meggyreap · 12 minutes
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I've been playing around with mermaids and making ones based on ingame fish. Might start over since I'm not happy with them.
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meggyreap · 13 hours
All spots taken!!
Thanks so much to everyone who made a sim. When you are able please send me their files 😉
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📖 Dating Daphne 📖
A Bachelorette Challenge
Daphne Pepper is looking for love! Does your sim have what it takes to win her heart?
I need 7 contestants to participate in this challenge!
Entry Guidelines:
Males are preferred but women are also welcome
Must be Young Adult or Adult sims
Humans only; No occults fake or real
Must have 1 negative trait; Can't have Romantic trait
Maxis Match; please do all outfits
No custom face presets (I'm trying to avoid them)
I own all packs except for CAS kits and Journey to Batuu
Must be comfortable with minor changes such as defaults and skin details
No deadline, I'm accepting entries until I get 7 sims.
If you have any questions please feel free to ask.
Make sure to tag me @meggyreap and use the tag datingdaphne
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meggyreap · 13 hours
He looks suave! Thanks so much for making him!
Khalid Bronwen
For @meggyreap Dating Daphne
Traits: Kleptomaniac, Arrogant, Foodie, Creative and Insider
Aspiration: Master Educator
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Khalid is very much an introvert with a love of dusty old books and a secret love of romance novels. Most of his days is spent researching topics for the university but what few, VERY few people know is that when Khalid isn't pouring over tomes, scrolls and scripts for higher learning you will find him at his laptop creating worlds, causing wicked thoughts or eliciting flirty whims under the Pseudonym "Ryder Stallion"
Khalid hopes to channel his inner Ryder Stallion in this BC and find the romance that he has spent the last few years creating for the masses, for himself.
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meggyreap · 24 hours
What a cutie! Thank you.
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logan west-harper is applying to dating daphne by @meggyreap. wish him luck!
logan west-harper was an oopsie baby and his watcher was almost tempted to change the legacy rules and make him the next meow heir because she fell in love with him. but moving on…
logan is a good, vegetarian and gloomy pixel who wants to become a veterinary.
he is a kind soul, he doesn’t make a fuss, he likes to sit alone and be quiet. he is not extravagant, he does not like to be the center of attention. give him a cabine in granite falls, fill his household with animals and you will surely make him happy!
logan is not the kind of pixel to apply to a bachelorette challenge, but his older brother (spencer) decided to surprise him once again! logan has recently became a young adult and spencer thought it would do him good to explore his romantic side. maybe it could cheer his gloomy side up to be around such a creative and inspiring pixel as daphne.
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meggyreap · 2 days
2 spots are left!
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📖 Dating Daphne 📖
A Bachelorette Challenge
Daphne Pepper is looking for love! Does your sim have what it takes to win her heart?
I need 7 contestants to participate in this challenge!
Entry Guidelines:
Males are preferred but women are also welcome
Must be Young Adult or Adult sims
Humans only; No occults fake or real
Must have 1 negative trait; Can't have Romantic trait
Maxis Match; please do all outfits
No custom face presets (I'm trying to avoid them)
I own all packs except for CAS kits and Journey to Batuu
Must be comfortable with minor changes such as defaults and skin details
No deadline, I'm accepting entries until I get 7 sims.
If you have any questions please feel free to ask.
Make sure to tag me @meggyreap and use the tag datingdaphne
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meggyreap · 2 days
He looks so mysterious! Thanks for making him 😍
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📖 Dating Daphne 📖 BC challenge by @meggyreap
Micah Gates
Young Adult Jealous, ambitious, cheerful, perfectionist, jester, gregarious, and sage
Micah is the sim version of Carlton from the Fresh Prince of Bel-Air, except suave and finesse. He loves debating and is an intellectual. He enjoys writing and knowledge and he's always up for a game of chess. In his spare time, he reads cookbooks like novels and then experiments with new recipes.
*I hope this is maxis match but feel free to make any adjustments to suit your sim style.
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meggyreap · 3 days
He's so handsome! Thank you for making him!
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Flynn Campbell for @meggyreap's Dating Daphne Bachelorette Challenge
Traits - Foodie, Self-Assured, Squeamish Aspiration - Master Chef
I tried to do a backstory but I suck at those lol
Flynn is just hoping to win Daphne's heart through her stomach with savory dishes and his signature juices 😁
Private download if chosen!
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meggyreap · 6 days
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Meet the Rooney family!
I'm in a rut of making sims then a house and then playing them for 5 minutes.
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meggyreap · 7 days
Thanks so much for making him! I'm excited to have him in the challenge!
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Pryce Wise for @meggyreap's Daphne
Young Adult
Creative | Art Lover | Hot-headed
Pryce is an artist. He dreams of opening his own art gallery one day and to have a big family.
