lilia : sebek prepare for battle!
sebek : *puts crocs in sports mode*
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Lilia: I know this sounds rude but we met a few hundred years ago right and you're human? Why aren't you dead?
(???)!Yuu: I changed my mind.
Lilia: On what? Dying?
(???)!Yuu: Yes, that's what I told them.
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What To Expect When Your Lab Experiment Drinks Formula| PT. 3
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Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Rook Hunt (Part 1)
Part three by popular demand! Malleus, Rook, Floyd, Sebek, Lilia, and Azul with feisty toddlers.
Warnings: angry toddlers, exhausted parents
Note: Every character has more than one child now with the exception of Azul.
Malleus Draconia
The new princes and princesses of Briar Valley are Tiny Little MenacesTM.
You are Malleus are dealing with two wild toddlers, and one extremely fire-loving baby. Fire-loving, as in, the entire room has had to be fully fire proofed, from the walls to the ceiling.
The other children love being outside and playing, which gets them out of your hair while you attempt to feed and care for baby #3, oven mitts and fire-proof gear on.
The only one that your baby won't lease a barrage of firey giggles onto is Great-Grandma Maleficia, who can pick up the child without worry, a blessing in disguise to poor you and Malleus.
Whenever you aren't trying to wrangle the littlest Draconia heir, you and Malleus' time is filled by playing with rambunctious dragon toddlers. Your oldest is still as mischievous as ever, now taking off in full distance flights with your lunch everytime you turn around, and your younger toddler requiring immense amounts of attention.
All three have been deemed the 'wildest children the Draconia bloodline has ever seen', which says a lot. You hope they grow out of it, but the little ones seem stubbornly wild, with no chance of changing anytime soon.
Long training flights with Malleus often leave you watching the skies for their return at dinner time. It's not the life you imagined. But it's the life you never expect that's the one that satisfies you.
Rook Hunt
"HEYYYYYY!!!! PAPAAAA! LOOK WHAT I CAUGHT!" It's always a peaceful evening when the children are outside, until it's not.
Your 3 year old has been regularly running in with things you don't even know how they've caught as a toddler with no weapons.
Today, it's a bird bigger than your toddler's tiny body.
Rook has been diligently teaching your children how to hunt since they could walk, taking them for small hunting trips and shooting targets with children's play-bows.
Only two of your five children are too young to hunt, in his eyes, and even then you have not escaped their sharp, predatory gaze, which has been present since birth. You have no doubts that all of your children will be hunters. It's definitely a given, and as you've seen from Rook's family, seems to run in their blood.
The toddlers go outside and play on your patio every evening when the heat cools down, allowing you and Rook to have some peace and quiet. Rook is very enamored with the family you've created together. He always dreamed of finding beauty in his future, but never knew it would be so soon, and in the form of a domestic life with a spouse and children.
You and Rook are happy with this life you've created, enjoying the ups and downs of parenthood, the thrills of hunting with your whole family, the cuddly movie nights and soft words exchanged between you and your kids every night before bed.
It's a perfect life, one you never expected get, and never to love as much as you do.
Floyd Leech
It's been challenging for Floyd to be away from the sea for so long. You both agreed that it would be easier and more comfortable to live on land for the sake of your family, but it's definitely been a source of tension. Floyd and the children both go out to sea often as a compromise, leaving you all alone with the family pets and the occasional guest.
When they're home, you all spend hours together playing and loving on each other. All seven of your little ones have grown accustomed to Floyd, and have shifted their little spats of dominance to between each other.
It's true, it's practically a full-time job to keep them all from fighting. The youngest ones are the most ruthless, attacking their siblings and destroying their surroundings entirely as they cry and whine, throwing little catty hands at each other as 'fights'. It seems to do more emotional damage than physical.
Then again, are your surroundings ever not destroyed by the 7 restless children? They're so obscenely playful that they make sure that your life is challenging to say the least. Sometimes you're glad for the break you get when they go for day-long dives under the sea. They're probably making some tornadic-like mess of Jade's home, but that's not the end of the world for you.
