lowkey2adrii · 1 month
Title: Clash of 500 (Flash Fiction)
Author: Adrian Paul E. Mangay-ayam
BSE-4B_ General Science Subject: Creative Writing
"This is my last chance and the last day for me to defend my land, I will not waste this moment. I will end this now.”
            Five hundred years ago, a war was about to happen caused by evaders who conquered lands due to the intense scarcity of resources across the globe. Led by the ultimate conqueror, a martyr, and ultimate visionary Zaldos who has taken almost all of the kingdoms of planet Zuru. He does this to make it his territory and for him to take over the resources for his good. With his millions of troops, the land of Eclipthra is next in line, the remaining kingdom with the richest resources is nearing to fall and soon be under the command of the conquering ruler. But the very own great Royal fighters of the kingdom have hereby declared war and will take a stand to stop this madness and defend their land.
            “I am Leo Cypyrian, leader of the Royal fighters, swore to protect our very own land Eclipthra. My life was in debt to this land to those who believe that it is our right to defend, live, and die for this land come to me! We are challenged by faith, to stand within our feet to hold what we deserve and protect what is ours. We will not let others take it away from us. We are going to fight! Ahoooo!”
            After that great speech of the head of the army, a vessel came down from the sky, with millions of troops flying down and encircling the kingdom. It was Zaldos the conqueror.
            “Kneel before me, I will give you a chance to surrender, you will become my slave and I will spare your life,” said Zaldos. The fear from the Royal fighters was evident but their leader stood up with glazing eyes and a clinching fist, he was ready to make a move to start the provoking war.
            The two fighters reach out to one another face to face they have an intense stare-down and conversation.
            “You will never my king and Eclipthra will never bow on your domain,” said Cypyrian
            “Dare me to challenge you, and you will see the wrath of my power that is beyond your eyes, beyond what you see” Zaldos replied.
            It was a moment of power, everything was silent. No one dared to take a step until the first drop of rain came touch to the ground and suddenly the war breakthrough without knowing how it would end.
            Cypyrian attacks first with his lightning sword and slashes through the air, making Zaldos flinch and move back. Cypyrian never expects the quickness of his nemesis, an attack comes into touch before his eyes when Zaldos connects a powerful blow that makes Cypyrian drown in his blood. With that single blow, Cypyrian was held in pain, pushing himself up to take his swing but Zaldos just caught his sword and broke it into pieces. Zaldos then plans to break Cypyrian’s hand when he notices a mark on his forehand similar to what is on his palm. “This can’t be; how did you get this mark? Who are you?” said Zaldos. That’s my memory of my true origin you bastard” replied Cypyrian. Zaldos realized that the special mark that Cypyrian has is the one similar to his long-lost child.
            Zaldos: “You have a similar mark to my lost child”
            Cypyrian: “Don’t you dare compare me to your child”
            Zaldos was confused with what he just discovered, that Cypyrian was his son. He leaves his guard down while Cypyrian takes this as an advantage to pick up his shattered sword.
            "This is my last chance and the last day for me to defend my land, I will not waste this      moment. I will end this now.”
            Cypyrian plunges the sword at the center of Zaldos chest. Blood splashes everywhere and Zaldos is catching his breath. Before he went down he uttered the words “I’m sorry my son”. As the leader of the conquerors has been killed, his army follows to surrender.
            Cypyrian was clueless and didn’t know how to react. With the last word of his enemy, he holds breath and thinks for reality. The mystery holds him up to this day, searching for answers to the self-proclaimed father of him, his mortal enemy. Seeking the truth about his identity, and the secrets that hold him back. “Who’s to blame for what just happened? If it is true that it was my father, therefore I need more answers about my origin.”
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lowkey2adrii · 1 month
Title: Night at the Restaurant "Short Story"
Author: Adrian Paul E. Mangay-ayam BSE-4B_ General Science
Subject: Creative Writing
“Cozy Instrumental song playing in the background”
A busy and full-packed room at a fancy restaurant down the corner of the street. Foods coming everywhere from the isle. Glasses are clinking. The fragrance of flowers covers the void of the room. Some are having a deep conversation, some groups are having fun, some of them come alone, and some come with their family and friends. At a two-seated table right in the middle of the floor, Gabriel a young, good-looking, and well-dressed man having his drink alone.
            Waiter: Are you having fun, Sir?
            Gabriel: Oh yes indeed, it felt great really.
            Waiter: Are you ready to take your order, sir?
            Gabriel: I’m waiting for someone, just a few more minutes…… but can you do me a favor?
            Waiter: Yes, Sir, anything for you.