I'm sorry I am very bad at backstories. And sorry for blurry pics, my game camera in out of focus again.
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meggyreap · 7 days
i am working on a tumblr post that has the potential to get 2 or even 3 notes
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meggyreap · 8 days
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I've been working on a sci-fi save with the teen descendants of premade sims.
I even made a sci-fi high school for them and the principal and teachers who are also premade descendants.
Can you guess any of the combos?
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meggyreap · 9 days
5 Spots are left. I might set a deadline because I'm eager to play this if I can get enough sims.
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📖 Dating Daphne 📖
A Bachelorette Challenge
Daphne Pepper is looking for love! Does your sim have what it takes to win her heart?
I need 7 contestants to participate in this challenge!
Entry Guidelines:
Males are preferred but women are also welcome
Must be Young Adult or Adult sims
Humans only; No occults fake or real
Must have 1 negative trait; Can't have Romantic trait
Maxis Match; please do all outfits
No custom face presets (I'm trying to avoid them)
I own all packs except for CAS kits and Journey to Batuu
Must be comfortable with minor changes such as defaults and skin details
No deadline, I'm accepting entries until I get 7 sims.
If you have any questions please feel free to ask.
Make sure to tag me @meggyreap and use the tag datingdaphne
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meggyreap · 10 days
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i’m not a new simblr, just giving myself a fresh start after a bit of inactivity! my dash is a bit dead, so if you’re an active simblr reblog this post and i’ll check out your blog (or just to help spread the post!!) i prefer sims 4 maxis match simblrs and mainly gameplay, but any type of simblr is welcome to reblog!
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meggyreap · 10 days
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Strangerville was obviously the perfect place to put them.
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meggyreap · 11 days
First of all, i want to say i’m sorry if the english is bad, it’s not my native language but i’ll try my best.
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This is so embarrassing for me. I don’t even have much followers here but i literally don’t know what to do. I’m desperate and I wouldn’t do this if I wasn’t really really desperate.
I’m struggling so hard financially right now. I want to explain my whole situation but it’s hard when I don’t really know how to explain in english.
To keep it short - I don’t have any money at all right now after paying my bills. And now my dog is sick which I found out yesterday. She needs to have a back surgery, and this will costs me a lot of money, because the insurance does not cover the entire cost.
If i cant afford the surgery, the vet suggests euthanasia. I’m so sad and heartbroken because she is my everything.
I need about 6000 KR (Swedish) which is 532 USD I think?
I hate to do this. I don’t have a job because I was recently studying but right now i’m looking for jobs like crazy so I can pay my bills AND save my little girl.
If someone can donate I’m forever thankful!! Even if it’s just the minimum amount. Im thankful for anything!!
And if you can’t, please reblog this. I appreciate a reblog just as much!
And IF I get the donations I need for a surgery I’ll immediately update this post and let you know!!
Again, i’m sorry for my bad english.
DONATE HERE (thank you!!!!)
I want to give back to all the wonderful souls out there who donated and still are donating but I don’t know how. I will make builds/sim dumps/save files and everything possible to give back to you in the way that I can.
Thank u ❤️
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meggyreap · 11 days
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Scooby Dooby Doo, where are you?
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meggyreap · 12 days
~Eternal Embrace: A Legacy of Forbidden Love by @misssoully ~
  This a sims 4 legacy challenge centered around the enduring power of love that transcends boundaries and defies societal norms. Set against a backdrop of rival families, cultural divides, and societal expectations, the legacy follows the journey of a family bound together by forbidden romances and the determination to uphold their love through the generations.
Basic Premise:
The legacy begins with two teen sims from rival families or backgrounds who defy their families' expectations and societal norms to pursue a forbidden romance.
As the legacy progresses through ten generations, each heir navigates the challenges of maintaining their family's love and unity while facing external pressures and internal conflicts.
Each generation must feature at least one romance that defies societal norms or familial expectations that have been chosen for each generation already.
Maintain ongoing conflicts or tensions between the founding families throughout the legacy, influencing their aspirations, traits, and relationships. But some heirs will try to stop the family's ongoing feud in some generations.
Each generation must complete its rules to continue to the next heir.
Mods and Custom Contents are allowed and can help the story have more spice and drama only if you want to.
Cheats are only allowed when your first generation is living with their family and when they are moving into another lot to start the legacy challenge once they are finished moving out no more cheats.
Each generation must have at least one money tree representing their family wealth and crest. When each heir is moving out of the house they will have no funds to start off with unless they have a part-time job they can transfer the money that they earn from their part-time job. (I would suggest writing down the amount of money that they earn from their part-time job) or use a spin wheel to decide or use a random number generator to determine how much money they should get from their parents using this money range of $0-$1,500.