Your relationship with Floyd is nothing short of magical. There's still as much love there as there was when you started dating, if not more. Your family has its odd little quirks, but what matters is that you're all together, happy and proud of the life you've created. You are especially thrilled that you made your own life work in a world that wasn't even yours. You've made it your home now, and you could never feel more content than you do now.
Sebek Zigvolt
Sebek has grown to love his children very much. After your first began to love on him as often as you, he fell completely into the role of a family man. All three of your children love Sebek immensely, having grown fond of him after he let down his guard around them.
Your littlest one is the perfect carbon copy of Sebek, even at 15 months old. Not only does this child seem to possess no personality traits or features of yours, this little one's very first word was 'Mallie'. Sebek could not be prouder, and more eager to train his children in the path of a royal retainer afterwards.
Your oldest is still the wildest little mini croc you've ever seen. Nothing in the parenting books could have prepared you for your child's defiance and strong will. The other two, though relatively calmer children, seem to eagerly egg on your oldest with nonsense excited baby babble.
Now that your oldest's teeth have grown in fully, Sebek has to watch his limbs carefully. His family is known for their bite power, and this child is no exception by a long shot, seeming to have a stronger bite than even Sebek himself. Though your toddler does love Sebek dearly, they haven't learned that biting isn't a game. And after biting clean through a leg of furniture last month, Sebek has been terrified ever since.
The younger two don't use their teeth to bite people, but toys and furniture are a free-for-all.
Your children are very adept and skilled at squirming out of any situation, physically and verbally. You think to yourself that they will in fact make wonderful guards some day, but you don't ever tell Sebek that for fear that he'll make the poor things train even harder to please both of their parents.
You and Sebek end up on the floor, playing games with your very imaginative children quite often, cuddling and laughing with each other while they all pretend to be royal knights and sometimes, doctors. Sebek won't say it but he thinks his oldest would make a very good doctor and he approves.
You've never been happier, and never more in love with Sebek, as is he, you. It's a perfect fairytale world for the two of you. Who knew that Twisted Wonderland would end up becoming where you were always meant to be?
Lilia Vanrouge
C H A O S.
There's twelve little Vanrouges running around, acting absolutely chaotic and mischievous at all times. Poor you and Lilia. Twelve children under four sounds cute but it's an absolute nightmare, especially when they have the lineage of a certain silly fae.
It's manageable, but only because Silver is there suffering with y'all. And barely. Sometimes you think he's about to run out of the house and cry after some unwitting action that led to a vicious prank from one or more children.
Last week, they cornered him from all sides with sticks while you and Lilia were out, and the oldest threatened to poke him in the eyes.
Some mischief, lots pure evil.
It's only you that can scoop them up and tell them to behave, because they are absolutely remorseless in their merciless bullying of their father. Most of them don't even call him dad. They call him 'oldie'. The ones that are too young to talk still laugh at him.
Lilia doesn't mind too much, scolding them for their rudeness, but rarely punishing them. He claims he's too old to be properly disciplining them, but it's quite obvious that he's reminiscent of himself in these children.
During the good moments, you might be able to convince the children to at least make a father's day card, or get them to agree not to prank Silver on his birthday. Usually this is still done with bribery. But sometimes, the sweetest moments are unprompted. Like the time your daughter sat on Lilia's lap and gave him a hug after he watched a scary movie, because 'Daddy might have nightmares.'
Your family is wholly complete Silver hopes and prays. You and Lilia are happy, and content. Lilia is still overjoyed that he got the chance to have biological children, and you're just happy that you've found a place to settle down in Twisted Wonderland, and be happy.
Azul Ashengrotto
You only have one child still? Yeah. He loves your child dearly, but after much consideration and a lot of diapers changed, you decided one was for the best.
Your baby is three now 'Three n' a HALF', your child insists.
