maletfs · 4 months
To Break in New Clothing
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The guy paid me $50 to wear this jockstrap everyday when I went to the gym. He asked that they get exceptionally sweaty. I’m not one to turn down money for dignity, so I agreed.
I had a suspicion of what he was doing with my jockstrap when I gave it back to him, but that just made me more turned on. I took a drink as I rested between sets. With the 3-inch inseam shorts, I could feel the summer breeze airing my puckered hole. I took a breath and rubbed my hand along my hairy chest, smearing the sweat down my abs toward my dick and balls. Speaking of balls, I adjusted them, rubbing the jockstrap cloth deeper into the swampy groin. I guessed I like the thought of the guy inhaling my stench while he jerked off. He wasn’t attractive, but the fact he wanted to breathe in my man musk was enough to make me precum, and maybe I should charge him more for how much of my precum I soaked the dirty jockstrap with.
When I met the guy again, he handed me the money and I made a show of slipping off my shorts, then pulling off the jockstrap. The rush of cool air caused an immediate reaction to my sweaty cock, but I tossed the strap to the guy and dressed myself again. I was hoping for a bit more, but the guy thanked me and left. I was a bit disappointed. I was hoping for some begging, some desperate attempt to check me out, but nope. It was suspicious, so I decided to follow the guy. What was his deal?
It took a while, but I found the guy in the hills out of the city limits. I hid myself behind some rocks, peeking from the corner, conspicuous as I was with no underwear in running shorts. Then what I saw was impossible.
The guy placed the jockstrap on the ground and uttered some words then… the jockstrap transformed into a cute twink. His hair was messy; he was nude; he was drenched in sweat; and he gave a relaxed, content grin to the guy. He looked beyond satisfied. He pulled on some shorts, and it looked as if he had just completed a run. He was so sweaty.
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“God, you stink,” the guy said to the nude twink. “Did you enjoy your day out? I can’t imagine why you like it.”
“I enjoyed it,” the twink said. He slurred his words as he was buzzed. A lazy smile melted on his lips. “He was a sweaty boy today. We worked out and he messaged me against his cock. He was getting hard and I drank his precum. I think he likes it just as much as I do.” The twink started to walk towards the guy.
“Hey, stay away. Take a shower first, then pay me.”
“Why would I shower? I wish I could smell like this forever. Maybe you could make me his gym sock, but I would miss his dick. He finally broke me in, but I’m gonna be broke at this rate.”
I could’t believe what I was hearing. This whole time, the jockstrap I wore and abused with my sweat was actually a person. The thought was hot. With this info, I imagined all the ways I could play with this gay guy–make his dreams come true. I stepped from behind the rocks. Both men glanced at me with wide eyes.
“Hey, I’m gonna need my jockstrap back,” I said. I walked closer to the twink. He smelled absolutely ripe. He smelled like my gym bag, and he needed to get back there.
The twink gave a nervous smile and backed away. “Look man, there must be some misunderstanding.”
“No no, I don’t think I missed understood anything. I want my jockstrap back. I’m not finished with it yet.” I stared him in the eye. “Maybe I want gym socks instead or even a cum rag.” I turned to the other guy, “How much to get what I want?”
The guy stammered and settled on $500. “You say these words to change him.” He spoke something in another language. “And if you want him to become something else, just say it also. But make sure you change him human every once in a while.”
“So he can eat.” The guy seemed confused at my question. “And shower and live his life.”
I stared them both in the eye. “He eats when I tell him to and his life is over. My cum rag shouldn’t worry about his life.” I spoke the word and watched the twink shrunk and fell into the street as a piece of clothing. I swear I saw him smiling, and I had smiled back.
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maletfs · 5 months
The Naughty List
“The f- uh, can I help you?” Rick wasn’t sure how else to respond in the moment as he walked into his living room to find a large man in a red costume hunched over next to the fireplace.
“Oh, wonderful! Yes, perfect timing as a matter of fact. I was hoping I could wrap up this last stop quickly.” The man put his gloved hand on the mantle and hoisted himself upright, leaving little doubt as to his identify as he turned to face Rick. The beard, the belly, the suit – it was all there.
“Ok then, errr… Santa. I’ll play along. Did Jace put you up to this? How did you even get in here?”
“Why, through the chimney of course, just like always! Things just took a bit longer this year, but here I am!”
