luxurixus · 1 month
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welcome to hogwarts university, RITA SKEETER! our records show that you’re a TWENTY-FIVE year old who is currently studying MEDIA MANAGEMENT. and the sorting hat put you in SLYTHERIN? it looks like you’ll fit well there ! i hear from the grapevine that you’re ALLURING & EXUBERANT but you can also be ENIGMATIC & LOQUACIOUS. i hear that you remind them of ( you’ll never get the keys to my lock, the satisfaction of solving hard riddles, owning one half of a moon/sun necklace, used notebooks and ripped paper scattered throughout the room, the click-clacking sounds coming from a typewriter at 3am ). we’re so glad to have you here at our university !
you know her name, yet never know her face, she could be leering in the shadows waiting for you to slip up and gain intel. you know her voice but not her name (her father had always said she had the face for radio), the stories she reveals about your favourite celebrities. yet you do not know a thing about the famed rita skeeter, you're not even sure you know her age, she says she's twenty-five and a student within her broadcast but she could truly be any age. what is the one thing the world does not know about rita skeeter? that she's married? that her husband is alastor moody. that getting the information comes above all else and that if she did not write based in embellished fact that she would not maintain her reader base? yet she's a faceless being to you, you could walk by her and never know.
one cannot help but wonder how rita skeeter became renowned (and that she's not even in a high point of her career yet). her history unknown by many, would be surprised to find that her childhood like most other’s was relatively peaceful. perhaps that’s where her drive for drama came from. both her parents worked well respected jobs, her mum being a bakery owner and her dad working for the government. it wasn’t a shock they both settled down with each other and formed the skeeter family. a happy little family unit, rita was lucky her parents were so supportive of her, she wasn’t exceptionally gifted, but she could spin a tale like no other.
her high school experience was like most other things, uneventful and feeling as though she didn’t truly belong. she had the magical gene many would wish for, yet she spent her time perfecting speech quills, invisible ink, and her writing skills. her parents wanted her to put her effort into more important matters, how would she survive without getting at least passable grades in her exams? her parents wouldn’t be around forever and despite the amount of effort they put into her, rita never truly excelled at anything really, except maybe writing and being an author wasn’t the best paying job. she stuck it out though, getting passable grades in her n.e.w.t’s.
“what does the future have in store for you? by your own admission you’re not the brightest,” her mum had asked one day while rita was kneading dough in the bakery which her mother had so kindly allowed her to work in. she had graduated from the high school a month prior and if she was being honest, she would answer truthfully. that she didn’t know what her future was going to entail, instead she had stayed silent, allowing her mum to lecture her, her voice increasing by several octaves. how their hope for a successful child had now fell onto her younger siblings and that yes she was considered a disappointment, even if her dad refused to use that word. she was meant to have a clear path going to hogwarts univeristy, yet she chose not to go.
crushing her hopes and dreams had worked, within a week she had told her mum that the wizarding wireless network were hiring interns and rita had gotten a job there. and somehow it had worked out, interning for both the wizarding wireless network and the daily prophet at the same time was mesmerizing for rita, while her exam results weren’t the best she at least found where she wanted to be. then the opportunity to study and work part-time
life events came and went, and rita continued thriving, both in her work life, school life and personal life. by the age of twenty-two she had gotten married, not that she had kept it a secret, she just hadn’t seen the need to broadcast the news everywhere. it wasn’t hard, people didn’t know her face, they just listened to her or read her articles, not that she was opposed to people knowing about her personal life she just didn’t feel the need to mention it, it's not like she had changed her last name either.
it hadn’t affected her life too much, she was still rita skeeter the person who wrote awful headlines and gave more information on the wireless. claiming to be the only journalist who tells it like it is and always having her finger on the pulse of everything you care about. despite the liberties she took with reporting, her wireless show the reality with rita had spoken on more trivial matters. yet she was still just an underpaid and overworked intern.
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luxurixus · 5 months
ㅤ؛ㅤㅤㅤㅤ hi there! my name is toni, please use she/her pronouns for me. If you need to get in contact with me, you can use discord or message. my triggers are dementia, cancer, all forms of assault.᭤
ㅤ؛ㅤㅤㅤㅤ i play rabastan lestrange, a twenty-seven-year-old hufflepuff studying accounting. find his intro , his open starters and tag.᭤
ㅤ؛ㅤㅤㅤㅤ i play rita skeeter, a twenty-five-year-old slytherin studying media management. find her intro , her open starters and tag.᭤
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