men, a tall red head whose nametag read “Adam,” kneeled across from Nathan. Nathan leaned back, watching as the man pressed his fingers into Jessica’s neck. She’d gone gray, her lips dusky. 
Nathan stumbled to his feet, felt someone grab his elbow. “I’ve got you, sir. Why don’t you sit down?”
“Need to put clothes on,” Nathan said, pulling free. This man’s nametag read: “Scottie.”
“Resuming compressions,” Adam said. Nathan froze, watching as the man began to pummel his wife’s chest, his compressions seeming even harder and faster than the ones Nathan had been performing. He heard air huff out of her, and then the third EMT kneeled at her other side, laying a mask with a bag attached by her head. He was also unpacking some kind of display. Nathan looked at his badge, registering that his name was “Joseph.”
He found his pajamas in a pile at the foot of the bed and dressed quickly.
“Has EMS arrived?” he heard the operator ask from his phone.
Nathan snatched it up and said: “Yes, they’re here. Thank you!”
“Thank you, sir. Disconnecting now.”
“Sir,” Scottie said. “Nathan. What’s her name?”
“Jessica.” Nathan sat on the edge of the bed, watching as his wife’s body twitched, her stomach bulging and her breasts wobbling with each compression.
“Thirty!” Adam called out, and Joseph squeezed the bulb twice, making her chest rise. Then Adam started compressions again. “One, two, three…”
“Nathan, I’m an Advanced EMT with your municipality.” Scottie crouched by Jessica, applying white defibrillator pads to her chest. 
He flipped a switch, and the device announced: “Analyzing rhythm. Do not touch patient!”
The men all scooted back. Joseph held a small plastic piece against the side of Jessica’s face, careful not to touch her. 
“Analyzing rhythm, do not touch patient. No shock advised. Resume two minutes of CPR.”
“Adam and Joseph switch, I’m calling for ALS. Nathan, Adam is going to put an airway adjunct in to help with her breathing.”
Two of the men changed places. Joseph started chest compressions, while Adam retrieved the plastic piece and tilted Jessica’s head back. He slipped the piece between her teeth and rotated it one hundred and eighty degrees before letting the flange rest on her teeth.
“How old is Jessica?” Scottie asked.
“Twenty-nine,” Nathan answered. Then he pressed his hands to his mouth.
“Thirty!” Joseph said, and Adam quickly fitted the mask to Jessica’s face and squeezed the bulb.
“Dr. Perkins, please.” Scottie crouched close by, speaking into his phone. “This is Scottie Wilson, unit one-one, A-EMT. I have a twenty-nine-year-old patient in cardiac arrest. No known pre-existing health conditions or drug use. Witnessed collapse with chest pains. Husband started chest compressions immediately and called 9-1-1. Since our arrival we have given her a full cycle of CPR and connected the AED. AED advised no shock. We are requesting Advanced Life Support.”
He listened to someone speaking on the other end.
“I’m sorry, repeat that question.”
“One, two, three, four, five…”
“What was the patient doing at the time of the arrest? I’ll ask—”
“We were having sex,” Nathan said, too worried to be embarrassed, his eyes on Jessica as her chest rose artificially.
“Patient and her husband were engaged in sexual intercourse.”
“…three, four, five, six…”
“You want us to transport her and bring the husband. Is that—No, I understand. I’ll establish an IV in the bus. Okay. Yes, Doctor.”
“Analyzing rhythm. Do not touch patient.”
The medics leaned back.
“Guys, we’re transporting her back,” Scottie said. “Continuing with the AED until we start moving, and CPR all the way.”
“Analyzing rhythm, do not touch patient. No shock advised. Continue two minutes of CPR."
"Switch while we package her up, then I will ride the gurney down.”
Adam started chest compressions while the other EMTs began gathering up their bags and putting things at the foot of the gurney. 
“Sir,” Scottie said. “You should go ahead and grab anything you need to take with you. Insurance cards, ID, shoes for yourself. You’ll be riding in the front of the ambulance. Okay?”
“Okay.” He stared down at Jessica, watching the EMT Adam forcefully compressing her chest. The mask was sitting to the side of her face, and he could see the plastic airway device jutting out between her teeth. He had a question that was floating in the front of his mind, one he did and did not want the answer to. But he drew a deep breath and asked: “Are… are they planning on declaring her dead at the hospital?”
Scottie shook his head. “Not to my knowledge. They’re holding a resuscitation suite and a specialist for her.”
Nathan nodded and leaned over, briefly gripping his wife’s foot, the closest part of her body. “I love you,” he murmured, before making himself stand.
