lukebeartoe · 5 hours
Here we go again!
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My subconscious is telling me that someone must’ve made this before, but happy pride month anyway party people!
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lukebeartoe · 5 days
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i’m not dead and neither is this ship (wip)
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lukebeartoe · 13 days
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lukebeartoe · 13 days
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lukebeartoe · 13 days
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lukebeartoe · 13 days
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lukebeartoe · 18 days
My friends whenever I bring up Luca for the millionth time:
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lukebeartoe · 19 days
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gay fish
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lukebeartoe · 22 days
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Shoutout to the art I focused on every time I saw Luca in theaters. Alberto being A Menace!
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lukebeartoe · 26 days
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A quick drawing of the boys in love
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lukebeartoe · 26 days
I mean... there's something fishy about those two...
Stolen jokes aside, I've always toyed with settings where there's 'cryptid tells' for sea monsters, like in The Witches. Their feet are always a little too big or their eyes glow faintly in the dark or their hair never seems to grow longer...
Headcanon every sea monster has an uncanny valley quality to them when they’re transformed.
Oh sure, they look perfectly human and everyone would look at you as if you had three heads if you ever suggested otherwise, but something is off and everyone feels it.
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lukebeartoe · 27 days
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A bit Alberto-focused this week but who's complaining?
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lukebeartoe · 28 days
A Tale of Five Tandems
The Body Language of Double Riding with your Buddy
This was bouncing around in my head when i went to the theaters and someone reminded me so here it comes. Bear with me.
Ride 1: The "Vespa" on the Island
For their first ride, Luca is anxious and hesitant! But Alberto is right, if he doesn't hold on to the front the makeshift Vespa will fall apart. Luca doesn't grab on until it begins to detach, keeping it whole and working correctly.
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He keeps a tight grip onto Alberto for the rest of the ride, out of fear or duty, but also because grabbing worked. He was right to trust Alberto. And then, when they're falling towards the rock, he stops grabbing and re-detaches it, because they would not survive if he stayed attached. (Parallels what parallels?)
Ride 2: The Dream Vespa
Later that night, Luca is much more confident. The trust he put in Alberto paid off and he faced his fear. And he's starting to share Alberto's appreciation of adrenaline. When he falls asleep, he's behind Alberto on a "real" Vespa. Holding his waist gently, not desperately like earlier. Comfortable and secure.
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Dream Alberto puts Luca in the drivers seat, perhaps representing Luca's growing confidence and desire for agency. Alberto encourages him to ramp up into the fish, but once there Alberto isn't holding him anymore. And when Luca goes even further and touches the moon, Alberto and the Vespa vanish.
(break added because long)
Ride 3: The Uphill and the Downhill
That worry (or maybe the whole dream) is forgotten for a time, and Alberto and Luca don't ride together on a two-wheeled vehicle until the day before the race. By this point much has changed. Tensions are rising and Alberto feels like Giulia is pushing them apart. While helping Luca strength train, he is literally separated from him by Giulia. At the top of the hill, things start to come to a head and Alberto interjects himself in front of Luca, for him to hold onto. Where he thinks he belongs. Luca's hands go out, but do not grasp him, not trusting him. Notably, Alberto has never ridden a bicycle.
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On the way down the hill, Luca only touches Alberto once, to try to take control of the handlebars. Is he willing to fall of the bike away from Alberto? He may be fearing his safety but he does not trust Alberto with this, and again this is justified. They did get down the hill, but they did crash. Into the sea.
Ride 4: The Race
After Ercole stymies Alberto's attempt to rescue Luca from the rain, Luca rescues Alberto from Ercole. Things are completely different. Alberto rides behind and he barely stops touching Luca the entire ride. He trusts Luca's ability and is putting his life in his hands.
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Alberto switches between Luca's waist or his shoulders, and once his face to avoid Ercole's harpoon, but he clings tight to Luca the entire time he is on the bike. No matter what jumps, rough terrain or murder threats are happening.
Ride 5: Victory Lap
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As Portorosso celebrates the Underdogs' victory, they drive the newly-purchased Vespa to Giulia's house. Luca is now between Alberto and Giulia, everyone holding each other by the shoulder, nobody feeling estranged. The body language is much more relaxed, like in the dream, no doubt helped by the slow speed. Alberto is driving, but the Vespa was his dream to begin with. And his to sacrifice if he chooses.
So yeah, this was I'd guess 80% intentional, 20% me reading too much into things, haha!
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lukebeartoe · 1 month
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[Image Description: Digital art of Alberto and Luca in their sea monster forms swimming underwater. Alberto is swimming backwards above Luca. Both characters are smiling and making eye-contact. Alberto gestures his right hand out towards Luca. Luca reaches his left hand out towards Alberto. Their tails are intertwined. The background is blue. The light source is coming from the top of the image above the water. Subtle rays of light pierce through the water. Below Luca there are rocks on the ocean floor. End Description]
The fish bois from my favourite film of the year ;w; 🐟🐠
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lukebeartoe · 1 month
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Yeah we're on the textposts again
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lukebeartoe · 1 month
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Late night swimming 
sorry its slightly nsfw xD
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lukebeartoe · 1 month
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another textposts because they count i think
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