marswasnothere · 6 hours
Good god I’m gonna be subjected to Canadian humpty dumptys opinions all weekend
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marswasnothere · 8 hours
daniel giving it to max from behind….likely thing for him to be doing ✍️ - @danthropologie
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marswasnothere · 12 hours
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stopping shots with nothing but his big chest, as god intended
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marswasnothere · 18 hours
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is this a known k*nk 🤨
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marswasnothere · 21 hours
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danielricciardo: Sweet sweet syrup | 2024 Canadian Grand Prix helmet reveal
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marswasnothere · 1 day
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max verstappen and daniel ricciardo walking off into the sunset together 😌
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marswasnothere · 1 day
bells what's your favorite max lore?
funniest max lore: his overall insane answers to the press when he went straight from the womb into an F1 car, barely being raised by feral go karts before, with no media training whatsoever. like saying jacques villeneuve should stop saying he'll kill people someday since jacques himself was the one who had killed a person on the track before 💀
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most heartbreaking max lore: his childhood cuddly toy being the dress his mom wore when she gave birth to him and that kept getting "smaller and smaller and smaller". what the fuck. how am I supposed to ever be normal about this.
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marswasnothere · 2 days
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Daniel in Montreal, Quebec Canada | 6.5.2024
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marswasnothere · 2 days
the stache is holding on SO strong this season 😌😌😌
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marswasnothere · 2 days
For last couple of weeks me and my dearest friend were planning their future Joker Out f1 AU, so as a loyal fan of all their works I’ve designed him the boyz <3
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Sorry for disappearing, I’m still fighting with my uni and finishing my year, but I’m planning to return soon 👉👈
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marswasnothere · 3 days
Since I can't stop thinking about it because of this post where Daniel's chain looks like it could be a collar, here's a little thing on the "making him worse" trope but with Maxiel and pet play. AKA puppy play but instead of Max trying to fix Daniel, it's actually meant to make him "worse" (or better depending on your interpretation).
After his time at McLaren, Max thought Daniel became unusually pliant and... almost submissive? Losing his typical confidence and aggressiveness that Max had come to know when they were teammates (and that he knew he loved). Max thinks it's very much showing in his racing too, holding Daniel back from showing his full potential on track like he used to before. And Max decides he can't have this, so he comes up with a plan. He's going to train Daniel.
Max is going to train Daniel, but instead of how training is usually meant to make someone listen better and be more in control of themselves, he would do the exact opposite for Daniel. He wants him to lose control. Wants him to be aggressive. To bite. To be a right cunt, as Daniel would say. And if it lands him with more than a few bitemarks, then so be it. It will be worth it.
Before propositioning his boyfriend, Max does the (very minimal) research he feels is necessary and orders all the supplies he will need to be successful with his plan. It won't be an immediate success though, it is supposed to be a long process after all, Max knows, but since they don't have infinite time to get Daniel back to the driver he used to be, he will have to make it as efficient as possible.
When Max first brings it up to Daniel, he thinks Max is joking. Pretend to be a dog? How the hell was that going to make his driving better? Max attempts to explain how it works as best as he can, but Daniel just isn't taking it as seriously as he would like. Max doesn't have time for this; he'll just have to show him. "Whatever. Just trust me? This will be good for you, Daniel. Try with me? I will make it good for you. You already like barking so much and you pee outside, you're halfway there." Guess Daniel can't argue with that.
Max was satisfied with Daniel, albeit reluctantly, agreeing to play along. He told his boyfriend as much by scheduling their first scene for the next day, it wasn't a race weekend, Max made sure to time it perfectly.
When Max told Daniel to be prepared the next day, Daniel couldn't say he expected the onslaught of things Max had got for him. Seeing all the... stuff? ("Gear? Is that what Max called it?") Daniel realized then that Max is actually extremely serious about this. He should've known, his boyfriend never half-asses things that aren't media duties.
Daniel felt his face warm up looking at all the items Max carefully laid out for him, and if his cock twitched at the thought of putting them all on, that's between him and God. Two particular items were the most intimidating to him, the pup hood modeled after a Doberman, pointy ears and all leather, and the black silicone tail plug. Aside from those, a leather harness and jockstrap were also waiting for him. He supposes he can handle this much, though he still thinks it's all a bit silly. He tells himself he only agreed because Max has indulged him in the past, so he can do the same for him. He still doesn't understand how this is supposed to help with his driving though.
The first scene didn't go quite as Max would've wanted it to. Daniel wasn't taking it seriously enough. Sure, he barked when Max told him, but Max could tell he wasn't actually into it. He wasn't in the right headspace yet and was only pretending to try and make Max happy. Max was not happy. He needed Daniel to fully give in if this was going to work.
