3 Facebook Marketing Tips and Trends with Mari Smith
– In this video, I interview Mari Smith, The Queen of Facebook and she shares her three biggest tips for crushing it on Facebook this year, her favorite Facebook video tool, and the biggest mistakes you could be making on Facebook and how to fix them. Coming up. (hip hop music) This video is brought to you by LearnVideo.live a free one hour online training on how to grow a highly influential and profitable YouTube channel this year.
To get free access, just go to LearnVideo.live. Hey what’s up guys Sean here with Video Influencers help you build your influence, income, and impact with online video. And I’m so excited to have Mari Smith the Facebook and social media, really one of the premiere experts, really globally in this space. How’s it going Mari? – It’s going awesome, thanks for having me. It’s good to see you. – Great to see you as well, thanks for being on the show. And we’re here at Social Media Marketing World in San Diego. It’s been a great conference, you’ve been speaking and sharing your tips on Facebook.
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2017 Porsche 718 Cayman Acceleration Test | Edmunds
[MUSIC PLAYING] CARLOS LAGO: On this episode of– let’s just call it “Zero to 60 101,” we have a Porsche Cayman. This is not the S, it’s just the standard Cayman. It’s got roughly 300 horsepower from a flat four, which is right there. We’ve got a seven speed, dual clutch gearbox, and we’re going to see how fast we can go in a straight line. First thing we do before we get into the launch control lot is just mash the gas and see how fast it goes in the key up settings, which is stability control on basically the settings you get had you just turned the car on. That’s what we call “Key up.” All right. I’ve talked enough. Let’s just nail the gas and go. So clutch engagement is a little long initially to get out of the hole. You know, despite this four cylinder, this flat four, having a solid mid-range, it does rev nicely up to, let’s say, it looks like about 7,500 RPM, which feels good.
Gearing feels a little tall. Initial key up acceleration is pretty quick for a 300 horsepower. This is a pretty low weight vehicle, too. Considering how kind of gradual that launch was, that’s not a bad performance, all things considered. Next we’ll get into some of the more fun settings. For run number two, I’ve got this little dial here I’m going to turn to Sport Plus or S Plus. It’s going to put the dampers in Firm. Let’s put that in Soft so we get a little bit more weight transfer.
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False Facts You’ve Been Believing About Fast Food
It’s hard to ignore the many disturbing myths and urban legends you’ve heard about fast food chains. The fact that these restaurants serve full meals within seconds of taking orders understandably leave people wondering what’s really going on behind the scenes, but luckily, some of the worst rumors have been proven completely false. Snopes has done some deep-digging over the years and debunked a bunch of fast food myths — here are some of the most outrageous. Robot takeover A whole series of reputable news outlets claimed that Wendy’s was rolling out self-service kiosks where customers could place their orders and pay without dealing with human employees. So basically, robots would replace employees in the face of rising minimum wage requirements, which is a pretty dire look into our future. But you don’t have to worry about the rise of the machines just yet. In 2016, they did add self-service kiosks to about 30 restaurants, but considering there are more than 6,500 locations in the US alone, that’s a tiny percentage. Their official statement was that they weren’t replacing workers at all, they were just shifting the balance of their duties elsewhere.
Dairy-free You go to Dairy Queen for ice cream, right? Well, not exactly, and the fact they technically call it “soft serve” has led to the rumors their products are dairy-free. This is a potentially horrible thing for someone to tell a friend who’s lactose-intolerant or allergic to dairy, because it’s not true. DQ calls their delicious frozen treats “soft serve” because their recipes don’t meet the FDA guidelines for what can be called “ice cream.” Their soft serve falls short of earning the title because it doesn’t have enough butterfat. Still, the first ingredients in the soft serve are milkfat and nonfat milk, so while DQ’s signature dessert might technically be low-fat, it’s definitely not dairy-free. Coffee, donuts, pot There was a story going around that Tim Hortons was breaking into the marijuana market with the spreading legalization of the drug — and many customers were excited about the early morning one-stop-shopping possibilities, including Canadian stand-up Mark Critch …
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#Add1Challenge Day 0: Learning Korean in 90 Days #A1C12
Hello. How are you? I’m Tiffani. I’m living in Atlanta. I’m 34 years old. I have a younger sister and brother. These days, I work a lot So, I’m tired. Hmm What What did I do today? Today I exercised. Everyone, I have a question… If I eat a lot of kimchi, will I learn Korean faster? Well, I’m not sure That’s why on Wednesdays, Tuesdays, and Fridays I will work hard to study (Korean) I will work hard to study (Korean) Everybody Never give up! Goodbye See you next time! Bye!.
