JhinThresh server encourages my High Noon obsession, more at noon
Another ramble by a gay cowboy, about gay cowboys, for my gay (cowboys in spirit) friends.
Some NSFW, nothing directly explicit but there's some level of detail. OOC as always but I've been informed I'm based so... hopefully it's based this time, too?
This specifically is about them being drunk. To start, I headcanon Jhin as an emotional drunk (imagine him getting all emotional about his horse loving him too and practically crying in front of a probably sober Thresh who finds this adorable and jealousy-inducing, because Jhin should giving HIM all that attention) and Thresh as a more relaxed drunk--as in he gets a little more loose-lipped. This will also involve my bartender High Noon Jax, because why shouldn't it. We all know these idiots cannot do anything about their feelings without being beaten over the head with a lamp.
More of another "things I wanna write but probably won't" than a headcanon ramble, but whatever. Jhin comes in to the bar, and Jax already has his first drink (of four) ready by the time he's even at the bar. And, of course, being the weirdo bartender; Jax is already asking him if he's asked out Thresh yet. Giving advice, teasing him. Jhin doesn't respond much, just finishes his drinks and gets out as quick as possible. But now there's an issue; he's a bit drunk and now he has Thresh on his mind. Given that I said he's a more emotional drunk earlier, this is a much bigger issue than he thinks it is. He just heads to the barn, because really what else is there to do when you're a drunk cowboy (aside from fucking and/or killing)?
Thresh is there. He watches as Jhin cries over his horse, talks to it. He's jealous for a few minutes. The horse is getting all this attention, and not him? And then Jhin asks his horse what he should do about his “weird feelings” for a certain man. He doesn't mention Thresh's name, but now Thresh is even MORE jealous. Who's this other guy stealing his victim slash weird crush? Unforgivable. I haven't really imagined much past this, and I'm no good with smut, but Thresh probably gets a little drunk himself, reveals himself to Jhin, who is now cagey and cold to Thresh due to not wanting to admit the guy he loves was him, and then Thresh fucks him because he's jealous. Maybe involving a riding crop. And Thresh's chain/rope/thing. And possible admission of feelings. Who knows.
And a second part… flirting. Their flirting is really weird, because they don’t. They just do a LOT of homoerotic touches and things for each other. Both of them realise this, but neither rationalise it correctly and think the other doesn’t think it’s homoerotic. They think they’re enemies/rivals/begrudging friends, despite both of them feeling attached to the other. I went over the physical homoerotic touch aspects in both of my previous rambles, but I guess I’ll go for other ways here.
Thresh tends to braid Jhin’s horse’s hair the same way he always does it. He doesn’t do a particularly good job and Jhin always scolds him and says “that’s not how you do it, you fool” etc etc until he’s giving Thresh a lecture on how to braid hair. This goes on until Jhin ends up just grabbing Thresh’s hands and “guiding him” (aka just doing the whole thing for him) through it. Thresh knows full well how to braid hair after the first time; but he continues to do it just so he has Jhin’s full attention. As I’ve mentioned he cannot rationalise this in a normal way (“This is torture because I’m taking his time and energy away from more important things, to make him easier to break”) and neither can Jhin. He likes teaching Thresh but he’s not sure why (it’s because he likes feeling in control, as well as the feeling of having Thresh as a captive audience) and instead chooses to think it’s just because he likes being correct. It’s flirting, just nonverbally.
On the same note, Jhin tends to make an effort to argue with Thresh over things. Anything, regardless of how monotonous or how pointless the argument is. He likes getting an anger reaction out of Thresh. He finds it hot (which he mistakes for just being an adrenaline addict; they’re not all buddy-buddy so he figures it’s only natural to get worked up by your enemy/rival getting angry at you). He gets genuinely upset when Thresh doesn’t react or argue back or even concede. He wants something other than constant teasing or silence, and when he doesn’t get that something, he gets a bit fussy and usually ends up touching Thresh in some way to rile him up. Sexually or non-sexually, it doesn’t matter. It gets a reaction and he gets to touch Thresh, so it’s a win-win.
If we combine the two, drunk flirting. Jhin gets emotional, so with enough provoking from Thresh usually you can get a flirty comment—albeit vague and a bit unorthodox—from him. He still tries to maintain a mask of indifference or hatred towards him when drunk but he falls on his face and ends up letting a few things, whether they be emotions or words, slip. Thresh, being loose-lipped, is usually the one to end up very explicitly flirting with Jhin when drunk. Compliments his body, calls him cute and pathetic, says he wants to hear him scream. He, of course, has some level of plausible deniability with these comments when sober, but when drunk he doesn’t tend to defend himself. He never admits it’s flirting, but he’ll not say no. Oh also they both get horny when drunk so if they’re later in to their homoerotic rivalry they probably fuck. Up to you.
Also… please read the tags of this post. There’s a few little related side tangents in there, if you’re interested.
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So someone in the JhinThresh server asked me about High Noon again
In my last ramble I focused on general horseback headcanons for them... but now I'll focus on Scenarios I Have Imagined Them In But Will Never Write For I Am A Coward.
Everything below the cut. Contains some level of NSFW content but nothing explicit. Also a bit OOC, but not wildly I don't think.