“Yeah, I mean, aren’t you a bit late? It’s almost New Years…”
The normally jolly look on Santa’s face soured a bit, although Rick didn’t notice. “Well, there are a couple billion more people than there used to be,” said Santa, dripping with rare sarcasm. “And no one is happy with the simple things anymore, so everything has to be bigger and bigger and better than ever before for social media and-“ Santa snapped out of his little rant, coming back to his senses. "But enough about that. Those gifts are reserved for those on the Nice list. These Naughty stops are usually much faster," he said with a chuckle.
"Ah, so I'm on the Naughty list, eh," Rick said with a smirk, now convinced that this was just a prank or little bit of roleplay that his boyfriend Jace had arranged. "What does that run these days? A few extra lumps of coal from inflation?"
"Sometimes yes, actually. It varies quite widely though, you see. And I do tend to save something... special for my last stop. it makes the rest of my year until next Christmas season much more enjoyable! And you, my little Dickie, have been on the Naughty list for so long, you finally earned that last spot..."
"Dickie? No one has called me that since I was like-"
"8, in fact."
Rick's previously amused expression slowly darkened. "And how the hell would you know THAT? I've never told anyone that, not even Jace."
"Oh, you know how all the songs go... I've been watching you for a long time, Dickie. Or would you prefer another moniker? Big Dick Rick, perhaps?"
"Ok, well, I don't have time for this anymore. Suit yourself." Rick turned around with a huff, intending to leave and accost Jace over the weird interaction in their home.
"Very well - I'll do just that!" A red cloud enveloped Rick from behind as Santa blew a handful of red dust that he had fished out from a punch on his large traditional belt. Rick coughed and waived his arms around before the cloud seemed to thicken and swirl around him until...
Just a quickly as it had swallowed him, the red cloud dissipated and left Rick wide-eyed and speechless. His clothes had all evaporated with Santa's smoke, and he was hovering a few inches above the ground. Santa just smirked as Rick spun his arms and legs around, trying to orient himself and regain some control.
"Ah, that's better! As you said, Rick, I don't have time for this early, so let's get this show on the road. I was going to give you and Jace the same special treatment that I usually save for my last stop, but I just thought of something different for you. Now... come to Santa!"
Rick's ass started to pull backwards towards Santa, with the rest of Rick floating along with it. Meanwhile Santa quickly unbuckled his belt and let his trademark pants fall to the floor, releasing his jolly belly and reveling a modest-but-erect cock aimed right at Rick's ass.
"Wait! Wha- what are you doing?!? N- EE!" Rick's protests ended with a high pitched squeak as Santa's cock slid right into his hole, leaving him mounted mid-air on Santa's crotch. A small moan escaped both their lips before Rick snapped back to his senses, albeit momentarily.
"N- no! This isn't- JACE! Jace! Ja..." Rick's words slurred and his eyes rolled back slightly as a bit more red dust sprinkled down from Santa's glove above his head.
"There, there... Just relax. That'll make this next part faster and more enjoyable for both of us," cooed Santa in Rick's ear. And with that, Santa leaned forward slightly and started to rub his gloved hands down Rick's muscular thighs, rounding his knees before pulling up slightly on his shins and feet. Again and again, Santa gently tucked Rick's lower body up towards his own as the changes slowly became more and more noticeable. With each pass, Rick's legs diminished in size, rounding off and lifting up towards their new home. Santa's balls hung low as Rick's feet finally made contact, merging and sinking inside. Within a matter a moments, Rick's legs had been fully engulfed by Santa's nuts, which now sat slightly larger in Santa's hand. He rolled them around with his gloved fingers, eliciting another louder moan from them both. And then, at least the most perfect or most awkward time...
"Rick, babe, was that you? Did you need help with something?" Jace descended the stairs down in the hall in front of the living room, giving him a direct view of the show. "Babe, what did yo-" Jace's eyes grew wide like saucers at the sight of his legless cross-eyed boyfriend magically suspended out from Santa's crotch. He would have been speechless even if a bolt of Santa's dust hadn't smacked his as soon as he turned the corner, leaving him frozen in place. A few muffled screams faded quickly as the calming effects of Santa's magic took hold.
"Oops! Well that was some interesting timing... Sorry about that, Jace, but you'll just have to wait there for your turn. Don't worry - it won't be long!"
