magatsudetective · 6 years
“Come on, why do you have to single me out!” he said with a look of shock and exasperation, rubbing the back of his head with his hand
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“Honestly how did I get roped into this...”
He had no desire to be here. He had no desire to play at all. When he was begged to help he assumed it would only be one quick game, and accepting was the easiest way to get it over with. Between the heat and the loudness of the beach, it was really just too annoying for him. If there was going to be any kind of sabotage it would probably be to his own teammate rather than to his opponents, but that would just lead to more trouble than if he’d persisted in turning it all down.
“Well, if you’re that eager, I guess I’ll have to get pumped up enough to match it.” he said, mostly a feign, but a bit of the competitiveness was real. “I really should warn you though,”
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“Sorry, but I don’t play nice.”
@bloomingqueen → @grandsheltknight → genesismaiden
The shallow crater in the corner of the court would be no deterrent. Misaki had known well in advance the dangers of entering into a competition where, to some participants, they may be nothing more than ants, but long tired was she of feeling it typical to feel so insignificant and unnecessary stemming from a lack of something to make her mark. She had been stern in warning Tokoha that they were walking into no ordinary tournament whilst recruiting the younger girl; this was no Cardfight tournament. This was war.
Might it have been fortunate they were against people she, from prior experience at least, were of the same calibre. Perhaps out of pity, in which case, she had her grievances, but couldn’t say she didn’t expect such a play.
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“Wouldn’t you say they’re looking to clear out the small fry before someone winds up dead on the court? Pretty cold if you ask me,” she quipped, setting eyes on the older man across the net with a devious smirk. “Try not to pull something”.
@magatsudetective  → @bloomingqueen → @grandsheltknight
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magatsudetective · 6 years
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“I’ll really never understand why you kids are so obsessed with running around in the blazing sun. Air conditioning was made to save humanity from the season of summer, yet all of you just run back into it.”
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magatsudetective · 6 years
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“Sir I have to ask you to put your clothes back on, otherwise I will legally be forced to arrest you.”
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“WHO’S UP FOR A SANDY BEACH FOOTRACE?! It’s a fun activity that’ll do wonders for building up stamina too! Trying to run in sand isn’t as easy as it sounds, you know?!”
Well, someone’s having fun at the festival. He could probably do without popping out of the sand unannounced and scaring others, though.
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magatsudetective · 6 years
“…You would do that?”
Paz looked up at him, eyeing the man a little more carefully.
Whoever he was, he certainly was accustomed to this strange scenario. Either he really had been in it plenty of times before, or… he was actually one of the people in charge of it all. Either way, it wasn’t like she had much left to lose.
“What do you get out of it? You have no obligation to lend me a hand. For all you know, I have done terrible things. If you have as much experience as you claim to… you should know better.”
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“But… if you really are willing to tell me what you know, I will listen.”
“Me and my big mouth...”
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“Most people here have done something bad, I’ve stopped trying to think about it. Plus the morals of my world might not line up with yours. It’s not worth thinking about.”
This girl just didn’t know how to stop being a pain in the ass. But most people in this place were like that he supposed, especially the ones that had left an impact. Maybe he could use her for something later, maybe he just wanted to have someone to talk to if no one else from the other worlds were here, he could think up many reasons. None would be quite correct, but it really didn’t matter, not at this point anyway.
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“Besides, it’s not like I have anything better to do. The place isn’t really put together yet.” he said, fully believing the ‘yet’ was more than just an assumption. “So go on, ask away. I just got to this one my self though so don’t expect too much alright?”
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magatsudetective · 6 years
The brats had been in and out of the last city many times, some for long periods others for less. More often however, he found himself being the only one from his world around. It was both a relief and an annoyance. On one hand there was no one tying him down. On the other, there was no one to anchor him into a state of reality. He’d long since stopped wondering if it was all some dream or something equally as stupid, but sometimes the difference and the strangeness caught up to him.
The ones that never seemed to be around were the ones that, while he’d never say out loud, he actually gave a shit. The ones that would actually challenge him, maybe even understand him. Naoto and Kanji, they just wanted to punch him on sight. Yosuke and Yukiko tended to be too shocked to speak. Sho was a dick, and the others weren’t even worth thinking about.
And yet here he was, right there, in this ruined heap of a city. What could he even really say at this moment? The look on the boy’s face though was enough to give him a bit of a laugh.
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“Well what do you know. It’s been a while, hasn’t it? Can’t say I expected to see you here, but this place is filled with the unexpected. You haven’t gotten yourself mixed up in anything dangerous yet have you?”
Souji’s resigned themselves to not knowing any more about the city than the city allows, which means nothing more than it’s destroyed and those that work anywhere here don’t seem to know anything other than how to advertise.
They decide to sit somewhere by one of the (half destroyed) shops, too tired to think of much more and far too broke to really consider buying anything else to see if someone reacts different.
It definitely makes them significantly more awake when they see someone all too familiar walk by the same area- parts are clearly different, seems to be a bit more… well, clean, but outside of that looks the same mess as they’re familiar with, and Souji finds themselves staring.
They also find themselves wishing, as soon as said person turns his head, that they had ran and hid long before he had the chance to see them.
