maesphantoms · 1 year
Made a RDR2 blog if any of you are into that
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Ask box is always open! If you want to be anonymous feel free to choose a nickname!
Requests are CLOSED
Request rules:
I don't write smut
Let me know if you would like a gn!reader or a fem!reader, but I am more comfortable in fem!reader so I may default to it.
Nothing openly abusive/gross
Only writing for Arthur Morgan
დ - Fluff ☁ - Angst ❄ - Whump
Someone You Loved - Arthur Morgan x OC - 1,800+ words so far
Author Recs
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maesphantoms · 1 year
I think I hit a record for quickest writers block haha
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maesphantoms · 1 year
i don’t really see a lot of these or like any lol- but can i request a really angsty one where the reader is like really close with the 141 yknow? like on the team with them for a few years now and during a mission (a cannon one or made up one whichever is fine) the reader dies during the mission and like while talking on the radio to them they’re like cracking jokes to cope with the fact they’re not gonna make it home- and like all of the 141 are hit really hard by it (and if it was a cannon mission maybe they declare vengeance?) sorry if this sounds confusing but if you did it’d be amazing 😭
It started out rough, I liked it in the middle, then it got rough again lmfao
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maesphantoms · 1 year
Sunset (Task Force 141 x Fem!Reader)
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Warnings: Injuries, death, blood. Typical COD violence. Guns, knives, explosions.
Genre: Pure angst…like just so much pain
Word count: 2,445
This was partly inspired by a certain character’s death in Grey’s Anatomy, I won’t say who because I know there’s at least one person who hasn’t seen it and really wants to/is in the process of getting to that episode.
It all started after a particularly hard mission, a mission where you had to get wasted to even hope to get the images out of your mind to sleep. You randomly remembered that there are biodegradable urns that have tree seeds in them.
"And when I told my cousin, he goes 'Do they have walnut? That way, one day if my grandkids are eating them, someone can say they're eating Grandpa's nuts?' And it just made me die laughing."
"Do they?" Soap asked, eagerly. Gaz simply roared with laughter while Ghost and Price chuckled.
"No, sadly. I looked everywhere. But, I did find that you can become a coral reef."
"Is that what you'd want, a coral reef?" he asked, earnestly.
"No..." You paused, taking a swig of your drink. "No, I think... I think I'd want to be buried on a hill. A hill with a gorgeous view. Facing the west... So I can always watch the sunset."
That's about all you remember of that night, other than the drinking contest you quickly got into with Soap and Gaz. Price and Ghost simply sat back and watched, smoking their respective cigars and cigarettes. You certainly got everyone's minds off the horror you all had faced that day. Even Ghost no longer had the screams echoing in his mind as he sipped his bourbon. it was just one of the nights the men were grateful for your presence.
Something you'd never let them know is how terrified you were that they would have to utilize that information. You didn't want to put the burden of having to deal with your death and body on them. The day you would eventually die was coming, you know that. Your luck would eventually run out, everyone does. You've seen your fair share of soldiers KIA'd. The look on their squad's face as they hauled the limp body always filled you with dread. You just hoped that if you did die on the field, your body couldn't be found so that you would never imagine that picture of dread on your squad mates’ faces. Especially the image of Price feeling like he failed you.
This always ran through your mind as you prepared for missions. It wasn't until you were active in the field that your more soldier, focused mindset would take over. You did your best to hide the nerves, but it's hard to disguise your shaking when you got into the plane or helicopter or whatever your mode of transportation would be that day. It was worthless, you knew that, but just the mental picture of everyone’s despair as they covered your body in that damn cloth... No, you wouldn't let that happen.
“Okay, we’re nearly there. We’ll split into 2 teams. Each team goes to a separate floor, then once your floor is clear we meet and go to the basement. Ghost and Owl are top floor. Gaz and Soap, you're with me on the first. This is a hostage rescue so check fire. If you run into any cartel, well.. You know what to do.” Price stood by the door to the plane, holding onto the webbing. “Alejandro and his team are at the other compound, we all attack at the same time.”
Your heart was pounding out of your chest, you could feel your hands shaking as you gripped your rifle tighter. Closing your eyes, you mentally pictured the blueprints of the compound you all were looking at before you left. Alejandro informed you all about the village taken hostage to be forced to work for some cartel, clearly trying to become a notable rival for Valeria. Foolish. You were sure Valeria was keeping a close eye on today. No matter how this ends, she would be one foe down.
Ghost lightly knocked his knee into yours. He knew your jitters would settle once you touched solid ground, but he always tried to pull you out of your mind. Now, he never knew exactly why you did this. Clearly, the preemptive guilt that was permeating from your pores didn't carry across your face, just the nervousness. You would gladly die to protect your small band of brothers.
And just like that, the plane settled and the tremors that wracked your system came to a stop. Ghost watched your face harden into the familiar look of focus and determination he was used to seeing on the field. With one last look, Price and his team ran to the compound. If it could even be called that. The blueprints were old, you knew that, but you didn't expect to see how in disrepair the building was. The walls that once surrounded it had crumbled away long ago, riddled with bullet holes. You could see that the building itself wasn't much better. Entire rooms had already collapsed. One such room provided the two of you with an easy route to the top floor rather than the original plan of running to the stairs inside.
With a tap on Ghost’s shoulder, you pointed to the rubble. He nodded and you both ran towards it. Your ears were helping scope out any noise other than the occasional scuffle of more of the building falling. You two had to be quick if any more of this gave way. In the back of your mind, you pictured their faces again, holding your lifeless body.
“Do you see anything, Gaz?” Price asked over comms.
“No, sir. They must all be upstairs.”
Ghost nodded at you before pulling himself up to the room above, you following suit. The sunlight was just enough to let you see that the room was the remains of a classroom. There were cubbies in the corner and smeared on the chalkboard was the alphabet. Your blood felt like ice. There were children here. At one point or another. Once again, you steadied yourself as you joined Ghost at the door.
He held up his fingers, 3, 2, 1. Slowly, you opened the door and held up your rifle. The door opened up into a hallway. You knew from the blueprints that either end of the hallway lead into another one. The U-shaped building seemed to have the same layout at least, even if it was decrepit. The classroom was closer to the right side, so Ghost pointed for you to take that side while he took the left. This wasn't unusual to you, it was faster to clear this way. Ghost could clear his side and meet you on yours as his legs were longer than yours, and his stride was quicker.
“Price, there's people in here.” Soap’s voice on comms made you jump in the eerily quiet hallway as you slowly headed towards the next door. Why were you so jumpy? Something on the edge of your mind told you you were in danger. Of course, you were in danger, look at where you were.
As you opened the door, you heard a faint scream then Soap’s voice, attempting to be soothing. Leading with your gun, you look around the room and only saw desks and turned-over chairs. Clear. You could see another room before the corner. Same procedure. Walk over, open door. This one was empty, the daylight shining off the dirty floors. It looked like there was dried blood on the floor. Clear. Going back into the hallway, you turned the corner and saw 3 more rooms.
The first room had a long conference table in it and every window was smashed. Clear. Second, a single chair and more dried blood. Clear. The downstairs team worked to get the hostages out of the building, Price calling backup as there were more than Alejandro predicted.
“Left side, clear. There were a few cartels up here. Owl?” Ghost grumbled.
“I'm opening the last door now. Everything’s been empty, so far. They must have hidden them all downstairs and left guards.” Your hand wrapped around the doorknob, “Wonder how Alejandro’s is.”
Taking one step into the room, you were greeted with a horrific sight. 10 children, all huddled together at the back of the room. A man stood in front of them with a sickening smile. He held a button in his hands. You raised your gun at him.
“Fuck, there's kids he-” You were cut off as he hit the button, and you were thrown back.
The explosion violently shook the building. The downstairs team had just walked out with their last hostage who whipped out a knife and stabbed a small woman as soon as he heard the boom. Gaz immediately shot him. Then hysteria burst out of everyone. The woman screamed then cut off into a gurgle before falling silent. The remaining men and women began screaming and crying. Price immediately began yelling for you and Ghost. Then the right side of the building shuddered with another explosion before collapsing.
“Bloody fucking hell! Owl! She's on that side!” Ghost yelled, coughing from the dust that engulfed the entire floor. Price felt a small wave of relief at his voice to be taken over with panic.
You felt heat. Heat and pain. Your head swam, trying to understand what was happening. Distantly, you heard yourself talking about urns and nuts. Then you heard Gaz’s voice.
“Who do you think would cry the most at your funeral?” He grinned.
“Hmm... Probably Ghost.” You pointed to the man who glared back. “I feel like he's a big softie. Deep down.”
“Very deep down.” He scowled before taking another drag of his cigarette, his mask pulled up to his nose.
“Exactly.” You laughed. “And I think Soap would be next, but he'd try to fight it. I mean look at him, all macho and Scottish.”
“What does that have to do with this?” He raised his hands, offended.
“No idea, just had to get a dig in.”
Smoke billowed out of the campfire and into your face. Your lungs burned. You couldn't feel your legs as the laughs fade. Then you could hear voices again. Distant, panic-stricken voices. There was massive pressure on your abdomen and legs. Fuck, everything hurt.