And with that, Santa refocused on the task at hand, quite literally. "Well first, we need to do something about these big broad shoulders of yours!" Santa reached out his large hands and started to caress and press them on Rick's traps, pulling down and back and around from the base of his neck. Just like with his legs, each pass of Santa's hands brought accelerating changes as Rick's muscular shoulders and arms began to smooth down and slowly merge into his torso. Rick's biceps flexed a couple final times on reflex, but that didn't last long as they disappeared into the rest of him. Rick's new shape was becoming more and more clear unbeknownst to him. He simply remained a moaning mess mounted on Santa's cock.
"Mmmmmm, now for the best parts," Santa moaned as he reached back down towards his balls before stroking upwards. He hadn't forgotten that Rick's rock hard cock was still protruding, but not for long. Rick let out his loudest moan yet, and his eyes rolled back again as Santa pressed his cock against his abs, again and again, pressing it deeper and deeper until only Rick's smoothed abs remained. Rick groaned one last time before a different sound finally emerged - more of a gurgle. Santa purred at the new noise. "Mmmmmmm, yes, that's what I've been waiting for. That's what I love to hear..." Shifting his focus one final time, Santa stretched out with both hands as far as he could, just barely able to reach Rick's handsome face. Santa gently caressed Rick's cheeks as he pulled backwards, stroking what remained of Rick's body with both hands all the way down both sides from head to hips, stopping only to give Rick's pecs and nipples a squeeze on the way. The little bit of Rick's consciousness that struggled to hang on quickly lost its will as it felt like Santa's cock was growing inside of him with every stroke. The reality of course was slightly different as it was actually Rick's body dwindling in size. His mind was too mushy to notice however as Santa gave his pecs and nipples one last tease before they disappeared, causing that gurgling sound to bubble up from within Rick again and a dab of drool, or at least something that looked like drool, to dribble out the corner of his mouth and down his chin. Rick's hips had already disappeared into Santa's at this point, leaving what was left of him firmly attached. Santa's floating magic was barely even needed at this point as Santa had shrunk what was left of Rick down down past 3 feet to less than 2. His hands now easily reached all the way around Rick's body, so it was time to finally focus on Rick's head. Santa's gloves gently slid around his face, smoothing his forehead and chin back and down. It only took a few strokes before all that was left was Rick's tiny face on the tip of Santa's significantly larger rock-hard cock. Any illusion of Rick's torso was long gone, with cock veins clearly straining along what had been his body. Cum clearly leaked from his lips as he bobbed up and down a bit, and Rick's glazed eyes could only stare straight up at Santa's jolly face smiled down at him from above. And with that, the last thing that Rick saw was Santa's gloves bearing down on his one last time for one last tug, as his final features smoothed away, leaving just an engorged pink drooling head on the end of the dick that Rick had always been.
Santa groaned as Rick's transformation completed, with every last bit of nerve and fiber finally merged with his own.
"Nnggghhhhhhh, Big Dick Rick indeed..." Santa moaned as his new python of a cock started to soften slightly, all the while continuing to drool. "And for your first performance..." Santa's eyes gleamed as he turned and his mouth drew into a wide smirk... 'I'm going to need a volunteer!"
Horrified didn't even begin to cover it as Jace remained wide-eyed and frozen, staring at his former boyfriend leaking onto the floor from between Santa's jiggling thighs.
"For you, Jace, I've saved the usual 'gift' I give at the end of the season. This one is more for me really, but every now and then a recipient even enjoys it too! Now, don't be shy..." Santa playfully motioned for Jace with his index finger, calling him over.
"Mmmmm... mmmmmm!" Jace tried to cry out but could only manage a muffled protest as he felt himself lift off the ground slightly and twist and angle directly towards Santa. Then, suddenly and far faster than Rick had hovered, Jace was flung across the room in an instant, like a magnet flying to it partner. Jace's destination was far from a magnet however, as Big Dick Rick barreled his way between Jace's lips with a satisfying *schlorp*. Jace gagged from having such a massive member suddenly down his throat, but he quickly relaxed as a light sprinkle of that familiar red dusted his face. His eyes crossed and rolled back as he started to go to town on his former boyfriend, using every trick and tongue that he had ever learned. Santa practically roared in pleasure.
"Good lord, boy! I didn't even suggest... any...JESUS, you're good at this!" Santa could barely form a thought while getting what must've been the best blowjob of his life. He only wished it could've lasted longer, but Rick was so... so... sensitive...!
