maddieinwonder · 3 years
I’ll be moving to this blog soon! you can follow me there for more fics and other stuff 🥰
hi! i'm madeleine, but you can call me maddie or mads! you may know me from my previous blog @maddieinwonder ♡
to my old followers, i had to migrate to @madswonders because of a two-factor authentication issue (you can read more about it here).
what this means is that i will no longer be using my old blog, and i will be uploading all my new chapters and masterlists here. so if you want to follow any of my new fics, you can follow this blog!
to my new followers, hello! nice to meet you! i mostly blog about criminal minds, star wars and marvel — especially matthew gray gubler and pedro pascal. i also write fics! here's my masterlist
looking forward to getting to know you all better ♡♡
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maddieinwonder · 3 years
new chapter is up — on my new blog!! i had to create a new account and blog for reasons i explained there. i’m slowly stopping from using this account, so i hope to see you there instead!! ❤️❤️
A Lesson In Romance #8: Relationship Upgrade
Spencer Reid x Fem!BAU!Reader
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Genre: Fluff
Warnings: None!
Word Count: 1.4k
Plot: Reader keeps getting caught in rom-com situations with Spencer Reid. This time, a certain tech goddess decides to meddle.
A/N: If you're a follower from my old blog (@maddieinwonder) I just migrated to this blog and I explain why in this post. I'd love it if you followed me on this new blog too ♡♡♡
Masterlist | All chapters here!
According to the TV show definition of romance, a relationship can’t become official without spending at least one season in the space between “realising you like them” and “calling them your boyfriend”. That is, the whole will-they-won’t-they, locking eyes across a crowded room, sexual tension you could cut with a knife, et cetera.
It was partially because of these tropes that TV show romances never managed to suspend your disbelief; even if you would admit to aww-ing once or twice when the two main characters finally got together. In fact, it almost made you sympathetic to the way the BAU danced around the topic of you and Spencer this week. Almost.
Because here’s where reality and fiction really don’t cross paths: The characters in those shows didn’t work with the best profilers in the nation.
When you questioned them about it later — more like interrogated — everyone admitted they’d known from the very beginning that you and Spencer would end up together. Mainly because they’d never seen the young genius this smitten, and well, they wouldn’t make very good profilers if they didn’t notice the behavioural shifts between you two. To your mortification, they even had examples.
Like the way his voice pitched higher whenever he said your name; how you tuned out everyone around you when you talked to each other; the way you stuttered just a bit whenever you caught his eye; or how your walking speeds slowed whenever the two of you were together. As if, and you quote, “you never wanted the moment to end.”
That's why, when the team bet on you and the genius getting together, it wasn't a matter of whether, but when. And when it did happen, it wouldn't be a matter of when, but how.
As frustrating as it was to unravel their mighty plan, you had to admit that they got you good. Especially Penelope, who would like everybody to know that it was a non-profiler who figured it out first, even if Derek argued that she was simply in the right place at the right time.
It began on the first of many late nights during the case, and everyone hadn’t slept in over twenty hours aside from a few naps on tables and couches — which didn’t really count, in your opinion — so to say that the team was exhausted would be an understatement.
For some, this manifested in accidentally pouring hot coffee on themselves (that was Emily), and for others that meant rolling off their chairs mid-nap (...and that was JJ). For you, that meant slipping up when it came to Spencer.
It just looked so natural, that nobody even realised that your hand was resting on Spencer’s shoulder as the two of you discussed something over his desk. Nobody, that is, except the poor tech analyst who couldn’t even begin to process the excitement she was experiencing.
After all, the definition of "touch" almost didn't make it into the Spencer Reid lexicon. He was known to be a germaphobe, especially around new people, and this came with an aversion to public displays of affection. Heck, it took some of them over a year of friendship to reach that level with Spencer, but here he was, relaxing into your touch like it was second nature.
Once the tech analyst got her hands on this information, it was like a dam broke loose in the BAU and you were smack centre in its path.
JJ was the first to corner you about it, confirming that Spencer did like you back, and you did not need to worry because she had your back regardless of the outcome. It was incredibly sweet, until you got into a car with Emily and the sentiment was fully countered, as she joked that Spencer’s version of dirty talk was probably spitting statistics about intercourse.