Life span must be normal life span.(Add 50 more days for the elder life stage so they can live long enough to see their grandkids)
Occults are allowed if you want to have an occult love story while doing this challenge.
Each lot that the heir lives on must have the simple living lot trait and for the house, if you can't afford to buy a house you must make the lot a rental till you have enough money to buy it or you can live in the rental as long as you please.
Each heir must have an animal as a family pet.
Anything else?: 1). Yes, have a family keepsake box or any box that can store items and make a family graveyard for this legacy if you're playing with vampires you don't have to. 2). If you have the more trait slot mod there will be an extra trait beside the rest of the traits with this symbol (+) side the extra traits or you can choose any of the three traits out of the five traits that each heir must have.
If you are interested in playing this legacy challenge use @misssoully and #eternalembracealegacyofforbiddenlove so I can see how you would play this legacy challenge.
Generation One: Star-Crossed Lovers
You and your lover are the scions of two feuding families in (the world you chose to live in). Despite the animosity between your guys' families, you guys both meet by chance at high school and fall deeply in love.
Traits: Romantic, Erratic, Family-Oriented + (Cheerful and Loyal)
Partner Traits: Romantic, Loyal, Hot-Headed + (Bro and Genius)  
Aspirations: Soulmate (for both partners)
Career: Your choice
Must be a teen.
Achieve maximum friendship and romance with each other despite family disapproval.
Have a best friend in high school to help you with your secret relationship.
Complete the soulmate aspiration.
Reach level 10 in the career you choose.
Reach the maximum level of Charisma and three other skills.
Marry in secret without the knowledge of both families.
Run away together where both your families can't find you.
Add the private dwelling trait lot.
Have at least  1 child together.
2. Generation Two: Secret Romance 
 You are the only child of both your parents, raised in secrecy to shield you from the ongoing feud. Despite knowing the truth, You struggle with your family's legacy and the pressure to maintain their forbidden love.
Traits: Loner, Socially awkward, Art lover + (Perfectionist and Maker)
Aspiration: Painter Extraordinaire
Career: Painter
Maintain a low profile to avoid detection by rival families
Complete the painter career .
Complete the painter extraordinaire aspiration.
Reach the maximum level of Painting, Fabrication, and one other skill.
Have at least 2 children
Date a sim that is married.
Add the Quiet lot trait or the private dwelling. (You can add both)
Make part of your house have an art studio.
Live in a small/tiny/micro home.
Have a painting of your parents, lover, children, and pet.
Complete the sugar skulls and decorative eggs collection.
Maintain the family's hidden love letters/photos and memorabilia.
3.   Generation Three: Forbidden Union 
You face the pressure to honor your family's legacy while yearning for freedom and independence. You rebel against your family's expectations and fall in love with someone from a background deemed unacceptable by your relatives.
Traits: Hot-head, Self-absorbed, Dance machine + (Snob and Childish)
Aspiration: City Native
Career: Social media 
Engage in a romance with a Sim from a background opposed by the family. 
Drop out of high school.
Move out of the family home to assert independence.
Complete the city native aspiration.
Complete the social media career.
Max out the Mischief, photography, dancing, mixology, and singing skills.
Must live in one of the apartments in the city.
Learn all the recipes in the city.
Complete the snow globes collection.
4. Generation Four: Sacrifices
You struggle with the burden of family expectations and your own desires. You grapple with sacrificing your own happiness for the sake of your family's reputation.
Traits: Proper, Good, Gloomy + (Neat and Overachiever)
Aspiration: Successful Lineage
Career: Self-employ
Complete the successful lineage aspiration.
Own a retail store and make it have a 5-stars rating.
Reach a maximum level of cooking, parenting, entrepreneur, and two other skills.
Have a family dinner with your parents and siblings if you have one every Friday when moving out of their house.
Marry a Sim that is approved by your family, even if it goes against your own desires.
Adopt a stray kitten/puppy.
Have 4 children.
Create a club for Sims who have kids.
Have a toddler play date for each child.
Each child must have five milestones at their infant stage.
Each child must maximize all their skills at the toddler stage.
Each child must complete at least one child's aspirations.
Each child must be an A+ student in high school.
Each child must have at least one good character value before aging into a young adult.
Each child must graduate from high school and go to university to get a degree.
5.   Generation Five: Reconciliation 
You seek to mend the rifts between the both  families of the first generation/heir. You strive to reconcile their past conflicts and foster unity through diplomacy and understanding.
Traits: Outgoing , Ambitious , Unflirty + (Vegetarian and Geek)
Aspiration: Friend of the World
Career: Law (Judge Branch)
Befriend with 5 sims from the first heir family side and 5 sims from the first heir spouse family side.
Organize 5 events or gatherings(parties) to bring both families together to resolve the dispute between both families.
Marry a police officer and have a secret affair with a criminal.