He found shoes and grabbed his wallet. He also collected Jessica’s phone off the dresser and her wallet out of her purse in the kitchen. He briefly considered calling her mother, but by that time the EMTs were wheeling the gurney out of the bedroom. They’d covered her lower half with a sheet, and Scottie straddled her, riding on top of the gurney as he thrust his hands between her breasts.
Nathan held the door for them and then paged down to the front desk to activate the cargo elevator. He locked the door and ran after the gurney, sliding into the elevator as the doors closed. 
As they were exiting the cargo elevator, the AED tried to chime in. Scottie turned it off, stating: “We need to stay on the move.”
The next thing Nathan knew, he’d been bundled into the front of the ambulance, Joseph driving, and they were headed the short distance to the hospital.
When they arrived, he found an entire group waiting for them in the ambulance bay.
“Mr. Spalding? I need you to come with me right away.” A female nurse ushered him inside and down the hall after the gurney. He caught glimpses of Jessica’s hair, but he couldn’t get close enough to touch her. A nurse was astride her now, continuing the chain of chest compressions.
He was escorted to a small room with a table and chairs labeled as a “Family Consultation Room.”
“The doctor will be with you shortly,” the nurse said, before closing the door behind her.
He didn’t wait long. He heard a quick knock as the door was opening, and a female doctor entered the room. She wore a surgical mask and carried a set of scrubs under her arm and a clipboard in her hand.
“I’m Dr. Perkins,” she said. “Have a seat, Nathan.”
“If it’s all the same to you, I’d rather not.” He felt queasy, and his heart was beating fast. “Are you about to tell me you already called her? Is she dead?”
“Your wife is very sick. Based on the timeline, most doctors, programs, hospitals would be declaring her dead in the next five minutes. We don’t have any time, so I am going to have to rush you through this process.
“Your wife does not have any cardiac electrical activity. I have an experimental resuscitative process that I am pioneering. I have identified a hormone that supports electrical activity in the heart. I’ve named it corsexamine, and—”
“Do it,” Nathan said. “Do you need me to sign something?”
“Yes,” she said. “But you’ll need to be personally involved.”
“Okay… Sure, whatever you need me to do.”
“As the name might suggest, corsexamine is released during sexual activity. I am told your wife experienced onset of the cardiac arrest during sexual intercourse?”
Nathan blinked at her. She appeared to be interested for scholarly reasons only, so he nodded. “Yes, she said it hurt, but she didn’t want me to stop, and then she grabbed her chest, came really hard, and passed out.”
“She’s already tested positive via finger stick for a low corsexamine reserve. We need to do everything we can to get that elevated. This includes both natural and artificial methods.” She laid the clipboard on the table. “This document releases the hospital in the event that the procedure does not work, or if you develop PTSD or an STI. This process may be very disturbing and upsetting, Nathan. You’ll be doing something that would be illegal in any other context.”
“An STI?”
“Not a concern. If she has one, you’ve already been exposed.”
Nathan accepted the pen she offered her. He really wasn’t sure what they were asking him to do, but it sounded like he would certainly be going home without Jessica if he didn’t agree to this procedure.
He scrawled his signature. “I still don’t know what you need me to do, but I’ll do it.”
“We need you to have sex with your dying wife.”
Less than three minutes later, Nathan was barefoot and dressed in scrubs. A nurse retrieved him from the consultation room and led him down the hall, stopping in front of a set of swinging doors.
“Your wife is in here, Mr. Spalding. Prepare yourself. Now, Dr. Perkins is prepared to masturbate you should you need the assistance. Do you understand?”
“Er… Sure, yeah.”
The nurse escorted him into the room. He could hear a buzzing and a high-pitched whine and saw his wife laid out on the table. She’d been intubated and had a blue tube holder obscuring part of her face. A nurse stood at her head, squeezing a bag. Another nurse was giving her forceful chest compressions. He could see her breasts wobble with each thrust, her large areolas looking dusky in the harsh light.
To his surprise, a third nurse was thrusting their hands into her abdomen, moving in opposition to the chest compressions. The two nurses were bobbing like a see-saw over his wife.
“Interposed abdominal compression CPR,” his escort said. “Studies show it improves vital organs perfusion. Getting oxygen to them, I mean. we’ve also got a cooling vest under her, though we’ve had to unzip it for this procedure.”
There was a curtain drawn across his wife, blocking her lower half from view. The doctor, a tall woman with piercing eyes over her mask, stepped out from behind the curtain. His escort reached out and put her hand on his arm. “I know that we discussed the procedure already, but this part will be shocking. Are you ready?”
He stared at her, then nodded. “Go ahead.”
The nurse pulled back the curtain, and he understood why she’d stopped to ask.
