marsplastic13 · 3 hours
Chapters: 2/? Fandom: Six of Crows Series - Leigh Bardugo Rating: Mature Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, No Archive Warnings Apply, Underage Relationships: Kaz Brekker/Original Female Character(s) Characters: Kaz Brekker, Nina Zenik, Matthias Helvar, Jesper Fahey, Wylan Van Eck, Inej Ghafa, Kaz Brekker's Original Child, Original Child Character(s) Additional Tags: Not Canon Compliant, Post-Book 2: Crooked Kingdom, Matthias Helvar Lives, Minor Matthias Helvar/Nina Zenik, Canon-Typical Violence, Drug Abuse, Underage Drug Use, Underage Drinking, Unplanned Pregnancy, Angst and Romance, Original Character is Per Haskell's daughter, Touch-Averse Kaz Brekker, Soft Kaz Brekker, Protective Kaz Brekker, Kaz Brekker is Trying Summary:
One day, a woman enters the Slat claiming to be Per Haskell's daughter, Kaz Brekker's wife and the mother of his child. And she wants to stay in Ketterdam. How is everyone going to take it?
Chapter 2 is up!
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marsplastic13 · 3 days
Chapters: 1/? Fandom: Six of Crows Series - Leigh Bardugo Rating: Mature Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, No Archive Warnings Apply, Underage Relationships: Kaz Brekker/Original Female Character(s) Characters: Kaz Brekker, Nina Zenik, Matthias Helvar, Jesper Fahey, Wylan Van Eck, Inej Ghafa, Kaz Brekker's Original Child, Original Child Character(s) Additional Tags: Not Canon Compliant, Post-Book 2: Crooked Kingdom, Matthias Helvar Lives, Minor Matthias Helvar/Nina Zenik, Canon-Typical Violence, Drug Abuse, Underage Drug Use, Underage Drinking, Unplanned Pregnancy, Angst and Romance, Original Character is Per Haskell's daughter, Touch-Averse Kaz Brekker, Soft Kaz Brekker, Protective Kaz Brekker, Kaz Brekker is Trying Summary:
One day, a woman enters the Slat claiming to be Per Haskell's daughter, Kaz Brekker's wife and the mother of his child. And she wants to stay in Ketterdam. How is everyone going to take it?
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marsplastic13 · 23 days
Knock knock - Part 3
Part 1
Part 2
It was a freezing Tuesday night, the crows were out to celebrate the end of an heist that required weeks of planning. Since not many people among the Dregs knew about the job, they decided to have their deserved night out in a club almost outside the Barrel, were they would not be easily recognized. Jesper extended the invitation to Vik, and even Kaz made his brief apparition for a few drinks. At some point during the night, Vik decided to head back home, since she had to work in the morning. Nina insisted that she let somone walk her home but she assured everyone that she lived nearby and there was no reason to worry. 
She was half way through when she noticed a man collapsed on the ground, trembling. Vik was unsured of what to do, there was no one else around her and this man could have been dangerous. Her medik sense of duty was battling with her self-preservation instinct when she noticed a cane with a crow head near the man. Kaz.
She was quickly at his side, he seemed barely conscious. "Kaz, Kaz what happened?" she checked his pulse while he tried to get away from her hands, "I know, I know I'm sorry but you loook really bad Kaz, what is going on? Should I call someone?" Kaz's sight was blurred, he could only hear half the words she was saying, but no one could see him in that pathetic state, so he used all of his willpower to shake his head. "Okay can you stand? I can't let you here, you'll freeze to death."
She was very worried, if for some reason someone passed from there and happened to recognize him, hell would brake free. A lot of men would pay good money to have a chance at a barely concious Dirtyhands. "Leg" was all he was able to say. "Your leg hurt?" he nodded "I think you have a fever, did you had any rest in the past weeks? Your body passed his limit Kaz" He knew, he absolutly knew. But he couldn't stop, not for a moment, not when the lives of his crows depended on his meticulous plans. "I'll bring you to my house, but you'll have to stand okay? Tell me when you're ready". She saw him trying to formulate an answer "No one is going to see you Kaz, I'm your medik, its my job to help you."
Her words convinced him to gave in and he tried to get on his feet, leaning heavily on the girl, putting his arm around her shoulders, while she passed her arm around his waist. "How do you-" Vik was interrupted by the boy starting to puke. The pain of getting up was too much. "Okay try to breath" he felt her cleaning his face from vomit and sweat "Yes, you're doing a good job, know here's your cane, I can make you feel a bit better until we arrive at my place but I'll have to touch your bare skin alright?" he nodded frantically, he would have done anything to get out of that situation.
"Good, I'll take your hand, you'll feel better but it's temporarily okay? When we arrive I'll check you properly". She removed one of his gloves, took his hand and his mind felt clearer, his pain felt distant. "Talk only if you have to puke again, we're almost there. Saints, you're heavier than you Iook". Vik had no idea of how she managed to drag him up for a flight of stairs, but there they were, in front of her apartment's door. "I'm going to leave your hand, you're going to feel really bad" he nodded, preparing himself. In any other situation, the accondescending tone she was using would have make him go crazy, but in that moment when his thoughts were all mixed up, he felt almost grateful that she was explaining everything like he was a child. "There you are" she left his hand and he collapsed back into her.