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Why Rapport Building SUCKS (How To Get Real Attraction FAST)
– What up, it’s your proverbial boy Jeffy, and I’m here today in Dallas, Texas. (rap music) ♪ Jeffy ♪ (audience applauds) (hip hop music) – [Audience] Jeffy, Jeffy, Jeffy, Jeffy, Jeffy, Jeffy. – Alright. So the question is, when you approach the girl, you can go with comfort building or you can go with attraction. Well this is pretty interesting, because I feel that most guys, what they do, untrained people, in their mind, it’s very simple what to do. You go for comfort first. The first majority of guys will go for comfort first. That’s why, what is the vast majority of guys’ opener? – Hi, how are you.
– Hi. – Hey, what’s up, hey what’s up, something like that. They will often pair this with you’re beautiful or some sort of overt compliment. Hey what’s up, you’re beautiful. And they may also pair it with something we call the purposeless hand of doom, which is where they will place their hand on the girl’s lower back or arm. Okay, now this, in my opinion, is garbage, fucking crap. If you’re doing any of these things and you’re not advanced already, please stop doing it. Try to do something a little more creative, because they’re immediate, it’s not so bad in and of itself, but what is happening is in her mind, it causes her to immediately slot you into the category of regular guy, 90% of whom get blown the fuck out.
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Learn My Top 3 Penny Stock Patterns with Fitness Model Ana Cheri (Complimentary Webinar)
(energetic music) (cheering and applause) – What’s up, Tim Sykes millionaire mentor and trader, here with Ana Cheri. – Hi! – How’s it going? – It’s going awesome. – Thanks for joining me. – Absolutely. – So we’re going to be talking about the stock market and finance, because so many people don’t know enough about this. – Including me. – That’s fine. As long as you’re, like, open to learning, you know. We’ve talked about this a little bit, like– – Yeah – They don’t teach this stuff in school, it’s sad, they don’t– – Which is crazy. – Teach this stuff, like, in real life, this is frankly why I’m a teacher, because there’s such a great demand for it. So, what do you know about finance? Tell me everything you know about money and finance right now, and go. – I know how to manage my own finances, I have money in stocks and bonds and Roth IRAs, getting a little bit into Bitcoin– – Okay.
– But I would like to build my profile a little more aggressively, diversify a little bit. I do need help in knowing how to put my money where, and I don’t really want to hire somebody for that. – Yes. – I’d like to do it myself– – Be self-sufficient. – Yes. – Don’t trust others with your money, okay? You need to learn this stuff yourself ’cause there’s other people like, okay, maybe they’re gonna take a percent, maybe they’re gonna die, maybe they’ll do really well, but it’s not you, like, you’re always relying on somebody else.
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SCP-096 The “Shy Guy” | Object Class Euclid | Humanoid / Cognitohazard SCP
Item #: SCP-096 Object Class: Euclid Special Containment Procedures: SCP-096 is to be contained in its cell, a 5 m x 5 m x 5 m airtight steel cube, at all times. Weekly checks for any cracks or holes are mandatory. There are to be absolutely no video surveillance or optical tools of any kind inside SCP-096’s cell. Security personnel will use pre-installed pressure sensors and laser detectors to ensure SCP-096’s presence inside the cell. Any and all photos, video, or recordings of SCP-096’s likeness are strictly forbidden without approval from Dr.  and O5-. Description: SCP-096 is a humanoid creature measuring approximately meters in height. Subject shows very little muscle mass, with preliminary analysis of body mass suggesting mild malnutrition. Arms are grossly out of proportion with the rest of the subject’s body, with an approximate length of meters each. Skin is mostly devoid of pigmentation, with no sign of any body hair.
SCP-096’s jaw can open to four (4) times the norm of an average human. Other facial features remain similar to an average human, with the exception of the eyes, which are also devoid of pigmentation. It is not yet known whether SCP-096 is blind or not. It shows no signs of any higher brain functions, and is not considered to be sapient. SCP-096 is normally extremely docile, with pressure sensors inside its cell indicating it spends most of the day pacing by the eastern wall.
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Things About Cardi B’s Relationship That Are Beyond Weird
Cardi B and Offset make up one of rap music’s most famous couples. Their romance moved at lightning speed after they were spotted on their very first date at the 2017 Super Bowl. By October 2017, Cardi B and Offset — real names Belcalis Almanzar and Kiari Cephus — got engaged after the Migos rapper popped the question on stage at Philadelphia’s Power 99 Powerhouse concert. But there’s an epilogue to this hip-hop happily-ever-after, and it may not be all sunshine and butterflies. From allegations of infidelity to a power imbalance weighing a bit too heavily to one side, we can’t help but raise our eyebrows as we learn more and more about this couple’s union.