Jessica’s legs were spread, her feet strapped to a pair of exam stirrups. A fourth nurse stood with her back to him. He couldn’t see what she was doing until the doctor motioned for him to come around the table.
“This is…” He didn’t hear anything else she said. His eyes locked onto what was going on between his wife’s legs. The fourth nurse had a vibrator pressed to Jessica’s clit and an arm wrapped around her thigh so that she could pump her gloved fingers in and out of Jessica’s pussy.
The doctor motioned for him to step closer. From this angle he couldn’t see Jessica’s face, just the underside of her chin and the long line of her neck. The nurses pounded her chest and abdomen, making her entire body shake.
“Do you consent to this procedure as described to you?” the doctor asked.
He was staring between Jessica’s thighs again. In addition to the nurse working her fingers in and out of his wife’s vagina, a butt plug had been inserted. He had a vague thought that Jessica would be annoyed with the “butt stuff.” He felt his cock twitch in the borrowed pants.
The doctor reached out and pulled the scrub pants down to his knees. She held her hands out to the nurse in charge of the IV, who squirted a generous dollop of lube into her hands.
Then she reached out and took his dick in her hand, pumping his semi with one hand and cupping his balls with the other. 
“How are we on time?” The doctor called as she stroked him.
“Nearing twenty-five,” one of the nurses said.
He tried to block out the sounds, and the violence of what was happening to his wife. He focused instead on the sight of the nurse thrusting her fingers into his wife’s pussy. She had three fingers inside of his wife, pumping hard and fast, all while the vibrator buzzed away.
After a minute, though, his eyes drifted up to Jessica’s breasts. The nurse there was caving in her chest, making her breasts bob. Her nipples were hard, and he surprised himself by groaning as the doctor jacking him off slipped a lubed finger inside his asshole.
Another minute of this, and the doctor directed the nurse to “remove digital stimulation” before withdrawing her finger and helping him to position himself between his wife’s thighs. He’d grown rock hard, something he would have sworn should be impossible in these circumstances.
“Enter your wife now, please, Nathan,” the doctor said.
He pressed the head of his cock against Jessica’s lubricated vaginal opening and then sheathed himself in one motion. He could feel the vibrations from the vibrator through her body. He pumped once into her before he restrained himself and glanced up at the doctor.
“I don’t expect you to try to match compression speed. Just keep a solid rhythm,” the doctor said. “It’s time for another dose of epi, then we will progress with this technique in two minutes increments. Remember, sir, you must withdraw if or when we tell you to so that we may use the defibrillator.”
He had a front row seat to the more traditional interventions going on, his hips pumping automatically as he took everything in. He saw the nurse assigned to medication press her thumb down, releasing medication into his wife’s IV. The nurse at Jessica’s head never stopped squeezing the bag. The two nurses working on her in the middle looked like they were making putty out of her internal organs. One thrusted down hard into her sternum, making her ribcage flex. Then, as that nurse raised their hands, the other would plunge his hands into her abdomen.
“After the next analysis, I need Parker and Bryan to switch, and Kyle and Marcy,” the doctor said. 
Nathan wrapped his hands around Jessica’s thighs, pulling himself deeper into her. Her thighs were cool but her pussy was warm. He wondered how long he was expected to last in this situation, or if he should even try to cum at all.
“Pause compressions and vaginal thrusts,” the doctor said. Nathan forced himself to stop thrusting, though he remained buried inside of her. “She’s still asystolic. Resume compressions and thrusts. Push epinephrine, and ready the corsexamine.”
A nurse moved to the side, scribbling something in the chart, then returned with a syringe, which he handed to the doctor.
“Alright, everyone compressions and vaginal thrusts pause while we insert the needle.” Nathan stopped thrusting with difficulty. The doctor uncapped the syringe, watched while the nurse cleaned the skin on Jessica’s chest. Then the doctor palpated her way down Jessica’s bruised sternum before finding the spot she was looking for and inserting the needle.
She depressed the plunger, withdrew the needle, and sat the syringe to the side. “Corsexamine administered. Resume compressions and vaginal thrusts. I’m adding nipple stimulation now. We analyze again in two minutes.”
The doctor reached around the hands pumping Jessica’s chest and began rubbing and pinching Jessica’s erect nipples.
She couldn’t move or open her eyes. But as awareness trickled back into her brain, she felt everything.
A tube down her throat. Air regularly inflating her lungs. Fingers pinching and rubbing her nipples. Strong hands on her sternum and her abdomen, forcing blood to pump from her heart with deep, painful compressions. She felt powerful vibrations on her clit, and a feeling of fullness in her rectum. Hands gripped her thighs, and she realized someone was fucking her vaginally, their thrusts hard and fast.