"Not... safe" Kaz muttered while she unlocked her door. He wanted to say that her lock was not safe but everything felt blurred. Vik dragged him on her bed, then lighted a few candles. She helped him remove his coat and his dirty shirt. Then, she took a cloth and some water to clean his sweat. "Kaz I can give you something for the pain and to sleep off the fever but you have to be good and tell me every medicine you take alright?". He used all of his strenght to give her the names and the doses of what he usually took, only after a long moment he noticed that she was writing everything with one hand while her other hand was back into his.
He felt too bad to process how that was making him feel. "Great, and how about illegal ones?" She kept watching her paper, he esitated. "Kaz I've been trained for this, I can see that you take drugs sometimes, and I'm not judging you, no one can imagine how much pain you feel everyday" still no answer "I would really like if what I'm about to give you doesn't make you od on my bed, okay?" he sighed. He always managed to keep that part him to himself, even Inej had never known those kind of secrets. He never wanted to make his people be worried about him or to think at him like someone that needed help. But this was an entirerly different situation, and he would not die because he felt ashamed, so he took a shaky breath and gave her the names. "Okay good, and what have you taken today?" "Didn't had time". She nodded and left to look for a strong painkiller. A new wave of pain washed over him when her hand left his. 
"Hope you're not afraid of needles" he extended his arm while she prepared the syringe. A sudden relief came from the puntcure, Kaz closed his eyes breathing in deeply. "I'm leaving next you a bucket if you feel like throwing up again, I'll take a quick shower and try to clean up your shirt" she noticed he must've fallen asleep faster then she predicted, "You fucking scared me Kaz" she whispered moving his hair awawy from his forehead "sweet dreams" "No dreams" he mumbled before starting to snore lightly. Vik shaked her head while reaching her little bathroom, under the hot water she was finally able to let go that night's stress. The boy didn't notice when she climbed into bed next to him, and he didn't woke up when she left the next morning.
Still with his eyes shut, Kaz felt awake. His mind was clear, his pain at the usual level. He could sense there was sunlight in his face, weird, he never left his curtains open. That wasn't his room. He opened his eyes, the brightness was too much to focus on the surroundings, but covering with his hand, he found himself in someone else's bed. Slowly, memories from the night before started to resurface. The job, the bar, the alley when his body rivolted against him, Vik's worried face. He sat on the edge of the bed, with his head in his hands. He felt the start of a migraine forming in the back of his mind, probably because he couldn't remember the last time he ate. After a few deep breaths, he saw a note on the handstand. 
Good morning sunshine! When I left earlier you looked so peaceful that I couldn't bring me to wake you up. You should eat, I left you something sweet and something savory on my desk (I have no idea of what you prefer). You'll find there a pill for the migraine you probably have right now, but please eat and drink a lot of water before you take it (it will pierce a hole in your stomach if you don't, I swear). I tried to clean your shirt, it's in the bathroom. I should be back around 4, don't leave before, I want to be sure you're fine (please!). In the mean time, my home is all yours.
Kaz shaked his head and got up to take the painkiller. Next to it there was a cream and chocolate pastry and what looked like an ham sandwich. Vik actually went out to buy him breakfast. The pill wouldn't actually make a hole in his stomach, right? After the past night experience, he didn't really felt like testing his body, so he recluctanly sat at the table and ate the pastry. To ignore how good it felt to eat something, Kaz looked through the papers left on the desk. There were mainly medicine books, with her notes all over the margins.
After a while, the boy started pacing around the apartment: her flat was made of large room, with a bed, a table that she probably used more to study than for eating, a library filled with books, a few cupboards that he guessed was her kitchen, and a wardrobe. Then there was a small bathroom, the door didn't close properly, it needed fixing for sure. The first thing he noticed there was the strong smell of vanilla, all of her products were vanilla flavored. His shirt was almost dry but he put it on anyway, drowning in her sweet perfume. Then he proceded to inspect all of her locks and windows, that house was absolutely not safe. It was absurd that no one had already tried to brake in. 
When Vik came back home, she found Kaz weirdly tapping on one of the window's lock with one of his picks, his head leaned on it, listening. "Hey you're awake!" the sudden noise made him snap out of his focus and bang his head on the metal part of the window. "Oh shit are you okay?" he nodded massagging his forehead. She made a few steps in his direction, then stopped "Wait I had a shift in the Infective deseases wing, I should take a shower before staying close to anyone".
She emerged from the bathroom wrapped in a short black robe, her wet hair were letting water drops slip on her face and neck. Kaz found himself following one of those drops along her features, until it disapperead between her breasts. "Kaz are you listening to me?" He cleared his voice and diverted his gaze to the ceiling "I was distracted" he mumbled. Vik grinned, getting closer to him "How do you feel?" She was so close she just whispered, laying her hand on his forehead to check his temperature, while locking eyes with his. "Good, I feel good" her hand felt so hot against his skin that it didn't bother him. After years and years of shying away from human contact, Kaz could feel her delicate hand without flinching. "What are you doing?" He found himself whispering too. "Is it working?" She tilted her head a bit and moved her hand on his cheek, without breaking eye contact. "Yes".