            Gabriel: Can you put this thing on one of your precious cupcakes…. It will be a surprise.
            Waiter: Oh yes sir, indeed it will be a surprise…. looks like it costs so much.
            Gabriel: That’s no equivalent to the feeling I have right now.
            Waiter: I’ll assure you, sir, I’ll do my best.
            Gabriel: Thank you.
Today is their 4th anniversary with his partner whom he is waiting. He is planning to take their relationship to another level and he brings up an engagement ring to surprise his partner and hopefully, they can continue their long relationship. After a while, the bell on the door rang and a person with a white top and black bottoms walked in. Every person in the room looks at the person walking, approaching Gabriel where he sits. Gabriel stood up and hugged that person. “You came, happy anniversary love”. It was Gabriel’s date and partner Alex. Gabriel asks “Are you okay? You look pale and sad. Is there something wrong? Alex took pause. Gabriel starts to worry about what is happening. Alex suddenly says “I have left something, just wait for me for a moment”. Gabriel replies “let me get it for you”. Alex insists that “I can do it alone, just take the order now so that when I’ll come back we are ready to eat”. Gabriel replies “Are you sure?”. With hesitation he lets Alex go. When he is about to order their meal, something strikes his mind and he rushes through the door and goes outside. He looks everywhere but cannot find where is Alex. Not so distant from the corner they’re at. He watches Alex enter a man’s car. Looking at them very happy. Gabriel freezes, uttering now words just sadness and loss, emotions that cannot be explained. Tears come down while the car that took Alex drives away at the same time when the sky pours down rain on Gabriel.
Gabriel, alone in his room, cannot forget the scene of that very evening of what must have been a very special day. Still thinking what was wrong, what did he do to deserve this kind of situation. Why did the love of his life leave him? Why did they take a long way together and with just a single snap it just fades away like that?
Flash forward after 5 years, Gabriel continued his life. He is now a Senior Associate of the company he is working for. Brought by his experience years ago, he became a short-tempered, strict, harsh, unapproachable, and self-centered person. Due to his previous relationship, he became bitter about feeling invalidated and unappreciated. When he saw couples and lovers he felt sadness, resentment, and anger.
His friend and office mate Emmanuel, doesn’t want to tolerate this actions of Gabriel. He always advises him to change his character and try to go back to his old self but Gabriel always answers him with “If you want my old self then go live in the past. My old self was chained into a person who left me before, do you think if I changed myself, everything would go back to what it was in the first place? I don’t think so.” Emmanuel did everything he could to lessen the burden of his friend and just wishes that “I wish you could meet a new person who can bring that true self of yours so that we can now have peace within ourselves and avoid the idea that we are the one who is affected by your bitterness. Gabriel didn't listen to his friend and walked away to grab his lunch.
While walking down the street he became angry again as he saw various couples on his way down to the cafeteria. He saw a man kissing a girl, two old couples having lunch together, a couple with a child, and two young school learners holding hands while crossing the road. He was furious for a moment, his bitterness struck again. Suddenly some familiar scent catches his attention. He follows the smell like a sniffing dog up until he reaches a stall in a corner. He remembers that it smells like the room of the restaurant the night when his life turned upside down. She grabs the flowers and sniffs them like there is no end. Not too long a girl shouted at him “Are you going to steal that, or just sniff all its fragrance?” Gabriel looks around but he doesn’t see anyone in the stall. “Down here!” said the voice. And he looked down and saw the florist under the table. “You look rich however, I think you can afford that one though.”
            Adie: Hi I’m Adie, are you going to purchase that one? If not should I call the police now?
            Gabriel: Oh sh…t, if that’s the case I’m going to buy it, How much?
            (Adie seeks the opportunity to raise the cost of the flower as she thinks Gabriel can afford it)
            Adie: one thousand five hundred.
            Gabriel: Wait what, are you insane? (This girl is getting on my nerves)
            Adie: Yes you sniff all its smell if you return that, it will be useless like your partner who dumped you.
            Gabriel was shocked, “does she know? “does she know my story?”
            Gabriel: Do you know me, woman?
            Adie: No. Why? Are you affected? Did your partner dump you? Maybe you deserved it? (hysterical laugh)
            Gabriel: (this woman, I’m going to kill her) Yes, my partner left me 5 years ago.
            Adie: Yet still the pain stays right? That’s so sad. (laughs)
Gabriel is now disgusted with the attitude of this girl. It seems like he faces a person on his own level.
            Adie: I bet that scent reminds you of that person. Don’t worry, you can sniff that   flower how long you want but the person who reminds you of it is long gone and happy with someone else.
Gabriel just pays for the flowers and leaves the stall with an endearing face and deadly eyes.