By the time they had another scene planned, Max figured out what he thinks will get Daniel in the right headspace. Max had to piss him off, bad. He wanted Daniel to get to be angry and in tune with expressing his frustration again, instead of subduing and locking it away, through this, and he will make it happen. And what better time to do so than after another shit short lived race for Daniel? Max knew Daniel should already be upset, but it wasn't enough, so why not add him being overtly flirty with every other man and woman around when he knew Daniel was watching? Daniel wasn't necessarily a jealous man, but he definitely had his possessive streaks, especially after bad races when his patience was already thin.
Daniel slammed the door when he made his way into Max's room, "Max, what the fuck? Are you trying to play with me or something, eh?" exactly as Max wanted him. To rub it in more, Max left champagne linger in his hair and on his skin, so Daniel could smell it. Max only smiled seemingly nonchalant about everything on the surface, yet his cock throbbed against the tight jeans he changed into earlier, he couldn't wait any longer. "Playing? No, we have a scene to do, don't we?"
Daniel was about to protest when it clicked. Alright, Max wants a scene? He'll fucking get one. With no words, Daniel left to get ready, leaving Max behind with a big satisfied grin on his face, this is going so smoothly for once.
On his return, Max could still see the anger in Daniel's eyes, dark and fiery, accentuated by the pup hood, which Daniel chose to only wear the top part of this time. "Why do you still smell like champagne?", Daniel couldn't fucking believe it once he got close enough to Max, could see and definitely smell the champagne on Max, he could feel a snarl creeping on him, making his lip twitch, "You fucking-"
"Dogs don't talk, Daniel." Max responded calmly knowing he'll only press Daniel further.
As soon as he uttered those words, Max found himself on the floor, Daniel growling above him. With his mouth free, Daniel immediately started lapping at the champagne coating Max's neck, then he couldn't hold back from biting Max, breaking the skin on his shoulder and sternum. Then time started blurring as Daniel continued to take what he needed. He fucked Max hard and thorough, barking and snarling as he did it, feeling something snap inside him, all tension leaving his body as he howled and filled his Master up.
"Good boy." Max slurred, fucked out but happy.
After that scene, Daniel started to understand why Max thought this might help him. They kept it up, doing scenes more frequently, Daniel becoming more and more acquainted with his feral side, all the pent up anger and frustration finding a way to be released after years of letting it pile up somewhere at the back of his mind. It started to show in Daniel's on track results too, people seeming surprised at Daniel's "newfound passion for racing". He always felt himself wanting to growl at them for it, to fight, it wasn't new, it was just subdued. Not anymore.
They had a system now, seeing progress early enough, very much to Max's pleasure. Daniel had collars made specifically for him: a play one that was a heavy leather one that matched his hood, letting Max know what Daniel wants without him needing to speak a word and disrupt his own immersion in pup space; a day collar that looked like a regular chain necklace, but Daniel and Max knew its real meaning, reminding Daniel of the fire in him, of the way Max owns him and yet he's got so much power over him, the bitemarks left on Max's skin temporary reminders of it, the weight of the chain working as a physical reminder of the weight of the play collar he wears when he pounds the living daylights out of Max; they also had a ribbon Daniel could wear around his neck while in the car, hidden under his fireproofs.
Another thing that became an important part of their scenes and also proved useful to Daniel during race weekends was a clicker. Max found out about clicker training a bit after they started their scenes and knew he would find a way to incorporate it in Daniel's training. Now, Daniel carries it around before races, making clicking it three times a part of his ritual. It puts him in the right headspace, any possible anxiety washing away and being replaced with fire burning in his stomach, making him want, want, want. Just like his Master taught him. Daniel hasn't felt this content and confident in a good while.
After yet another good race and a less intense scene than their usual, Daniel pressed a kiss on Max's sweaty forehead, "Thank you, Maxy. You were right about this." Max smiled softly, blissed out in Daniel's arms, "I am, of course, always right about you."
"Just don't let this old dog bite you in the ass next season, yeah?"
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marswasnothere · 3 days
happy pride 🏳️‍🌈
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marswasnothere · 3 days
writing a maxiel fic and I need a guide or a compilation on Max’s speech quirks so I don’t just keep putting ‘of course’ in the middle of every one of his sentences
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marswasnothere · 5 days
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marswasnothere · 6 days
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marswasnothere · 6 days
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Friday | Monaco | Rudy Carezzevoli
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marswasnothere · 6 days
see 0 note flop posts aren't that bad when they're personal but 0 note fandom posts feel literally so bad. like if you don't wanna play toys with me anymore just say that. i'll pack up my super cool awesome things and go and i'll sit on the other side of the playground by myself and i won't even look at you. fuck
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