Your little one is pretty well-behaved. Despite being a spoiled only child, little Ashengrotto is very humble, kind, and sweet.
Definitely not like their money hungry father. This child just wants animal crackers and time at the swimming pool.
But your child is sharp-witted, just like Azul. There have been many times when you've said something to your toddler and had it immediately debunked with a smug look on their face.
It makes you laugh. And cry, a little bit. Time flies, and your child seems to mentally age two years for the physical price of one.
Your little one reminds you with a smile and crumb-littered cheeks and askew purple octopus glasses that they're still young, and always here for you. You are enthralled with your life with Azul and your baby, a real true blessing. This was how it was always meant to be, even if it wasn't how you ever thought your life would go.
Unless I write a part 4 by request this is probably the end of the series, but I really loved it! Thank you for coming along!! As always, feel free to request for more.
-July 13th, 2023
@growingupnrealizing , here it is!
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You, sebek, Silver, and grim. All of you come face to face with the renowned war general Lilia Vanrouge, the humble grandpa you once knew standing in front of you full armor and a deadly gaze of fury. He stares at you and silver, two humans. The first thing out of your mouth?
"....Goddamn silver I'm aboutta be your step parent because holy shit-"
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What To Expect When Your Lab Experiment Drinks Formula| PT. 3
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Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Rook Hunt (Part 1)
Part three by popular demand! Malleus, Rook, Floyd, Sebek, Lilia, and Azul with feisty toddlers.
Warnings: angry toddlers, exhausted parents
Note: Every character has more than one child now with the exception of Azul.
Malleus Draconia
The new princes and princesses of Briar Valley are Tiny Little MenacesTM.
You are Malleus are dealing with two wild toddlers, and one extremely fire-loving baby. Fire-loving, as in, the entire room has had to be fully fire proofed, from the walls to the ceiling.
The other children love being outside and playing, which gets them out of your hair while you attempt to feed and care for baby #3, oven mitts and fire-proof gear on.
The only one that your baby won't lease a barrage of firey giggles onto is Great-Grandma Maleficia, who can pick up the child without worry, a blessing in disguise to poor you and Malleus.
Whenever you aren't trying to wrangle the littlest Draconia heir, you and Malleus' time is filled by playing with rambunctious dragon toddlers. Your oldest is still as mischievous as ever, now taking off in full distance flights with your lunch everytime you turn around, and your younger toddler requiring immense amounts of attention.
All three have been deemed the 'wildest children the Draconia bloodline has ever seen', which says a lot. You hope they grow out of it, but the little ones seem stubbornly wild, with no chance of changing anytime soon.
Long training flights with Malleus often leave you watching the skies for their return at dinner time. It's not the life you imagined. But it's the life you never expect that's the one that satisfies you.
Rook Hunt
"HEYYYYYY!!!! PAPAAAA! LOOK WHAT I CAUGHT!" It's always a peaceful evening when the children are outside, until it's not.
Your 3 year old has been regularly running in with things you don't even know how they've caught as a toddler with no weapons.
Today, it's a bird bigger than your toddler's tiny body.
Rook has been diligently teaching your children how to hunt since they could walk, taking them for small hunting trips and shooting targets with children's play-bows.
Only two of your five children are too young to hunt, in his eyes, and even then you have not escaped their sharp, predatory gaze, which has been present since birth. You have no doubts that all of your children will be hunters. It's definitely a given, and as you've seen from Rook's family, seems to run in their blood.
The toddlers go outside and play on your patio every evening when the heat cools down, allowing you and Rook to have some peace and quiet. Rook is very enamored with the family you've created together. He always dreamed of finding beauty in his future, but never knew it would be so soon, and in the form of a domestic life with a spouse and children.
You and Rook are happy with this life you've created, enjoying the ups and downs of parenthood, the thrills of hunting with your whole family, the cuddly movie nights and soft words exchanged between you and your kids every night before bed.