Here are a few of the strangest things about Cardi B and Offset’s relationship. Those cheating allegations In December 2017, Offset’s phone was reportedly hacked, and one of his personal videos leaked. It showed a man who looked a lot like him lying in bed with a woman who definitely wasn’t Cardi B. It was later determined that the video was filmed in September of that same year, just one month before he proposed to Cardi B with a huge engagement ring.
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Rocket Powered Tesla? Confirmed! But how? [live]
– Hey guys, welcome to Teslanomics LIVE. I’m your host Ben Sullins. And this is the show where we break down the biggest Tesla news from the week that has past. Today’s a special episode, as we have the confluence of, not only Tesla, but SpaceX coming together in a first for automotive and rocket technology, maybe. And I also have a special guest with me that’s going to be helping me break that all down. So, let’s jump right in and see what exactly the news is that we’re talking about here. First, is this peace from Elon where he tweeted about the new SpaceX option package for the Tesla Roadster. And as you guys know, I’m getting one, and I’m not sure if I’m gonna be getting this option or not. The idea is that there will be 10 small rocket thrusters arranged seamlessly around the car. Which I’m really curious how that’ll happen, and they will help improve acceleration, top speed, breaking and cornering. Maybe they will even allow the Tesla to fly.
Now, I thought this was another one of those kind of jokes that he does, and maybe a little tongue-in-cheek. And then, Marques Brownlee, MKBHD as you know him, one of the biggest YouTubers out there, you know, asked him more about it. And he said, “You have my word, “The next gen Roadster will absolutely “be out of this world.” Which, to be clear, the first Roadster’s also technically out of this world. It’ll be “for those who love to drive, “and there is no finer car in history. “We do not think there will be another.” Wow, okay. So, before I invite my guest on to talk about this and figure it out. I do have a video which someone posted on Reddit, explaining what this might be.
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Koenigsegg – Everything You Need to Know | Up to Speed
(car revving) – Christian von Koenigsegg always knew what he wanted to be when he grew up. Like all kids, he had a big dream, but he didn’t want to be an astronaut, or a rock star, or a pro athlete, He wanted to build cars and drive really freakin’ fast! (revving) He held onto that dream and never wavered. He’s basically Lex Luthor without the incessant desire to rule the world, but he is just as bald. (dings) This is everything you need to know to get up to speed on Koenigsegg. (8-bit music) As Christian Koenigsegg tells it, his need for speed began at the tender age of five when he saw Flaklypa Grand Prix, a stop-motion animated movie in which a bicycle repairman builds a race car with the help of some animal friends and wins the big race against a world-class Formula One driver.
That’s a real movie, look it up At that moment, Koenigsegg knew that he wanted to start his own car company, but he was five, so that dream had to wait. Undeterred, he started driving anyway, and just a year later, he took his first go-kart for a spin. To this day, he refers to those initial moments behind the wheel as the best of his life. By the time he was eight, he had torn apart and rebuilt a motorcycle, and just a few years after that, he had a fleet of rebuilt and roadworthy mopeds for sale. That’s right, Koenigsegg became a used moped salesman at 15.
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How to whistle without fingers
Align:start do you want to learn how to whistle like do you want to learn how to whistle like do you want to learn how to whistle like this we’re now using your fingers please this we’re now using your fingers please this we’re now using your fingers please follow these instruction follow these instruction follow these instruction you must cover your teeth with your lips you must cover your teeth with your lips you must cover your teeth with your lips in this way after that you have to push in this way after that you have to push in this way after that you have to push your tongue and rise the upper lip while your tongue and rise the upper lip while your tongue and rise the upper lip while keeping it folded you will not succeed keeping it folded you will not succeed keeping it folded you will not succeed on the first try on the first try on the first try you must try and try a novela when you you must try and try a novela when you you must try and try a novela when you will able to control this little oh you will able to control this little oh you will able to control this little oh you cannot judge the strength of the whisker cannot judge the strength of the whisker cannot judge the strength of the whisker is useless to use your deft fingers to is useless to use your deft fingers to is useless to use your deft fingers to whistle nor fit in this way you will do whistle nor fit in this way you will do whistle nor fit in this way you will do this if you like video please remember to if you like video please remember to if you like video please remember to subscribe and leave like
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10 Great Exercises to Improve Your Eyesight
Ten great exercises to improve your eyesight Exercising your eyes is one of those simple things that very few people do however it can help you maintain excellent vision Here are 10 exercises that will take you no more than 10 minutes to do You can give them a try right now while watching this video We are going to do all of them with you Exercise number one blink for a minute This exercise helps to regulate blood circulation inside your eyes take your time and let’s begin Blinking is an excellent way to relax your eyes It has three functions. It helps grease your eyes clean them and give them a break from light With a lack of frequent leaking your eyes become dry at least to inflammation and poor vision Keep opening and closing your eyelids quickly without straining them Do this exercise regularly to adopt the habit of frequent flinging? You can perform this exercise just about anywhere for 30 to 60 seconds This practice is especially useful for those who work with anything that requires a lot of attention Exercise number two rotate your head while staring ahead This exercise increases the blood circulation in your eyes you need to turn your head in a circular motion while staring ahead First slowly turn your head from right to left Then up to down keep looking straight You can do it for thirty or sixty seconds depending on how much free time you have By far the most important sense organs are your eyes also.