Three souls groaned as Santa's body started to buck and his 'gift' started to pour into Jace. A torrent of cum and mass and magic erupted from Rick's old lips straight down Jace's throat - far more than should have been physically possible. But this was no normal load, as Jace's body started to quiver. Not that Jace could discern anything further, but Santa's ample body was undergoing a change of its own. His belly shook like a bowl full of jelly as it receded inwards, all while Jace's breathing grew more labored. His tight-fitting clothes groaned, stretching at the seams as Jace expanded in all directions. Every part of him inflated like a balloon as Santa's did the opposite, with the disappearing mass revealing a sculpted physical behind. After the magical climax, Santa slowed stepped back, sliding his cock out of his cock's boyfriend's now-chubby face. Jace slumped to the floor on his knees, leaving his rotund rear end sticking up in the air.
"Aahhhhhh, that always feels soooooo much better, like the best version of getting your hair cut." A barely recognizable figure chuckled over the comatose boyfriend on the floor. Santa's traditional clothes started to shimmer and warp as they slowly reformed on his body. His coat pulled in quickly and tightly, foregoing new sleeves while his baggy pants snaked out from the ground, wrapping themselves around Nick’s tight thighs with a trim fit before covering the softening cock inside, sealing it in its new home.
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"This is what can happen to those on the Naughty list, gentlemen. Now, we can revisit your Naughty status near year, depending on your behavior of course. But with that, I think we can call this season a wrap! Time to hit up somewhere warm like Miami and have some fun for a bit!” And with that and a little strut, Nick made his way out of the house, giving Jace’s ample airborne ass a little slap along the way. He stretched his muscles, now on full display, and summoned his list with a puff of red smoke to cross his last names off for the year. However…
“Well what’s this? Did I miss one somehow? I guess we have one more quick stop this year, Rick!” said Nick as he pawed at his crotch with a smirk. “Now let’s see. Bryce… Bryce… are we Naughty or Nice! Ah ha! N-“
Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, and Happy New Year to all, especially @bizzhideaway ! 😁
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maletfs · 2 years
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Saw someone asking for a TF version of an erotic ‘Would You Rather’ game with their followers, so I decided to make one.
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maletfs · 4 years
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Nice to have a new pair of white tights! I appreciate your sacrifice for me, letting me use my powers to transform you into these. You’re gonna love your new existence. Time to start stretching for this workout, I’m gonna run and do a leg day, and this is the first of many leg days wearing you. I’m gonna use you until you’re not even white anymore, and you’re gonna absorb my balls sweat and maybe even my cum, without being able to do anything else. Your energy will be absorbed so that my legs can heal faster. This is your purpose now, tights. Accept it.
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maletfs · 4 years
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The Healer
Art by Antios Kalkares
Story by Douglas Benjamin
“Keep an eye on the faun,” Anthony said, clambering down from the oxcart.
It was nearly dusk, though the heavy canopy of the forest had plunged us into near-dark for most of the day. We were heading back to the village with our precious cargo, but the old ox was tired and slow and there was no hope of completing the journey before night fell. 
I turned to look at the figure lying in the hay on the back of the cart. His arms were bound behind his back with a leather strap, pinned in place on either side of his furry brown tail. His legs, also bound by a strap, were covered in a shaggy brown fur that nearly obscured his hooves. Two large ears framed his bearded face, tall black horns jutting from his forehead. Lying on his side, he scowled at me, and said nothing.
As Anthony gathered stones and kindling for a campfire, I climbed into the back of the cart.
“Can you speak?” I said, though I’d already asked and received no response when we first came upon him that morning. The faun had been snared by one of the rope traps that we’d set to catch bears. I wanted to set him free, but Anthony insisted we bring him home. The horns of a faun, he said, would make us rich.
As I moved closer to the faun, he jolted back, nearly falling off the back of the cart. His body was thick and muscular, broad, like that of a manual laborer. His shoulders were wide, his arms bulky and strong. His chest was larger than any I’d ever seen. I tried not to stare between his legs, where soft, shorter hair framed a thick cock. 
But he was also injured, I could see. The leather strap around his arms and chest had cut into him, and he had a red abrasion on his torso that had started to bleed.
“Oh no,” I said, reaching for my pack of provisions. “I’m sorry – let me help.” I removed a vial of red liquid, and the faun’s eyes widened, his nostrils flared. He struggled against his bonds.
