me-up-blog · 4 years
Details for my ASOIAF RP search
Hello everyone! I'm 20+, live in Europe, and am looking for a 1x1 RP set in Westeros/Essos. I have read and loved all the books and I watched the show up until season 4. I have many plot ideas, some detailed and others vague, and have been interested in playing this for a long time. The play need not to be ship-centered, but I find that it always helps to develop a gripping plot.
I play lit only.
The length is flexible depending on the scene. I usually write 200-400 words in a normal post.
I like some communication about the plot, but also the freedom to do what we want to.
I like and offer semi-regular posting. I don’t need and cannot deliver daily posts.
Now onto some of my ships and concurrent ideas! Characters with a * are characters I'd like to play.
In general, I like prequel stories. I can set a story in basically any era in Westeros. I’m also very interested in Essosi-based stories. Some times I would especially like to play in: Robert’s Rebellion, the Doom of Valyria, the Dance of the Dragons. I also like AU settings of the current time, e.g. “what if Robert’s Rebellion had failed” or “what if Rhaegar had married Cersei” or something like that. I’m curious what other ideas you might have!
Canon characters I’m fond of playing
Female: Cersei, Arianne, Sansa, Dany, Melisandre (!), Asha, Rhaenys (daughter of Rhaegar), Myrcella, pretty much all historical Targs - open for other characters too, as long as they’re not characters I won’t play (see below) Male: Theon, Oberyn, Jon, Stannis, Loras, Young Griff/Aegon VI, JonCon, pretty much all historical Targs - open for other characters too, as long as they’re not characters I won’t play (see below)
Characters I won’t play
This does not mean I dislike these characters - I just don’t see myself having fun playing them. Rhaegar, Ramsay, Balon, Euron, Sandor, Tyrion, Robb Brienne, Margaery, Meera, Missandei, Ygritte
Canon characters in ships
f/f Rhaena*/Elissa Farman Arianne*/Dany Sansa*/Asha Elia*/Lyanna* (!) Melisandre*/fOC (!) Dany*/fOC* Myrcella*/fOC
f/m Cersei*/Jaime Cregan Stark*/Alysanne Blackwood* (!) Arianne*/Aegon VI Baelon*/Alyssa* (!) Daemon*/Rhaenyra*
m/m Theon*/Viserys (!) Oberyn*/Willas* Young Griff*/Jon* Loras*/Renly JonCon*/Rhaegar JonCon*/Oberyn* Daario*/Hizdahr (!) Daeron*/Ser Jeremy Norridge (!) Kermit Tully*/Benjicot Blackwood* Laenor Velaryon*/Joffrey Lonmouth Jon*/mOC JonCon*/mOC*
I have concrete ideas for: Arianne/Dany, Melisandre/fOC, Elia/Lyanna,  Cersei/Jaime,  Daeron/Jeremy, Loras/Renly, Theon/Viserys and Young Griff/Jon. But I would still love to play all the others too!
Ships I won’t play
I’m generally open to any ship you suggest to me, even crack ships. There are some ships I’m not interested in playing, however. Not because I don’t like them, or because I think they’re uninteresting - I’m just not interested in playing them specifically. For some of these, I even hope they’ll be endgame, but I still don’t wanna play them. Arya/Gendry, Lyanna/Rhaegar, Brienne/Jaime, Petyr/Sansa, Robb/Theon, Margaery/Robb, Margaery/Tommen, Joffrey/Sansa
With OC/OC ships, I usually only play f/f or m/m unless you blow me away with your idea, haha.
Generally, I'm very interested in playing m/m in one of the men-only communities: Night's Watch, Kingsguard, a sellsword company, even the Citadel. I can play at any point in time. I'm also interested in two lords or something similar, of course.
I have 6 male OCs I'm interested in playing, the first 3 are lowborn, the latter 3 are highborn: Morgan, a peasant orphan from Dorne who grew up to become a skilled archer and warrior; Ser Gwayne Waters, bastard son of Lord Celtigar, an honorable and idealistic knight; Ser Symon of the Sea, son of a thrall and professional liar; Valerion Targaryen, a prince and dragon rider; Tymor Lannister, heir to Casterly Rock, proud and able; Ossyfer Tully, Lord of Riverrun; Vorian Royce, who prays to the Old Gods.
Regarding f/f, I’m interested in a play set in Dorne or at the royal court, between a ruling lady and one married to someone, or her handmaiden, or something like that. I’m also very interested in a play with a Targaryen princess. Generally, I’m very open here.
I have 4 female OCs I’m interested in playing: A female Targaryen princess, dragon rider; Lady Aliandra Dalt, ruling lady of Lemonwood, a Dornish beauty; Hazel, a spearwife and warg of the Free Folk;  Cerelle Serret, to be married to Lord Lannister.
They all have distinct characteristics and I'd love to talk about them with you if you're interested in a OC/OC play.
Please send me a PM to get things started! I'm most comfortable with Discord, but I'm also open to other platforms.
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