“Can you see her?”
“Keep looking, we need to find her before it completely collapses, the fire is moving fast.”
Your eyes finally came back to you, but your vision blurred and spun. Then you could feel control come back to your arms. One was trapped under whatever pressed against you. As you finally broke free of the stupor, a blood-curdling scream was ripped from your throat. Pain was everywhere. Nothing was worse than your abdomen. Looking down, you could see why as blood began to fill your mouth. Fear took over.
“Owl, can you hear me?!”
“Ghost...” You could bring your voice to louder than a whisper. Looking around, all you could see was rubble and smoke. The crackle of flames was somewhere around you. The large slab of concrete on you kept you from moving. Tears began to fall down your face.
“Owl!” He yelled again before pressing the button on his chest again. “Price I can't find her, do you guys see anything?”
Price, Soap, and Gaz dug through the rubble on the ground floor. Smoke billowed out from the broken windows and holes in the building.
“More children... Keep looking.”
You brought your hand to your chest and pressed it, hoping they could hear you that way. “Help...” Was all you could whimper out. You couldn't think rationally past the fear and pain. You didn't want to die, of course not. You just wanted the pain to stop. Quiet sobs began to wrack your broken body, burning your lungs as you sucked more smoke in. All this did was bring more pain.
“Owl! Can you move?” Price demanded.
“No.” Your breath was coming in gasps.
“What can you see?” Gaz attempted to make his voice calm.
Looking around again, you tried to find something that would help them. There had to be something other than concrete. Your gun lay a couple of inches away from you, broken in half. Bringing your hand to your chest, you felt a flare still strapped to you. Turning your head to the right, you could faintly see sunlight through the smoke. An opening.
“Flare. I have..a flare. I can see...outside.”
“Good, use it. Tell us where you are.”
As you ignited and the red light surrounded you, you felt the concrete press further into you as the building shifted again. Another scream. Hopelessness.
Ghost could faintly see a red light through the black smoke. Your scream echoed around him. His heart was racing as he climbed down, slowly. Nothing could have prepared him for the sight. Your blood was staining the concrete around you. He couldn't see your legs, not that he'd want to anyway. You weren't making it out of here. He could tell.
“I found her.” He felt tears in his eyes.
The sight of Ghost gave you a small spark of hope that immediately fizzled out as he kneeled by you, tears in his eyes. He took the flare and threw it through the opening you could see. Dread. Guilt.
“We see the flare, hold on tight, Owl. How's she look?”
Ghost stared at you. You nodded. “Not good, Captain.” Your tears pick up speed, but your sobs stop.
“I'm sorry.” You needed to tell them, at least once. He shook his head, grabbing your hand. His hands held it so gently.
The end was near. The pain started to slip away.
“A hill.” You whispered. He nodded.
“Facing the west.” He finished.
Out of the corner of your eye, you saw a figure in the opening. The smoke started to dissipate as he was joined by two others. The sky behind them was a warm pink. Sunset.
“Lots of flowers.” You were leaving faster than you wanted to.
The other 3 joined you and Ghost. Their hands were on your other arm, trapped under the slab.
“I'm so sorry.” They all shook their heads at you,
“You have nothing to apologize for, Owl. We should've been more careful.” Price’s voice was thick with grief.
You smiled at them before looking at the sky, slowly turning a dark purple.
And so you took your last breath, your smile fading like the lights in your eyes.
They did what you wanted. A hill facing the west. You had the best view, surrounded by so many flowers. They came to visit all the time, always bringing a drink for you as they filled you in on what you missed or as they reminisced. Visiting you was always bittersweet. They missed you. They still miss you.
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maesphantoms · 1 year
I thought I lost the original letter I wanted Sparrow to write which is way cuter but I found it!
Dear John (John Price x Fem!Reader)
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Warnings: slight mention of injuries
Genre: Fluff
Word Count: 2,151
This is completely due to @uselsshuman and because I’m reading Midnight Sun so I needed to write soft Price haha
Also if there’s any weird formatting that’s completely due to posting this from mobile haha
Edit: I found the original letter I wanted Sparrow to write and found some errors that made it through my proofread haha
From the moment you met John Price, you could tell that this was the man you wanted to spend the rest of your life with, no matter how short it may end up. The first time you laid eyes on him, was when you first joined SAS. You both had no idea just how crazy your lives would get in the future. Whenever you were on a mission together, your bodies moved as one unit. You both had no problem being able to protect the other or in the event of one being an idiot, slapping some sense into them.
"You drive me insane sometimes, it's ridiculous." John hissed under his breath as he slowly began to suture a wound on your shoulder. His hands were ever so gentle, even if all he wanted to do was strangle you for not being more careful.
"Just doing my duty in trying to turn your hair gray." You joke, trying to not focus on the pull of your skin with every stitch.
“Well, you’re doing a damn good job of it…” He mutters.
Closing your eyes, you tried to push away the wave of nausea you always got with stitches. John could sense this and patted your forearm before going as fast as he could. It was so easy with him. You drove him absolutely insane, but he would always look out for you. And he did the same to you.
“At least I saved the beard.” You breathed out.
John let out a quiet chuckle. He was now placing a bandage over the sutures. His hands were warm against your skin, leaving what felt like tiny zips of lightning in their wake. As soon as he was done, you felt his arms snake around your waist, signifying you were clear to open your eyes. The safe house was quiet. The rest of your teammates were outside, loading up their equipment as you got ready to move.
“When do you have to leave?” You whisper, putting your hands on top of his and entwining your fingers.
“As soon as we get back. We have to figure out where the bastard is.” His voice rumbled as he leaned into you.
You hum quietly. Your relationship was complicated, both of you knew the other had feelings for the other. The fear of not knowing what would happen while off on missions apart from the other kept you from moving passed what it is now. A mutual pining. Hand holding, letter writing. It was your idea to start the letters, in fact. Mostly a joke, you found it hilarious to write out the words Dear John. The mental picture of Channing Tatum in John’s bucket hat? Your favorite.
The biggest thing that stopped the two of you was the fact that his other team, his task force, kept him constantly going. You both never knew if he’d come back. He could tell you some of the things that occurred, but not all of them. None of the super confidential stuff. You knew he got betrayed by some higher-up and that he had to find him to make him pay.
“What if we got our own flat? Somewhere where it’s just us. That way I don’t have to worry about the others peeking at our letters?” You said in a small voice, leaning your head back on his shoulder. Opening your eyes, you could see a small smile on John’s face, a gloating smile.
“Mmhmm, for the letters.” He teased, whispering in your ear, “No other reason.”
“Mmm,” You smiled, “You write some pretty saucy things, Captain. Don’t want the men to know that Ole Price has a soft side.”
“You don’t know the half of it.” He smiled into your neck before reluctantly pulling away from you. Once again, duty called you both out of your bubble of happiness.
It was a month before you saw John again. A brief smile was exchanged across the hanger. He was surrounded by 3 other men you instantly recognized as Lieutenant Riley, Sergeant Garrick, and Sergeant MacTavish. Sadly, you were on your way out to your own mission, you made a mental note to ask him about the new pink scar he sported on his check as you loaded into a helicopter.
John felt the familiar ache in his heart when he saw you. No matter how brief of eye contact you shared, you never failed to make his heart beat out of his chest. And he's been away for oh, so long. The one thing he was looking forward to more than a hot shower and his bed was you. It didn't surprise him that you were tasked to go on a mission the day he was getting back. It happened a lot.
"Okay, boys. Go get some rest. Soap, Ghost. Go see medical for your wounds" John looped his fingers in his vest. Oh, how he wanted the damn thing off. But he had to find your letter first. it was routine now. When the letters first started, you left them on each other's beds. Then you decided to hide them. Something to keep the other on their toes. John enjoyed it as much as you did.
"Where did you hide it this time, little sparrow?" John mumbled under his breath as he closed his door.
To his surprise, you left it on his bed. He narrowed his eyes as he picked it up. The familiar scrawl of your handwriting warmed him. He'd never admit it to anyone, but your letters were a source of deep comfort for him. He's kept all of them. They were hidden in a box you wouldn't know about until way later. Not by his choice either, you little snoop. His fingers ran across the words.
Dear John,
This is something I would've liked to tell you in person, but duty calls. Funny how it always seems to call when you’re coming home lately. If I didn’t know any better I’d say that the heavens had it out for us. And even if they do, I wouldn’t give up that easily. Oh, right! The point of this. I got us a flat! Well, it's more of a townhouse. No, more of a remote cottage. We can’t get any more private than that! I expect you’re going to pitch a fit about making such a big decision without you, but trust me, it was a steal. It's a bit of a fixer-upper, but nothing we can’t handle. I’ve hidden the key and the address, just to be an asshole. Good luck! I’ll see you when I get home.
Your little sparrow
John's heart bloomed. He thought you were teasing him when you said you wanted to live with him. Smiling to himself, he quickly looked around the barren room. The aches in his exhausted body were long forgotten. There weren’t very many places you could hide things. Lifting the mattress, he saw a key with a small J attached to it. It was real. You two had a house. A place where it was just you two.