“It’s okay,” I said, “I won’t hurt you. Relax.” I unstoppered the vial, and released a few drops onto my thumb, then pulled open my shirt and rubbed it on my chest. It glowed red on my flesh, then evaporated.
“It’s healing,” I said. “Magic. See? It won’t hurt.”
He narrowed his eyes.
I released a few more drops onto my thumb and reached out with my hand. The faun didn’t move, so I edged closer until I could make contact with his skin. The red drops on my thumb connected with the cut in his chest and he emitted a soft snort, grimaced, and then looked down to see the glow of the healing liquid heal the abrasion on his skin. The glow traced a line across his muscular chest as the bloody wound closed and vanished.
“I’m sorry,” I said again. “Are you … are you okay?”
“Why ask this,” the faun said, startling me. After his silence all day, I didn’t think he understood. He had an accent I could not place. “Do you wish for answer? Or for someone to pose same question to you?”
“I …” My words caught for a moment. “I was trying to be nice.”
“Nice! Human nice,” the faun scowled, turning away from me. “You are false. Heal before you kill.”
“We’re not going to kill you,” I said. As he turned away, I could see there was another cut on his back. I dropped more of the healing fluid onto my palm, and pressed it against the back wound. “What’s your name?”
He grunted, straining against the pain of my touch as the cut on his back healed. I stole a glimpse at his perfect round ass before he relaxed his rippling muscles and muttered, “Monachikos.”
“Monachikos,” I said, my hand lingering on his back. “I’m Eidos.”
He glanced over his shoulder at me. “Eidos,” he said. “Means ‘kind’ in Fae.”
“My mother was a healer in Icho,” I said, “back when the city was a crossroads between the Wildlands and the Mortal Reach. She had a lot of Fae clientele. One of them named me when I was born, the story goes.” I realized my hand was still on his back and I pulled it away, brushing his tail.
The faun was studying me more closely now. “And your father?”
I shrugged.
His nostrils flared and he took a deep breath in, then nodded, but said nothing.
“Anthony says we’ll be back in the village by tomorrow afternoon,” I said. “He wants to … forgive me … take your horns. He says they’re magic.”
“Your mate is correct,” Monachikos said, closing his eyes.
“He’s not my mate,” I said.
Monachikos snorted and smiled for just a moment. “Good,” he said, then opened his eyes, seemingly embarrassed at what he’d just said. “Good that he … I am sorry. I speak too fast. I try to say good, good that he is not cruel husband to you.”
I snorted with a quiet laugh at that. “Oh, he’s cruel to me,” I said. “Anthony’s cruel to everyone.” I glanced to the side and saw Anthony clumsily trying to strike a fire in a circle of stones.
“But you,” the faun said. “You are Eidos. Kind.” He inched up closer to me in the hay. In the dim light, I could see a curious expression on his face. His ears, furry and broad, were cocked towards me, and he took another deep breath as though taking in my scent.
I leaned back against the side of the oxcart, close to him. “Will it hurt, cutting your horns? We can numb them like we do for goats.”
“No,” Monachikos said. “It will not hurt.”
I reached out to touch one of his dark black horns, and his eyes followed my hand. He did not pull away as I ran a finger along it. “You’re sure?”
“Afterwards will hurt,” he said. “Without them, I am not magic. I become human.”
“Oh – I didn’t know that,” I said. “Will they grow back?”
He exhaled heavily, his eyes closed, and rested his head on my leg. I stared down at the masculine creature’s face in my lap, rubbing a hand along the horn and then through his hair. I could see that his eyelashes were wet.
“One day, maybe.” he said, almost whispering. “Can regrow with help from a mate. I have no mate.”
“I’m sorry,” I said, grasping for words. “Being human … it’s not bad.”
He opened his eyes, looking up to me, and tears fell from them.
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry,” I said. “I didn’t mean to …”
“You are so sad,” he said, gasping for air. “I feel it. I feel you. I feel pain. Your whole life. Sadness so vast it is your whole body.”
I said nothing. My hand stroked his hair. He stared up at me. Neither of us spoke for some time.
“So you’re a healer too,” I said at last.
“Not of the body,” he said. “But yes. I listen. I find what hurts.”
“So what did you find?” I asked. “What hurts me?”
“Being human,” he said.