She pulled away smiling. Keep touching me, don't leave. "I figured it's the cold that really bothers you, I tried to increase my temperature, guess it was a good call". He didn't know what to say, it was simple and brilliant at the same time. "So how's your leg? Your head? Everything alright?" Kaz nodded distractly, "I can fix your locks" Thank you for taking care of me. Her smile grew "You can? It would be amazing Kaz" he nodded moving away from her, towards the windows "Your door is not safe enough, I'll take care of that too" "Kaz" she moved a bit closer, her desire for touching him was becoming too strong and it took a lot of strenght to stay where she was. "You know you don't owe me anything, right? I did what I had to, it was not a favor you have to return" "I know" But I don't know how to say how grateful I am. She watched him with an worried frown. 
"Where did you sleep last night?" he blurted out. Why do I keep saying stupid things? She didn't have a couch, so it was obvious that- "In my bed, next to you" Vik looked surprised, maybe for the first time after he asked her to work for him. "Is there a problem? I really didn't felt like sleeping on the floor and I promise no one tried to cuddle the other" Kaz had no idea what to respond, probably because he had no idea of where he thought he was going with that question. Better if he left before other stupid shit found its way to his mouth.
"I should go now, I'll come back tomorrow for the locks" He crossed the room, hand already on the doorknob. "Great, I'll see you around 7?" She leaned on the wall beside the door. Kaz nooded, for a moment his gaze shifted on her lips. "Can you-" "The bathroom door, yes, see you tomorrow".
Vik closed the door behind him, letting out a breath. Did she really just put her hand on Dirtyhands' face and lived to tell others?
The next day, at 7 sharp, Kaz arrived with tools and new locks. And it went on for a few days. He would arrive, start to work on what was left from the day before and then the girl would remember about a broken drawer, an unstable shelf, and they would spend another evening chatting, eating something when she managed to convince him and walking together to The Slat when she had to work. She even made him laugh a couple of times.
That night, a fight broke out at The Crow Club, and Kaz got out with a bloody nose and a sharp pain in his bad knee. The other guy had it much worse. Normally he would just ignore it, but Vik was at The Slat for another few hours, so he guessed why not? 
He found her outside smocking with Jesper and other Dregs "Oh Gods Kaz, that nose is broken" Please, help me. He was about to respond that his nose was just bleeding when he noticed her wide eyes, eyebrows raised. Kaz frowned, was she trying to signal him something? She made an almost invisible nod. "Yes, definitely broken. Come on I don't pay you to chat" He said annoyed, and disappeared inside the building without sparing her another glance. 
Vik entered the infirmary a moment after him. "Thank the ugly Saints that you arrived" "Did something happened?" He sat on the bed and she came closer to look at his nose. "That Erin or Eric, I dont know, was becoming a little handsy and Jesper kept ignoring my signals" Kaz snorted "I don't think Jasper even noticed your signals. What was Erin doing?" " Just touching my arms, he tried to put his arm around me a few times" she released a breath "I know it's not that bad but I felt really uncomfortable" "Hey it's not your fault, he shouldn't had tried to touch you in whatever form if you don't want to" And I'm going to brake all of his fingers with my cane. "Thanks Kaz, I think you're all fixed, your nose stopped bleeding and you can take this pill for the knee"
"Good" he was back on his feet in front of her. "l'Il see you tomorrow? At your house?" he said clearing his voice and cursing himself. What am I doing? She delicately gripped his arm "Kaz..." "Yes?" Vik let out a nervous giggle "I think you fixed everything in my house at least two times". Kaz chuckled, biting his lower lip. The boy took a moment looking around "Yeah, well, I figured I'm a very bad handyman or you're more clumsy than you look". The truth was that they both tried to extend their evenings together as much as possible. Did she broke a few things on purpose? Maybe. And did he took an enormous amount of time to repair things? Also maybe.
"I don't want this to end Kaz, I genuinely liked spending time with you and I know that if I just walk out that door we'll act as if nothing happened and I'm not letting that happen". He raised his gloved hand to put her hair behind her ear, and after a moment of hesitation, his fingers started to trace the line of her jaw. "This is a very bad idea" he whispered "I know" "I'm a dangerous man with a dangerous job" "I won't wait up" A genuine smile took place on his face, making her grin. "I have a lot of powerful enemies" "I'll learn how to fight". Kaz's hand was behind her neck. "There are things that I dont know if I can ever give you" his voice was almost inaudible "I don't want anything you can't give me". "If we really do this, it's not going to be easy, Viktoria" "I want this". Vik carefully rested her hand on his chest. She could feel his heart at an impossible rate. "You're going to give yourself an heart attack" "I hope it's worth it then". He leaned towards her, slowly brushed his lips against hers. "May I?" "Please Kaz". And so he kissed her. A real, breathtaking kiss.
At the end, they were grinning like teenagers. "How about I go to break Erin's fingers and then I'Il walk you home?" "Can you break his fingers after taking me home? I don't want him to ask me to repair them". Kaz looked at her with his eyebrows raised "I think the Dregs have a really bad influence on you".