It's a perfect life, one you never expected get, and never to love as much as you do.
Floyd Leech
It's been challenging for Floyd to be away from the sea for so long. You both agreed that it would be easier and more comfortable to live on land for the sake of your family, but it's definitely been a source of tension. Floyd and the children both go out to sea often as a compromise, leaving you all alone with the family pets and the occasional guest.
When they're home, you all spend hours together playing and loving on each other. All seven of your little ones have grown accustomed to Floyd, and have shifted their little spats of dominance to between each other.
It's true, it's practically a full-time job to keep them all from fighting. The youngest ones are the most ruthless, attacking their siblings and destroying their surroundings entirely as they cry and whine, throwing little catty hands at each other as 'fights'. It seems to do more emotional damage than physical.
Then again, are your surroundings ever not destroyed by the 7 restless children? They're so obscenely playful that they make sure that your life is challenging to say the least. Sometimes you're glad for the break you get when they go for day-long dives under the sea. They're probably making some tornadic-like mess of Jade's home, but that's not the end of the world for you.
Your relationship with Floyd is nothing short of magical. There's still as much love there as there was when you started dating, if not more. Your family has its odd little quirks, but what matters is that you're all together, happy and proud of the life you've created. You are especially thrilled that you made your own life work in a world that wasn't even yours. You've made it your home now, and you could never feel more content than you do now.
Sebek Zigvolt
Sebek has grown to love his children very much. After your first began to love on him as often as you, he fell completely into the role of a family man. All three of your children love Sebek immensely, having grown fond of him after he let down his guard around them.
Your littlest one is the perfect carbon copy of Sebek, even at 15 months old. Not only does this child seem to possess no personality traits or features of yours, this little one's very first word was 'Mallie'. Sebek could not be prouder, and more eager to train his children in the path of a royal retainer afterwards.
Your oldest is still the wildest little mini croc you've ever seen. Nothing in the parenting books could have prepared you for your child's defiance and strong will. The other two, though relatively calmer children, seem to eagerly egg on your oldest with nonsense excited baby babble.
Now that your oldest's teeth have grown in fully, Sebek has to watch his limbs carefully. His family is known for their bite power, and this child is no exception by a long shot, seeming to have a stronger bite than even Sebek himself. Though your toddler does love Sebek dearly, they haven't learned that biting isn't a game. And after biting clean through a leg of furniture last month, Sebek has been terrified ever since.
The younger two don't use their teeth to bite people, but toys and furniture are a free-for-all.
Your children are very adept and skilled at squirming out of any situation, physically and verbally. You think to yourself that they will in fact make wonderful guards some day, but you don't ever tell Sebek that for fear that he'll make the poor things train even harder to please both of their parents.
You and Sebek end up on the floor, playing games with your very imaginative children quite often, cuddling and laughing with each other while they all pretend to be royal knights and sometimes, doctors. Sebek won't say it but he thinks his oldest would make a very good doctor and he approves.
You've never been happier, and never more in love with Sebek, as is he, you. It's a perfect fairytale world for the two of you. Who knew that Twisted Wonderland would end up becoming where you were always meant to be?
Lilia Vanrouge
C H A O S.
There's twelve little Vanrouges running around, acting absolutely chaotic and mischievous at all times. Poor you and Lilia. Twelve children under four sounds cute but it's an absolute nightmare, especially when they have the lineage of a certain silly fae.
It's manageable, but only because Silver is there suffering with y'all. And barely. Sometimes you think he's about to run out of the house and cry after some unwitting action that led to a vicious prank from one or more children.
Last week, they cornered him from all sides with sticks while you and Lilia were out, and the oldest threatened to poke him in the eyes.
Some mischief, lots pure evil.
It's only you that can scoop them up and tell them to behave, because they are absolutely remorseless in their merciless bullying of their father. Most of them don't even call him dad. They call him 'oldie'. The ones that are too young to talk still laugh at him.