I closed my eyes. There we sat in silence. I ran my hands through his hair, felt his hard smooth horns, and then lowered my hand to his bristley beard, his broad neck, his furry chest. I felt his heartbeat. It matched mine.
“Roll over,” I said, pushing him roughly to the side. He obeyed, rolling onto his chest to expose the metal latch on the leather straps that bound him.
I squeezed the latch, and the straps unfurled. His arms were released, and I did the same to his legs.
“Go,” I said, glancing back to Anthony still fussing with the campfire.
“Come with me,” Monachikos whispered.
“I can’t – I’m mortal, I can’t enter the Wildlands.”
Monachikos shook his head. “Idiot,” he said. “Do not let sadness make you stupid. Can you not see?”
“See what?” I said.
He lunged for me, grasping my head in his strong wide hands, straddling my body with his furry legs. He pressed his face to mine, opening his mouth, and I opened my mouth to accept him. His tongue was forceful, his breath earthy, and his grasp softened and grew tender as we kissed.
I felt my cock stiffen as did his against my abdomen, an electric thrill that surged throughout my body. There was a tightness in my temples, a tremble in my legs, and my feet cramped inside my shoes. Something was happening to me. Something magic.
The faun caressed me, his hands unlacing my shirt from collar to navel and then pulling it down off of my body. I felt flush with heat, felt the friction of our furry chests pressing together, and I fumbled with my pants to pull them from my legs. 
Monchikos pulled away, grinning, and yanked my pants down to expose me. To my shock, my legs were covered in fur like his, and as the pants passed my feet, I saw my toes darken, felt them curl, tighten, and form tough black hooves.
I looked back up to face him, shocked, and felt the tightness in my temples again. I reached up and felt them – horns growing from my head.
“What … what did you do,” I gasped. I felt a flicking sensation above my ass, and knew I’d grown a tail. 
“I am healer,” he said, beaming.
“You turned me into…”
“No. I restore.” he said. He moved closer and kissed me once more. I returned the kiss, wrapping my arms around him and holding him as tight as he held me.
“We’d better go,” I whispered to him.
“We go,” he whispered back. “Home.”
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maletfs · 4 years
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He loved latex. Actually, that would be a bit of an understatement: he lived for latex. He wore it at all times, even to work, and could not stop fantasising about it. He loved the feeling of rubber on his skin, its texture and tightness, its scent, even its taste! He really lived for latex.
So I got him something. A little present of sorts. I drove him to a secluded area of the forest and asked him to put a few drops of oil on his gear. I didn’t tell him what it would do - just that he would love the final results. Then I led him to a sunny clearing and sat on a tree stump.
He looked at me confused. Was something supposed to happen? Did he have to do anything? He went to take a step towards me when his ankle bent the wrong way and he lost balance, falling with a thud on his bum. Thankfully the soft grass cushioned his fall a little, otherwise he probably would’ve been quite pissed off.
He tried to get himself back up but his legs weren’t responding properly. His feet felt numb, and yet surprisingly sensitive. He swore he could even feel the grass he was lying on. He leaned forward and grabbed hold of his left foot. As soon as he did so, a gentle moan escaped his lips. He could feel his hand on the surface of his latex boots, the microvibrations generated from rubbing his clumsy fingertips on the rubbery surface. He gave it a squeeze and found it was empty - his feet was gone!
As he explored his boot, he noticed his lower calves seemingly deflating. He tried to shake them and felt the soil underneath them, the jagged edges of rocks scratching at his rubbery skin. His own rubbery skin. That’s when realisation hit him: he was turning into his gear.
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He looked up at me, his frown arched quizzically, his mouth open in disbelief. I simply smiled and nodded: this is your surprise. I hope you like it. He looked down at himself again, seeing the changes travel through his things. His lips slowly curved into a delighted smile - he liked it!
I strode towards him and knelt between his deflated legs, which I started to caress. His reaction was immediate: he leaned his head back and moaned, his body overtaken by the pleasurable sensation. His enjoyment seemed to accelerate the transformation because his things finished deflating and his bulge started flattening, any evidence of gender vanishing. I clawed at it before his anatomy was fully gone and was received with another powerful moan from him.
Without any lower body to hold his weight, his upper body descended onto the grass. The transformation was quickly progressing up his chest and down his arms, his moans subsiding as his lungs disappeared.
