mamanabeille · 2 years
August 21 mini fic challenge
for the @lovebugs-and-snakecharmers august mini fic. Doubles as six sentence Sunday
Prompt: Postcards
She’s been getting the postcards for years.   Random little reminders that he’s still thinking of her awaiting her in her mailbox every few months.  Sometimes they bring smiles and warmth and memories of happier days.  Sometimes her eyes are flooded with tears and her body hurts with sorrow at the sight of her name in his handwriting. More and more though, she’s weighed down with regret at ever saying goodbye to him in the first place.  So finally, after years of him sending her snapshots of different cities, she sends one of her own.
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mamanabeille · 2 years
August 20 Mini Fic Challenge
For the @lovebugs-and-snakecharmers ‘s August mini fics challenge.
TW: mention of character death
She hears his footsteps moments before he sits down next to her on the roof. She doesn’t say anything, barely acknowledges his presence other than taking the hand he silently offers her.  She keeps her face tilted up to the sky, taking in the stars and glow of the moon, even as he breaks the silence.   “You’ve been spending more and more time in the suit.  I’m a little worried about you.  You can’t keep avoiding reality,” he whispers tentatively. 
She sighs deeply, a sad smile replacing the joyful one he’s so used to seeing on her face. “Reality doesn’t really excite me anymore.” 
He tries not to let the words sting.  He knows she lost her best friend, and she’s still adjusting to him being gone, and the depression as well. 
“You can’t think of anything exciting in the real world?” he prompts, softly knocking his shoulder in hers. 
Her face falls as she realizes the implications of her words. “Oh Lu,” she whimpers.  “That’s not… I’m sorry… It’s just…” Tears flood her eyes, threatening to spill over.  “He’s gone.” It’s the first time in the two months since Cat Noir’s death that she’s been able to say the words, and it opens the floodgates.  Her body shakes with sobs as she buries her face in his shoulder.  He wraps his arms around her, tugging her onto his lap, placing soft kisses on her head, soothing her as she finally grieves the loss of her partner. 
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mamanabeille · 2 years
Six Sentence Sunday 01.09.22
He woke up the next morning with a pounding headache, puffy eyes, and dry mouth.  He reached across the nightstand for the Advil and water he’d had enough sense to leave there the night before just before passing out in a whiskey induced haze.  He knocked his phone onto the floor in the process, the screen coming to life, illuminating the notification of one new message.   He groaned, rubbing his hand down his face as he registered that it’s from Marinette.  He picked it up, staring at it for a few moments, leveling his breath and preparing himself for whatever gentle let down she’d finally given him.  He took a final deep breath before unlocking his phone and pulling up the message: I read your note.  Can we talk? 
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mamanabeille · 3 years
canon: they died
fanfic: fUCK YOU
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mamanabeille · 3 years
after seeing yet another huge post where young people rail against AO3 and older people have to explain that censorship is bad actually, I gotta say that as someone who reads a fuck ton of books a year, these younger people could really benefit from doing the same for a little perspective. fucked up content is not just a fanfic thing, and with books, you don't get any warnings! you just turn the page and gaze upon the most fucked up scene of your life! these people do not know how good they've got it tbh just filter tags my lieges
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mamanabeille · 3 years
duolingo has more gay representation than the marvel cinematic universe
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mamanabeille · 3 years
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Witch Aesthetics
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mamanabeille · 3 years
man, teenaged girls aren’t allowed to have a genuine interest in anything without being ridiculed for it. if a girl likes ugg boots and starbucks she’s stupid and stereotypical, but if she likes combat boots and obscure coffee houses she’s a hipster wannabe and is trying too hard. if a girl listens to boy bands and other popular artists she’s a dumb follower, if she reads comics or plays video games she’s a poser/fake geek girl, if she likes sex she’s a slut but if she doesn’t like sex she’s a prude, if she wears makeup she’s fake but if she doesn’t wear makeup she’s a slob, if she has low self-esteem she needs to learn to love herself but if she has high self-esteem she’s overconfident and vain, if she’s interested in politics she’s a crazy social justice warrior but if she prefers to stay out of social matters she’s a dumb airhead. girls are literally mocked for every single thing they like or do, no matter what those things are, and i’m really really sick of it.
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mamanabeille · 3 years
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mamanabeille · 3 years
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mamanabeille · 3 years
My brain, having a meltdown like a toddler: I just can’t do it! I don’t want to !! I can’t!! Me, parenting my tired toddler brain: Take a deep breath, it’s going to be ok. We don’t have to do everything today that’s overwhelming you. Let’s pick the most important thing to work on, ok? What’s the smallest step we can do to work towards that? My toddler brain, wiping away tears: Um, I think we should…open up the important spreadsheet and look at the first row. Me, parenting my tired toddler brain: Great! Let’s do that, and then we can have a popsicle, ok? My toddler brain: *nods through drying tears, upset, but cooperative*
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mamanabeille · 3 years
it’s time to look at some photos of pikas carrying plants and flowers in their mouths
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mamanabeille · 3 years
i am absolutely infatuated with them
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mamanabeille · 3 years
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Writing period dramas in the discord, lads
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mamanabeille · 3 years
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Ballad of the Blueberries
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mamanabeille · 3 years
what do you mean u don't believe in the concept of virginity?
Nobody’s dick is important enough to change any part of my identity
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mamanabeille · 3 years
My husband’s (basic white male) work gets holiday pay for Juneteenth and it made me feel pretty uncomfortable. Told him it is immediately going to a local black charity. So that’s an option if you’re getting that extra time/pay and you feel like you shouldn’t - give it to those you think should. (But like I’m also white so if anyone whose voice actually matters on this wants to chime in, I am all ears.)
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