Lilia doesn't mind too much, scolding them for their rudeness, but rarely punishing them. He claims he's too old to be properly disciplining them, but it's quite obvious that he's reminiscent of himself in these children.
During the good moments, you might be able to convince the children to at least make a father's day card, or get them to agree not to prank Silver on his birthday. Usually this is still done with bribery. But sometimes, the sweetest moments are unprompted. Like the time your daughter sat on Lilia's lap and gave him a hug after he watched a scary movie, because 'Daddy might have nightmares.'
Your family is wholly complete Silver hopes and prays. You and Lilia are happy, and content. Lilia is still overjoyed that he got the chance to have biological children, and you're just happy that you've found a place to settle down in Twisted Wonderland, and be happy.
Azul Ashengrotto
You only have one child still? Yeah. He loves your child dearly, but after much consideration and a lot of diapers changed, you decided one was for the best.
Your baby is three now 'Three n' a HALF', your child insists.
Your little one is pretty well-behaved. Despite being a spoiled only child, little Ashengrotto is very humble, kind, and sweet.
Definitely not like their money hungry father. This child just wants animal crackers and time at the swimming pool.
But your child is sharp-witted, just like Azul. There have been many times when you've said something to your toddler and had it immediately debunked with a smug look on their face.
It makes you laugh. And cry, a little bit. Time flies, and your child seems to mentally age two years for the physical price of one.
Your little one reminds you with a smile and crumb-littered cheeks and askew purple octopus glasses that they're still young, and always here for you. You are enthralled with your life with Azul and your baby, a real true blessing. This was how it was always meant to be, even if it wasn't how you ever thought your life would go.
Unless I write a part 4 by request this is probably the end of the series, but I really loved it! Thank you for coming along!! As always, feel free to request for more.
-July 13th, 2023
@growingupnrealizing , here it is!
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Summary: In which, a potion accident leads to Lilia having long hair again.
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You coughed and waved your hand, trying to dispel the fumes in the area.
You knew allowing Grim and Lilia to partner up was a bad idea.
Whatever the two had poured into the cauldron caused an explosion of colorful gases, you could hear Silver call out to his father in panic.
“Khee hee~ It’s been a while since I’ve been like this.”
Malleus cleared the area with his magic, and you were faced with the nonchalant laughing fae.
Lilia was safe and sound with no visible wounds, the only difference was his hair. Whereas he had short hair before, now he had long hair, more than he ever had in his long life.
Oh no.
This was bad for you.
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It turns out cutting said hair would not be possible. The potion ended up giving Lilia indestructible hair no magic or blade could cut.
Professor Crewel had simply stated the easiest option was to wait until the potion wore out.
Whenever that was.
In the meantime, you watched as Silver’s bird friends and Malleus’ magic worked together to braid said hair.
It reminded you of a certain movie back in your world, ironically enough.
Sebek poked at you, “Human! What’s wrong with you?”
“Nothing. Nothing at all!”
Sebek seemed to realize something to your mortification, “Oh! Is it because-”
You slammed your hands over his mouth, “Don’t finish that sentence!”
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You and Silver watch as Lilia uses his hair to swing side to side across the room.
His laughter bounced off the walls.
Neither of you were surprised, but it was still an amusing sight nonetheless.
“Sebek told me about your…problem.”
You were going to kill him.
“It’s not a problem. It’s just a me thing.”
“Father would be happy if you told him.”
“He would be insufferable and you know it.”
Silver couldn’t deny that.
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“Child of Man?”
You ran behind Malleus, taking cover.
“Oh come now~ I just want to talk Dear.”
“Whatever you want to ask, you can ask in front of Mal.”
Lilia pouted, his hair was still long and dragging about. You wondered how it didn’t get dirty.
But then again, you knew Silver who uses soap on his, so was this surprising?
“Lilia, why is YN hiding from you?”
“That’s what I want to know! They’ve been neglecting me~ I want my cuddles but they keep running away.”