            Adie: See you again, lover boy!
In his mind, Gabriel wants to punch that girl as she was not insulted by the words she told to him but also by the confidence she has while talking and also he was just robbed with an overpriced flower.        
When he went into the cafeteria, He saw a familiar face, the waiter that served him on the restaurant 5 years ago. “It seems like I going back five years ago, I kept on encountering previous moments and people 5 years ago, what is happening?”
            Waiter: Sir it is you, long time no see! I’ve never seen you since you left your table that evening. I also don’t what happens after that.
            Gabriel: Yes, I remember you, You know the person we are going to surprise that evening? We I chased her out, I saw her leaving with another man.
            Waiter: Oh I’m so sorry about that, I didn’t know.
            Gabriel: It’s okay, that’s not your problem. Are you busy? Do you have something to do?
            Waiter: No I’m free.
            Gabriel: Care to join me? Let’s have lunch together my treat.
The two take some conversation reminiscing the memory of that very evening. When Gabriel went home he realized that his friend Emmanuel’s words had somewhat come true and affected his encounters that day. It starts with the couple he saw reminding his past partner, the fragrance of flowers which depicts the last place they were together, and the waiter that serves him for the big surprise he’s about to do yet hasn’t happened.
            “It’s been a tiring day, everything will go back to normal tomorrow.”
Gabriel woke up like there’s nothing had happened the day before. He goes to his work without thinking about what happened but in an instance, Emmanuel scares him behind and Gabriel quickly remembers what happened because he thinks Emmanuel is the cause of those interactions. He told him what happened to him yesterday. After hearing this story, Emmanuel burst into laugh and said:
            Emmanuel: That is what I’m talking about, that is what you deserve with all your bitterness and anger towards us.
            Gabriel:  Don’t you dare curse me again because I will not forgive you.
            Emmanuel: Did you not encounter something good from those moments? The universe wants you to go back to your previous self, that is why it is helping me.
            Gabriel: That’s dumb.
            Emmanuel: The girl you are talking about, is she pretty?
            Gabriel: Not with her attitude!
            Emmanuel: I think you two can be a couple. (teasing Gabriel)
            Gabriel: No way, she stole money from me, she insulted me, and she directed me as she knows my life more than I did.
            Emmanuel: If you two see each other again, it is a sign. You need to see a single like you to move on and come up with a new relationship.
            Gabriel: Soon I will, but not with her.
            Emmanuel: You’re not the first to tell that. you never know what the future may bring. I’m returning to my work now, good luck with that.
Gabriel was annoyed with that conversation with Emmanuel. Assessing the moment, he encountered yesterday indeed there is a connection created but still he’s not sure what was it. It was again lunch break, he went down to the cafeteria to take a break when suddenly a familiar voice came from the distance calling for him.
It was Adie the florist yesterday. Gabriel was shocked and remembered the words of Emmanuel “If you two see each other again, it is a sign”.
            Gabriel: No way, you got to be kidding me.
            Adie: Hey there lover boy, how is your heart?
Gabriel doesn’t want to respond to her as eventually she will insult him again.
            Adie: I just want to apologize for yesterday, I didn’t mean everything I said, I’m so sorry.
            Gabriel never thought Adie would do that in his face.
            Gabriel: I mean okay….That’s okay…no problem.
            Adie: So are we good?
            Gabriel: Yes we are cool.
            Adie: By the way, do you want to grab the same flowers you got yesterday, don’t worry they are free. I know I charged you a lot yesterday so again sorry.
Gabriel didn’t expect the sudden change of character of Adie. He never thought she had this kind of soft side. He accepted her terms and received again the flowers. Not long he noticed a book on the side of the table entitled “How to be enough”. He realizes that Adie who mocks him with his relationship is suffering with the same pain as him.
            Gabriel: Is that…… are you also….
            Adie: Yes
            Gabriel: but yesterday….
            Adie: I read from a book that mocking serious situations or problems we are feeling and experiencing makes it easier for a person to accept the truth and move on.
            Gabriel: I’m sorry. Now I understand.
            Adie: No sweat. I’m okay now. How about you, are okay now?
            Gabriel: I mean my friend told me to move on, meet new flings like that but It is hard.
            Adie: I think I know how can I help you. (menacing eyes)
            Gabriel: How?
            Adie: Just leave it to me.
Adie plans to ship Gabriel to her friends and give some advice on how to persuade a girl from her book “Get a Girl in One minute”.
            Gabriel: Why are we here?
            Adie: I want to meet you someone.
            Gabriel: Who?
            Adie: Just wait.