It’s one of the most complex sensory organs in your body for vision limits you in many ways Therefore find 10 minutes every day to perform this exercise to have great eyesight at any age Finish the exercise in a calm Manner, and then we will continue Exercise number three look to your right and left Again, you can perform the exercise for 30 to 60 seconds make yourself comfortable and let’s begin To do it correctly you first need to look to your right do it slowly while inhaling as far to the right as you can but without stressing it and Slowly move your gaze to the left while exhaling Remember that you should perform the exercise very slowly after finishing close your eyes for a few seconds exercise number four close your eyes and relax Darkness is leaves to help strengthen the photoreceptor cells in your eyes which in turn can contribute to clear vision All you need to do is just close your eyes and sit back Most important is to relax your eyelids completely think about something that you like to do your future vacation or other pleasant things and Stay with your eyes closed for at least 30 seconds Exercise number five move your gaze in different directions This exercise improves all aspects of your visual perception It is suitable for both nearsightedness and farsightedness You should move your gaze in different directions first look right-to-left for five seconds Now look up and then down for another five seconds After that turn your eyes in circular motion do it for 10 to 15 seconds Then draw a figure 8 with your eyes take your time no rush exercise number 6 close and open your eyes This exercise helps to relax your eye muscles and increases blood circulation in your eyes Close your eyes tight for 3 to 5 seconds Now open them do it again you and again and one more time Totally you should do this seven times exercise number seven push against your temples with your fingers This exercise improves the flow of intro Cooler fluids Slightly push against your temples with your fingers and maintain this pressure for around two seconds You should repeat the exercise four to five times Let’s do it together one two three Four well done now.
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Every Country in the World (Part 1)
This is every country in the world… by Wendover Productions. We’ll start with Afghanistan, the first country alphabetically. Afghanistan is one of the few countries worldwide to be offset from Greenwich Mean Time by a 30 minute interval, its at GMT +4:30, while China is one of the many countries to only have one timezone… except its ginormous. It aligns to GMT + 8 so that means that stepping over the 47 mile long Afghanistan-China border jumps you forward by hours. That’s the largest single time zone jump on earth. China in all its craziness has rather ambitious plans to build a high-speed railroad from Beijing, up across the Bering Strait, and down into the United States, which happens to be the home of 41% of Wendover Productions viewers. Up in the north-west of the US, Point Roberts, a part of the mainland US, is cut off from the US by Canada and since it doesn’t have a high-school, students have to cross into Canada then back into the US each day on their way to school.
Canada happens to be the second largest country on earth and has more lakes than the rest of the world combined. Its so huge, in fact, that its easternmost point is closer to Croatia than it is to Vancouver. One of Croatia’s thousands of islands is Rab, the birthplace of the sculptor Marinas who went on and founded San Marino, the fifth smallest country in the world and one of three to be completely surrounded by another country. One of the others is the Vatican—the smallest sovereign state in the world—and there’s also Lesotho, which is home to one of Africa’s seven ski resorts. Lesotho is of course surrounded by South Africa which is the only country in the world to have three capitals—Cape Town is the seat of the Parliament, Pretoria is the home of the president, and Bloemfontein is the judicial capital.
