masonhartla-blog 12 years
I'm free now, if you'd like to come over.
Yeah, I'll be over in a bit!聽
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masonhartla-blog 12 years
I'm here. Just super busy. I miss you. :c
Yeah, I miss you too. I have some... News for when you have more free time.
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masonhartla-blog 12 years
Hey, handsome. c:
Hey babe, where did you go?
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masonhartla-blog 12 years
Kels says hi.
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masonhartla-blog 12 years
When did my boyfriend become a baby?
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masonhartla-blog 12 years
Lean On Me || Masurt
Date: October 13, 2015 Location: Mason's Dorm
Mason: had been drinking, and was easily set on getting drunk and passing out for the night; Kira was there to make sure he didn't do anything stupid. Then he started texting his boyfriend and before he knew it, the boy was on his way over. Mason sighed, cleaning his room up a little and putting away his paints to make room on the couch in case Kurt wanted to watch a movie. To be honest, he had no idea what to expect. It was normal that Kurt would get angry after a fight with his twin, but it seemed to get to him more than usual. The least Mason could do was give him an arm to cry, or yell, on.
Kurt: knew he was bothering Mason. How could he not be? He was interrupting his evening to cry on his shoulder like always. Kurt could hear the clock ticking, ticking down until Mason would finally get fed up and leave. Until everyone would. He managed to keep it together on the drive to Mason's apartment, prepared to find a drunk Mason that wanted nothing to do with Kurt. At the least, maybe the mere presence of his boyfriend could help him keep it together. Kurt softly knocked on the door, trembling slightly from fear as well as the weather.
Mason: got up his ass, pulling on a pair of sweats and grabbed a sweatshirt for Kurt - it was rather cold for October. "C'mere," he mumbled, pulling his boyfriend close and wrapping the sweatshirt around his shoulders. Mason took him close, nearly lifting him onto the couch in the main room, just in case Kira would be a bigger help than himself.
Kurt: was instantly grateful for every type of warmth that instantly surrounded him, pulling the sweatshirt on. He sighed shakily as Mason took him into the living room, sitting in an ungraceful pile on the sofa. "Hi," he mumbled softly, lamely. He wasn't sure what else to say.
Mason: laughed softly, pulling the tangle of arms and legs onto his lap. "Hi? That's all you have to say?" he teased, kissing Kurt's cheek. "Talk."
Kurt: shook his head, snuggling into Mason's lap. "You saw everything," he said quietly, timidly. "I don't have anything to say about it."
Mason: let out a sigh, reaching for his beer to take a sip. "Baby, I know you're sad, and I'm fine just sitting here and watching a movie. But we both know that you have more to say."
Kurt: shrugged, pushing away the beer slightly. "I'm just upset," he said softly. "It's like he expects so much from me but he won't do anything."
Mason: leaned back, pulling Kurt on top of him as he lowered the volume of the news playing in the background. "He needs time," Mason whispered, "He's confused, lost. If you ask me, he needs to find the right person who can help him, and that's not Harper."
Kurt: sighed softly, resting his head on Mason's chest. "I don't know," he said softly. "I just don't know anymore."
Mason: nodded, letting Kurt just relax. "That's okay," he replied, "We can just chill, you don't have to talk."
Kurt: nodded a little, sighing shakily. "He said it's bad to have you in the forefront of my mind," he murmured. "But I need you there."
Mason: shrugged, kissing his head. "To each his own," he whispered. "To be honest, he's probably jealous, though I can't see why."
Kurt: shrugged a little, nuzzling gently into the crook of his neck. "Because we're happy," he said softly. "I don't think he is."
Mason: "Of course he isn't," he said earnestly, "He's said that before. He just needs that one last thing in his life to make him happy. We have each other, before you I had random fucks and cougars, Kira has her art to make her happy. Everyone needs something."
Kurt: sighed, nodding a little bit. "I guess so," he said softly. "I-I used to be the happy thing for him. But he slipped away."
Mason: paused, a hand slowling moving through Kurt's silky locks. "Did you maybe let him slip away?"
Kurt: shrugged, looking up at him. "I thought he wanted to be away from me more," he said softly. "To experience college and everything."
Mason: licked his lips, his eyes finding the sad blue ones. "Who knows, I know I wanted to get away from Joe at all costs, but you two are different."
Kurt: stroked the hair at the back of Mason's neck gently, sighing quietly. "Yeah," he murmured. "We were."
Mason: stilled his hand, "What do you mean? Were you guys like...a couple?"
Kurt: shook his head, sighing softly. "No," he said softly. "I mean we were different from that. We were close. But not anymore."
Mason: nodded, silently glad for his answer. "I know you guys are close," he murmured, "But people grow apart, even brothers."
Kurt: nodded slightly, letting out a shuddered breath. "I thought we were better than that," he mumbled.
Mason: continued rubbing Kurt's back, reaching for a tissue for his nose. "It happens to the best of us, sometimes."
