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The House of Rothschild (1934)
I must admit, as a propaganda piece, this movie has actually proved itself to be quite decent. Ignoring the obvious hate the Rothschild family gets nowadays for, you know, being the evil megaminds behind every thing imaginable, The House of Rothschild is a sweet film about the clever work and dedication of the five brothers in midst of wars and hate crimes.
Kaut arī šī ir diezgan tipiska propagandas filma, pārsteidzošā kārtā, The House of Rothschild ir skatāma un pat neizraisa automātisku riebumu. Tajā ir viss, ko var sagaidīt no klasiskām filmām - karš, vēsture, romantika un apšaubāmas filozofijas citāti. Vēlreiz ko tādu noskatīties nespēšu, bet savu iztērēto pusotru stundu nenožēloju.
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