manabekashiwa · 3 days
Hey Rin what did you think of the latest Chainsaw Man Chapter?
honestly I'm just glad to see it getting upsetting and psychosexual again. chainsaw man is always at its best when it's doing weird grindhouse stuff
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manabekashiwa · 3 days
i mean the only reason egg jokes used to make me uncomfortable is that as a very feminine trans guy the idea that a guy being feminine means he must secretly be a girl made me feel not great but then i realized its like. not about me lmao
and for what its worth, there is almost always more to it than just "being feminine", as people seem to assume; things like dissatisfaction and a poor connection to one's body, which might be signs of dysphoria, and seeking out transfeminine people, are what I look for first. It's not running around assuming everyone who's feminine is a woman.
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manabekashiwa · 3 days
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Megumi Ogata on Haruka and whether Sailor Moon is gay or not
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manabekashiwa · 3 days
Im gonna take a swing at rephrasing this one. If you are not yourself transfeminine but are genuinely worried about "transfem seperatism", the best thing you can do to stop it is to make sure that you and the queer spaces you inhabit are welcoming to transfems- loud transfems, big transfems, kinky transfems, transfems who may not look like what you think they should. Check your biases, notice how many trans women actually stick around and act comfortable in your friend groups or game nights or clubs. Notice how you treat them. Ask yourself if you're holding them to a higher standard and quick to believe they're an aggressor or predator. And be ready to change your behavior to make your space safer for them.
If that sounds like too much work or like it's not your problem, then you have no right to complain when we pack our things and leave.
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manabekashiwa · 3 days
tifa doesnt have one but aerith does. to be perfectly clear
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manabekashiwa · 3 days
i think that trans lesbians generally dont enter the queer community until they start transition; if you think youre a Straight Man, the undefined malaise of queerness that follows you as an egg is often (not always!) not enough to go "oh im ace" or "oh im nonbinary" and join your high school gsa. Instead you drift around Male Nerd groups until youre exposed to the idea that trans women are Normal People You Can Be and not disgusting sex objects
this explains a few things;
why trans lesbians have some distance from the queer community and dont have as much connection with cis queers as say, many transmascs or many straight transfems- she probably never spent time in drag communities because theyre mostly a space for people who like men.
and also why trans women are so protective of the idea of "egg cracking"; a "straight boy" who quietly wishes "he" was a woman isnt going to seek out tme-dominated queer spaces and start exploring labels, (which i understand is often the case for people who settle on a gay transmasc identity) "he" might need another trans woman to extend her hand.
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manabekashiwa · 4 days
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manabekashiwa · 5 days
WHAT if instead of bear pride for hairy fat men we ALSO had cow pride. for fat women with huge milkers. ok now give me 10000 reblogs a kiss on the cheek and a nobel prize
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manabekashiwa · 5 days
hey @humans, do you intend to ever get to the rape threats ive reported to you or are you doing a transmisogyny themed pride month this year?
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manabekashiwa · 5 days
getting really sick of a phenonemon i am deciding to call 'the non-sequitur cautionary tale'
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manabekashiwa · 5 days
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manabekashiwa · 5 days
Labor and delivery nurse Hesen Jabr, who is Palestinian American, was being honored by NYU Langone Health for her compassion in caring for mothers who had lost babies when she drew a link between her work and the suffering of mothers in Gaza. “It pains me to see the women from my country going through unimaginable losses themselves during the current genocide in Gaza,” Jabr said, according to a video of the May 7 speech that she posted on social media. “This award is deeply personal to me for those reasons.” Jabr wrote on Instagram that she arrived at work on May 22 for her first shift back after receiving the award when she was summoned to a meeting with the hospital’s president and vice president of nursing “to discuss how I ‘put others at risk’ and ‘ruined the ceremony’ and ‘offended people’ because a small part of my speech was a tribute towards the grieving mothers in my country.” She wrote that after working most of her shift she was “dragged once again to an office” where she was read her termination letter and then escorted out of the building.
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manabekashiwa · 5 days
I was gonna make a horny positivity post but I'm kinda sick of tgirls having to use sex to get any respect so uh, idk, love fat tgirls. Their dimples and their cellulite and their soft tummies and arms and thighs and their tits whether big or small and their asses even if they're flat. Idk. That's your sister. That's a person. Buy em dinner, invite them to a movie, tell em you thought about them at the store.
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manabekashiwa · 5 days
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silly idea
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manabekashiwa · 6 days
Also like there's an irritating little strategy some people on here deploy where they insist you have no contact with the outside world bc u believe in transmisogyny; and I think it really needs to be talked about more
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manabekashiwa · 6 days
the thing about "dude is gender neutral" is that, yeah, in some contexts it is, i'm californian too. its just that i'm trans, I don't pass, and i don't actually know if you see me as a man or not, so there will always be a double take if you call me dude. i hate it too, like i'm a dude/man speaker as well, but that's not the point. the ambiguity makes it different.
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manabekashiwa · 6 days
Over on Twitter, "community notes" are "factchecking" claims that drag queens and trans women were at Stonewall by invoking the words of one Fred Sargeant, a Stonewall veteran turned cop turned TERF - not using that as a generic descriptor, but an accurate one, as his bio has "I Stand With JK" in it.
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Fred Sargeant has, in recent years, pivoted hard to erasure of trans people and drag queens from the history of Stonewall, in the name of proving that it was entirely cis lesbians and cis gay men responsible, and when anyone pushes back, he drops the phrase that in his view terminates all debate: he was there and you were not, so you've got to trust him.
One problem, though. By his own admission, Fred Sargeant was not in the Stonewall Inn that night, and only came upon the event after police entered the bar.
Yes, his story has always been that he was at a dinner party when it began, and observed Stonewall when he walked by and saw people and cops gathered outside the bar. As he said at the time:
The kids felt that some of the other kids were being kept inside and being beaten up by the police. I don't know whether it really happened that way or not, but the rumor spread.
Authoritative stuff.
Sources do agree Stormé DeLarverie, alone or part of a group of butch lesbians, scuffled with police; they disagree on if that was the singular cause of it escalating into a riot or one of several causes. Stonewall is...a incredibly fuzzy event we'll never have a perfectly objective record of, for many, many reasons, and we accepted that, until a guy who was at a dinner party instead of in the bar decided to appoint himself the One Authoritative Voice on what really happened at Stonewall that night, and frame anyone who disagrees with him as a liar who just can't accept the truth.
Stonewall probably wasn't exclusively about trans people, but it sure as hell wasn't not at all about trans people either.
...again, this guy lived through Stonewall and then became a cop, and he wants himself to be the sole acceptable elder for the entire gay community.
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