Kurt: wiped his nose gratefully with the tissue, sniffling softly. "I guess so," he said softly.
Mason: let out a breath, pulling Kurt up into his arms and carrying him into his bed room and placed him carefully on the bed. "Baby, let's get some rest. You're tired," he instructed, slowly moving to pull off Kurt's clothes till he was left in the sweatshirt and a pair of boxers (Mason's since Kurt was evidently not wearing any).
Kurt: smiled a little as Mason lifted him, wrapping his arms around his boyfriend's neck and snuggling into his chest. "I'm sorry I ruined your night," he said softly, feeling more guilty now than anything.
Mason: kissed his lips softly, shrugging off his sweats to join Kurt on the bed. "You didn't," he replied, laying down behind him to spoon him, in attempts to make him comfortable.
Kurt: snuggled into Mason, sighing softly. "I did," he said softly. "You were trying to get drunk and have a fun night but now you're dealing with me again."
Mason: chuckled softly, "Babe, me getting drunk is rather uneventful," he reminded. "Kira watches me, sipping on whatever wine cooler she wants - I have to buy them for her since she's underage - and then when I pass out she pulls the blankets around me and puts my empty bottles in the garbage."
Kurt: sighed softly, glad that Mason wasn't going out and doing stupid things - though he could get alcohol poisoning. "Still more fun than dealing with me," he murmured.
Mason: kissed the soft skin where his hair met his neck, sighing once more. "I'm not 'dealing' with you. I'm spending time with my boyfriend, whom I love, and whom I want to be happy. If that involves me not getting piss drunk than so be it."
Kurt: nodded, giving him a tiny smile. "You're the best,' He said quietly. "I love you, you know. So much."
Mason: shrugged his shoulders slightly, kissing the adorable boy before him. "I'm not, but I do love you too."
Kurt: smiled, kissing him back gently. "Mm, good," he said softly. "You are."
Mason: rolled his eyes, "You know how you were asking what I wanted?"
Kurt: nodded a little, giving him a small smile. "Yeah?"
Mason: "I want you to stop trying to make me think I'm this amazing guy. I know I'm not." he said, seriously.
Kurt.: frowned, turning to face Mason. "But you are," he said softly. "You're amazing to me."
Mason: shook his head, his face tired, tired of this coversaiton. "Please?"
Kurt.: nodded a little, kissing his forehead softly. "Okay," he said softly. "If that's what you want, okay."
Mason: smiled softly, "Good, it is what I want," he replied, "What are you thinking?"
Kurt.: shrugged, giving him a small smile. "Thinking of other compliments you'd be okay with," he said softly.
Mason: chuckled giving Kurt a kiss. "You're insane," he whispered affectionately. "You're really lucky I like insane."
Kurt.: grinned widely, nuzzling their noses together. "Maybe we should get to bed," he suggested softly.
Mason: laughed again, still slightly buzzed. "We're in bed," he informed, smiling widely as Kelsey came and made herself comfortable on the doggy pillow above their own.
Kurt.: pouted, nuzzling close. "I mean sleep," he said softly through a wide yawn. "I think it's a lovely idea."
Mason: chuckled again, kissing him softly. "Sleep away my sweet prince," he whispered. "I love you."
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masonhartla-blog 12 years
Don't make that face. You know I'm right.
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masonhartla-blog 12 years
Babe, this not a thing to talk about on the dash when we're both a bit drunk.
No you鈥檙e always so selfless and kind and want me to have the best everything but you won鈥檛 let me be like that!
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masonhartla-blog 12 years
Don't, it's fine. You're understanding of me, that's all that matters.
But you don鈥檛 ask me stuff and I feel bad :c start making me do stuff
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masonhartla-blog 12 years
You honestly think I'd let you get away with it if I wasn't comfortable? Hell no. Plus, you'd do stuff If I asked you to.
Ugh I make you do everything and you don鈥檛 ever wanna do any of it! I鈥檓 the worst.
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masonhartla-blog 12 years
kurtsy-pie replied to your post: kurtsy-pie replied to your post: I hate you IT鈥橲...
Love drunk~
We're going home.
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masonhartla-blog 12 years
No, you're fine.
Ugh I make you do everything and you don鈥檛 ever wanna do any of it! I鈥檓 the worst.
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masonhartla-blog 12 years
kurtsy-pie replied to your post: I hate you
IT鈥橲 OPPOSITE DAY I mean it鈥檚 not opposite day shh
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kurtsy-pie replied to your post: kurtsy-pie replied to your post: Fine I hate...
I sure hope not
You're drunk, it's official.
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masonhartla-blog 12 years
Yes and that's great, but Santana and I aren't friends. I'm only here because you made me come.
Oh :|
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masonhartla-blog 12 years
I hate you
.... Kurt?
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masonhartla-blog 12 years
kurtsy-pie replied to your post: Fine I hate you
I don't hate you.
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masonhartla-blog 12 years
Babe, you know that. It's been like that since high school.
Oh :|
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