The sensations were overwhelming; Jessica could barely think with everything going on. Her body was responding regardless. The passage between her thighs was slick, her arousal unmitigated by the crackling pain in her chest.
The vibration pattern on her clit changed. She would have moaned if she could have taken an independent breath. Her muscles began to tense; her toes tingled. A whoosh of air inflated her lungs. 
“Let us know if you feel her body orgasm,” a woman said. “Pause compressions and thrusts. Where are we on time?”
“Thirty minutes,” a nurse announced. "Two since administration of the medication.”
“We should have v-fib by now,” the doctor said. “Dammit, Jessica. Resume compressions and thrusts. Switching to oral stimulation.”
Warm, wet lips closed around her right nipple and applied suction. Her vagina pulsed.
“Attending to the other nipple now,” a male voice said, and then a second pair of lips locked onto her left nipple. 
“I think she’s getting close!” A familiar voice said, sounding shocked. 
The sensations built. Even the painful chest compressions began to arouse her. Her chest flexing, abdomen bulging. The pressure of the abdominal thrusts. The feeling of air artificially sating her lungs. The hands on her body. The mouths on her breasts. The pulsing vibrations on her clit. The warm, hard dick thrusting in and out of her.
“Hyperventilate her,” a woman’s voice said, mouth briefly pulling away from Jessica’s breast. The rush of air in her lungs increased, as though she were gasping for air just before orgasm.
“Increase the power of the vibrator.”
Oh, God…
“Nathan, don’t hold back. As hard and as fast as you can.”
He started jack hammering her, slamming his dick into her over and over again. Jessica was completely paralyzed. Normally she’d be meeting him thrust for thrust, writhing with pleasure. The sensations built and built and built until they crashed over her like a tsunami. Her body released a rush of fluid and her vaginal muscles contracted so hard they hurt.
“She’s coming!” Nathan cried out. She felt him spill himself into her, his fingers gripping her thighs to bruising. “God! So am I!”
“Pause compressions and thrusts while I analyze.”
Jessica felt Nathan withdraw, heard him breathing hard.
“V-fib! Continue compressions, charge to 200! Nathan, don’t touch her, hold tight! Okay, everyone clear!” The nurse squeezing the bag unhooked it and joined the rest of them in stepping back, arms raised. “Clear!”
There was a noise she couldn’t quite explain and then a mule kicked her in the chest, knocking her unconscious.
Jessica’s torso jerked and the stirrups rattled. He watched as the doctor pressed her fingers against a spot in the crease of Jessica’s leg near her groin. Marcy grabbed Jessica’s wrist, and Kyle plunged his fingers into her neck. Parker reconnected the bag to Jessica’s tube and squeezed it 
“Sinus!” Dr. Perkins shouted, looking up at the marker. “Got her! It worked! Close up the cooling vest, get her out of the stirrups, call neuro…”
Nathan sat down heavily on the stool. It was an odd place to sit; Jessica’s legs were still spread wide above his head. No one had explained exactly what had happened, but he gathered she had a normal heartbeat now. He covered his face with his hands and sat like that for a while.
He looked up, dropping his hands. One of the nurses, Marcy, was leaning over him. 
“Why don’t you come see your wife for a minute before we move her? She’s still unconscious, but she may hear you.” She reached out her hand and helped him up, keeping a steadying hand on his elbow. 
Jessica looked bad. Her body was bruised and pale, and her eyes were closed. There was a nurse still steadily squeezing the bag, inflating her chest artificially. 
“You can touch her,” Nurse Marcy said.
He reached for her hand and then leaned close to her ear.
“Hey, babe. It’s Nathan. Hey, I love you. You’re going to be okay. You have to be. I’m gonna call our parents and tell them… some… of what just happened. I need you to work on waking up before your mom gets here. We both know how she is.
“I love you, did I say that? Listen, babe. Listen. You won’t believe what just happened…”
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lovesresus · 1 year
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Just lay down and let me fill your lungs with my warm breath like a good resus doll. This is not a request, babe.
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lovesresus · 1 year
As long as she gets to enjoy it as much as I do 🐱💦💦😈😺
This video is incredibly awesome and hot! Fast and deep chest compressions performed by the doctor's partner on the naked woman... Wonderful! I wish so much to be in that woman's place! I think I could really have a heart attack from the pleasure lol.
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lovesresus · 1 year
Have you joined me on Onlyfans yet? Don't miss out on December's special!
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lovesresus · 1 year
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I'm finally back! Reblog this post to get a FREE WEEK TRIAL to my OF
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