By the time you arrived at the crime scene, it was pretty obvious what was happening. Especially when you caught Hotch and Rossi exchanging smiles at the sight of Spencer, who was practically bouncing to update you and Emily — but mostly you — on the latest breakthrough. But the scariest one by far was Derek, who called to simply wish you luck.
That left Penelope Garcia, who you knew was behind everything, no matter how hard she chose to deny it. But for better or for worse, you never got the chance to bust her over it.
The case was closed on the third day after a lucky breakthrough with one of the victim’s step-father, leading the team to stop the unsub before he could claim his next two victims. All things considered, this was one of the good ones, which made it even weirder that Hotch would call for a debrief right after the case wrapped.
When you entered the conference room only to see Spencer reading a note on pink stationery, you could tell something was up. But when the door promptly locked shut behind you, there was no denying what was happening.
“I’m guessing this isn’t a part of your plan?” You smiled awkwardly.
“Nope.” He mirrored your expression, holding up the pink post-it note for you to read: Talk about your feelings, or we’re not letting you out of this room ;)
“Of course it’s Penelope.” You commented, and the two of you shared a quiet laugh that faded into awkward silence, unsure of how to broach the elephant in the room.
“I miss—“
“What were you—“
The both of you started at the same time, before catching the other’s eyes and giggling. “You go first.” You offered, shoving your hands into your pockets to stop the fidgeting.
“I miss our breakfasts.” Spencer confessed, after a pause.
"Me too."
“The days that begin with them seem to turn out so much better than the others. 97.2% to be precise. Although it could be a matter of correlation and not causation, because we’re 86.4% more likely to skip breakfast when we’re working on a bad case.”
“Y’know, that's exactly what I was going to say.”
“Nah.” You locked eyes with Spencer, and the two of you giggled. “I’m not a math genius like you.”
“You’re a genius in other ways.” He complimented you genuinely, before clearing his throat self-consciously.
“What did you want to say earlier?” He asked, moving closer to you. Your cheeks only flushed in response, but he touched his hand to your shoulder, encouraging you gently. "I'm listening." He said softly.
“What… What were you going to ask me the other night? Before Penny’s text came in?”
It was Spencer’s turn to blush now, and you vaguely registered the way his fists clenched by his sides. “I wanted to ask if you’d like to have dinner, um, like a date?” He clarified nervously.
At your stunned silence, he continued to explain himself. "I'm sure you know this, because everybody else in the team seems to have figured it out, um, but I really like you. I think I've liked you ever since I've met you." He gulped visibly, seemingly realising what he'd just said. "B-but I fully respect if you're not comfortab—"
“Spencer.” You interrupted him softly, bringing your hand to touch his arm. “I’d love to, and... I like you too.” You allowed the smile to take over then, your heart beating a mile a minute.
"Thank god." He breathed in relief, leaning down to touch your forehead with his. "It's a date." There was a smile in his voice, and you resisted the urge to kiss him right there at work.
That was when you heard the distant hollering and whooping in the background. Looking to your left, you realised in horror that the rest of the team had been watching you from afar for the past god-knows-how-long.
A violent blush appeared on both your cheeks and you jumped apart in embarrassment. Still, a laugh bubbled in your throat at the absurdity of confessing your feelings right in front of your overly clingy teammates.
“Shall we go deal with those idiots?” You looked up as you wiped the mirthful tears away, and there he was. Beautiful, smart... and now, your future date.
You laced your fingers with his in answer, and squeeze tightly, enjoying the wide smile he gave you in return.
Tag List:
@blue-space-porgs @nobutalsoyes @lady-loves-a-lot @queen-flower @agentcarterisgay @totalmess191 @sapphic-prentiss @oops-all-ajs @spottedzebrasinpartyhats @mellowalieneggsknight || @averyhotchner @amesandpineapples @willowrose99
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maddieinwonder · 3 years
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The sad life of Spencer 'abandonment issues' Reid.
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maddieinwonder · 3 years
I believe in twink TGibs supremacy
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maddieinwonder · 3 years
Corner Pocket
Ahhh Hotchniss smut, I will never tire of you. Don’t look to hard for a plot, just enjoy it. 
Based off a prompt for a game of pool!
