The Cost of Starting a Cafe Business
Starting a cafe is not an easy job especially in UAE, it required substantial amount of investment. Furthermore, there is cut-throat competition, so it was of utmost importance to plan your budget correctly.
 Lets discuss first what you need to have before starting the cafe:
1) Business plan and License
2) Lease of premises for a café
3) Repair, design, and furniture
4) Equipment and POS system
5) Staff
6) Food Supply
 The main investment is required in restaurant equipment Dubai. You need to carefully invest in the right kitchen equipment that are robust and also affordable. There are various Kitchen Equipment Company in Dubai, choose wisely.
Also, a startup may require different things as well, cost of consulting with professionals, utility bills etc. Below are the estimated costs that will help you out in determining your investment.
Business plan- $500–2000
License- $1000–2000
Staff- $8000–12,000
Repair- $3500–10,000
Decorations- $1000–1500
Furniture- $5000–10,000
Equipment- $25,000–40,000
Consultants- $500–1500
Insurance- $2000–3000
Menu, logo, etc. – $300–700
Leasing the cafe space- $1000–3500
Design- $2000–20,000
Signs and marketing- $500–1000
Public service- $1000–2000
Other expenses- $5000–?
General costs:- $60,000–200,000
POS system- $1200–$1800
Food Supply – $10,000–13,000
Again this is an estimate devised on the basis of UAE market. It is very important to conduct a thorough research before investing in cafe. One has to be carefully weigh all the outcomes before deciding to start a business.
It is a very competitive industry and you need to connect with the best suppliers to get supplies for your kitchen.
Mariot Group is one such kitchen equipment company in Dubai that will help you with sturdy and long lasting kitchen equipment.
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5 Kitchen Improvement Ideas Which Are Affordable
The kitchen is the heart of the home as it is the center of activity for your family where the conversations happen. It has been observed that when it comes to renovations, the kitchen is the first place everyone thinks about. But the renovation costs in Dubai are quite high which usually lets people drop the idea. But we are here to help you, with little ideas and a splash of creativity, you can easily renovate your kitchen. Updating appliances is the costly part, but knowing exactly what you need to update can help you save money. Look for an affordable Kitchen Equipment Company in Dubai and get your heavy kitchen equipment.
Below are 5 things you need to focus on while updating your kitchen :
1. Paint the cabinets
A simple splash of colors can change the complete outlook of your kitchen. Getting new cabinets can be very expensive, if your cabinets are in good shape refrain from buying new ones. Simply clean the dust and grease accumulated and paint them.
You will see an instant change in the vibe of your kitchen. Use a cooler that is bright and refreshing which makes your kitchen equipment shine.
2. Brighten by adding lights
Adding extra lighting in your kitchen not only makes it brighter but also gives a positive psychological effect. Your kitchen will look luxurious, cheerful, warm, and welcoming.
You can even consider installing under cabinet lights; they are the new trend.
Backsplashes are getting super popular with every passing year. Instead of changing the color of your entire kitchen, you can use a backsplash. It is affordable and will give your kitchen a much luxurious look. It will also help protect from cooking stains, splashes grease, etc, and can be easily cleaned.
4. Replace Hardware
Check out what needs changing like handles, drawer pulls, etc, and change them instead of changing the entire item. You can order them at an affordable price and will definitely help you curb the cost of the new kitchen.
5. Decor
Once the above is done, then it's time to add personal touches. Get rid of worn-out rugs, dull curtains, etc. Check out Pinterest or take inspiration from magazines and plan out the look you need for your kitchen.
Lastly, most importantly invest in the right kitchen equipment, there are various Commercial kitchen equipment suppliers in Dubai, check reviews, get in touch and select the best heavy kitchen equipment supplier in Dubai.
Mariot Group is one of the most sought-after commercial kitchen equipment UAE.
Do check it out!
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Where to find the Best Commercial kitchen equipment suppliers in Dubai?
Finding good Kitchen Equipment can be tricky, there are a lot of companies out there that provide restaurant equipment but most of them fail to offer durability and longevity.
When looking for kitchen equipment the one thing that you need to take care of is durability. Because these equipments are going to be used throughout the day so you need to have sturdy kitchen equipments that can sustain for a long time.
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Mariot Group is a professional & innovative company that has 12 years of experience as a heavy kitchen equipment company. They provide restaurant equipment in bulk and at affordable prices. We are industry-famous in providing high-quality products and services that cater to the needs of restaurants, hotels, resorts, etc.
With 12 years of experience as a heavy kitchen equipment training company behind our back, we create unparalleled designs. Beautiful in look and highly functional are the hallmarks of our designs!
So check their online store today!
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Kitchen Equipment Company in Dubai - Mariotstore
If you are looking for a heavy or commercial kitchen equipment company in Dubai, then you need to check out Mariotstore, the best heavy kitchen equipment supplier in Dubai. We are Commercial kitchen equipment suppliers in Dubai with more than 12+ years of experience as Kitchen equipments Company UAE. 
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Starting a new restaurant, kitchen, etc?