"Oh but it's such a romantic story Vik" said Jasper in awe "How I wish I could tell someone" she laughed "Kaz would have your head on a silver plate" before Jasper could respond, they heard the unmistakeble noise of a cane behind them "Why would I have his head on a silver plate?"
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marsplastic13 · 23 days
Knock Knock - Part 2
Part 1
"You have to tell me how all of this thing between you and Kaz started" Jesper and Vik were sharing a cigarette on the roof of the Crow Club while the others were downstairs partying. Vik blow out the smoke "You know Kaz would be really disappointed if I share any of this" "Oh come on, I'm dying here all alone without anyone to talk about the biggest scandal of the Barrel" the girl reaised her eyebrows. "Please" said him in a really high pitched voice. "Fine" the girl sighed "I'll tell you how we met, but it's very less exiting than you expect" she turned to Jesper with a grin "The story of how we started dating is way better" "Oh I knew you had good gossip, I'm all ears". So Vik started talking.
Before she started working with the Dregs, she found a job as a dancer in a club. She would just dance on a little stage, sometimes she would be a server for the night and other times men could pay to make her sit on their laps while playing cards or doing business. Trying to have any kind of inappropriate contact with the girls was forbidden by the club's rules, the owners were very proud of not being a brothel. Vik managed to keep the job while going to University, the pay was good and making money from rich pathetic men made her feel a bit powerful. And that's were she met Kaz Brekker.
One night she was requested by one of her usuals to stay at his table while he talked business with other people. Nothing out of the ordinary, except for a really young boy sitting across from her. Usually that place was for older men, but as she discovered some time later, Kaz was trying to enter a few legit businesses, now the he was officially the leader of the Dregs. For hours she looked at him, while batting her eyes and complimenting her clients. He must have been around her age, really charming, knew exactly what he was doing, even if he was decades younger than the other men at the table, and, most important thing, he was doing everything in his power to not look at her.
Vik could also sense some kind of pain radiating from him, it was diffused in multiple regions of his body and she had a confermation when she noticed his cane. His leg was hurting like probably all of his side and the arm he used for the cane. A few drinks made her brave, she got up excusing herself and while passing Kaz she faked a little fall, using his shoulder to steady herself. "I'm so sorry, I should quit drinking for tonight" she said with a little giggle. He flinched at her touch, but before the usual sense of nausea that human contact gave him, he felt a wave of relief, all of his pain just vanished until she removed her hand. Kaz's head turned up from the table, locking eyes with the girl that smiled a bit. "Such a clumsy girl that you are, let's get you free for tonight" her client got up to accompany her back to the bar, but he was so starteled that his gaze kept following them until the others started to joke about the fact that he was cosumming her with his eyes.
He came back with the other businessmen a few other times to close various deals, and he showed more interest in the girl, leaving her tips, buying her drinks, but she was always hired from this other man, so he couldn't have a moment alone with her. And then one night, he came alone.
The boy choose a booth in the most private corners of the club and started working on his papers. That night Vik had a shift has a server, but her boss told her that someone paid a lot of cash to have her at his table, so she changed into her dancer outfit, grabbed two drinks and head to the client. "You" Finally. she said almost excited "What are you doing here all alone?" Kaz lifted his head slowly, looking her up and down. "I came to talk to you" she faked a surprised face "And what do you want to talk about?" "Drop the act, I know who you are" "And who am I, Kaz Brekker?" Of course Vik acquired as much information as possible as soon as a young, rich business man set foot in her Club. Bonus point that he was even hot and kind of mysterious.
She moved closer to him, almost whispering in his ear, letting him take in her vanilla scented bodywash. The sudden proximity and the fact that she revealed that she knew who he was made Kaz lost his focus for a moment and the papers that he was fiddling with scratched his finger. Previously he had to remove his gloves because that place was insanely hot, and know he was looking at a single drop of blood coming put of his finger. "I'll take care of that" "Don't-" in one swift movement she took his hand and licked his finger, the scratch was gone.
"A Healer, you're a Healer" he said snatching his hand from hers and putting back his gloves. "I know that you're studying to become a medik, the youngest one in Ketterdam if you keep those grades" "You checked my grades?" She said laying back on the chair, raising her eyebrows. "I read your essays" Kaz turned to look at her smirking. "I'm here to offer you a job-" "Oh I'm not a whore" Kaz had just started to feel better after her unexpected touch and now he was almost choking on his drink "WHAT?" She did everything in her power to keep a serious face "I said I don't have sex for money" the boy was completely red and Vik couldn't hold her laugh anymore "As a healer, a job as a healer, and medik for the Dregs" Kaz sounded rather annoyed, she took a sip of her drink, that offer was completely unexpected. "Does it pay as good as this?" "We can make a few arrengements" "Well I have to think about it" she shrugged "What do you want to do now, I'm yours for another hour" before he could think of an answer she was on her feet.
