mangocheesecakes · 1 hour
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mangocheesecakes · 5 hours
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palestine signs at seoul pride
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mangocheesecakes · 6 hours
hi! so far today i'm seeing:
steven-mwita - steve mwit
waywardtigerturtle - raobh tingo
groovyrunawaynut - Nada,r Ab'r Hus'sein
massiveruinsbird - Lucymkira
Thank you for this roundup as usual anon! Double checked all these links and they are all scams and active as of this post. Please block and as usual if you see anyone reblogging or answering their asks, warn them of the scam.
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mangocheesecakes · 6 hours
Happy Pride Month everyone! Remember 4 months ago when the CEO of this platform harassed and chased a trans woman off this website just for posting her transition timeline, then chased her to other social media platforms to continue harassing her, and threatened to call the FBI if she continued disputing the multiple dubious terminations of her blogs that did not violate tumblr's terms of service in any way? And despite tumblr staff insisting that the CEO was acting against their interests, the broad transmisogyny evident in the site's culture and moderation policy has still not been adequately addressed?
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mangocheesecakes · 8 hours
And we wouldn’t have to pay to see ourselves in museums.
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mangocheesecakes · 9 hours
The donations have almost stopped for a week now after i got shadowbanned twice ‼️
and my family is in desperate need of your help. 💔
Please continue the path to reach the goal and get them out of Gaza as soon as possible
Please help, spread the word, and donate.
You are our only hope‼️
You will be the reason for saving my family from annihilation.
Verified by : @communistchilchuck and @el-shab-hussein
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mangocheesecakes · 15 hours
I am Mohammed Alanqer married from Enas Majed we have 3 children
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Amidst the ongoing war in Gaza, we find ourselves as a family trapped between walls of fear and despair. I, Mohammed, a father of three children and a husband to a woman in her eighth month of pregnancy, live in an environment filled with threats and risks.
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My technology startup, which I built with dedication and hard work, was destroyed during this war, leading to the loss of our livelihood. My children, Layan, Sarah, and Adam, no longer have the opportunity for education due to the destruction of schools, posing a significant threat to their future.
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- "A souvenir photo of my startup company."-
My wife, Enas, lives in constant anxiety due to her advanced pregnancy and the destruction of hospitals in the area. After losing my job and source of income, I find myself in a severe financial crisis, unable to provide for the needs and safety of my family.
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- "Me and my wife Enas majed "
Our family home was destroyed due to the war, forcing us to flee and move multiple times, leaving us homeless. Everything has become difficult now; we cannot provide a safe place to live, nor can we afford clean clothes and food for our children. Additionally, our children have been afflicted with diseases such as measles, and our son Adam has been diagnosed with viral hepatitis.
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-" layan & sara & adam in the war" -
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Our only hope now is to escape from this ongoing hell and find a safe haven for our family. However, this requires exorbitant financial costs, with the coordination fee for crossing borders amounting to $5000 per adult and $2500 per child, a sum I cannot afford alone.
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- "My home before the war "-
We urgently appeal for your moral and financial assistance to cover the necessary costs for escaping to a safe environment, where we can build a better future for our children and ensure the safety of our family
Thank you for your attention and support, and we hope you can help us in these difficult circumstances.
Thanks 😊@nabulsi 🙏❤️
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mangocheesecakes · 16 hours
We've lost EVERYTHING .. Please Help Us not lose each other. In the blink of an eye, we've lost our home, our city, our memories, our friends , members of our families ,our money ,our safety and our peace. Things are getting worse, we need your help I just want my kids to be SAFE HELP US AND DONATE click here
Help me rescue my Family of 11 out of war ,diseases, and famine. We’re all sick almost all the time (especially my mother and brother, they can’t seem to recover) , and now my kids got sick again with no healthcare and little money and resources.
Every € Counts !!
Every € takes us one step closer to our Safety
Every Share and Ask takes us one step closer to our GOAL
PLEASE SHARE AND DONATE ! Thank you so much for your support
I can't share as much as accounts got shadowbanned .. please help me share (Verified fundraiser by @el-shab-husseincan and others  ) If you need any verification I can provide
@sayruq @nabulsi @communistchilchuck @palipunk @fairuzfan @ibtisams
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mangocheesecakes · 16 hours
*fundraiser down below*
Reminder that there is an app that can help you keep track of all the products to boycott when you run your errands. Boycotting is very important, and we must be aware of where our money is going.
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🌸Fundraisers 🌸
ALSO ALSO! Please help support these fundraisers down below. $1,$3,$5, whatever amount it still counts up!
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mangocheesecakes · 16 hours
There was nothing left that was not burned: trees, stones, hearts, children, adults, everything, everything
Donate to help Yusuf and his family Now if you can't share
8 years old  child, Yusuf  have a kidney failure
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mangocheesecakes · 17 hours
Match my donation!
Iyad, his wife, and 8 children, are living a shattered life. With their house destroyed, they are constantly at risk and they have no shelter. As a large family, finding safety, food, and water has been an immense challenge for them. Iyad is elderly man, and his health is rapidly declining. Every day, he is filled with fear for his children’s safety. He is in desperate need of your help.
I donated £10 to Iyad’s campaign - which unfortunately received no funds before mine. Can anyone match it? Donate here (@iyadsobhei)
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mangocheesecakes · 20 hours
As pride month begins, let us not forget our Palestinian brothers and sisters.
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mangocheesecakes · 20 hours
Thanks anon! Another scam blog.
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mangocheesecakes · 22 hours
To my Palestinian followers, particularly those who have fundraisers, please do not entertain messages from blank blogs telling you that they will help you boost your campaign for a fee. That is most likely a scam. They will get your money and then quite possibly steal your information so that they can make a new scam using your name and photos.
I'm truly sorry, I know it must be so frustrating and disheartening that your campaigns take so long to reach its goal. But please do not fall for tricks like the one I describe above.
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mangocheesecakes · 23 hours
instanttheoristcreation - Stella Sipeto
Thanks for this anon, this is another scam blog using the Palestinian + diabetic scheme. Kindly block and warn others. @kyra45 i haven't checked yet if you have this paypal name on your list, but in case you don't have yet.
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mangocheesecakes · 23 hours
Mohamed Hamad is a 22 year old medical student with only one year left to finish university. His family consist of nine people, and they are injured with no tent, and his mother needs medical for a heart condition. He is asking not only to donate and repost but also to take the extra step to print out his campaign and post in the mosques, parks, and other busy places if you are able. Please donate just £5 or any amount you can to build up.
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mangocheesecakes · 1 day
Thank you for sharing and supporting our cause .. your support made us feel that we're not alone in this despair
Can you help me Share? my account got banned .this is my new account I am Firas Salem , a software Engineer . I am a father of a two year old and an 11 months year old .
Can you help us escape Gaza to Egypt?
We’re all sick almost all the time (especially my mother and my brother, they can’t seem to recover now my kids got sick again !! ) , with no healthcare and little money and resources.
Can You Post it with the gfm link available? https://www.gofundme.com/f/help-us-escape-gazas-nightmare-a-fathers-plea-for-safety
Can you help me share ? And be more visible?
(Verified fundraiser by @el-shab-husseincan amd others )
Thank you so much .. Forever Grateful🙏
Hello, Firas, I'll gladly share your gofundme link:
Please consider donating to this fundraiser. This has been vetted by a couple of Palestinian users here, check Firas's blog for the posts. Please follow his new account as well so he can get around the shadowban on his old one.
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