I lay on him and planted a kiss on his lips. He tried to say ‘thank you’ but there was no air left for his vocal chords to work. Besides, once the transformation reached his neck, his head started darkening and turning rubbery. His mouth pouted and protruded, turning into a mask. He looked at me one last time before his eyes closed forever.
I collected all his pieces, still warm from the transformation, and drove him back to our apartment. I laid him on the bed, ready to be worn, and then invited a common friend of ours over to have some nighttime fun.
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As I put him on, I could feel his latex body vibrating, emitting its own body heat. I could tell he was still alive, still conscious, and very much looking forward to the first night of his new existence.
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maletfs · 4 years
He said he had a crush on Cody Christian and would give everything he had to be with him. So I complied.
Now he’ll be Cody’s favourite workout briefs forever… or until he breaks. Whatever comes first.
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maletfs · 4 years
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“Has it started?”
“I think so. My cock feels kinda numb. Do you feel any different?”
“I don’t think - sooooooo oh oh! Hmm, your hand, on my torso...”
“Do you like?”
“And do you like it when I move it up... and down...?
“Hmm... My skin’s so sensitive...”
“That probably means it’s started.”
“Argh, hmm, and... and now what?”
“Now get ready for the greatest ride of your life - and the last one.”
For all your transformations, ctf, merging, inanimate, and more, check Male Transformations at maletfs.tumblr.com!
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maletfs · 4 years
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Yes, it is me. Same old Carlo. I’ve just had a couple of upgrades, courtesy of some random dude I met at the club yesterday. He asked me to dance with him and I just couldn’t say no: he was Hercules incarnate, every single inch of his body chiselled to perfection. After getting all sweaty on the dance floor, he dragged me to the disabled toilet and… well, you can imagine. Anyway, just as he was cumming, he told me to swallow, and I diligently drank it up. As soon as I did, I felt my entire body swelling up. Suddenly the twink you’d been dating these two years was gone and, in his place, stood I.
Now, the way this guy explained it, it’s all in the cum. That’s how he spreads it. So I was thinking, if you’re in the mood for some upgrades? Yeah? Well, then get on your knees.
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maletfs · 4 years
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I always bring souvenirs back from my holidays: a couple of pool boys turned into speedos, a good hook-up that became a pair of tight jeans, some shirts that were once a stag-do I danced with at a club... And my favourite from this trip: an expert cock-sucker I randomly met at the beach that was only too eager to turn into these black briefs.
Now it’s time to pack them all up and take them home to join the rest of the collection.
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maletfs · 4 years
These are very happy news indeed!
A New Year
Hey everyone! No story here (yet), just wanted to announce that 
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All jokes aside, I think it would be fair to say that I haven’t been very “active” on The Changing Room in the last year or so, and I definitely haven’t posted anything since 2020 began. 
I don’t like to get very personal on here, but to the 34 hundred (!!!!!) people who now follow this blog, I feel like I owe some sort of explanation. 
The truth is: I became overwhelmed. A lot of this was my fault. Last summer I set out to write my most ambitious story yet, a multi-part, choose-your-own-adventure-style transformation epic featuring a wide cast of superheroes and hunky actors, many of whom were chosen by you, my faithful followers. The third Comic-Con story wasn’t just going to be the biggest transformation story I’d ever written, it was going to be one of the biggest things I’d ever written, transformation or otherwise. 
But last year was… nuts, to say the least. I was in the middle of moving out of my parents’ place, trying to establish myself as an actual writer, and managing the requisite psychological trauma that comes from being trapped in the closet for 24 years (still working on that last part). I lost a job. Got a new one. Almost got promoted. Then COVID-19 happened, and now I have ZERO jobs. Yay!
Summer became fall and fall became winter and winter became spring, and the thought of releasing a Comic-Con-themed story so far from the actual event started to feel embarrassing. Writing became a chore, which is super depressing to say. But with everything else going on in my life and in the world, stories about superheroes fucking each other just felt… silly.
Yesterday, I turned 25. I am unemployed, I am alone. I am alternately afraid for my life and angry that I have to be in the first place. And I am very, very horny. All the time. I miss writing smut, I miss turning guys into celebrities, and I miss the thrill of a hot transformation story.
So I’m cumming back. 