“Captain? The shower is free.” Gas’s voice pulled him out of his daydream of waking up next to you.
“Got it.” He called back, continuing to search the small room for the address.
As he searched, he remembered the first mission he ever went on with you. He kept a close eye on you because he was scared that something would happen to you. You seemed too fragile to be able to handle yourself. But the longer he watched, the more he was impressed. You were equally as powerful as you were beautiful. He knew from that point on that you were more than capable of protecting yourself.
You fell faster than he did. He had so much kindness for you, always checking on you after missions. Never failing to go with you to the medics when you were injured. There were countless times when you had saved each other on missions. The first time you knew Price felt the same way, you had been shot in the thigh and couldn't walk.
“Listen to me, Sparrow. I'm getting you out of here.” He held your face in his hands as you panicked because he wouldn't leave you. You didn't want anything to happen to him because of you. You could already see the rest of the group was gone. John looped your arm around his neck and wrapped his tightly around your waist.
Once he got you to relative safety, he looked at your thigh and lighted the straps on it, making a makeshift tourniquet. The mixture of adrenaline and panic wasn't quite enough to numb the pain that began searing down your leg as he did so. He mumbled an apology before lifting you again and making a mad dash for the evac. You knew right then how much you had fallen for him. He was just doing his job as Captain, you knew that, but you were so irrevocably in love with him.
Little did you know that was when John began to fall himself. The panic that filled his head once he heard you scream. The fear that you were gone when he watched you fall. It was almost too much to bear. So he told the others to get to the evac point and he ran to you. And he would keep running to you if that meant he could save you. He knew you could handle yourself, but you wouldn't have to if he was there.
The first time you two knew the other had feelings for you was also when you kissed for the first time. It didn't really count, in the end. You were giving him CPR, after all. The others still teased you. You couldn't help but smile. The feeling of his lips on yours? Ah, the best. It's cliché to say, but they felt like they were made to fit yours. It wasn't long before your second and first real kiss came. And you continued to love each other from a distance. Never becoming anything more than kisses, hugs, hand-holding... All when you two were hidden from the rest of your teammates. Silent "I love you"s exchanged. You become each other's source of comfort. A comfort you would unknowingly seek.
John reached underneath the small dresser and felt the edge of paper. His heart soared as he pulled it out and looked down at your familiar handwriting, completed with a small doodle of a house, John's hat, a sparrow, and a heart. He didn't know his heart could beat any faster. Such a simple thing could fill him with so much happiness.
Over the next few days, he did as much as he could to make the one-bedroom cottage with peeling yellow paint feel like home. Of course, he couldn't bring himself to ask any of 141 for help. He didn't know if you wanted them to know. The first thing he did was buy some better furniture than the off-white, broken-down sofa in the living room. The entire cottage smelled like mildew and had a thin layer of dust coating everything. Doing everything in his power, he transformed the small cottage into the place of your dreams.
When you got back from your mission, you immediately went to John's room on base. Even if he decided to not move in with you, you needed to see him. The smiles you exchanged when he got back weren't enough. It was a pleasant surprise that his room was empty. Quickly, you found Sergeant Garrick to make sure he wasn't on another mission. You didn't know if you could take it if he was.
"Oh, no, he's at his new house. I guess he got tired of staying on base." You had to fight back your smile, he obviously didn't want to tell anyone.
Nothing made your heart soar as much as pulling up to the small cottage and seeing John in the kitchen through the window. He obviously had music playing as he danced around. It took all you had to not immediately run inside and hug him. Forcing yourself to grab your duffle bag out of the backseat, you crouched past the window and slowly opened the door to be greeted by the most delicious smell and John's singing. You couldn't wait any longer, throwing down the duffle you ran into the kitchen and abruptly came to a stop, your hands covering your mouth.
John was wearing an apron covered in hearts as he stirred a pot on the store, the table covered in food. He looked over and the smile he gave you brought tears to your eyes. Running over to him, you wrapped your arms around him. He laughed into your hair, hugging you tightly.
“Welcome home, little sparrow.”
You were in heaven.
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maesphantoms · 1 year
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I wish I was this pretty haha
I’m officially obsessed with Picrews!
I found one that is very inclusive so everyone should be able create themselves. This one is insane - so many options.
Here’s mine:
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(I’m imagining the frog is instead Grogu)
Very interested to see one made by :
@flightlessangelwings @fairyperks @uselsshuman @spacecowboyhotch @supernaturalgirl20 @idungoofed @dillie60 @guess-my-next-obsession
Anyone else - please feel free to create one and share. It’s so much fun 💚💚💚💚✨✨✨✨
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maesphantoms · 1 year
Hello ! Can I request a headcanons ? Price with a fem!reader who is in SAS too ? How is it between them ?
Sorry for my bad english…
It turned more into fluff than I expected haha
Dear John
0 notes
maesphantoms · 1 year
Dear John (John Price x Fem!Reader)
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Warnings: slight mention of injuries
Genre: Fluff
Word Count: 2,151
This is completely due to @uselsshuman and because I’m reading Midnight Sun so I needed to write soft Price haha
Also if there’s any weird formatting that’s completely due to posting this from mobile haha
Edit: I found the original letter I wanted Sparrow to write and found some errors that made it through my proofread haha
From the moment you met John Price, you could tell that this was the man you wanted to spend the rest of your life with, no matter how short it may end up. The first time you laid eyes on him, was when you first joined SAS. You both had no idea just how crazy your lives would get in the future. Whenever you were on a mission together, your bodies moved as one unit. You both had no problem being able to protect the other or in the event of one being an idiot, slapping some sense into them.
"You drive me insane sometimes, it's ridiculous." John hissed under his breath as he slowly began to suture a wound on your shoulder. His hands were ever so gentle, even if all he wanted to do was strangle you for not being more careful.
"Just doing my duty in trying to turn your hair gray." You joke, trying to not focus on the pull of your skin with every stitch.
“Well, you’re doing a damn good job of it…” He mutters.
Closing your eyes, you tried to push away the wave of nausea you always got with stitches. John could sense this and patted your forearm before going as fast as he could. It was so easy with him. You drove him absolutely insane, but he would always look out for you. And he did the same to you.
“At least I saved the beard.” You breathed out.
John let out a quiet chuckle. He was now placing a bandage over the sutures. His hands were warm against your skin, leaving what felt like tiny zips of lightning in their wake. As soon as he was done, you felt his arms snake around your waist, signifying you were clear to open your eyes. The safe house was quiet. The rest of your teammates were outside, loading up their equipment as you got ready to move.
“When do you have to leave?” You whisper, putting your hands on top of his and entwining your fingers.
“As soon as we get back. We have to figure out where the bastard is.” His voice rumbled as he leaned into you.
You hum quietly. Your relationship was complicated, both of you knew the other had feelings for the other. The fear of not knowing what would happen while off on missions apart from the other kept you from moving passed what it is now. A mutual pining. Hand holding, letter writing. It was your idea to start the letters, in fact. Mostly a joke, you found it hilarious to write out the words Dear John. The mental picture of Channing Tatum in John’s bucket hat? Your favorite.
The biggest thing that stopped the two of you was the fact that his other team, his task force, kept him constantly going. You both never knew if he’d come back. He could tell you some of the things that occurred, but not all of them. None of the super confidential stuff. You knew he got betrayed by some higher-up and that he had to find him to make him pay.
“What if we got our own flat? Somewhere where it’s just us. That way I don’t have to worry about the others peeking at our letters?” You said in a small voice, leaning your head back on his shoulder. Opening your eyes, you could see a small smile on John’s face, a gloating smile.
“Mmhmm, for the letters.” He teased, whispering in your ear, “No other reason.”
“Mmm,” You smiled, “You write some pretty saucy things, Captain. Don’t want the men to know that Ole Price has a soft side.”
“You don’t know the half of it.” He smiled into your neck before reluctantly pulling away from you. Once again, duty called you both out of your bubble of happiness.
It was a month before you saw John again. A brief smile was exchanged across the hanger. He was surrounded by 3 other men you instantly recognized as Lieutenant Riley, Sergeant Garrick, and Sergeant MacTavish. Sadly, you were on your way out to your own mission, you made a mental note to ask him about the new pink scar he sported on his check as you loaded into a helicopter.
John felt the familiar ache in his heart when he saw you. No matter how brief of eye contact you shared, you never failed to make his heart beat out of his chest. And he's been away for oh, so long. The one thing he was looking forward to more than a hot shower and his bed was you. It didn't surprise him that you were tasked to go on a mission the day he was getting back. It happened a lot.
"Okay, boys. Go get some rest. Soap, Ghost. Go see medical for your wounds" John looped his fingers in his vest. Oh, how he wanted the damn thing off. But he had to find your letter first. it was routine now. When the letters first started, you left them on each other's beds. Then you decided to hide them. Something to keep the other on their toes. John enjoyed it as much as you did.
"Where did you hide it this time, little sparrow?" John mumbled under his breath as he closed his door.