            Gabriel: Do you think meeting a different person will help me? You’re just wasting your time.
First on the list was Samantha, an educated nurse and, an ambitious but calm person.
            Adie: Okay you need a minute with her. If you last a minute meaning you both have connections meaning you are meant to be. But if you can’t last a minute anymore just   raise your so that we can stop. Okay, good luck!
            Gabriel: Wait….uggghhhhh
            Samantha: Hi
            …Gabriel raises his hand…
            Adie: What are you doing?
            Gabriel: I can raise my hand you said right?
            Adie: Not that quick, try to know her more. Let’s do it again. I’m sorry Sam.
            Samantha: No it’s okay.
            Adie: Okay go.
            Samantha: Hi again
            Gabriel: Hello.
            Samantha: You are kind of cute……
            …Gabriel raises his hand again.
            Adie: What now?
            Gabriel: Next.
            Adie: Arrrggggghhh….
Adie went to the next line of her friends but Gabriel stopped the conversation quickly. None of them can reach at least the 30-second mark. Adie is now frustrated with what is happening. Her plan doesn’t work.
Last on the list was Nicole, she was a very determined, clever, but shy individual. They took the conversation longer than usual even surpassing the 30-second mark. Adie was excited as Nicole would be the first one to stay with Gabriel for 1 minute and eventually would make her plan work. But within the 50-second mark, Gabriel raises his hand and stops the conversation. Nicole stands up leaving them while crying.
            Adie: What is wrong with you? I thought you wanted to meet a new person but see what you are doing.
            Gabriel: As I said in the beginning it will never work.
            Adie: why?
            Gabriel: First, we are in the place where my previous partner left me, second you cannot choose randomly whom I can be attached to or to be in love with.
            …Adie was shook…
            Gabriel: If you want to help me just give me some advice on how to know better a person so that it will be a stepping stone to me rediscovering my true self and so that we can avoid what happened in my previous relationship right?
            Adie: Okay That could work. I’m sorry
            Gabriel: No worries, thank you though for the efforts. I’ll see you tomorrow.
Adie was speechless and never thought Gabriel was so collected in that scenario. She never met a person like that before who is a very deep thinker. She never expects him to be like that. She was curious about what Gabriel said about his true self. She wants to find out what is he talking about and that night she stays up late understanding the feeling she has during that moment.
Day by day Gabriel and Adie meet in the cafeteria across the street for Adie to help Gabriel bring back his true and previous self. Also every day a stronger connection builds up between the two. Adie knows Gabriel more, the same goes for Gabriel's understanding of Adie. Adie specifically has developed more than the term friendship can hold. Through the actions and character of Gabriel came to act, shown, and felt by Adie something strange within her had just developed.
            Gabriel: This is fun, thank you for all your help. Without you, I don’t think I can   rediscover myself. I owe you everything.
            Adie: No problem, I also have fun, and seeing you become successful in your goal means success for me.
            Gabriel: I think I’m ready to have a new relationship now.
            Adie: You think so? (blushing)
            Gabriel: Yes, tomorrow in the restaurant we went to last time, be there and you will know that person.
            Adie: Ah…..Okay, I’ll be there.
Adie was so excited about what Gabriel said a while back. He will introduce the person he wants to have a new relationship with. It is like a puzzle that Adie decodes. “She invited me so that he could introduce that person. Meaning….oh my god” Adie was excited and rushed to her friends to prepare herself for that evening. She bought a dress and makeup for herself. She can’t wait for that night to happen as she understands that it was a simple test for her yet she understands that Gabriel too has fallen for her.
Adie enters the room with a beautiful dress. In the distance, she saw Gabriel slowly approaching her.
            Gabriel: You look wonderful tonight.
            Adie: Thank you, I don’t want to miss this moment.
            Gabriel: Come with me.
            They both went to a table with a person sitting on it.
            Gabriel: Adie I want you to meet Kyle.
            Adie: Hi, Gabriel why are you introducing me to him? Did you know each other?
            Gabriel: Do you remember what I said last time? That I am ready to start a new relationship. He is the one I am talking about.
            Kyle: Hello please to meet you.
            Adie: how did you two meet? (how did they meet if I am the one he’s been with for all this time)
            Gabriel: Funny story, he was the waiter the night my partner left me in this restaurant. And the time I met you in your stall, I also bumped into him in the cafeteria. We’ve been seeing each other since you taught me and gave me advice on how to rediscover myself. I used all your advice, and it benefited me and now I truly know        what I want.
Adie was speechless at what she heard and discovered. With the sudden burst of emotion. She ran out of the place with tears coming down from her eyes. Gabriel was worried so she ran after him.