Rating; Explicit 18+ (sex in a public place, dirty talk) Words; 2365 link to ao3
The jeans were a special form of torture designed especially for him. He knew that the minute she walked into the smoky bar. How she got them on was a question he could ask himself another day, right now his thoughts were more consumed with how to get them off. “What?” She whispered as she passed him, giving him a wink. “All you said was no skirts” It was a secret. It was supposed to be a secret. How he was going to keep it that way when he couldn’t tear his eyes off her ass was a problem. It was Anderson’s birthday. His stupid birthday and he had invited them all to this stupid dive bar for a drink and a game of pool. But she had insisted on going, and dragging him with her with a malicious glint in her eye that made him nervous. “Fine.” He had agreed “but if we’re playing pool you’re not allowed to wear a skirt”
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maddieinwonder · 3 years
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maddieinwonder · 3 years
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Lou being a Very Mature Adult™
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maddieinwonder · 3 years
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how to: sit gay, a lesson by Lou
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maddieinwonder · 3 years
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Ocean’s 8 (2018, dir. Gary Ross)
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maddieinwonder · 3 years
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maddieinwonder · 3 years
“It’s okay to change your yes to a no. Yeses aren’t permanent. They’re something we choose again and again, each and every day. Something we have the right to recall and reconsider as soon as saying yes no longer feels conducive to our wellbeing and happiness. It doesn’t matter whether you said yes to a job, a date, a relationship, sex, a favor to a friend, a social endeavor, or a vow of silence — you don’t ever have to commit to something that forces you to compromise who you are and what feels right; especially if it’s something you agreed to under pressure, intimidation, or force. Changing your yes to a no might make people angry. It might hurt their feelings, cause them to see you as a flake, and result in lost connections. But if saying no means staying true to yourself, honoring your feelings, and making self-care a priority, it’s worth it. You are worth it. Don’t let anyone convince you otherwise.”
— Daniell Koepke
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maddieinwonder · 3 years
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penelope + her little feminist mug<3
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maddieinwonder · 3 years
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Matt Simmons in every episode 
10x19, Beyond Borders
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maddieinwonder · 3 years
Prompt #74/188
#74: Well. Yell, scream, say something, anything / #188: Say it.
Rated M.
Atlantic City is a calamitous disaster. At least that’s how it starts.
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maddieinwonder · 3 years
Surprise! Mini fic!!
So I was talking to @aubreymatthews and we were talking about Hotchniss HC’s. One of them was about Jack, and how he absolutely acts like Emily whether he knows it or not. 
So this fic is for you @aubreymatthews because your keyboard smashes make my day, and because sometimes I break your heart and although I don’t mean to, I do kind of get a savage pleasure from it. (and also because you deserve good and sweet and lovely things and i wanted to write you a good and sweet and lovely thing)
Rating; None, just cursing.
Pairing; Hotch/Prentiss 
Word Count; 1506 (short and sweet)
Aaron didn’t know how long he had been sitting, mindless in front of the television. Lazy Sunday was a luxury he was never afforded in his working life, so to find himself sequestered in front of a nature documentary for hours in the early afternoon was a rarity. Jack often told him he needed to switch off for a while (a problem his teenage son never seemed to have) and he had listened, becoming enamoured with nature documentaries as a kind of outlet.
He was snapped out of his mild stupor when the host, a soothing British accent, talked about imprinting. He was talking about birds, the way that at a critical point in their life, they would imprint on stimuli and be forever changed by the encounter. But it was the throwaway line, how humans do this too, to a lesser extent that caught his attention.
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maddieinwonder · 3 years
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A/N: This is completely unwarranted and unnecessary, but I was in a mood, so please enjoy some Javier softness.
Pairing: Javier x Fem!Reader
Word Count: 3.3k
Warnings: mild language
»»————- ♡ ————-««
Javier ran his hands over his tired face before letting out a long sigh. His whiskey glass had long been emptied, his pack of smokes long gone, and the letters and numbers on the pages in front of him swimming. It was late, far too late for him to still be sitting in his office, but here he was…once again. After rubbing the bleariness from his dry, tired eyes, he stared at the ceiling, mentally preparing to drag his tired body up from the chair and head home. At least he had you to come home to. It was something he’d never imagined, but in reality, there was nothing better than coming back after a long day and crawling into bed with you.
“Hello Handsome,” before he could get too lost in his fantasies of you, it was your very voice that pulled him back into reality. Quickly sitting up and straightened himself, a smile graced his features as he drank you in. You were dressed in pajamas - topped off with one of his old, threadbare sweaters. Perfect.
