masterdick33-blog ยท 6 years
Don't be afraid to be different
Don't be ashamed of yourself if you like that one artist or genre of music, or that particular movie, or your favourite outfit that you look really good in. If it's different, don't be scared that other people might find you weird. If they do, it because you stand out, and that's a good thing! Show off your flawless style and enjoy the fact that your are unique!
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masterdick33-blog ยท 6 years
Please follow this advice things need to change and as soon as possible ๐Ÿ™
Words canโ€™t express our devastation, fury, and sorrow. Our hearts break thinking of the lives that will go unlived, and the families left behind.
If youโ€™re suffering from fear or anxiety, or know someone who is, call the NAMI helpline at 1-800-950-6264 or text NAMI to 741741. Trained counselors are available 24/7 to help you process what youโ€™re feeling, free and confidentially.
Where do we go from here?
This wonโ€™t be the last mass shooting in America. Until Congress puts aside the politics of gun control and honestly faces the human toll of their inaction, guns will continue to ravage our communities.
If youโ€™ll be 18 by November 6, 2018, please register to vote. Help your friends register. Help your neighbors register. On election day, organize carpools to polling places. Trade shifts with people who canโ€™t get time off, or babysit their kids. A single vote for gun control is more powerful than all the thoughts and prayers in Washington.
Tens of thousands of people will be killed by guns before we can wrest control of Congress from the gun lobby. Many hundreds will be students sheltering in classrooms. But change is possible.
TurboVote.org will help you register online or by mail. Go now. We donโ€™t have time to wait.
See how much the gun lobby has given to your representative, or spent on their behalf.
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