To his surprise, you left it on his bed. He narrowed his eyes as he picked it up. The familiar scrawl of your handwriting warmed him. He'd never admit it to anyone, but your letters were a source of deep comfort for him. He's kept all of them. They were hidden in a box you wouldn't know about until way later. Not by his choice either, you little snoop. His fingers ran across the words.
Dear John,
This is something I would've liked to tell you in person, but duty calls. Funny how it always seems to call when you’re coming home lately. If I didn’t know any better I’d say that the heavens had it out for us. And even if they do, I wouldn’t give up that easily. Oh, right! The point of this. I got us a flat! Well, it's more of a townhouse. No, more of a remote cottage. We can’t get any more private than that! I expect you’re going to pitch a fit about making such a big decision without you, but trust me, it was a steal. It's a bit of a fixer-upper, but nothing we can’t handle. I’ve hidden the key and the address, just to be an asshole. Good luck! I’ll see you when I get home.
Your little sparrow
John's heart bloomed. He thought you were teasing him when you said you wanted to live with him. Smiling to himself, he quickly looked around the barren room. The aches in his exhausted body were long forgotten. There weren’t very many places you could hide things. Lifting the mattress, he saw a key with a small J attached to it. It was real. You two had a house. A place where it was just you two.
“Captain? The shower is free.” Gas’s voice pulled him out of his daydream of waking up next to you.
“Got it.” He called back, continuing to search the small room for the address.
As he searched, he remembered the first mission he ever went on with you. He kept a close eye on you because he was scared that something would happen to you. You seemed too fragile to be able to handle yourself. But the longer he watched, the more he was impressed. You were equally as powerful as you were beautiful. He knew from that point on that you were more than capable of protecting yourself.
You fell faster than he did. He had so much kindness for you, always checking on you after missions. Never failing to go with you to the medics when you were injured. There were countless times when you had saved each other on missions. The first time you knew Price felt the same way, you had been shot in the thigh and couldn't walk.
“Listen to me, Sparrow. I'm getting you out of here.” He held your face in his hands as you panicked because he wouldn't leave you. You didn't want anything to happen to him because of you. You could already see the rest of the group was gone. John looped your arm around his neck and wrapped his tightly around your waist.
Once he got you to relative safety, he looked at your thigh and lighted the straps on it, making a makeshift tourniquet. The mixture of adrenaline and panic wasn't quite enough to numb the pain that began searing down your leg as he did so. He mumbled an apology before lifting you again and making a mad dash for the evac. You knew right then how much you had fallen for him. He was just doing his job as Captain, you knew that, but you were so irrevocably in love with him.
Little did you know that was when John began to fall himself. The panic that filled his head once he heard you scream. The fear that you were gone when he watched you fall. It was almost too much to bear. So he told the others to get to the evac point and he ran to you. And he would keep running to you if that meant he could save you. He knew you could handle yourself, but you wouldn't have to if he was there.
The first time you two knew the other had feelings for you was also when you kissed for the first time. It didn't really count, in the end. You were giving him CPR, after all. The others still teased you. You couldn't help but smile. The feeling of his lips on yours? Ah, the best. It's cliché to say, but they felt like they were made to fit yours. It wasn't long before your second and first real kiss came. And you continued to love each other from a distance. Never becoming anything more than kisses, hugs, hand-holding... All when you two were hidden from the rest of your teammates. Silent "I love you"s exchanged. You become each other's source of comfort. A comfort you would unknowingly seek.
John reached underneath the small dresser and felt the edge of paper. His heart soared as he pulled it out and looked down at your familiar handwriting, completed with a small doodle of a house, John's hat, a sparrow, and a heart. He didn't know his heart could beat any faster. Such a simple thing could fill him with so much happiness.
Over the next few days, he did as much as he could to make the one-bedroom cottage with peeling yellow paint feel like home. Of course, he couldn't bring himself to ask any of 141 for help. He didn't know if you wanted them to know. The first thing he did was buy some better furniture than the off-white, broken-down sofa in the living room. The entire cottage smelled like mildew and had a thin layer of dust coating everything. Doing everything in his power, he transformed the small cottage into the place of your dreams.
When you got back from your mission, you immediately went to John's room on base. Even if he decided to not move in with you, you needed to see him. The smiles you exchanged when he got back weren't enough. It was a pleasant surprise that his room was empty. Quickly, you found Sergeant Garrick to make sure he wasn't on another mission. You didn't know if you could take it if he was.
"Oh, no, he's at his new house. I guess he got tired of staying on base." You had to fight back your smile, he obviously didn't want to tell anyone.
Nothing made your heart soar as much as pulling up to the small cottage and seeing John in the kitchen through the window. He obviously had music playing as he danced around. It took all you had to not immediately run inside and hug him. Forcing yourself to grab your duffle bag out of the backseat, you crouched past the window and slowly opened the door to be greeted by the most delicious smell and John's singing. You couldn't wait any longer, throwing down the duffle you ran into the kitchen and abruptly came to a stop, your hands covering your mouth.
John was wearing an apron covered in hearts as he stirred a pot on the store, the table covered in food. He looked over and the smile he gave you brought tears to your eyes. Running over to him, you wrapped your arms around him. He laughed into your hair, hugging you tightly.
“Welcome home, little sparrow.”
You were in heaven.
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maesphantoms · 1 year
Well, one of my friends came in clutch and gave me the money! The battery replacement for my laptop should be here the 22nd which happens to be right when my nieces and nephews are coming for Christmas so still no idea when I’ll get more things posted. I’m currently slowly working on some on my iPad, but the creative juices just don’t flow the same without an actual keyboard and a word count to encourage me haha
0 notes
maesphantoms · 2 years
I’m sorry for the lack of content, I’ve been attempting to get a better grip on everyone’s personalities and then my laptop decided to stop working so now I need to scrap together $119 to replace the battery on it because ofc Alienware has to be super expensive. The worst part is I can’t work without it
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maesphantoms · 2 years
Breathless (Simon 'Ghost' Riley, John 'Soap' MacTavish, GN! Reader Plationic)
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Warnings: Takes place during the mission 'Alone', talks of blood, injury, and death. Gunshots and knives. Medical and military inaccuracy.
Genre: Angst/Whump
Word Count: 5,511
I basically got up gameplay of this mission and ran through it so there is a lot of dialogue from the actual mission. Feel free to ignore this if that isn't your cup of tea :D I had an idea going into this, but very quickly lost it haha I'm not very proud of it, but hey I'm rusty so what can I expect?
Not proofread
For once in what feels like forever, Soap was finally quiet. You were sat next to him while Ghost followed Graves back to Alejandro’s base and as much as you loved the Scottish bastard, he just kept talking and teasing you. About a shot you missed or height or anything else he could think of. You could tell that it was getting on Alejandro’s nerves too, but he was far too nice to say anything to him. As for Ghost, you could tell he had checked Soap out long ago. Whenever you tried to catch his eyes in the rear view mirror you could see that he was far away in his mind, distracted by something in his head. You’ll have to ask him what it is once you’re all settled for the night.
Ah….I can’t wait to shower… You thought to yourself. It had, after all been a very tiring day. It’s not everyday that you get to blow up an oil rig. Especially one with a missile. Admittedly, yes, Soap and Graves did all the work in the ACTUAL blowing up of the thing, but hey, you and Ghost did a damn good job being a part of the team.
“Johnny…?” You heard Ghost finally speak, the first time since you all got back into the truck.
Raising your eyes back up the rear view mirror, you could see him trying to look at Soap but you could only see his eyes from the reflections from the headlights bouncing off the trucks in front of us. You glanced over at Soap to see him nodding off. Elbowing his side, you pointed to Ghost once Soap looked at you.
“You say something, L.T.?” Soap cleared his throat.
“Making sure you’re still breathing is all. I don’t have a good feeling..” The Lieutenant muttered the last part under his breath.
As if on cue, the truck in front of you pulled to a stop right outside the gates of Alejandro’s base. You all shared a look and began to get out. Graves hopped out of his own truck as some of his men began to walk towards him. Your stomach began to feel like it was filled with lead as you walked around the side of the truck to stand next to Ghost, Soap and Alejandro on the other side.
“What’s this?” Alejandro asked Graves, pointing to the men standing by the gate.
“This is the immediate future. Step away from the gate.” Graves responded, walking towards Alejandro.
Ghost glanced behind you as you heard the footsteps of someone walking up behind you. Your hand slowly inched towards your knife. This was going to be bad. You glanced at Ghost and both almost imperceptibly nodded.
“What?” Soap’s voice cut through the air. You may have wanted him to shut up in the truck, but you were happy he was talking now.
“You heard me.”
“You’re crazy, this is my base.” Alejandro motioned towards the base.
“It’s not a base. This is a sizable covert facility…and I admire it. So, I’m taking it.” Your hand closed on your knife, the other one forming a fist. This was going to be really bad. “You boys…and Owl.. have been relieved. Thank you for your service.”
“No, no, no. I don’t take orders from you.” You could feel the anger coming off Alejandro and Ghost in waves. Oh fuck, this is going to be really really bad.