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magatsudetective · 6 years
The oddities of the cities were not new. Adachi had expected this to happen, albeit not in such a way that seemed to be the start of a horror or disaster movie. An announcement from the new creators however was, in his mind, long overdue.
Yet he couldn’t help thinking to the last time he had to form a ‘team’. Threads locking each other together and crawling around in an underground lightless cave was not something he planned on doing again.
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“Yeah I think I’ll pass. The kids can handle the fun this time around. *sigh* If this is how they’re starting things off here, these guys are certainly some kind of joker.”
Of course he was not the only one in the initial area. At the same time he spoke, a boy dressed in an audacious mismatch of colors and patterns muttered something he worked out as “Ah, if only I had the Luna memory”. A blonde girl that seemed to be the type to be up her own ass and another princess looking type uttered similar remarks. He didn’t hear their exact works, but they came together to be something around the lines of “Why should I team up with anyone here?”
“Acknowledged.” said the voice above.
Followed promptly by a “What?” from four voices in unison.
With not a moment to react a blinding blot of light came towards the group. Unlike the others in which it crashed before their feet however, the small device crashed directly into Adachi’s chest, sending him flipping backwards. The impact was lessened by his Persona, however it was still a strong impact, leaving him laying on the ground with it on his stomach. Once he was flat on his back, somehow a burst of fireworks shot up, and as a certain victory fanfare played, the fireworks spelled out “Team LunaJoker”.
Adachi simply stared at it for a moment, realizing what had occurred. The girls saying “team” the boy saying “luna” and himself saying “joker” had happened to line up perfectly, and the decision (by the greater powers that be) had made their decision.
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“You’ve gotta be kidding me...”
lystsyn -> halfbilitate -> imperishablemoon
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magatsudetective · 6 years
replied to your
//Hello friends who may or may not have been...
[I can only imagine such a paper was ex-saus-ting.]
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//normally I’d kill you but I’ve missed you and your puns you nerd ass
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magatsudetective · 6 years
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//Hello friends who may or may not have been wondering where I’ve been! Long story short I had a 20 page paper due on Friday, so last week most of my time went to that. But now that’s done, and while I do still have a bit of work for this class to do it’s not pressing, so I will be getting back to stuff soon! I decided to rest yesterday and got dragged around by family today unfortunately, but I will be back on track with replies and junk tomorrow! Thanks for your patience, and I hope I don’t let you down
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magatsudetective · 6 years
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“Huh?! Just keep on pressin’, old man… Y’know, I coulda’ just let your sorry ass rot in jail!”
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“You really just don’t get it. I was content to stay there. If I’d wanted to I could have left at any time. The only reason I picked my ‘sorry ass’ up was so I could piss you off. If only I’d known how easy it really was...”
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magatsudetective · 6 years
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“Something about this song... I don’t know, it reminds me of the 90s. Something, something about running. Ah but listen to me, what am I even talking about.”
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magatsudetective · 6 years
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//This paper got me salty. do you know how many replies I could have written instead?
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magatsudetective · 6 years
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he just kind of winced looking at the screen.
to: Paz 
[TXT] I understood brown black and twins. I think there may have been something about jumping and dog. [TXT] If a dog got trapped in a well call the fire department not me. If it gave birth try a vet.
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To: [ Adachi @magatsudetective ]
[TXT]: sthe qiucnk brown xfox jufmps okver the llazy dog e [TXT]: bright vixesn jmup; odzy fjowl qhuack [TXT]: spdhinx ovf black quar,tz judige vmy vow [TXT]: tshe five qboxing wiczards jubmp quilykc [TXT]: iizuzcqoal twins proved my hijacbk-gu fix fix
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magatsudetective · 6 years
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a good girl sense has been triggered
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magatsudetective · 6 years
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“Well great. What am I supposed to do here, kick the cat? Jeez this place is annoying...”
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magatsudetective · 6 years
‘ do you miss anyone? ’
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“Does it even matter? What’s missing them gonna do really. I can’t decide they come back no matter how much I do. 
Of course I do. No one knew how to cause a scene like Bern. I thought I’d like not having that shitty vampire stalking me, but honestly I wish I had it back. No one brightens up a room like Schu did, I bet everyone from that time remembers her smile. As annoying as it was driving Noire around was a pretty good time looking back on it.
And of course there’s her. She’s still here, but it’s not the one that was mine you know? She doesn’t remember a damn thing, and to make it worse she’s prancing about with that asshole. But it doesn’t matter does it? There’s nothing I can do about it. Even if they showed back up tomorrow, it wouldn’t be them, and the ones that are still here, I can’t make remember me. So what does it matter if I miss them or not?”
Despite what he said however, a smile passed his face and he laughed for a moment. He raised the cup he was holding for a moment, as if saluting someone that wasn’t there.
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“Don’t even get me started on that bean pole. Honestly as dumb as it sounds, I might miss him the most. Nothing’s quite the same without his stupid face around. I’d rather the lights be off forever than not have him here.”
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magatsudetective · 6 years
//I’m thinking about making a recap post for all of Adachi’s interactions and development through his citta days. Might work on that slowly.
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magatsudetective · 6 years
‘ describe love. ’
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“No thanks, I’d rather rip out my own spleen, and I’m not even sure where that is.”
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