Malleus seemed to think Lilia’s words over, and you used this opportunity to try and escape-
Something wrapped around your wrists and pulled you across into Lilia’s arms.
You stared at the hair binding your hands together.
You’re kidding me-
“Bye Malleus~”
“Wait! No! Malleus-”
“It is better to express yourself rather than keep it in. It was you who taught me that, YN.”
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Lilia burst into laughter.
Normally, you would find this cute
You know, if you weren’t tied to your chair.
Bound with layers of hair.
The irony of this didn’t escape you.
“So you ran away because you couldn’t handle how hot I was?”
You weren’t going to tell him that General Llilia, during your time in his dreams, still made you hot and bothered.
Nor would you tell him about those dreams with the General, the current Lilia in front of you, and you. Together.
He would have a bigger head than he already does, knowing how weak you are for him.
It was bad enough that Sebek knew how much you simped for his mentor because you needed to confide in someone. Though you kept those thoughts away from him, for both your sakes.
“Khee~ Hee~ You’re so adorable, Beloved.”
Lilia leaned towards you.
“Would you say…I make you speechless?”
The dark crimson of his eyes made you fluster. A flash of an image of him in his groom outfit had you blushing more.
“That’s cheating!”
Lilia chuckled before sitting on your lap, his thighs framing yours and his arms circling your neck.
“I never said I played fair. Besides, I quite adore you like this.”
His fingers trailed up the back of your neck into your hair. His breath mingled with yours, lips barely touching.
“Bound and pretty under me, and all mine to do as I please.”
Your whimpered plea has him finally leaning in, lips pressing against yours.
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The way this idea gripped me and never let go as Nessy ( @masquerade-of-misery) and I talked about how hot Lilia is with long hair.
Hope you enjoyed ☺️🫶💚
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Vet!Yuu: Lions don't purr but do you know what does? Bats! And they love to be pet and make cute squeaks. Unfortunately, they don't understand personal space.
Lilia:( firmly wedged against Yuu's body to get maximum cuddles) It's not your space. It's our space
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Diasomnia boys with a s/o that calls them her prince charming or knight in shining armor?
(ah yes, our cutsie boys, getting the loving they deserve 😢)
CW: Fem Reader, and I have yet to fix Silver's picture. Will I ever fix it? Who's to say?
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"Ah, Malleus, you're like my prince charming…"
Child of man, he has told you a million times he is a king. But how sweet that you think he is charming
He goes home to tell the funny story to Lilia. He is certain they will both have a laugh at your human mishap.
Until Lilia explains it is an endearment. It is a high compliment from one lover to another! He's so proud of his boy! Lilia is wiping a tear away as he hugs his son. He's going on and on about how he's such a proud dad, and all his children are perfect.
Malleus dips out in the middle of the speech to properly thank you for the compliment. Aka, scoop you up in his arms, and kiss you deeply.
He gets blushy, now, every time you call him that. He never really believed he'd find a happily ever after with someone, but it might just happen with you…
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"Sebek! You are my knight in shining armor!"
"Of course I am, human! I have trained extensively in the art of knighthood!" Those are the words he wants to say.
"Blehsichkenchdjzn" -those are the words that come out of his mouth.
You think you broke him. He excuses himself for a moment, and as soon as the door is shut behind him you hear him scream.
He comes back in and pretends that didn't just happen. But his cheeks are awfully pink. 
Anytime you need him to shut up, or you just want to fluster him, you say it from now on. He hates the power you have over him, and he practices in the mirror, calling himself a knight in shining armor, alone, in his room.
(Silver has walked in on this three times, and may never recover)
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"My prince charming…"
Well now he's awake. You'd been resting with your head near his heart, softly caressing his cheek, and pushing his hair out of his face. But that's not happening anymore.
"I'm not a prince, Y/N. I'm just a knight."
"Maybe you're not a prince of a country," you hum, "but you're my prince."
He's shy and blushy, but you grin that cute grin of yours, and he'd agree to anything you say about him.