You began to formulate a plan in your head. There was one man behind you and one man beside Ghost. Then from where you could see, two behind Graves. Out of your peripheral, you could see one behind Soap. You’ve seen how many men Graves could have with him so you couldn’t count on these being the only ones here. You couldn’t see on the other side of Graves’ truck and there could be more behind him. If you took the one behind you, Ghost the one beside him, you could get the ones behind Graves while Alejandro got him and Soap with the one behind him.
This plan could not work as the others don’t seem focused on the men as you. Except for Ghost, but you two were basically two sides to the same coin. You could communicate with just your eyes. A truly terrifying duo to be up against. As if he heard you, Ghost’s fists tightened and he followed suit in slowly reaching for his knife.
“What the fuck did you just say to me, pendejo…?” Alejandro began walking towards Graves, but Soap put a hand on his shoulder and stopped him,
“You’re out of line, Graves.”
“Don’t do that,” Graves stepped back and pointed a finger at Soap. Every muscle in your body was tense. “Don’t….do that. No one needs to get hurt here.”
“Are you threatening us?” Ghost’s voice slightly made you jump as he took half a step closer to you.
“Soldier, I don’t make threats. I make guarantees. So let’s not do this.” The cogs in your head were spinning at a rapid pace. Where are the weak spots in their armor? What happens if the other two don’t move as fast as you and Ghost? What if someone gets shot? Does Graves have more men posted where they can’t see?
“I’m calling Shepard.” Soap said, eerily calm, before turning around and beginning to walk towards the truck.
“General Shepard sends his regards.” Your veins turn to ice. Of course. Of fucking course. “He told me y’all wouldn’t take this well.”
“He knows about this?” Ghost sounded incredulous. All the pieces began to fall into place for you. You glared at Graves, you were going to skin the blonde bastard.
“He’s put me in command of this operation from here on out. So y’all need to stand down. It’s time for the pros to finish this.” Soap turned and made eye contact with you and Ghost. “And why the hell are we talking like this is some kind of negotiation? It’s NOT. I’ve got my orders and now you have yours.” Oh, you’re turning the skinny bastard into your toothpick.
“And who the fuck do you think you are, cabrón? My men are inside!” Alejandro yelled. The man behind you took a couple steps forward. You began to see red and your hands began to shake.
“I’m afraid not. Your men have been….” Graves sucks on his teeth, “Detained.” Alejandro lurches forward and gets thrown against the truck out of view. Fuck! You have to come up with a new plan….and fast.
“Graves, what the fuck?!” You yell.
Gunshots. No time to formulate a new plan. You lunge back and elbow the man behind you in the gut then stab him in his eye. Ghost shoves the man in front of him to the truck and sinks his knife in his neck as you hear Alejandro struggling. You can barely see Soap through the window holding a Shadow by the neck and shooting at Graves. Ghost pulls you to a kneel and you inch along the truck as Soap groans and falls on his back. The gunshots stop.
“Go Johnny, get out of there! Soap! Go!” Ghost yells beside you. You look over and see Soap get up and jump over the concrete barrier, the Shadows shooting after him.
“Your turn, Ghost. Go.” You whisper to him under the gunshots, pulling out your pistol.
“What?” He turns and looks at you.
“There’s not enough time. Go or I’ll kill you myself.” You push his shoulder and his eyes harden.
“You better come out of this alive, Owl.”
“That’s the idea, Lieutenant.” You smile as he runs off into the darkness just as the gunshots stop.
“You there, Ghost? Owl? That was a big mistake, folks. It did not have to be like this.” You heard Graves walking around the side of the truck so you made your way to the front, trying to find Alejandro. Fuck, he’s gone. “Son of a bitch… find em!” Graves yelled.
How the fuck were you going to get out of this situation now? You needed to distract them a little longer. You needed to find out where Alejandro is. Time to wing it.
“Graves! You fucked up big time, brother!” You yelled, watching the feet under the truck run to where you were. Just able to squeeze under it, you quietly and quickly moved to the middle then backed up until you could crawl under the one behind you. “I’m gonna enjoy making a rug of your scrawny ass.” You cackled.
“Owl…we will find you. And the two British idiots.” He mused. You continued to move around and under the trucks where they couldn’t see you. This was too easy.
“Oh, no you won’t. But we’ll find you. And you won’t see us until my knife is in your throat, pretty boy.”
You climbed on top of the truck that Graves was originally in. Grabbing a grenade of one of the dead Shadows on the way up, you whistled and as they all turned, saluted them before throwing it. Graves managed to shoot a bullet at you before running away and it found its place…somewhere around your collarbone. You bit back a screen as you ran off while it exploded. Gunshots and shouts following you.
Once you were sure you lost them in the woods, you began to head towards the town as that’s where you saw Soap run. You just had to hope Ghost headed the same way and neither idiot had gotten themselves killed. Every small action brought incredible amounts of pain to you, but the internal mission to find the boys overrode everything. That’s not to say you didn’t feel the pain, because you definitely did. In every single breath, every single step. You didn’t dare move your right arm.
As the street lights started to wash over you, you dipped into an open shop and sat down to catch your breath behind the counter. You could hear distant screaming and gunshots and had to hope it wasn’t Ghost and Soap. Bringing your left arm over your radio ripped a scream from your throat that you tried your hardest to keep quiet and you flicked through the radio channels. It was filled with random Shadow chatter. You kept flicking until you came across a familiar voice.
“-iper position in the church tower. Find your way there, and you might just make it. Then we can look for Owl.” You’ve never been so happy to hear the grumpy bastard’s voice.
“No need, Lieutenant. I’m here.”
“Owl!” Soap exclaimed.
“You injured, Owl?”
“Aww, look at you, Ghost. All concerned.” You teased, laying your head back against the counter. You needed to move. And soon.
“Answer the question, sergeant.”
“I caught a bullet to the collarbone. Luckily, it didn’t hit an artery.. Would’ve bled out a while back in that case.  I guess that’s what I get for giving Graves a grenade…even if the slimy bastard was able to run from it. Are either of you?”
“Hold on, your collarbone?!” Soap exclaimed.
“Very exciting, I know.”
“Are you alright?”
“Other than the potential to be bleeding into my chest cavity? Oh, I’m swell. Shall we go out for some drinks after all this?”
“Enough. Owl, get yourself to the church. I’ve set up a sniper point there and Johnny is on his way here. Where are you?” Ghost’s voice sounded tense.
“Umm…that’s a hard question. It’s some shop. I’m behind the counter right now.”
“Get a move on, and be careful. There’s Shadows everywhere.”
“Church….right.” You said, mostly to yourself. You closed your eyes and bit your lip, you pulled yourself to your feet. Even though you could now taste blood as you bit into your lip, you managed to keep quiet.
“Are you able to bandage yourself, Owl? Is it still in you?”
“No exit wound.”
The comms then went silent. Checking your gun, you counted how many bullets you had. Once you got yourself ready, you put your left hand over the bleeding hole and began to walk out the door. You could barely see the towers of the church over the other buildings. The screams and gunshots still far enough away that you felt comfortable running towards the gleaming building.
As you rounded a corner, you could see the carnage left in the wake of the Shadows. Blood and bodies filled the streets as the rain began to wash it all away. Not fast enough. Shaking your head, you attempted to focus on the mission at hand. You would get Graves for this, it didn’t matter if you had to to die as well.
“Graves is rounding up cops.” You heard Soap’s voice come over comms again.
“He’s judge, jury, and executioner now.” Ghost grumbled.
“Guess that’s what happens when you can’t make it in the real world. You have to kill an entire town to feel good about yourself. I can’t wait to skin the little bastard. Maybe stuff him and hang him on the wall for all of the Shadows to see.” You spit out, watching a pair of Shadows walk across an intersection in front of you.
“Just focus on getting to the church, Owl. Graves will get what’s coming to him soon, I can assure you of that.”
“You’re telling me, you see that big boy with the skull face and you’re not gonna start sweatin’?” You could faintly hear a Shadow say from nearby.
You smiled to yourself and continued to slowly sneak through the roads.
“I’m not going to see him.”
“You’re right, you won’t see him. It’s too late if you see him, you’re fuckin’ dead already.”
He wasn’t wrong. Ghost definitely was one to lurk in the shadows and take his enemies out from cover more than lunging straight into the fight. It was something you admired about him. Something you were inspired to try more. Now, you were nowhere as skilled with a throwing knife as he was, but you were able to sneak up behind enemies and slit their throat before moving onto the next. Something you’d have to put into action as you made your way through the death and blood riddled streets. You were cold and in pain. Every single breath hurt. You kept your hand on the wound as best as you could to apply pressure, pretty sure it wasn’t slowing down the bleeding. The church was still a ways away and the more you spent out in the rain, the more a sense of dread began to fill you. What if you didn’t make it…what if Soap or Ghost gets caught by the Shadows….what if YOU got caught by the Shadows…would they kill you right away or torture you to get an answer out of you as to where your companions were?