Looking for commercial kitchen equipment suppliers?Then you need to check out MariotStore. We are #1 supplier of kitchen equipments in Abu Dhabi, UAE.So what are you waiting for Contact Us today!
Website : https://mariotstore.com/
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How To Run A Kitchen More Efficiently?
Being robust and efficient in the 21st century’s mantra. To survive in the food industry one has to be steadfast and creative. There is a lot of competition and one has to meet the diverse food specifications of customers. It is very important to be accepting of new technological advancements and changing food tastes. Depending on the market one has to continuously re-invent and creating strategies that work. Get in touch with the best heavy kitchen equipment supplier and get the best for your business.
A good strategy can uplift your business and a wrong one can completely send you in the spiral.
Below are a few things that you need to focus on for efficiency:
Invest in the right cutlery
Cutlery is the backbone of presentation, your cutlery defines your brand and also the vice of your restaurant/hotel. It is very important for the staff to be equipped with the right tools to handle the cutlery and maintain their shelf life. Administering and maintaining the cutlery is of utmost importance and it affects the efficiency of the business. You would not want to invest every month in cutlery, you need to choose something that goes a long way and can be handled with ease. Be very careful while investing in restaurant equipment as it will go a long way.
2. Equipped with latest kitchen amenities
Kitchen equipped with the latest facilities that support the day to day activities increases the efficiency. Although there are different facilities, the basic facilities should be in place and operable. The more properly your kitchen is arranged and required appliances are in good condition it will definitely increase the productivity. Connect with the right commercial kitchen equipment suppliers and get the best kitchen equipment.
3.Well trained staff
In order to run a busy kitchen, you need well-trained professional staff that can handle work efficiently. During certain times in the day, the kitchen becomes very busy and there are orders pouring in. At this time you need people who are competent and can handle such situations with ease. So invest in the right kind of people who will help you run your kitchen with ease.
Lastly, kitchen managers need to be responsible to check the areas that require improvements and suggest strategies to the management for better efficiency.
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Mariotstore: Best Meat Grinder Supplier in Dubai
A good meat grinder helps in mincing meat with ease and is durable. We at Mariot provide you with the best meat grinder that is reliable, durable, and affordable to take care of all the mincing work. Our products are high quality and are from high rated brands in UAE. We are the #1 supplier of a meat grinder and offer grinders of different shapes and sizes. To know more visit: mariotstore.com/
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Kitchen equipments Company - Commercial Kitchen Equipment UAE
With 12 years of experience as a heavy kitchen equipment training company behind our back, we create unparalleled designs. Beautiful in look and highly functional are the hallmarks of our designs!
Mariot Group believes that the success of our clients is our success. Hence our teams of experienced & skilled professionals work with the sole purpose of providing the best quality of service to our clients!
Connect with us today and get quality branded kitchen equipments.
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How to start a Cafe with no experience?
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You have been thinking of opening your very own cafe and have an incredible out-of-the-box idea. You are pretty confident about your concept, however, you have no experience in the industry. You don’t know how to begin or what to do.
Don’t worry? I am here to help you out and guide you on what you can do in order to get your cafe up and running. Running a cafe is definitely not easy but if you identify your verticals and how to get the process in the order you will be able to manage things efficiently.
It's not just about food, you also need to focus on management, customer service, and marketing. Consider food as your product and your cafe/restaurant your business. You need to ace in your dishes and have a strong management foundation with exceptional marketing skills.
Below are a few tips that I have curated to help you out if you are a beginner and thinking of opening up your cafe.
1. Create a proper business plan and also a revenue model that will help you initially from 5-6 months.
2. Check out your competitors and find their strengths and weaknesses. Figure out what you can do best and what they are missing.
3. Check out favorable locations where you will get footfall. Do proper research before finalizing a space for your cafe.
4. Hire a good efficient team.
5. Get your kitchen equipments from a reliable company.
6. Do your best and have patience. You will learn from your experience and just give your best.
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At Mariot we provide you authentic bakery ovens that are reliable and will last long. We are the number 1 suppliers of bakery convection ovens at nominal costs.
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Food Warmer Machine Supplier Dubai
Food warmers play an important role in keeping extra food warm until it's ready to be moved to a steam table or a customer's plate. And choosing the right one plays an integral part, the product from right brand will go a long way. 
Mariot group is the best supplier of kitchen equipments in UAE, we have best quality products at affordable rates. Mariot Group believes that the success of our clients is our success. Hence our teams of experienced & skilled professionals work with the sole purpose of providing the best quality of service to our clients!
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Mariot Group is a professional & innovative company that has 12+ years of experience as a heavy kitchen equipment company. Mariot Group is industry-famous in providing high-quality products and services that cater to the needs of restaurants, hotels, resorts, etc.
We provide a wide variety of products and services to our clients. Our range of services and products include, kitchen equipment manufacturing, project management, equipment installation, staff training, kitchen consultants, and cloud kitchens company operations.
Website: https://mariotstore.com/
Address : Salah Al Din St, Dubai
Phone :  +971 4 2882777
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