            Gabriel: What happened?
            Adie: No nothing. Go back there with him. I hope you both become happy. Bye!
            Gabriel: Wait….
            Adie runs away leaving Gabriel clueless about what has happened.
Weeks have passed there is no connection between the two anymore. Gabriel tries to contact Adie but she can’t be in touch. He looks for her in her stall, the place they always meet, and one time she waits for her in that location for a day
One morning the two met again…
            Adie: I want to tell you something.
            Gabriel: What happened last night?
            Adie: I thought I was the one who you will be starting to have a new relationship with. I assume that it was me.
            Gabriel: Oh no. I’m so sorry. I’m sorry to disappoint you, it is not my intention. Yes you’ve been too good for me, I appreciated all the efforts and care you have given to me up to this day but I have a different kind of love. My love for you is only for a friend and I’m afraid I can’t take it more than that.
             Adie: Yes, I know about your true character. I know everything.
            Gabriel: What do you mean you know?
            Adie: Emmanuel your friend pays me to be in touch with you. On that morning that we met, that was my plan. Our deal was to make you change, for you to return to your previous self. Also, we have a plan that we will try to make you fall in love with a woman to forget your experience with Alex, the night he dumped you and left you
            with another man. That was the plan not until I was fallen for you. It was not my   intention but I never encountered a man like you before, and you have hit me so hard.
            Gabriel: Adie, I didn’t know anything about that. I appreciate all the things you have done for me but I don’t think I am the type of man that is appropriate for you. Though   I want to thank you because without you I can never be happy again.
            Adie: It’s okay I fully understand. You guys are unpredictable you are all full of    surprises. I hope he is the right one for you. Till we meet again Gabriel, Thank you and goodbye.
            …Adie hugs Gabriel for one last time and she walks away…
Gabriel was dismantled and confused. Doesn’t know what to do. He felt guilt, anger, and sadness for the sake of Adie. He went to confront Emmanuel.
            Gabriel: You see what you have done? With your nonsense plan now you are the one who has caused pain and hardship to another person. Have you realized that?
            Emmanuel: That’s not my fault, you are the one who’s with her the whole time. I just paid her for the job. Welcome back my friend, with her, you find your true self.
            Gabriel: At what cost? You brought me back in but I lost another person again.
            Emmanuel: I thought you were only affectionate to boys then what is happening to you now?
            Gabriel: She is my friend. I want to talk to her right now. Where is she?
            Emmanuel: Last thing I know she works now at the beach cottage down west.
            Gabriel: Just hope that I can make this thing settled down or else I will come back to you and give you what you deserve.
            Emmanuel: jeez.. okay sorry…wish you the best of luck.
Gabriel was confused about his emotions and feelings towards Adie. He knows that he never loved or given some affection to a Girl before yet now Adie is the person that makes him feel that way. Gabriel rushed to the west to meet Adie.
            Gabriel: Adie! Adie! Adie!
Gabriel saw Adie sitting alone on the shore. Gabriel sat beside her while looking at the sun setting down with the splash of the waves on the shore.
            Adie: I wish I was like these waves, they just come to you and return to the ocean. Having the freedom to come close to you, show my feelings and emotions and if the moment is not right or the person is not for me, I can just return to the  ocean and as I return I also forget the memories I had on my first wave. Eventually ready for the second wave. I do it over and over again just to meet the perfect moment that I deserve.
                Gabriel: Adie, I want to tell you something. I wish I could be the man that you aspire to love and to be with but the reality hits us all. I can’t love you Adie, I’m not the man you truly deserve. I’m so sorry you were subjected to this kind of reality. But I assure you I can be your friend. Whatever you want, whatever you need, anything I can help but not the love of a man because I too seek that one.
            Adie: It's okay, thank you for everything.
            Gabriel: You know what? You deserve that, all that pain you are feeling, you deserve that. You can’t have me because I’m too special. Good luck finding the right person for you if you have any chance. (hysterical laugh)
            Adie: You’ve learned a lot from me you know.
            Gabriel: You are a great teacher, what can I say?
            Adie: Ha ha! Funny, tell that to a turtle.
            Gabriel: You know what I have a plan for you.
Gabriel returns the favor to Adie. He planned to have a one-minute date for Adie with almost 50 different men every night. Just like Gabriel before, it was tough for Adie to select the right man for him. Eventually, she met Justin. A very calm, collected, and hardworking entrepreneur who resembles her friend Gabriel. They went on a series of double dates. Their bonds become stronger and their friendship stays the same way. Don’t worry about Emmanuel he has now 5 kids from different women and went hiding for his responsibility.
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