You shook your head again, you needed to keep your composure. Blinking the rain out of your eyes, you focused on the road ahead of you and the radio crackling in your ears as Ghost was teaching Soap about different tools and weapons he could make. Making mental notes, you kept a look out for the same things Soap kept finding. You just had to hope it would be enough.
“Feeling weak, are you, Johnny?
“A bit shaky, sir, yeah.”
“And you, Owl?”
“Never better, sir.” You grimaced as the pain flared up as if to make a point.
“Graves tried to kill us. Would stand to reason if you were a little off. Find a stim, it’ll give you a boost.”
Nodding to yourself, you began walking through a clothes store. A welcome relief away from the rain and the Shadow currently patrolling outside of it. A short break couldn’t hurt you. You needed to catch your breath. Sneaking around the counter, you found yourself in the changing room which was pitch black. Pulling yourself against the wall, you closed your eyes and focused on your breathing. How much longer could you do this…
Grabbing a shirt that lay discarded on the ground, you attempted to use it to stem the blood from your shoulder. Going through a mental checklist, you thought about attempting to find a needle and thread to just sew the wound shut and be done with it, but you knew that was a bad idea. Just as you mentally scolded yourself for the dumb idea, you heard a noise from the other side of the wall. Quiet footsteps, almost imperceptible with the rain pounding down outside. Pulling yourself back into a crouch, you tightly held your knife in your hand and stared at the door frame beside you. If you had to ambush the Shadow so be it. You figured he’d eventually come into the store and it appears now was the time.
Glaring at the door, you readied yourself to lunge at the man as soon as he walked through, but instead were shocked to see a man crouched down to the same level as you, backing his way into the dark room. He turned around and held up a bottle before sighing in relief.
“Owl, steamin’ Jesus you scared me.” Soap whispered.
You all but collapsed into the wall again. Thunder rumbled.
“You doin’ alright there?”
“Peachy.” You sounded breathless.
“Ghost, Owl and I found each other. They aren’t doing to hot by the looks of it.”
“Copy. Hurry and get here the both of you, and then we can find some help. Keep your head level, Owl, we need you.”
“Yes, sir.”
Once again, you pulled yourself into a crouch and nodded at Soap while he began to search the room for anything of use, something you hadn’t gotten to yet. He could grab everything for all you cared. You just needed to get to the church. Let Soap do all the crafting he wanted.
Soap nodded to you when he was ready to once again ready to move. You both walked out the end of the hall where the changing room was which lead to what was obviously a backroom to the store. A dead Shadow sat against a wall next to a window, knife sticking out of his neck.
“Ghost, you missing a knife..?”
“Several.” You could practically hear the smirk. Laughing breathlessly, you shook your head.
“Think we found one.”
“Some of the dead Shadows are my handiwork.”
“You came through here?” Why is it getting more difficult to talk? Soap glances at you.
“On my way to the church.”
“And you left us?” Soap sounded hurt.
“I’m used to working alone.”
“So much for no man left behind.” You muttered.
“Just get yourselves to the church. Tryin’ to keep you two alive and get you here in one piece. One of us needs to survive and tell the tale.”
“Takin’ a shine to us then?” Soap teased, elbowing you to which you glared at him. He put his hands up in an apology.
“Not in the slightest. Still got a lot of ground to cover.” The radio crackled to silence.
“That’s that, I guess.” You laughed.
“Let’s get to work. Go through the window, I’ll be right after you.” Soap gestured to the broken window beside you.
Taking a breath, you readied yourself and jumped through the broken glass and landed on your feet with a low grunt. You could faintly hear a Shadow giving a sit rep to his radio. They hadn’t found any of you and were slowly getting more and more on edge. Much like you felt. Your nerves felt electrified. Sure, you’ve been on some shitty missions, but nothing like this. Nothing with this big of a toll. The screaming and gunshots were slowly quieting down. They were running out of townsfolk to slay, which meant they would be on guard much more now that they didn’t have any other targets to keep track of. You couldn’t see the church from where you were, but you hoped it was closer.
Soap followed behind you and spotted a crate at the end of the little alley you two were in. You both walked over to it and he opened it while you were keeping a lookout. Your hand was aching from how tight you held your knife, your gun sitting heavy in it’s holster.
“Seek and ye shall find.”
“Whatchya got?” You heard Ghost’s voice again.
“Black powder.” Soap began to put together a mine.
“Nice. This could get interesting.”
“God, am I happy you’re trained in that shit.” You gestured to him.
“As am I.” Soap smiled, widely. “Lt. About to play rough with the Shadows.”
“I like the sound ‘o that.” You raised your eyebrows at the tone of his voice.
“Fashioned a trip mine.”
“A man after my own heart.”
“Thought you’d like that.”
“You thought right.”
You stared at Soap in shock. Well all right then… For the third time, you had to shake your head to focus. You’d never get over how they jokingly flirt with each other in the face of danger. The first mission you did with them had you struggling not to laugh at how effortlessly they would fall into doing it. Ghost acted like he hated everyone, but you could tell that he and Soap were close friends.
“Oh, don’t let me distract you from getting to your boyfriend. By all means, lead the way Johnny.” You teased.
Soap shook his head and laughed before beginning to walk towards the other end of the alley and took out the Shadow you had heard talking earlier. You hung back a little and let him take him down. Looking through the different doorways you had passed in case he had any buddies with him.
“Killed a Shadow.”
“Took his gun.”
“Good work. Moving up in the world, Johnny. Choose your shots and targets wisely, Johnny. Guns make noise.”
“I could’ve given you mine if you wanted it.” You walked into one of the open doors and spotted another dead Shadow.
Walking back into the alley, you let Soap take the lead again. Once the other Shadows in the area found the body, Soap looked at you before throwing a smoke bomb and you both ran forward and took out one of them and as you were pulling your knife out of the one you got, Soap got the last one. You bent over and attempted to catch your breath. A wave of nausea hit you out of nowhere. Soap grabbed your arm but you waved him off and stood up. How fucking far was this damn church?
Once you looked passed the Shadows you noticed a balcony that you had to jump off of. This would be fun. Steeling yourself, you leapt and landed on your feet with a slight slide with the slippery ground.
“It’s pishin it doon oot here.” You heard Soap say as he landed beside you. You just looked at him, confused.
“Speak English.” Ghost’s deadpan voice made you laugh.
“It’s rainin’ fuckin’ hard.” Soap sassily responded, making you snort.
“Then say so.”
“I did!” Soap raised his hands up in exasperation.
“Rain’s good. It’ll cover your tracks.”
“Covers theirs too..”
“Let’s worry about you two, Johnny.”
“So you do like me?” You teased.
“I like you alive.”
You laughed again then turned to open a door, Soap immediately pulling you to a stop. Turning to look in the door you saw a shotgun pointed straight at you. Backing up, you silently thanked Soap. You once again tried to catch your breath as Soap went around and disarmed the trap you nearly walked into. Absentmindedly, you put your good hand on your chest, you couldn’t tell if it was from the gunshot or if something else was wrong. Your chest hurt.
“Come on in, Owl.” Soap said, holding the shotgun. “Ghost, found a tripwire rigged up to a shotgun. Disarmed it. Took the gun.”
“Open hearts and minds with it, Johnny.”
As soon as you walked through the threshold of the doorway you heard a distant banging. You and Soap made eye contact and he headed up the stairs holding out the shotgun. Putting your pain aside, you followed him, knife tightly clenched again. At the top of the stairs, you were greeted with a long hallway, the door at the end being the source of the banging. It echoed loudly down the hall and, admittedly, made you jump slightly every time it came. Your mind was immediately filled with the images of zombie movies and how there’s always a scene like this. The survivors in a dark and spooky hallway while a zombie banged on the door, waiting until they put their guard down to smash through it and eat them. Your hair was already standing on end when the British bastard’s voice spoke through the radio again, making you jump and quietly curse him out.
“Johnny… Graves is burning the midnight oil to find us..why?”
“Graves and Shepard are both involved. No matter what, this is an unprecedented amount of fuckery.”
“We need to get to the bottom of it.” You chimed in, you didn’t know if it was your fear and mental image of a zombie on the other side of the door or whatever the fuck was going on with your chest, but you couldn’t get a deep breath in.
You were a hardened soldier and here you are, terrified of a fictional movie trope. Soap turned and looked at you again as you struggled to breathe in. Waving your hand, you two continued to look through the small house as the banging on the door continued.
“Accurate and deadly fire tends to resolve those things. Right now, we’re not safe here.”
“Right now, we’re not safe anywhere, L.t.”
As you rounded a corner, you saw a shadow on the wall the looked as if someone had been speared through and left there. Once again, your hand flew to your chest as you struggled to breathe, the thought of zombies came back. Forcing yourself to round the corner, you saw one of those stupid boxing toys next to the home’s…previous tenant.
“Owl, what is with you?” Soap asked, walking over when he heard you wheeze while trying to gain your breath.
“I’m fine.” You waved him off again, but this time he finally walked over and made you sit down against the wall so he could look at your wound. The bleeding had slowed with the shirt you used earlier, but still oozed when he untied it from around your shoulder.
“We need to hurry.” He muttered to himself. “You ready to head out now?”
