mattchange11 · 13 years
I'm also looking forward to hearing Martin Weller, and hurriedly trying to get through his book the Digital Scholar. Sure is an exciting time to be in education.
Yes, was thinking I might get the book... but no chance of reading before next week!
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mattchange11 · 13 years
Meeting the course facilitators
I've just watched video intros from the three #change11 facilitators: Stephen Downes, Dave Cormier & George Siemens.  All three are people I've heard of but don't know much about 'cept that are "names" in our edTech world!  Enjoyed the vids and have a better sense of what the course will involve now.
Links to their vids and more on What is a Mooc? http://change.mooc.ca/week01.htm
Next up, probably tomorrow, will be to work out which bits of the course I will focus on. Martin Weller is next week's facilitator on the topic of Digital Scholarship and I'll definitely be getting involved in that one.
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mattchange11 · 13 years
I've joined #change11
I've just signed up to my first MOOC - a "Massive Open Online Course".
It's called Change: Education, Learning, and Technology
From the course site:
This course will introduce participants to the major contributions being made to the field of instructional technology by researchers today. Each week, a new professor or researcher will introduce his or her central contribution to the field.
Date: September 12, 2011 - May 2012
Technologies Used: Through out this "course" participants will use a variety of technologies, for example, blogs, Second Life, RSS Readers, UStream, etc. Course resources will be provided using gRSShopper and online seminars delivered using Elluminate.
Facilitators: Dave Cormier, George Siemens and Stephen Downes will co-facilitate this innovative and timely course.
I'll be recording my studies on this tumblr blog as suggested on How this Course Works
I'm starting part way through week 2... not sure whether this matters, I'll see...
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