lucamaniccia · 8 years
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HAPPY FIRST DAY OF SUMMER! ☀️☀️☀️ In the summer months it can be damn near impossible to resist temptations like ice cream, having a little too much BBQ, even a nice cold beverage... Am I alone when I say these these things are constantly calling my name?! Especially on weekends and especially on special days like Father's Day, taco fests, birthday parties, bbqs.. Heck, a truck full of ice cream even drives tauntingly down the road with its hypnotic music to lure us in on a daily basis! How are we to deny ourselves all of these good things?! That's what we have to do if we want to be fit and healthy, right?!? WRONG!!!! In my accountability groups at least... We eat clean daily as part of our LIFESTYLE and I always say 90% of the time eat clean so that 10% of the time you can eat whatever you want! Because we want to live it up a little and because it is NOT a diet. Diets never last for that reason, you can't expect anyone to completely cut out things that they love! Monday's in my groups are a time to hit the RESET button, get your workout in, BELIEVE IN YOURSELF and let go of that 10% you indulged in on the weekend! It doesn't serve you to feel guilty about your choices so we move on, continue with the healthy lifestyle choices and make it an Amazing week!! If you want to stop feeling guilty about what you eat on the weekend and special occasions or you want help learning how to make healthier choices 90% of the time, I have a new group starting in a couple weeks. I would be happy to share how I set myself up for success. Message me or comment below if you want in! 💟✌🏼️ #nevermissamonday #summerishere #stopfeelingguiltyforwhatyoueat #enjoylife #allofthethings
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lucamaniccia · 8 years
A day focused on honouring the fathers in my life... sailing, BBQ, and chasing after my little guys.... Still managed to squeeze in 30 min of ME TIME 😍 Which left me more grounded, de-stressed and feeling centred. Hope all the dads out there had an amazing Father's Day!! 💙💙💙💙💙
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lucamaniccia · 8 years
Happy Father's Day #daddydavid !!!!! @visionbuildersinc
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lucamaniccia · 8 years
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Happy Father's Day to a fantastic dad and an incredible Opa!!! We love you and we are so grateful for all of the time you spend with us!!!! 💙💙💙💙💙
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lucamaniccia · 8 years
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Nice hat Zio @robtino11 !!! 👒
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lucamaniccia · 8 years
#lucababy scored The First goal in his First Ever soccer game!!!!! ⚽️🏆🙌🏼 He also scored the third goal (of three total). ☺️ #hesamazing #justsayin Mommy and daddy are SO PROUD 😍😍 #minironaldo #futuresoccerstar #forzaitalia 🇮🇹 @visionbuildersinc
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lucamaniccia · 8 years
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AMAZED by this little 2.5 year old and just how much his skating has improved since the winter session. SO PROUD of you #lucababy 😍 @oakvillehockeyacademy @visionbuildersinc
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lucamaniccia · 8 years
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Love these two. 😍 No better way to kick off Father's Day weekend 💙💙💙
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lucamaniccia · 8 years
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It's FLEX FRIDAY in my Bootcamp and my Summer Strong groups!!! Can't wait to see all my challengers Flex what their workouts gave them! 💪🏼💪🏼 It's shaping up to be a beautiful Friday, and a gorgeous weekend, can't wait to enjoy the crap out of it!!! 😜
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lucamaniccia · 8 years
My little sidekick was up an hour early this morning and was in one of those "I want mommy" moods for the past 36 hours. Instead of letting it get to me (it's not easy having a kid whining and hanging off of you), I am choosing to embrace it and enjoy all of the extra cuddles. He is growing up way too fast and soon enough he won't be so into cuddles with mommy. Hopefully not too soon. 14 hours later I finally got around to posting, lol. He definitely made my planks a bit more challenging, but hey... From challenge comes GROWTH! 💟✌🏼️
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lucamaniccia · 8 years
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MMMMM. Getting some Grilled Peach Summer Salad🍑🍅🧀 Luca is workin the truck!! 😍 4691 Palladium Way Burlington tonight from 5-8pm!!!!! #ossobucognocchipoutine #peachsalad #baconmacandcheese #frankiefett #pasta #foodtrucks #burlington (at Breaking Bread: Food Trucks & Friends)
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lucamaniccia · 8 years
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Dear Vitamix, SO happy to have you back. Sorry that David blended a spoon in you while making daquiris. 😳🍹 I don't know how I survived without you... I made due with a magic bullet and a food processor. It is amazing to make my daily shake with you again!! Xo, ange 💟✌🏼️
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lucamaniccia · 8 years
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A yummy chocolatey start to our day! I know what you're thinking... Why the heck am I letting my toddler drink that??!? But guess what?? This daily dose of dense nutrition has NO synthetic ingredients, it is all natural and whole foods based. Otherwise I wouldn't consider drinking it or giving some to Luca 😉 There's so much crap on the market. It's important to know what you are putting into your body. Always check the labels and when in doubt check with your doctor. I did!!
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lucamaniccia · 8 years
Choose your priorities and make them NON NEGOTIABLE. For me, it's getting my morning workout in. If it's non-negotiable, then nothing else matters... I don't let excuses get in the way. I know that I have to wake up and do it and no matter how I feel, how tired I am, how comfy my bed looks, that I will thank myself after. I have never ever regretted waking up and working out. But I have regretted staying in bed, not getting it done and then struggling to find time later in the day. Choose your priorities, waking up, working out, feeding the kids, etc and make them NON-NEGOTIABLE. It will get easier because you will get STRONGER 💪🏼❤️
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lucamaniccia · 8 years
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Sometimes this is what it takes to shake those carb/chocolate cravings!! After a bit of indulging this weekend... we're talking eating half a bag of delicious Cantina corn chips with the AH-MAZING guac I made <I had a lil SNACCIDENT 👀 lol> and today at the baseball game... Popcorn, hot dog (yes, I'm a real human being and I eat baseball food at a baseball game - especially when I haven't been to one in years!)... I found myself wanting more carbs, more chocolates, more snacks the past few days... Especially in the evening when my willpower is at its lowest! These snack attacks on their own are no big deal... What's one little piece of chocolate? However, they can become a steep and slippery slope if you give in to them regularly... They easily become HABIT! I may have given in a little the last couple of nights (well, I tried last night with my baking disaster) but tonight I decided to put a STOP to it. I got back to the basics and had some carrots so that I know I'm definitely not hungry, made some yummy licorice spice tea to satiate my sweet tooth and boom! Snack attack = DEFEATED! 🙌🏼 Snack attacks are REAL... snaccidents HAPPEN... Don't beat yourself up over them, but also DONT let them become the norm! Time to catch some 💤s after a truly incredible day!! Goodnight 💟✌🏼️ #snackattack #snaccident
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lucamaniccia · 8 years
Grand slam?!? Didn't notice... Too focused on my popcorn. ☺️ 💙⚾️💙⚾️💙⚾️💙 #letsgobluejays #letsgopopcorn #grandslam #firstjaysgame
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lucamaniccia · 8 years
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#lucababy did so great through the game, we would have stayed til the end if not for traffic. He passed out before we hit the Hwy ☺️💤💙⚾️💙⚾️💙⚾️ (at Rogers Centre Toronto Blue Jays Game)
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