“Only if you go first because my mind is convinced that THAT,” You pointed to the door as it banged again. “Is a zombie ready to eat us.”
“What the fuck?” Soap laughed at you as he retied the shirt.
“I don’t fucking know, man. Maybe it’s the blood loss. Because that screams zombie movie. Oh god. What if this is how we found about the apocalypse, on the run from Graves? That’d be horrible.” You winced as he tightened the shirt and made it into a makeshift sling.
“L.t., you hear this shit?” Soap asked, laughing again.
All you got in response was a grunt. Soap pulled the shotgun back into his hands and started to head to the door. You bit your lip as you steadied yourself. In the end, the cause of the noise would haunt you far more than any zombie. As soon as Soap turned the knob, a man fell through it and reached his bloody hand towards you two while dragging in a raggedy breath before going limp and lifeless.
“Poor bastard..” You whispered, stepping around him.
“Owl, over here. Found adrenaline stims.” Soap ushered you over to a nearby crate, making you tear your eyes off the dead man.
For the first time since you met up with Soap, your hand loosened around the knife. Your knuckles screamed as you put it down to grab the stim. Both of you nodded at each other and injected it.
“Good mornin’ Mexico..” Soap grinned.
The surge of adrenaline in your body made you forget about the tightness in your chest for a little while. You followed Soap into the next building, a coffee shop with a broken railing. Once again, the two men started their banter and you just laughed at them.
“The mask, take it off.”
“Show my face?”
“Yes, sir.”
“Are you ugly?”
“Quite the opposite.”
“I doubt that.”
Soap helped you jump down onto the 1st floor and then you heard Shadows talking. The both of you went back into a crouch and you pointed the men walking around outside the window and Soap looked at you and pointed to the open door then put his finger up to his lips.
“Johnny, the town’s full of tunnels.” Ghost’s voice crackled over the radio once more.
Slowly, you and Soap began to take out the Shadows one at a time. When the last one went down, you winced and adjusted your arm in the sling. Soap looked at you as your wheezing became louder. He knew something was wrong, but you two needed to get to Ghost. You just needed to last a little longer then once you were all out of this situation, then he’d interrogate you.
The rain continued to pound on you both as you made your way to the tunnels, taking down Shadows whenever you had the chance. Soap continued to craft different mines, molotavs, and pry tools. Eventually, you two landed in the freezing water and began to make your way through it. You tried to fight your teeth chattering as you were slowly overtaken by a bone deep chill. The water you walked through had blood mixed into it. From you, Soap, or the carnage you’d never know. Probably a mix of the above.
As you two climbed up the stairs out of the tunnel, you were never so happy to see a fucking building. But of course, it’s blocked off. Never the easy way. You and Soap began to make your way through different shops, the adrenaline in your system almost depleted. Just a quick break. You just needed a quick break and then you could keep going.
You leaned against the wall as you saw Soap head for the door. He pulled on it and noticed it was locked so as he pulled out on of his homemade pry tools, you tried to say something to him. Tried to tell him to wait so you can catch your breath. You just needed to catch your breath and you’d kill all the Shadows that hunted you three. Nothing came out. A deep exhaustion came over you. You were cold and you were tired. And fucking hell did your chest hurt.
Everything moved in slow motion. Soap got the door open, but then was on the ground with a gun pointed at his face. You could faintly hear Graves voice on the Shadow’s radio. Reaching for your gun, you could barely raise it before the Shadow was dead.
“Holy hell, Ghost was that you?”
“Who else? Now go.”
Soap turned around to look at you and you could immediately see the panic on his face. Your eyes were half closed and a faint whistling was all that was your breathing. Guilt immediately started to overcome him. He should’ve stopped you earlier when he heard you wheezing. You could see him talking, but all you could hear was your heartbeat and your breathing. Suddenly, more Shadows started coming in and you did your best to shoot them, Soap put his hands around your waist and pulled you up. Pain shot through your entire right side. And then you two were running. You’d be lying if you completely knew where you were going. The world seemed to blink in and out of existence.
Whatever flashes you would get confused you. You were outside, then inside, then outside again. A large iron fence. Ghost was suddenly next to you. Then you were sitting in a truck. The truck slammed through barbed wire. Soap was undoing the sling again. Finally, your consciousness slipped through your fingers like sand and you were falling.
It felt like someone was sitting on your chest. You groaned as you opened your eyes. Immediately, you felt a hand on yours. Blinking away the bleariness from your eyes, you turned and looked to see Soap standing there. Ghost not too far behind him. You were clearly in a hospital.
“It wasn’t a zombie, was it?” You whispered to Soap.
He shook his head and laughed weakly.
“Damn. That would’ve been a good way to go.”
“Collapsed lungs and blood loss not good enough for you?” Ghost piped in.
“Hell no.” You smiled, “At least Graves didn’t get what he wanted. I bet he’s pissed.”
“You know it.”
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maesphantoms · 2 years
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I love angst so much :D
Repeat Until Death (Simon “Ghost” Riley X Fem!Reader)
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Summary ~ A mission to capture Shephard takes a turn.
Disclaimer ~ I do not own any Modern Warfare characters.
Word Count ~ 2.6k
Warnings ~ ANGST, whump, blood, gunshot wounds, death, COD violence
Modern Warfare Masterlist
Taglist ~ @churchofrain @redpool @nightingale-ghost-writer @fict1onallyobsessed @ghostisdaddy @simonea27 @dyzlks @iccedays @chaoskrakenuwu @untoldshortsofthefandoms @exhaustedpotat0
A/n ~ I'm sorry for this
“Eyes on target boys!” You tightened your grip on the handle above you as you looked out the open side of the helicopter, the old school on the ground below coming into full view through the fog that lingered in the air.
“Shephard is inside.” Ghost grumbled from where he stood behind you, his presence looming just over your shoulder in a way you had become familiar with, “We’ve got teams surrounding the building so he's not getting out of there.”
The helicopter shuddered as it began lowering to the ground, the loud whirring of the blades filling your ears as the wind whipped at your face.
“It's about time we found this bastard,” You spoke with a calm voice to conceal the anger that the mention of the general kindled, “Can't wait to lock him up.”
You felt a small tap on your wrist that moved down to your pinkie, Ghost’s index finger looping around your small finger and squeezing it. This was a gesture the two of you had been doing for years, it was a simple, subtle way of reassuring each other that you weren't alone and that they had your back. You bend your pinkie and squeezed his finger back while keeping your eyes forward.
As soon as the chopper was on the ground you and Ghost were jumping out with your guns raised and the small group of soldiers following behind you. The haze that hung in the air from the fog made the school in front of you look like something out of a horror movie, the dim morning light shining through the fog to cast an eerie shadow over it all.
Laswell had found General Shephard and sent Task Force 141 in to get him. He was holed up in an old school that had been converted into a PMC safehouse, likely one for Shadow Company, and that was why Shephard had hunkered down there. You were all splitting up into five groups, each of you entering the building at a different point with a squad of soldiers to block off any of Shephard's escape routes.
“Alright, team one come with me!” Ghost turned around to face the half dozen men behind you, “Team two is with Y/l/n.” He pointed to you, “We all know the plan now let's make sure Shephard comes back with us.”
Ghost turned around to face you and stepped close, his eyes meeting yours through his mask, “Watch your back out there?” He spoke quietly as he looked down at you.
You grinned, “You worry too much big guy.” You patted his arm, “I'll see you once we have Shepard.”
Turning to face the three men who would be coming with you while clicking the safety off of your rifle and pulling the cloth from your neck up over your nose and mouth, “Let's go get ‘em boys.”
Your small group of four started making their way to one of the emergency exits of the building, one of the five major entrances to the school, and the one you would be pushing through. The rest of the teams did a quick comms check as you walked through the fog, each of them ready to catch the man who had betrayed them all nearly a year ago.
Your boots crunched softly on the gravel as you and your men crouched behind a row of parked cars. Raising the scope of your rifle to your eye so you could get a view of the area surrounding the building, you counted six armed men, all of whom were dressed in black clothing sporting Shadow Company insignia.
“Bloody Shadows.” You grumbled and pulled away from your scope looking at the man beside you, Howser, “This is definitely the right place.”
Howser nodded, “We taking them out?” He crouched next to you with his gun raised.
You nodded and leaned back to look at the two men behind him, “Let's take them out quick and quiet.”
A quiet ‘yes ma'am’ came from each of the men as they aimed at the Shadows near the building. Your shot was lined up in a way that allowed you to take out two men with one bullet, the three men behind you making quick work of taking the other ones out, and soon all six of the Shadows were lying dead on the ground.
“Moving up towards the building now.” You spoke into the radio on your chest.
You pointed your finger forward signaling to your men to move for the building, the door on the side being your target.
“All teams hold outside your doors, we silent breach at the same time.” Price’s voice commanded.
You didn't bother responding as you pressed your back against the brick wall to the right of the door, your gun held tightly in your hand while your men fell into place beside you. Howser moved to the left side of the door and leaned back against the wall with his fingers over the door handle waiting for the go-ahead.