"If I'm prince charming, does that make you my beautiful princess?"
How is he always so effortlessly smooth? He doesn't even mean to do it, he just is like that!
From here on out, whenever he is about to kiss you, he'll call you, "my beautiful princess"
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"Lilia! My knight in shining armor!"
Duh. He's smug as hell. He hasn't trained as long as he has, and read as many romance novels, to just be an average lover!
He'll bow deeply, before wrapping an arm around your waist and giving you a roguish wink.
For the rest of the day, he'll feel mischievous. He'll dramatically help you as loudly as he can, because "it's a Knight's job to help a damsel in distress!"
"Fear not, fair maiden, I shall hold this door open for you!"
"My darling damsel, do not fret, this jar of pickles is no match for me!"
"I shall duel this wretch to the death for the injustice he has done upon you!" -Lilia, after Grim took a bite of your sandwich.
If you want him to stop you can…
Lmao, you're so dumb, nothing can stop Lilia 😂
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Thank you Tapis Rouge!
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mangodragonfruit1705 · 3 months
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He's trying
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mangodragonfruit1705 · 3 months
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got me thinking about them again...
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mangodragonfruit1705 · 3 months
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don't think I'm not still deep in the episode 7 brainrot. because OH BOY AM I
(also one more extremely, obnoxiously self-referential thing, I'm -- I'm so sorry)
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mangodragonfruit1705 · 5 months
This is one of the many headcanon I want WangYao to be
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mangodragonfruit1705 · 7 months
Internship Journal #3
Hello again everyone,
Allow me to reintroduce myself. I’m currently working as a Social Media Intern for The Beach Writes Social Media. As a Social Media Intern, my role involves collaborating with fellow social media interns to brainstorm potential post ideas for social media platforms, including Instagram, TikTok, YouTube, and others. The Beach Writes is an outreach program belongs to the English Department of CSULB. Our goal is to: - Generate Content -Led Discussions about Writing - Encourage Students to Identify as Writers - Create a Community of Student Writers.
Here’re a few things I’ve learnt
Communication is Key We receive regular feedback regarding our content. Constructive feedback helps us understand our strengths and areas for improvement, fostering continuous learning and professional development.
Interview Students Because I'm a part of the video team, one of task is to go on campus and interview students for content. We currently have a series called "Writers at The Beach", where we interview students about the writing they did in school. I feel like I have learnt to be more persistent. The process took a lot of time because not everyone we asked was cooperative or was nice. But at the end of the day, "you just need one yes". I think that was the mind set that I adopt to keep myself positive and continue to approach students.
Creating Video Content The post video production process is tedious. Because you have to cut, adjust soundbite, add captions, etc. There's simply a lot of steps that needed to be done to polish the video. But I have familiarize myself with the process. I feel like I'm more confident in my work now compare to before.
On-going projects:
Outreach for campus collaboration : -Schedule Interview with Composition Professor. DUE: 11/17
Edit Videos for the week after Fall break. DUE: 11/21.
Complete gathering and submit all content before 12/08.
Nhan Le 11/17/2023 #cla492internshipjournal
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mangodragonfruit1705 · 8 months
Internship Journal #2
Hello again everyone,
Allow me to reintroduce myself. I’m currently working as a Social Media Intern for The Beach Writes Social Media. As a Social Media Intern, my role involves collaborating with fellow social media interns to brainstorm potential post ideas for social media platforms, including Instagram, TikTok, YouTube, and others. The Beach Writes is an outreach program belongs to the English Department of CSULB. Our goal is to: - Generate Student-Led Discussions about Writing - Encourage Students to Identify as Writers - Create a Community of Student Writers
Here’re a few things I’ve learnt for the past three weeks.
Become comforatble doing class visitation and exchange with Professors. In week 5, we started our outreach project - class visitation. I was nervous from the lack of experience as well as hearing feedback from my co-interns. However, I received tips from a friend and managed to perform it smoothly. Some of the tips are as follow: - You’re in control, go at your own pace. - Talk slow => you’ll less likely to make mistake. - End the sentence with a falling tone => sounds more confidence.