"I can dance for you" "Please don't start dancing" Kaz was trying to look everywhere except in her direction "My boss is going to think it's very weird if you just came here to talk to me. Come on you can look, if you don't I'll be forced to get another client" Vik started to move along with the music, just for the sake of making the famous Dirtyhands uncomfortable, in fact, no one would make her change clients, Kaz had already paid for her and he could do whatever he wanted in that time.
But her little plan worked and he reclutantly laid back in his chair and started to look at her, her exposed body, inhaling the sweet scent that filled his nostrils whenever she moved.
For someone who despised skin to skin contact as he did, this girl was really starting to test his boundaries, and his nerves. The fact that she was totally unbothered by who he was was weird for him, no one dared to play with him like she was. Kaz had to admit that the girl had something interesting, she made him curious. Why aren't you scared? 
After a while, he found himself thinking about the fact that he would have gladly gave away the rubys he had as shirt cufflinks to put his hands on her, to trace the lines of her tattoos with his fingers. Saints, these drinks are strong. Dirtyhands wanted to ask her if she had any idea of how dangerous he was. Another part of him that rarely came out was thriving for how careless Vik was. Careless gets you killed in the Barrel.
"Now you're looking at me like you want to eat me" before he could connect his brain, his mouth responded "Maybe I do" Vik was so surprised that she stopped her private show to look at him with her eyebrows so raised that he thought that must've hurt. He cleared his voice trying to regain his composure, cursing himself to have let that really weird thing slip out of his mouth. He got on his feet and moved away from her in a hurry while she called his name. "I'll pay for the rest of your shift, so go home and think of my proposal, if you say yes come tomorrow at eight bells at the Crow Club" he didn't even turned to look at her. Vik saw him talking to her boss, than he left some money on the counter and left the club without sparing her another glance.
"Saints he was that into you from the start" Jesper said when she finished her story. "I can be a very charming person when I want" she winked. He let out a laugh "Oh I have no doubt on that, if you charmed the bastard of the Barrel himself I can only imagine your effect on a common person". They kept smocking in silence for a while. "And so you went to the club and he hired you?" "Yes it basically went like that, I started to work that night. I believe you were my very first patient at the Slat" "That's such a sweet thing, and now I'm the first to know all your dirty secrets" "I guess you are". Jesper throw his arm around her shoulder, leaving a little kiss on her hair. "And then what happened between you two?" she chuckled "Well he tried to stay away from me as much as he could, even if I was healing him he just wouldn't talk, but one night I totally saved his life" "What?!" Vik took another cigarette a started another story.
Part 3
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marsplastic13 · 23 days
Knock knock - Part 1
pairings: Kaz Brekker x fem!reader
summary: The door of the infirmary was slightly open, and Jesper could hear Kaz and Vik's voices. Were they laughing? The boy got closer trying to be as quiet as possible, from the narrow space left from the door he could see them reflected on the mirror. Kaz was sitting on the desk, while the girl was looking between all the bottles and medical supplies. "Saints Kaz, sometimes I think you get all this beat up just to spend some time with me" Jesper frowned, were they flirting? Kaz smiled, smiled?, while looking at his feet "Maybe I do" WHAT?
Tw: mentions of violence, referenced drug use, referenced sex
"Vik.. Vik we're back" Jesper touched the girl's shoulder to wake her up. She was all curled up on an armchair near the fireplace, an anatonomy book with a really gruesome picture was balanced on her lap. "How can she fall asleep reading this stuff?" Asked Jesper turning towards Kaz. "We just beat a man almost to death, Jesper" said the boy raising his eyebrows. "That's a really valid point. Vik come one wake up". The girl bolted on her feet, eyes wide open, letting the big book fall on Jesper's foot, who let out a soffocated groan. "You scared the hell out of me Jes" Vik tightened the blanket around herself, steading her breath. "What time is it?" "Almost three bells" said Kaz leaning over the armchair to lift a bit of weight from is bad leg. "Why are you so late? Did something happen?" She was looking between the two boys rather worried. "Job was fine, and thanks to my hero right there that took all the punches for me, even my beautiful face is fine" Jesper gestured to Kaz, he sighed and turn himself towards the fire's light. He had a cut above his eyebrow and his jaw was becoming a weird shade of purple. "Saints Kaz" the girl made a few steps to take a better look of his face "Come on, let's patch you up, Jesper do you need anything, love?" She looked at him over her shoulder while following Kaz to the improvised room they used as an infirmery. "Don't worry dear, just going straight to bed. 'Night boss".
Halfway through the stairs leading to his room at The Slat, Jesper remembered the marvealous sleeping pills that sometimes he convinced Vik to give him, and he went back to try his luck.
The door of the infirmary was slightly open, and Jesper could hear Kaz and Vik's voices. Were they laughing? The boy got closer trying to be as quiet as possible, from the narrow space left from the door he could see them reflected on the mirror. Kaz was sitting on the desk, while the girl was looking between all the bottles and medical supplies. "Saints Kaz, sometimes I think you get all this beat up just to spend some time with me" Jesper frowned, were they flirting? Kaz smiled, smiled?, while looking at his feet "Maybe I do" WHAT?, "Maybe I asked Jesper to throw a few punches at me so that you could fix me up a bit". The girl laughed, and a little grin appeared on Kaz's lips. Jesper had no idea of what he was witnessing, and he absolutely needed to know more. "Open your shirt, I can sense that broken rib from here" "Yes ma'am" Kaz slowly unbottened his black shirt exposing the bad bruise on his side. After gathering all the supplies, Vik got closer to the desk, between Kaz's legs. "I barely see you these days" whispered the boy placing his gloved hands on her hips "You're always working" Was Kaz pouting? "You know that you're always working too?" Said Vik concentrating on his rib. "This is going to hurt a bit" The sound of the rib getting back in place made Jesper shiver. "You could leave your job, you know?".