“Team Two is in place, waiting for your go captain.” You said into the radio.
A few seconds went by before Soap, Gaz, and Ghost all announced that they were in place and ready to breach.
“Breach it now!” Price called out.
Howser pushed open the door and you moved inside with your gun raised and two men flanking you on either side, all three of you began shooting at the Shadows inside who raised their weapons to you.
The small dark stairwell was lit by the muzzle flashes of your silenced weapons, the sounds of their bodies falling to the floor as you pushed up the stairs past them making you cringe. The voices of your teammates sounded in your ears as they updated you on their status, each of them now inside the school and moving towards the upper floors where Shephard would be.
“Choppers just landed on the roof, Shepherd ain't gettin’ out that way.” Soap’s accented voice came through your earpiece.
“Moving onto the second floor now.” You responded, “Any sign of him yet boys?” You pushed open the door to the main hall and peeked through the small crack only to see dozens of Shadows bustling about around someone.
“Hold where you are Y/n, Laswell thinks he might be on that floor, wait there until we can move up with you.” Price said.
“I think she’s right.” You pressed your back to the wall beside the door and stared through the small crack, your eyes settling on the older man in the middle of a group of Shadows, “I’m looking at Shephard right now sir.”
Howser shot you a concerned look from his spot across from you.
“Do not engage him Y/n, wait until we get up there and we’ll hit him from all angles.” Ghost said, his tone rough and you could hear the sound of gunfire behind his voice.
You watched Shephard shout orders to the men around him as they rushed around, “Guys you need to hurry, I think he's getting ready to leave.”
“Heavy resistance on the lower floors, we can't get up to you Y/n!” Price shouted.
The Shadows started moving for the door you were stationed behind and you shot a worried glance to the men behind you as your grip on your gun tightened.
You carefully pushed the door shut and took a deep breath, “Guys they're coming out my door, I have to engage.” your men nodded to you, they were ready and so were you.
The door pushed open and Howser fired a shot directly at the Shadow’s head causing him to drop to the floor at your feet. The victory was short-lived though because now they knew you were here and the mercs pushed into the stairwell and swarmed you.
You didn't know when two of your men were killed but soon it was just you and Howser shooting back at the group of Shadows. Your ears were ringing from the proximity of the gunfire and the way it echoed around the tight quarters. You could hear your teammates shouting at you in your ear but you couldn't make out what they were saying as you watched Howser fall to the ground, a large bloody hole in his head.
“Hold your fire!” Shepherd shouted, his loud voice echoing off the walls.
You froze in your spot with your gun still raised as Shephard stepped through the doorway and glared at you.
“Lieutenant Y/l/n, it's been a long time.” He greeted you with a dry smile, “You're on the wrong side of this.” He glared down his nose at you.
“I'd beg do differ, you just killed my men and I plan on returning the favor.” You put on a mask of false confidence, you knew you couldn't get out of this alive, “I'm gonna kill every single one of you.”
The loud sound of Shephard’s handgun firing at you made your ears ring and your head spin, the pain in your chest taking a few seconds to register. At first, it felt like being pinched, it then quickly snowballed into a white-hot pain that made you want to throw up.
You stared down at your chest where he had shot you, he had hit the spot just in front of your armpit where your armor plates didn't cover. The blood quickly spread along the tan vest you wore and your legs gave out on you causing you to stumble back and use the wall to hold yourself up.
“Take her guns, leave her there.” Shepherd all but spat the words at you as he fired another shot at your stomach.
You couldn't speak, you couldn't think, the pain in your body was so bad that you couldn't even breathe as you slid down the wall and hit the floor. Your hand shook uncontrollably as you pressed it to the bleeding hole in your chest, the blood flowing out freely which made you begin to panic.
Shepherd left you on the floor of the stairwell as he and his Shadows moved down and out of the building, he got away on your watch.
You stared at your dead teammates around you and let out a strangled sob as you moved your hand up to your radio, “Simon?” Your breathing was heavy, “North stairwell, Shephard is getting away.”
“Y/n? Are you injured?” Ghost’s voice sounded panicked.
You let out a humorless laugh, copper filling your mouth, “I can't feel my legs, Simon.”
Anything else that was said through the radio was lost on you as you started coughing up blood, the crimson liquid staining your gloves as you wiped it off of your lips.
It could have been five minutes or it could have been five hours, you had no idea how long you were sitting there but you did know that the pool of blood around you was too big. The sound of footsteps coming down the stairs alerted you that someone was coming, you tried to move and grab the knife on your vest but you couldn't, you were too weak.
“Y/n!” Ghost’s voice echoed in the stairwell seconds before you saw him running down the stairs.
You tilted your head to look up at him as he dropped to his knees beside you, “Hey big guy.” You smiled weakly up at him.
He immediately pulled your vest off of you so he could get a look at your wounds, the movements causing you to scream in pain.
“I know love, I'm sorry but I gotta see ‘em.” He carefully examined the two gunshot wounds, his eyes moving frantically over your bleeding body.
You squeezed his leg, “Shephard, he's getting away.” Your voice was quiet as tears started to fall down your cheeks.
Ghost shook his head, “Don't worry about that right now, we’re just gonna worry about you for now.” He pressed his hands down on the wound in your stomach.
Your teeth clenched, “I don't wanna die, Simon.” You sobbed.
He shook his head and glared at you, “You're not going to die, don't say that.”
“Can you hold me?” You pleaded.
He didn't say anything as he shifted his body so he was sitting beside you with his legs spread out, your blood staining his clothes as he pulled you into his arms, “You're gonna be fine.” He whispered mostly to himself.
You dropped your head to the side and rested it on his chest, “You're warm.” You muttered.
Simon stared down at you with tears in his eyes, he knew you weren't going to make it.
“Have I ever told you I love your eyes?” Your words were slurred as your moved your hand to his, your pinkie wrapping around his index finger and squeezing it tight.
He nodded, “You tell me every morning.” He squeezed your pinkie.
You closed your eyes and hummed, “I like seeing you in the mornings.” Another cough brought up more blood that Simon quickly wiped away, “You look cute when your hair is all messy.”
Simon had to look away from you as hot tears started to stain the cloth of his mask, “You always hog the blankets in the morning you know.” He bit down on the inside of his jaw to keep from loosing a broken sob.
You didn't say anything else after that, your breathing slowed down until it stopped altogether and your hold on his finger loosened as your arm fell limp in his lap.
When Soap found Ghost he froze, he had never seen the man so small, so broken.
He slowly stepped down the stairs onto the bloody floor and stared at Ghost, his mask was off and his forehead was pressed to yours where you lay unmoving in his lap. It was your blood covering the floor.
“Ghost?” Soap stepped through the blood and walked over to him.
Ghost didn't move or react to his presence, he just kept his arms tight around you. His shoulders shook slightly and Soap quickly realized that he was crying.
Soap knelt next to him and put his arm on his shoulder, “Simon, medical is here.” He spoke quietly.
“She’s gone.” His voice was barely above a whisper.
Soap’s eyes stung, “Guys are going to be coming in here, you may wanna put your mask back on.”
Ghost sucked in a sharp breath and sat up, his bloodshot eyes and tear-stained face meeting Soap’s, “I'm going to kill Shepard with my bare hands.”
The cold bite to his voice caught Soap by surprise, he had never seen such a dead look in the man’s eyes as he did right now. Any shred of humanity left in his eyes was gone now, the mask over his face almost seemed to fit him better now.
The two men stayed silent as they walked out of the building, Ghost holding your body close to his chest as they went. The masked man carried you through the fog and let it surround you both like ghosts.
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maesphantoms · 2 years
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Ask box is always open! If you want to be anonymous feel free to choose a nickname!
Requests are CLOSED
Request rules:
I don't write smut
Let me know if you would like a gn!reader or a fem!reader, but I am more comfortable in fem!reader so I may default to it.
Nothing openly abusive/gross
I'm not super knowledgeable on COD in of itself as I grew up playing them with my brother and have a shit memory so there will be some inaccuracy of the story/military/medical shit so you will just have to bear with me :D
I haven't written fanfiction in years so I am very rusty
დ - Fluff ☁ - Angst ❄ - Whump
John Price
Dear John დ
Sunset {Task Force 141 x Reader} ❄️
Simon 'Ghost' Riley
Breathless {Ghost, Soap, GN!Reader Platonic} ❄☁
Sunset {Task Force 141 x Reader} ❄️
John 'Soap' MacTavish
Breathless {Ghost, Soap, GN!Reader Platonic} ❄☁
Sunset {Task Force 141 x Reader} ❄️
Kyle 'Gaz' Garrick
Sunset {Task Force 141 x Reader} ❄️
Until My Last Breath - Slow burn Ghost x OC fic - 1900+ words so far
Gaz x Reader - Gaz is super overprotective of Reader on a mission and the rest of the team finds out, angst *
You Can't Stop All Injuries - Ghost x Reader - Reader was badly injured on a mission that ended their career and Simon tries to take care of you, angst
Dear John pt 2 - John Price x Reader - angst
*In the process of getting a hang of their characters so I can accurately write for them
Author Recs
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