Compromise The situation arises when I and the other interns were in conflict in picking a method for picking the raffle winner. My proposal was to use a digital spinning wheel. While the other want to do physical raffle ticket. After much convincing, I decided to take a step back. A similar incident already happened with the crossword puzzle, in which my concern was whether the students would be doing the puzzle or not during class visit. Taken into consideration the cost of labour and printing, it wasn’t a good decision to proceed. However, the majority was in favor with the puzzle as well as the physical raffle ticket idea, I think it’s good to compromise. The reason was the decision made wouldn’t be harming the organization. If it were to directly harming the organization as a whole, then I would take the following measures: - Formally offer proposal. - Presenting arguments, pros and cons of decision. - Consider bringing the matter to manager position/ supervisor position.
On-going projects:
Video contents for Tiktok. - Gather inerview materials DUE: Wednesday 10/11 - Draft scripts and storyboards for videos. DUE Friday 10/13 - Update Content Calendar. DUE Friday 10/13
Outreach for campus collaboration - Draft outreach email to Comp Professors. DUE Saturday 10/14 => Have it approved - Draft outreach email to organizations. DUE Monday 10/16
Setting up Youtube and posting Youtube shorts content. - Write About section DUE Tuesday 10/17 - Upload available contents.
Nhan Le 10.08.2023
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mangodragonfruit1705 · 9 months
Internship Journal Entry #1
I'm currently working as a Social Media Intern for The Beach Writes Social Media. As a Social Media Intern, my role involves collaborating with fellow social media interns to brainstorm potential post ideas for social media platforms, including Instagram, TikTok, YouTube, and others. The Beach Writes is an outreach program belongs to the English Department of CSULB. Our goal is to: - Generate Student-Led Discussions about Writing - Encourage Students to Identify as Writers - Create a Community of Student Writers We are currently in week 4 of the semester. But, I have learnt a lot of things working as a social media intern for a higher education institute. 1. Writing a sponsor email. The whole experience was nerve racking for me as I have never written an email asking for sponsor before. But I didn't shy away from the task, I just took it and I'm glad I took the opportunity. I try to recall what I was thought in ENG 417: Proposal Writing class, and see what I can implement to the situation. Here's what I did: - Look at the sponsor's website for their bio, and look at some events they sponsor in the past. - Take note of their mission and goals. - Align your own organizations' mission and goals with the sponsor's. - Look up online for sponsorship email format. - Draft your first outline. - Edit. - Use Grammarly/ Chat GPT for Grammar check. 2. Tabling at school event. Our school has an event called Week of Welcome, where all the club and organizations will have a table there to introduce their program. It was my first time attend the event as a representative. So, it was difficult for me to able to speak and promote our organization with stuttering. However,I was supported by fellow interns. After the event, I believe I can improve the situation by doing the following: - Write a script. - Practice speaking. - Be a good supporter. - Have a It's ok to make mistake mind set 3. Creating social media content. I think right now this is the most urgent topic. It' really hard to create content in which everyone is satisfied. Collaborating on online content is really hard. Our situation right now is to work out how each social media intern have the liberty to create but also the content satisfy the supervisor. 09.17.2023
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mangodragonfruit1705 · 9 months
Internship Journal
Hi everyone! As many have noticed, I haven't been actively posting my art. I am entering my final years of college now, and really time is not in my favor. I just want to give you a brief update on this blog. I am starting my internship as a Social Media Intern for The Beach Writes (you can find us on Instagram) this semester. As such, I will be posting my Internship Journal here. I hope it will help you in finding internship of your own as well as to make you feel less lonely as you are on your way entering the working-adult life. As for my drawing, I will try to go back to drawing after this semester. So, yes, HANG ON! I will be back with more TWST content.
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