Vik was not only a healer for the Dregs, she was about to graduate and become a proper medik. It was way safer then trying to live as Grisha in Ketterdam. Jesper didn't know how Kaz met her, he just showed up one day two years prior with a really cute girl saying to everyone that she was their new healer. Since then, she managed to divide herself between her internship at the hospital, her last exams and taking care of them after jobs. With time she became good friends with all the crows, bonding over their wounds at the start and then going out with them almost every weekend when she wasn't working the nights at the hospital.
The girl sighed while treating the livid on Kaz's side "You know I can't leave my job Kaz" From how they were talking Jesper thought that this wasn't the first time they were having that kind of conversation. "Why not, you're on my payroll" Kaz pulled her closer, cocky grin on his face, searching for her focused eyes. "Your payroll? With what the Dregs give me I would call it more of a charity work" Kaz chuckled "Oh yeah? Care to remind me who pays the rent for your really lovely apartment in the University district, in which I think, and please feel free to correct me if I'm wrong, you haven't slept in over a month?" Jesper's jaw was on the floor. Were Kaz and Vik in a relationship? Since when? 
"Then I guess tonight there's a long walk towards my lovely apartment that awaits for me" said her finally locking eyes with him. "Absolutely not" "See? It's your fault I'm always here". Always here? How was it possible that no one noticed? 
Vik started working on Kaz's face. "And you know I really love my job and I can't wait to graduate" before he could reply she went on "And most importantly, we need this job. What would we do if for some reason we have to leave the city in any moment? Or if you get seriously injured? Or if you just decide to leave this kind of life. Every time you leave I'm fucking scared for you Kaz" she said the last phrase almost whispering. They not only were in a relationship, but in a raelly serious one. 
"I know, I'm sorry" Kaz moved her hair behind her ear, and cupped her cheek, Vik leaned in while letting out a sigh. "You know, maybe I liked your other job more than this" the boy smirked and she laughed "Oh I bet you did, I was a great dancer, and you tipped very well". Now Jesper was more confused then ever, it didn't make any sense, a dancer? When did Kaz went to places with dancers, on multiple occasions without anyone noticing anything. 
"I just wanted you to notice me, you had something interesting" "That's how they call it now?" she looked at him all innocently . "Let's say that my leg behaved better when you were around, I suspected you were a healer sooner than you think" "You suspected or I let you know?" she winked and Kaz smiled shaking his head. 
"Speaking of, how's your leg? Do you need something?" she was back in her healer/medik tone. "I can survive" Kaz shrugged it off. "Why do you have to be like this" she mumbled for to herself than to him, while placing a hand on his thigh and closing her eyes. Kaz released a breath as the pain receided, closing his eyes too. Vik made a little victory smile before going back to work on his face.
"Nina told me you're going to train her" "Yes, I think that since I'm not with you guys on jobs it's better if she knows a few things more". 
Kaz always said that she was more useful staying at the Slat that being out with them and risking to be injured. And it was a perfectly good reason to leave her safe at home, but now Jesper couldn't stop thinking if there was more. Kaz wouldn't be as focus as the jobs required if he had to worry about his girlfriend. The boy frowned at his own thought, Kaz's girlfriend? What a weird concept. He couldn't wait to tell at least Wylan about everything he was discovering. 
"Well, I think you're all good" Vik looked at her final work all happy, using a bit of her power took away the tiredness that her face betrayed when they woke her up. Kaz's hands were still on her hips, keeping her from turning away. He looked at her with a weird expression "I think you have something here" and then he took a beautiful bracelet from behind her ear. "Oh Saints Kaz! Are you out of your mind? Hey how did you do that?" while she was distracted by the gift he undid a few of her shirt's buttons exposing her collarbone and a generous portion of her cleavage.
"You know they call me Dirtyhands" said Kaz grinning. "Idiot" she whispered tilting her head a bit to let him leave a stray of sloppy kisses down her neck, while she observed the bracelet. In that moment Jesper understood that was his cue to leave, he would absolutely not looked at his boss having sex on the infirmery bed with his secret girlfriend. But, unfortunately for him, his sudden movement didn't went unnotice by Vik, who saw him reflected in the mirror.
