lysical · 10 months
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lysical · 10 months
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lysical · 1 year
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dragonite and dratini :]
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lysical · 2 years
Do you ever feel like this reality is just not made for you.
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lysical · 2 years
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lysical · 2 years
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When you gotta take the little bro out for All Saints’ Wake
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lysical · 2 years
also not to sound like a Comic Book Person, but i gotta say dc churning out 60 new ocs every month when half the dcu hasn’t been seen or heard from in years is getting… pretty fucking annoying lol
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lysical · 2 years
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Fire Festival 火祭り Once a year the fire Pokèmon get together to celebrate their element. The festival is always the hottest place to be.
Which one is your favorite in the picture?
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lysical · 2 years
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lysical · 2 years
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umbreon !
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lysical · 2 years
Heyo! I love reading through your fics! I love how you portray all the characters, but especially Jason and Arty. They feel so in character!
I had a few questions: in all of your fics where Jason runs into Circe, she says that there’s something special in him...do all of your fics put Jason as the son of Shiva and the Dragon? Or is what she sees something else? And what would Circe’s plans be for him anyway? Not knowing and theorizing about what it could be is driving me crazy 🤣
First of all, thank you!
For the questions about Jason and Circe from my fics; no, nothing to do with his parentage at all. New 52 Jason had all this extra vaguely magic chucked at him randomly (and then dropped?) and it was the beginnings of going 'if Jason did end up being involved with magic what could that look like without being terrible' because he's a character that is very grounded like a lot of the batfam. It was never going to make him a meta except potentially by technicality.
Circe has a lot of plans and anything with Jason was opportunistic. Her primary focus was always Artemis.
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lysical · 2 years
Hello i just read your “The Art of Love and War” series and wanted to let you know how much i adore it ♥️♥️ you have such an amazing grasp on every character’s personality and the concept is so cool AND well executed thank you for writing it ♥️
Thank you!
Some characters are much easier than others because they are less revealed in canon, if that makes sense. I also think you can go forward with something that is an interpretation with your own ideas thrown in without getting that 'this is ooc or fanon' as long as you keep to a recognizable core and keep it grounded.
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lysical · 2 years
I just realized that apparently tumblr stopped telling me about asks for a while there
I would like to formally apologize to everyone ive ignored for god knows how long
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lysical · 2 years
I remember rolling my eyes when all the old comics writers gave in to their childhood nostalgia and started bringing back barry and hal and reverting post crisis changes.
But i am the same i would sacrifice the entire new 52 in a heartbeat. I just tell myself I'd do it better.
And i would also dump a bunch out of post crisis itself tbh it wasn't like it was high tier quality it was just better overall imo than the direction new 52 took everything.
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lysical · 2 years
Do you mind elaborating on what you dislike about Winick’s writing?
it’s a couple of different things, but where i think it stems from is the idea that some jason fans have of jason being turned into “the angry robin” as only a recent development, and that winick returning to the writer’s mantle would fix that issue, as if he didn’t ascribe to this version of jason in his own writing of under the red hood, and that influenced so many of the versions of jason thereafter. as much as i hate starlin and what he ultimately did to jason, i think there’s a distinction that has to be made about his writing. he didn’t think jason was a generally angry kid. in quite a few of his stories, jason is bright, nervous, insightful. he’s still very much a good kid. the central aspect to his writing of jason and how that eventually leads to a death in the family is his depiction of jason as reckless due to emotional involvement or naïveté, sometimes both (as can be seen in the case with sheila). and while that’s a bit annoying given the earlier issues collins wrote, where jason was capable of exercising restraint and patience, the part about him getting too emotionally involved at times is at least not all that far fetched given the issue where he learns two-face is responsible for killing his father. but that’s about as far as the portrayal goes, and even in aditf (which is immediately subsequent to the garzonas issues, the content of which obv deeply upset jason and that he also got emotionally involved in), the concern from bruce is that jason hasn’t had enough time to properly cope with his parents’ death, and that if bruce can help him then maybe he’ll be able to patrol normally. there’s never the idea that jason’s some angry kid with a mean streak, and while the thing about his “mean streak” is only a single throwaway line in under the red hood as a whole, i think it exposes the problem with winick and jason writers in general. they don’t want to acknowledge the fact that his issues pre-death were specific. he wasn’t hurling himself like an infuriated ballistic at every criminal. truly there were only two cases where that happened, and one involved his father’s murderer, obv a sore point, and the other a woman who hanged herself bc she couldn’t escape her rapist. (ig if you wanted you could also count him going overkill on the drug bust at the start of aditf, but that was the kind of temporary mental place starlin was leading jason to with the garzonas issues, rather than something that necessarily spoke on his character as a whole.) ascribing all of that to him having a mean streak and not just… the fact that he was a deeply empathetic person who was upset by these things that happened to good people is kind of bizarre to me. and yeah, i know winick writes jason killing people who harm children, but it’s the way he goes about writing jason’s attitude that bothers me bc it feels purely driven by rage as if jason’s feelings about certain criminals didn’t stem from a deep compassion for and personal connection to their victims. when you center so much of jason’s post-resurrection motivation around the joker and little else, you forget what drove jason to get emotionally involved with cases to begin with. more than self righteousness about what criminals deserved, it was compassion, and i think winick really missed the mark on that.
on another end, i also think ignoring the case with his father specifically has spelled a kind of disaster for his character. jason’s father worked as a lackey for one of gotham’s biggest crime bosses, and jason initially thought he’d been abandoned by willis until he learned two-face killed him. i think it’s crazy that his philosophy regarding who deserves to die and who doesn’t wouldn’t account for that deeply personal experience, esp since he loved his father. that’s not to say that every person he’s ever killed is suddenly in possession of a conscience and that every head, lackey, etc. was as sincere of intentions as his father was, but i think what winick’s vision lacks is the idea of jason having to contend with difficult questions. what is the definition of “bad”? how do you get to decide who lives or dies? what marks the point of no return for a criminal? it’s that lack of specificity that to me has harmed the character as a whole, not bc i think drug lords and rapists don’t deserve the absolute worst, but bc i think jason should come across situations where he’s forced to ask himself what gives him the right to play god, esp since a part of his philosophy is that he’s unperturbed with killing people who get in the way of him exacting what he calls justice (also this is not to say i agree with how urban legends handled this; while i enjoyed the premise i think the execution was lacking). people like to say there is a lot of nuance to jason’s introduction as the red hood but i don’t really think there is. the film version of the comic marginally improves on things but it’s still far from a genuine analysis on crime or the question of what criminals deserve what punishment, and how one would actually decide on that or on their right to decide to begin with
ultimately, i just don’t see how people believe subsequent writers are what drove jason to end up as the resident batfam psycho by the end of preboot, or as the angry robin in more recent years, when i very much think it’s a direct consequence of winick’s writing. so long as people hold that writing on a pedestal devoid of any criticism whatsoever, jason’s never going to improve as a character, and i’m still going to be of the belief he hasn’t been written well since before he died
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lysical · 2 years
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Art by 茉莉
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lysical · 2 years
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🧡 P.O.VEE 🧡
Based on this vid!
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