I don’t know when (or if) I’ll be able to finish the Comic-Con story. Perhaps over the summer, in lieu of actual Comic-Con. Who knows. All I know is that I need to keep writing. I made The Changing Room because reading and writing transformation is a criminal amount of fun, and christ do we all need to be having a little fun right now. 
Be on the lookout for new content over the next couple weeks. I’ll probably start small, maybe with some short stories and instagram captions to dip my toes back in the water. 
A huge thanks to all of you who’ve stuck with me. Thank you to everyone who keeps reblogging and liking my stories (”Truth Serum” is at 1728 notes and counting!), and thank you to all my fellow transformation writers; your incredible work continues to inspire and arouse me every time I log on this god-forsaken app. 
Stay horny, stay posted, and stay inside!
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— Daniel, from The Changing Room
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maletfs · 4 years
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Sunday to Friday we are thin and puny, the embodiment of sedentary youth. But on weekend nights the Chronivac app is out and we are fucking raving!
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maletfs · 4 years
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Credit to @thingsthatcannotsaveyou for this image.
If you enjoy my work, please support me on Patreon. For a small donation every month, you help me to turn to writing full time and helping deliver more content to you all on a regular basis. Thank you for your help!
Sorry it took me so long to write this one. I asked my fans what they wanted next, and the most responses leaned toward something of a more mythical persuasion. So, I hope you all enjoy this lovely TF. I’m afraid it’s a long one, so this once, I’m going to use the read more function. Please click it and read all the way through. Trust me, it’ll be worth it.
The Meadow
It’s been a while since I came here. I … don’t really even remember anymore. I remember walking through the park and seeing this weird gate. It’s always been there. I mean, the posts were old and worn by the weather. And besides that, the grass had grown up all over the sides in clumps. The only strange thing about the gate was just that. It was only a gate, a small swinging wooden one, in the middle of nowhere. There was no fence, no wall, just … the gate.
So, curious that I am, I finally worked up the courage to open the thing. Nothing seemed all that out of the ordinary until I stepped through.
Ever heard of that premise of stepping through into another world? I think it’s called … um … hmm … I don’t recall. That … should worry me, but it doesn’t. It’s just so … content here in this place. Peaceful.
Does it … really even matter that I don’t remember? I know it used to, but now … now I’m not so sure.
Keep reading
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maletfs · 4 years
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They laugh now. They think they can actually survive the Transformation Royale. But at the end of the day, all there’ll be left of them will be a pair of speedos and a fatter cock.
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maletfs · 4 years
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A little bit of privacy at last. Honestly, it feels like they can’t exist for longer than five minutes without an order, or a decree, or a direction of any kind. Pathetic! Why was I cursed with such embarrassing subjects?
Argh, well, nothing can be done. They are a bunch of animals, and I their animal king. Let’s enjoy dinner for as long as we’re allowed, and then back to... back to... Ooh, I’m a little... dizzy... And bloated... Why do my hands look... look so weird... look...
Look at that fly.
Hmm, tasty fly.
Don’t move. Wait.
Wait. Wait.
Hmm, tasty fly.
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maletfs · 4 years
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I’ve had guys wanting to merge with me before: my cock is little Timmy from the grocery store, my pecs are Julienne from the swimming team, and even my feet used to be this old couple from down the road. But my thighs? And not even that, just my right thigh?! That’s what this dude, obviously a moneymaker from the city, requested. And he was willing to pay well, so I wasn’t going to say no.
...but it’s just so big. I can’t stop staring at it. It’s mesmerising.
I really should start looking for someone willing to become my left thigh. Otherwise, I’m going to be walking all funny for months!
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maletfs · 4 years
Sorry, but not sorry
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My friend offered me a chance of a lifetime. He had found a spell that would turn him into a tank and me a hunk if I wore him. Poor Kev, I know he never thought the bigger muscles and more attractive face would mean more to me than our friendship. Unfortunately I found a clause in the spell that says if either one of us gets damaged the spell would remain in effect until the person was restored. I wasn’t about to cut this perfect body only to keep it for a week longer. So I ripped my friend, Kev was moaning as I stretched and tugged on him. I stopped hearing him though once he ripped. I guess he might have just become a shirt fully. I know what I did was wrong, but seriously look at this face. Look at this body. I’m not about to go back to being dweeb Brian. I like my new body and I plan to keep it that way. Don’t feel horrible for Kev. Turns out he was gay so using him as a cum rag has been a highlight for him.  
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