"Jesper what are you doing?" the girl pulled away from Kaz and turned away to close her shirt. "Jesper? Were you spying on us?" Kaz's look was terrifying as he walked towards him, shirt still unbottoned, lips still a bit red from her lipstick, surely from some kisses he didn't witnessed. At least he forgot to take the cane, was the only thing Jesper thought while Kaz opened all the door. "Look I really didn't want to hear anything I just wanted something to help me sleep, I just got here"
"And then you decided to stay and listen instead of knocking?" He was furious, and Jesper knew he was kind of right. "I am so sorry, to you too Vik" the girl was still a bit red on the cheeks and was crossing her arms looking more annoyed than mad. "Jes I knew you were a bit weird but really, what were you doing? Would you have stayed there and watch us having sex?" "Oh please don't let me think about Kaz having sex" said the boy massaging his temples, look firmly on the floor.
"So you want to think about me having sex?" replied Vik grinning. Jesper opened his mouth to say something but Kaz cut him off "Can you two stop?" he was becoming all red while Vik was about to cry from her suffocated laugh. "Oh Saints so every time we were talking about sex, the mistery boy was him?" Jesper's expression was the one people generally do when someone make them think about the fact that their parents have sex. "Yes, always" "What did you tell him?" Vik and Kaz talked at the same time, one now openly laughing and the other was becoming a new shade of red.
Kaz was a really private person, and he didn't feel the need to talk to other people about his personal stuff. Especially about how he passed the time with his girlfriend. He was grateful for Vik, because she could tear down his walls effortlessly and he would protect their relationship at every cost. Once the situation calmed a bit and everyone regained their composure, Kaz found a chair to seat, his leg was protesting for standing up without his cane. He passed his hands between his hair a few times before speaking with a more calm tone.
"Jesper I definitely don't want to know why you were behind that door, but you can't tell anyone about us. You know how dangerous it can be if some people discoved this, and trust me, I would come for you if anything happens to her. We've been careful for years and-" "Years? You've been together for years?" "We started dating a month after I started working here. Don't look at me like that, he already knows" Kaz was shaking his head ad rollins his eyes. "Well I think those are too many information for a single night so goodnight" the boy walked towards the door and then came back "But not too good, your room is above mine and these beds-" "Get out."
Part 2
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marsplastic13 · 27 days
Rainy day
pairings: Kaz Brekker x fem!reader
Summary: When his girlfriend gets kidnapped during a mission he planned, Kaz thinks he can't screw up more than this, or maybe he can?
Tw: kidnapping, mentions of violence, unplaned pregnancy
It was a dark, rainy day in Ketterdam, and Kaz Brekker was annoyed. He was at his desk, Inej and his girlfriend were in front of him. "It's not safe Kaz" the girl was as annoyed as he was. "I planned this, you can do it" "Yes, you planned it in a rush, I say we take some more time to think about it" the boy turned to Inej "And you? What do you think?". Inej really didn't want to be dragged in her friends fight, so she took her time to reply " Well, yes, the planning was a bit rushed, but I think we could make it, I mean, we had worse odds" the other girl scoffed crossing her arms, and Ines mouthed her "sorry". "I'm the one going there, risking my life and I think it's not safe"."You're not in charge here" ha said banging his hand on the desk, and regretting it right after. He could see hurt and shock in her eyes. "Fine" she was on her feet "Wait, love" he tried to take her hand but she moved it right away from the desk "Let's go Inej" her voice was cold and filled with anger.
Kaz cleared his voice, watching as the girls approached the door "No mourners" ha said tentatively. Inej turned to respond but the other girl cut her off "Go to hell Kaz" and the door slammed behind them.Once alone, Kaz let out a sigh, looking at the rain outside. They would make up when the job was done. After years together, they always did. He would make a reservation in her favourite restaurant, maybe show up with a nice jewel.
Those thoughts were keeping him distracted from things he did not want to think about. Why was she so scared?After three hours, Kaz was starting to be scared too. He estimated two hours top for this job, where were they?
After four hours, he was losing his mind. The boy was about to go out himself to look for the girls, when Inej crawled in by the window. She was out of breath and soaked from the rain "What happened? Where is she?" "Kaz please sit down". He did not take the advice, his look darkend and his grip around the cane tightened even more "Inej..." The girl took a moment fidgeting with her hand "She's been taken, but I followed them, I know where she is". His mind started racing. He fucked up big time. Taken. Taken. Taken. His fault. There wasn't enough air in his lungs, he was going to drown. Inej took him back to reality forcing him on a chair an slapping him hard on the cheek. He felt the ground back under him.
"Thank you" he muttered. "This is not the time to panic, it's time to plan". And so, the rescue planning began.Three days. It took three days to get her out. Kaz didn't sleep, barely ate, cursing himself over and over. From the intel gathered by Inej, they didn't link the girl to the Dregs, so it was decided that Mathias, Jasper and Wylan would be the rescue team, Inej would be in the shadows ready to intervene if necessary and Nina and Kaz would wait at the Slat.