Complete the friend of the world aspiration.
Complete the Law (Judge Branch) career.
Reach the maximum level of wellness, videogame, research and debate, and two other skills.
6. Generation Six: New Beginnings 
You have a fresh start and new beginnings. You seek to break free from the constraints of the past and forge your own path, unbound by family history.
Traits: Genius, Self-assured, Non-Committal + (Adventurous and Party Animal)
Aspiration: Renaissance Sim 
Part-time job:Manual laborer,Life guard
Career: Engineer
 Go on a vacation in 2 different worlds to explore new opportunities and experiences.
Have  3 failed relationships with 3 older Sims from 3 different worlds you move to.
Make a servo.
Marry an older sim that is a global superstar.
Move out as a teen start your own legacy and separate yourself from both families.
Join the manual laborer career as a teen.
Go to university and when you are at university join the lifeguard career.
Live in 4 worlds. (If you move out of your parent's house and live in the same world but a different lot it counts)
Host 5 parties and live stream with a drone.
Complete the Renaissance sim aspiration.
Complete the postcard collection.
Reach level 10 in robotics, programming, media production, and handiness skills.
Complete the engineer career.
Become a proper celebrity.
Start a lifestyle brand.
Have 2 kids with 2 older different sims.
7.   Generation Seven: Struggle for Acceptance 
You face discrimination and prejudice due to your family's history. You fight for acceptance and equality, challenging societal norms and advocating for change.
Traits: Green Fiend, Active, Insider + (Freegan and Recycle Discipline) 
Aspiration: Leader of the Pack
Career: Politician (Charity Organizer Branch)
Donate money to charity every Sunday and Friday.
Complete the leader of the pack aspiration.
Complete the Politician (Charity Organizer Branch) career.
Organize 3 events to contribute money to charity or fundraiser and bake some sweet treats for these events.
Purchase the brave trait in the reward store.
Live on a lot that has eco and reduce and recycle lot traits.
Make a club.
Date a rival coworker.
Adopt at least two kids and give birth to 1 child.
Reach maxmuim level in debating, logic, baking, and two other skills.
8.   Generation Eight: Legacy of Love
 You embody the values of love, compassion, and empathy instilled by your ancestors. You endeavors to honor their legacy by spreading kindness and positivity to those around you.
Traits: Generous, Animal Enthusiast, Clumsy + (Goofball and  High Maintenance)
Aspiration: Friend of the Animals
Career: Doctor
Own a vet clinic.
Become good friends with 7 sims.
Complete the doctor career.
Have 5 enemies.
Do 10 odd jobs.
Make your vet clinic have a 5-star rating.
Complete the friend of animals aspiration.
Marry to a sim that is your friend or best friend ex.
Adopt a cat and a dog.
Rescue a horse max out all four horse skills and win at least 3 competitions.
Max out the pet training, Veterinarian, and three other skills.
Must have triples.
Complete the feather collection.
9.  Generation Nine: Redemption 
You seek redemption for the mistakes and conflicts of previous generations.  You work to reconcile past grievances and heal old wounds, paving the way for a brighter future.
Traits: Squeamish, Jealous, Materialistic + (loves outdoors and Nosy)
Aspiration: Neighbour Confidante 
Career: Interior Decorator 
Be friends with 8 sims at your first heir's side and 8 sims of the first heir's spouse.
Talk up about each sim to them from the opposite family to be with.
Have a family barbecue with them.
Go on a vacation with them (if it restricts you to the amount of Sims it allows you to take or invite, make it not all the Sims from one family side you invited.)
Complete the Neighbour Confidante aspirations.
Reach level 10 at Gardening, Knitting, and one more other skill.
Have a romantic relationship with one of your sibling spouses.
10. Generation Ten: Unity and Harmony 
You're the final descendant of your legacy, embodying the culmination of love, unity, and harmony. You strive to unite both families once and for all, ensuring a legacy of peace and acceptance for future generations.
Traits: Pandroid, Bookworm, Wise(you have to get this when you a older but as for now you can pick any trait) + (Music lover and creative)
Aspiration: Big Happy Family
Career: Writer (Author Branch)
Reach level 10 in writing, musical instrument skills, and two other skills.
Meet 12 Sims from both the first heir's family and spouse's side.
Introduce them to each other so they can become friends.
Complete the big happy family aspiration.
Complete the writer career (Author Branch).
Write stories about each generation from 1-10 make a copy of them and publish it.
Marry to a sim that is a friend of your family.
Have a formal party.
Invite both families to your wedding, engagement party, and birthday party.
Invite both families to your all children’s baby showers and birthdays.
Go on a family camping trip with them. (You can invite how much U want but must not go below 5 and another tip u can go in their household and make them go on a camping trip as well.)
Visit the family graveyard.
Move back to the world where it started. 
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