Wha- your gay?
what about my gay
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Please stop trying to make my legend gay just leave it as be what is wrong with you
My name is Caspian Brawlhalla, and I am GAY. I am the GAYEST HOMOSEXUAL you will ever meet. RAGING GAYNESS FILLS MY BLOOD. My existence makes the straights ANGRY and it FUELS ME. I love men. Men men men. I’m so gay. So incredibly homosexual. It flows through my veins. I cannot be stopped. I’m just that gay. You will never meet a gayer gay than I. It’s a fact. If you have a problem with my level of gayness, which is in fact off the charts, take it elsewhere. Thank you. I’ve got to go fuck Lucien now.
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“While that may be true, I think it’d be a liiiittle hard to fire a bow with just one arm. Besides, you could get a really cool leg prosethic! I know a few musuems that have some nifty designs on display...” ;^)
Very important: imagine if an alien entity arrived at Earth and it removed our internet from us, BUT you can have your internet back by giving away one of your limbs. Which limb would you give away? PS: you can't remove your appendix, kidney, 1 finger, etc, it needs to be a LIMB.
Internet is more of a luxury to have, so we could live just fine without it. I would rather not lose a limb over such things.
…Though, if I did have to lose a limb, I would say my right arm.
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“Ah, Zariel, my dear... Don’t you think it would be better to lose a leg? After all... you have wings, don’t you? You can just fly everywhere!! You don’t need it.”
Very important: imagine if an alien entity arrived at Earth and it removed our internet from us, BUT you can have your internet back by giving away one of your limbs. Which limb would you give away? PS: you can't remove your appendix, kidney, 1 finger, etc, it needs to be a LIMB.
Internet is more of a luxury to have, so we could live just fine without it. I would rather not lose a limb over such things.
…Though, if I did have to lose a limb, I would say my right arm.
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(( did some art, finally! so here he is. maybe i’ll revive this blog one day. ))
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he’s in a FLOWER BED!!!!
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Caspian. Why are you giving Lucien tips on taking my blood? I happen to like my blood in my body. ((zariel-the-celestial))
“As do we all, my dear! Would you rather yourself murdered in the hopes of some splattered gold, or would you rather he take it safely without killing you? Killing’s his policy, not mine!”
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“You won’t spill any! More gold, less mess.”
Nix you blood is purple?
Nope. It’s black-ish. I think.
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“You know, it might be safer if you stick to using a needle to extract it, dear.”
Nix you blood is purple?
Nope. It’s black-ish. I think.
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he’s having a refreshing drink of respect women juice….. don’t mind his nasty tan he’s having a good time
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“I need it, my dearest, I have a reputation to keep up!”
do u really hate to be the shortest around?
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“You can get to small places and steal things, dodging is easier… you can nyoom past people and they won’t notice you either… In other words: being short is good when you’re a thief.”
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For every ☹ I get in my inbox, my muse will transform more and more into a gruesome monster.
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“I’m back, I’m back, alright, dear?”
(collab with @edgy-frenchman !!!)
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(( i lied! construction is DELAYED! so this blog may take til october/november to get up and running. i’m sorry for keeping you all waiting ! ;;
i'm not dead! (surprise!)
(( hey guys, mod here! so i’ve been busy all summer prepping for construction on my house, so that’s why i haven’t been getting answers in. believe me, this ask blog is alive! construction starts early/mid september–around then, i should be able to get this blog moving again! thanks for your patience aaaa ))
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“…I guess I should give zhis a zhot. Pardon my french accent getting in the way.”
I decided to create an Ask Blog for Lucien! I’m also the same mod for @the-space-lady ! 
Things work simply here; this blog is SFW, but sexual innuendos are fine. Lucien isn’t that friendly, and here will probably be lots of baguettes as well.
Might take awhile to run this blog now that I have 2 ask blogs, but I hope you enjoy!
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i'm not dead! (surprise!)
(( hey guys, mod here! so i've been busy all summer prepping for construction on my house, so that's why i haven't been getting answers in. believe me, this ask blog is alive! construction starts early/mid september--around then, i should be able to get this blog moving again! thanks for your patience aaaa ))
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Ask me a question! Any question!
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