"Saints, can you stop playing with that thing?" Kaz sighed but didn't stop fridgeting with a lighter. Her lighter. It had never left his hands in those long days. "They'll come back any moment, relax" Nina was trying to calm him, as everyone did. He'd been more insufferable than usual, which was understandable, but they were all near to the limit.In the long night hours, all he could think were all the ways he was going to make them pay for taking her away from him.The noise of the door snatched him out of his thoughts. He and Nina rushed to the office's door, as Mathias and Jesper helped the girl that leaned heavily on them. She didn't look hurt. Safe. Safe. Safe. "Take her to the infirmary and come back to debrief, Nina, go check her". As everyone executed, the girl looked at him. She had dark circles under her eyes and she could barely stand "Kaz, please". He didn't look at her, just signaled the boys to go on and take her to Nina."How do you feel dear?" Nina was changing the cloth on her forehead. "Did I fell asleep?" She raised herself on her elbows. "You dozed off for a few hours" "Did he" she cleared her voice "Did he came?". Nina's face sweetened "No dear, I'm sorry". The girl threw herself back on the pillows. "I need to see a healer" the Grisha frowned "Am I not enough for you, miss? You look fine to me " "No Nina, you don't understand, I really need to see a proper healer" Personal or not, Nina looked quite offended "But I-" "Oh Saints" the girl took Nina's hand and put it on her lower belly. Her eyes widened "Oh" "Yeah, oh". After a moment of silence, Nina raised from the chair she positioned near the bed. "I'Il go to tell him to call a healer, but I won't tell him everything, don't worry. Try to eat a bit of broth, will you?".
She came back after a while, looking defeated. "He said that if you look fine to me there's no need to call for a healer, I'm sorry". The girl sighed "Help me up".Once in front of Kaz's office, the girl took a moment to compose herself. Despite still feeling weak, the urge to talk to him granted her enough strength to open the door. As she entered, all eyes turned towards her. The conversations about what to do those whe took her ceased abruptly when she and Nina appeared at the door. Kaz's eyes widened, but the rest of his face remained expressionless."I need a doctor," she stated firmly. Kaz couldn't bring himself to meet her gaze; guilt consumed him. He focused on her disheveled, dirty clothes—still the same ones from three days ago. She appeared fine given the circumstances, and Nina confirmed she had no critical wounds, so there was no apparent reason for her to see a doctor. "You look fine," Kaz said. The girl scoffed, incredulous at his response. Deep inside his mind, a little voice was telling him that if no doctor told she was hurt, then she wouldn't be, simple as that, why dig deeper?"I have to talk to you. Get out," she demanded, addressing everyone in the room. Kaz's crew, his crows, exchanged glances between him and the girl, following the conversation. Eventually, they began to move towards the door.Kaz couldn't bare the thought of staying alone with her in that moment, he wasn't ready to face her rage. "No one moves, you can talk in front of them" he declared, his tone unwavering. Nina audibly held her breath. "You're going to regret this", the girl warned, her voice softening. "Talk" Kaz commanded. "I'm pregnant". If up until that moment there was silence, from that moment on, there was even more. Everyone glanced around at the shocked expressions of the others, but no one dared to speak or move.Inej, always the wise one, was the first to take action; she quickly moved to the window, muttering that she was going to look for a doctor, casting a look of deep disappointment at Kaz. "We should go" suggested Wylan, and one by one they left the room. The boy offered a small smile to the girl while passing her, and the same did a slithly embarassed Matthias, while Jasper pulled her in a quick hug, whispering "Congrats, Mama" in her ear, making her laugh and blush.
The couple remained alone in the room, finally.Kaz's eyes were fixated on her, but it looked like he wasn't really seeing her. She moved towards him, perching on his desk, in front of him."How... how long?" he managed to utter. "I've known for a few weeks, it should be two months top" "Why didn't you tell me sooner?" "I... I wanted it to be a surprise, your birthday is in a few days, I figured I could've just wait some more" the idea that at that time sounded brilliant, in that moment was making her feel foolish.  Kaz noticed the change in her voice and gently pulled her into his lap.Tracing her jaw with his golved hand, he delicately tilted her chin, meeting her gaze "I'm sorry about the mission, I should've listened to you" the girl scoffed, feeling the anger and fear slowly leaving her "Tell me something I don't know". A small smile formed on his lips "Are you feeling okay? Do you need anything?" "I think I'm okay, but I'll feel better after seeing a doctor". The boy nodded, "Inej said you didn't fought back like you're use to, that's why they were able to take you?". She sighed "Yeah, I was scared I was going to hurt the baby, and I figured those idiots didn't really knew what they were doing, so even be taken by them couldn't be a great menace. I mean, whose that stupid to kidnap your girlfriend?" "Don't worry they're going to find out pretty soon their mistake", he moved a strain of hair behing her ear. "How do you feel?" she asked. "I think I'm going to need a bit more time to realise", he replied as his mind began to race. "We need a house" the girl started. "A house" he repeated absently. "In a nice neighborhoud, with nice schools" "Schools" "And a University fund" "University" "And a dinosaur for the backyard, Kaz are you listening to me?" "Dino- what?" the boy got pulled out of his thoughts while the girl laughed. "I think the moment of realisation came sooner then I thought," embracing her tightly. "so two, months? Because I have vivid memories of Matthias birthday party, around two months ago". The girl looked at him like something clicked in her mind "Oh Saints, the party! I can't believe that now everyone will know exactly why we disappeared" she said blushing, "maybe we can call the baby Matthias if is a boy, you know, as a sign of peace after literally making it in their bed". Kaz raised his brows, prompting another laugh from the girl.
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