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10 Signs You’re Way More Intelligent Than You Realize
Hey lookie here ten signs that’re more intelligent than you realize We all have those moments we’re feeling low and start doubting our abilities It starts back at school when you just can’t get math Thumbs up if you can relate like me and might come back when you’re an adult Bright side has some good news You are way more intelligent than you realize so here is a list of signs That you might have ignored or even considered weird that indicate a super bright mind They are all scientifically proved so if you feel like a few of them are true for you You have every reason to call yourself a genius Counting down from number 10 you realize how much you don’t know As Contradictory as it may sound a true genius easily admits how much he still doesn’t know You can be naturally great at making words Rhyme, or have a musical talent the size of a vaulting but fail at physics more than that you must definitely have some concepts to explore Professional field if you can honestly say I don’t know instead of mumbling oh, yeah I have an idea of how it functions and then googling the conversation topic like crazy It shows you are an intelligent person this idea is backed up by science Justin Kruger and David Denning worked with a group of Cornell University undergrads and published the results in their research in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology in 1999 they asked students to predict their scores after being tested in humor logical reasoning and English grammar Those who were 100 percent sure they did outstandingly well ended up with worse results than those who were more critical of themselves Number nine you wear the same clothes every day Have you ever noticed Mark Zuckerberg tends to appear in public in the same grade t-shirt all the time We don’t think he doesn’t have enough money to seek fashion advice or style up his wardrobe a more likely explanation Of sticking to the same fashion routine is being a genius Psychologists Oliver Berkman has done some serious research on the lifestyle of the brightest minds in the world He concluded that smart people tend to save up their mental abilities for more important things Unless those smart people are fashion designers or Lady Gaga of course we don’t encourage you to disregard Fashion to wake up your inner genius But this study does make sense Some genius inventions or brilliant writings can be created during that time you spend picking the perfect outfit for the day So next time you see your geeky colleague.
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How Search Works
June 5, 2018
>> CUTTS: Hi, my name is Matt Cutts. I’m an engineer in the quality group at Google and I’d like to talk today about what happens when you do a web search. The first thing to understand is that when you do a Google search, you aren’t actually searching the web, you’re searching Google’s index of the web, or at least as much of it as we can find. We do this with software programs called spiders. Spiders start by fetching a few web pages then they follow the links on those pages and fetch the pages they point to, and follow all the links on those pages and fetch the pages they link to and so on, until we’ve indexed a pretty big chunk of the web–many billions of pages stored across thousands of machines.
Now, suppose I want to know how fast a cheetah can run. I type in my search, say, cheetah running speed and hit return. Our software searches our index to find every page that includes those search terms. In this case, there are hundreds of thousands of possible results. How does Google decide which few documents I really want? By asking questions–more than 200 of them. Like, how many times does this page contain your keywords? Do the words appear in the title, in the URL, directly adjacent? Does the page include synonyms for those words? Is this page from a quality website or is it low quality, even spamming? What is this page’s PageRank? That’s a formula invented by our founders Larry Page and Sergey Brin that rates a web page’s importance by looking at how many outside links point to it, and how important those links are. Finally, we combine all those factors together to produce each page’s overall score and send you back your search results about half a second after you submit your search.
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Russian lessons – Lesson 2 – Russian pronunciation. Personal pronouns | Russian language
Hello everyone! Daria here, and welcome to lesson number two of my new russian language course. Today we’re going to talk about Russian pronunciation and also about personal pronouns. Here we go! So I hope you’re ready to begin, I hope you got your piece of paper or I hope it’s a workbook and you’re ready to write. And actually I want to start with confession, last week I was such an idiot, I was so excited, that I forgot to write down a group of letters that are the most difficult.
So let’s pretend that nothing happened and let’s begin with them. As they say… how do they say? Let’s eat the frog from the very beginning, and then we go to the easy part. Ж Ц Ч Ш Щ Ы, my personal favorite. I hope we didn’t miss anything. Ж. Ж. Ж is easy to write, funny letter. And you pronounce it as… wait a second… “pleasure”. nice word. Almost like this one – “pleasure”, but it’s harder. I encourage you again – use your imagination just like I mentioned in the previous lesson. Let’s imagine that this is some super fast racing car. When you’re maybe in heaven and looking down at it. So just… oh I know I’m so weird sometimes… So it’s a road, let’s imagine this is a car and it makes this noise – zhzhzhzhzhzh Right? so remember this letter, I know it’s terrible what I’m doing but sometimes it helps. Sometimes it helps people who are as weird as I am. Okay. This one is Ц. Ц is even easier, it is pronounced as “its”. Try it – its its.
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Learn English | Basic English Conversation Course | 12 lessons
Hello. Welcome to our conversation series. These videos are for intermediate level learners of English. In these videos, we will talk about many expressions to help you communicate in English. When you watch these videos you should do 3 things to help you study. First, our teachers may say a word that you don’t know. Please take the time to find that word in a dictionary to help you understand the video. Second, you should always try to repeat after the teacher in the video. Whenever the teacher uses some new vocabulary or expressions, you need to repeat how they say it. Last, you should always review and re-watch the videos, and practice what you learned to help you understand the expressions being taught to you. It takes time and effort, but these videos will help you if you watch them with a sincere interest to learn English.
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