“Hi cariño,” his dark eyes seemed to grow lighter and they softened as you walked over and hopped onto the edge of his desk. Javier wasted no time in standing up and caging you in with his arms, his face near yours, lips brushing yours ever so lightly, “it’s late pretty girl, what are you doing here?”
“I should be asking you the same thing,” you closed the gap and offered him a gentle, slow kiss. Your hands went to his shoulders and slowly wrapped around his neck and held him close, causing him to practically melt into your touch and wrap his own arms around your waist, “it’s late and I was missing you. I thought you might need me to drag you home and it turned out I was right.”
“I was just-”
“Finishing up,” you finished his sentence, causing him to make a sound between a sigh and laugh, “I know how you are, Javi, and I know you’ve been working way too much. Come on - come home with me. Humor me for at least one night. I’ve got dinner and everything waiting for you.”
A few different looks crossed his features before eventually he swallowed the lump in his throat but gave you a nod. Pressing a kiss to his nose, you slid off the desk and took his hand in yours as you pulled towards the door. Javier hesitated for a moment, causing you to turn around with a worried expression on your face.
“Javier? Is everything alright?”
“I…” he paused for a moment, opening and closing mouths and looking utterly lost. Eventually he shook his head to himself, “i-it’s nothing. Let’s go home, cariño.”
“I love you, Javi,” you laced your fingers together before giving his hand a gentle squeeze. He squeezed back, a sign of reassurance that the two of you had developed.
“…love you too…”
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maddieinwonder · 3 years
secrets don’t make friends (emily prentiss/reader)
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Title: Secrets Don’t Make Friends
Request: no
Couple: Emily Prentiss/Reader
Category: Fluff
Content Warning: swearing (if any), kissing, secret dating, allusions/mentions of sex
Word Count: 3,348
Summary: Reader and Emily have been in a secret relationship for several months. 
A/N: day 6 of my 7days7fics is in the books! im super excited for tomorrow’s! Thank you all so much for sticking with me! Here’s the master list for 7days7fics! And here’s my main masterlist!
Me>Emily: Dinner tonight? I’ve missed seeing you. Stupid desk job…
I quickly placed my phone face down on my desk and sat back in my chair. I tried my damnedest to not look towards her office. But it was so hard. All I wanted to do was go to her office and just kiss her. I can guarantee she was thinking the same thing. 
“You okay there?“ Luke asked from his desk. I blinked before looking over at him.
“Mhm? What?” I turned in my chair so I was fully facing him. My phone vibrated, and it took everything in me to not look over at it. He could tell that I was trying to focus on him instead of my phone.
“Are you alright? You looked at Emily’s office like you haven’t seen her in a million years.” Luke furrowed his eyebrows as he stood. I swallowed roughly as he walked over to me. 
“Ye-yeah! Yeah, I’m fine! I just had to talk about something with Em and I was just looking to see if she was alone,” I looked up at him as I spoke. When my phone vibrated again, I smiled at him before picking it up and looking at it.
Emily>Me: Shut up, we were just on a case together…
Emily>Me: Yeah, I’ll bring wine.
“Who was that,” Luke asked as he watched me as I glanced back at Emily’s office with a smile. I hummed and looked back at him. “Who’s texting you?” he asked again, nodding at my phone. I looked down at the object I had a death grip on as I thought of a clever lie to tell him. 
“Girlfriend,” I looked up at him with a smile. Luke raised an eyebrow and nodded.
“Since when do you have a girlfriend?” JJ asked from her spot at Spencer’s desk. I looked over at her with a raised brow. She was leaning against Spencer’s desk with a file in her hand. “Since when do you have time to have a girlfriend?” she then clarified. I swallowed roughly as I stared at her.
“Yeah, um… A few… few months… . We met at a bar.” I mean, that was true. I was just telling a half-truth. We did meet at a bar before I started working in the BAU (it was the night before my first day). But we didn’t start dating till a few months ago… “She’s amazing,” I looked back at JJ with a smile. She looked at me with a raised brow and nodded.
“Sure…” Luke stared at me for a moment before walking away from my desk. Sighing deeply, I looked down at my phone as I wondered what we would have for dinner. Who says I have to make something for dinner when I could easily order something? Emily likes Chinese, or maybe pizza? Whatever… I’m sure she’ll love whatever I do. 
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