I was (past tense) going to write about them in a very specific scenario, and I did write a bit of it but I will die of embarassment if I share it. As a bit of background, there's a certain type of clover that grows in horse pastures. When a horse eats this, they start slobbering. A LOT. It's not harmful at all to the horse, just very much a nuisance. Well, what if only one of the two knew about this, and the one who didn't worried excessively over it? In my little fic this was Jhin; who noticed his horse had it in the middle of the night (thus no vet available) and got VERY worried and soft. Lowkey forgot Thresh was there and just started kissing his horse and is on the verge of tears the whole time thinking his horse may be dying. Thresh knows what's happening, knows it's not harmful in the slightest, but he chooses not to tell Jhin. He rationalises this as intentionally tormenting him but we all know he's really just gay as fuck and he wishes Jhin was kissing him all soft like that. So he doesn't tell Jhin it's nothing to worry about. Instead he comforts Jhin (albeit in his own weird way). In my headcanon, Jhin likes going for night rides just as a relaxing thing. Thresh offers to take Jhin for a night ride on his horse. As per my last infodump, Thresh's horse is pretty tall. Thresh has to lift him on to his horse and they both get very very flustered over the fact that Thresh has to practically grab his ass and thigh to get him up there (nobody said Thresh would pick Jhin up correctly). ALSO as per my last ramble Thresh rides with only a neckrope. So now Jhin has to clutch on to Thresh for dear life as to not fall off, hugging him like you would squeeze a teddy bear type tight. And then when Jhin nearly falls off, Thresh stops and then puts him on his lap. And holds his waist with one hand and rides with the other. And Jhin has to deal with this. He's not doing very good with that. He's bitching to Thresh the whole time about how undignified this is, how *barbaric* he must be to ride without a saddle, etc. Thresh realises that he can just let go of Jhin at any time and he'd fall off... but he doesn't. Once again he rationalises this by thinking that he's the Most Evil Guy Ever but truly he just wants to hold a cute boy on his lap.
The fic was planned to have a comedic ending by having Jhin go to a saloon/bar, mentions the slobber thing upon being asked why he sounds so pissed, bartender mentions it's Normal Actually, end with Jhin unsure if he wants to make out with Thresh or kill him.
If I knew how to write smut I'd have made it end a little earlier with Something Else but as I mentioned I'm a coward.
Another scenario; just them being as domestic as they can be, but with Horses. Doing barn chores together. Needing one to help the other on to their horse (with way more touching than is necessary.) Unconscious posture corrections, holding the other's hand to move it to the right spot, adjusting each finger. Thresh being overprotective because we all know Jhin is probably NOT wearing a helmet under that god damned hat so he's just... kind of clingy, but in his own bastard almost tsundere way (If you died of a brain injury, who would I have to torment?). Sexual tension MAXIMUM.
I've also thought plenty about other characters that aren't in High Noon but I want them to be. High Noon Jax as the aforementioned total weirdo bartender who sees Jhin crushing on Thresh and nearly has to kick both of their asses with the lamp to get them to talk to each other (Jax can have even more plot armour. As a treat.) Bonus if he lowkey adopts Jhin--personal headcanon that Jhin is a bit desperate for a father figure so he unintentionally latches on to Jax here--and ends up only threatening to kick Thresh's ass. Or actually kicking it, and Jhin helps take care of him afterward.
High Noon Mordekaiser doesn’t count in the previous but PLEASE imagine him teasing the living hell out of Thresh for his little crush. Asshole older brother energy. I know it’s a bit OOC but I don’t care I will do whatever I want with them fuck you Riot. Him laughing at Thresh and talking about how he’s horny for a mere mortal and how he’s too cowardly to do anything about the crush and Thresh yelling at him all flustered about how no he’s not he just wants to torture him… It’s not important the torture involves holding him on his lap and calling him cute. Not at all. Mordekaiser I don’t think would wingman like Jax would but he would tease Thresh even AFTER they got together. Bonus points if Jhin finds this hilarious and teases Thresh really hard about whatever Morde’s teasing him about this week until Thresh “punishes” him wink wink.
Also, Jhin falling asleep taking care of his horse. I’ve done it, so this is just massive projection probably, but let me be self indulgent. Thresh having to carry him to a safe spot (so he’s not sleeping standing up leaning against a very much sentient being that could kill him) and Jhin half-awake kissing Thresh’s chest thinking it’s his horse. Probably wakes up right as Thresh sets him down because the warmth is gone. And then he’s upset. He doesn’t know why he’s upset. He thinks he still hates this man. So does Thresh, actually. But once again it’s just them being gay as hell and denying it.
Thanks for coming to my OOC Ted Talk. I'm so sorry
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“There’s nothing for me but this.”
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High noon Jhin
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Cat maid Jhin
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Faerie court Jhin design
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must a fictional relationship be “healthy” or “functional”? is it not enough to simply watch two made up people destroy each other, hand in unlovable hand???
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Your so annoying. . Unfortunately in a kinda sexy way. ...
Oh it's over for you idiot now I'm in your head
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guy who carnally desires another guy and decides the only course of action is to psychologically torture him about it
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"We might as well be lovers on the sun~"
🤠 ❤️ 🔥
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They are off to see the world
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@jhunyeon ‘s Kitty Project Jhin because he is perfect <3 
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I always wanted to draw these skins 💕
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JhinThresh, and sharing horses
Encouraged by @jellyjames4444​ and the JhinThresh discord. I didn't mean for this to get so long but here we are! It's a little spicy in some spots, nothing explicit, but I do break it up and warn when it happens, so this is probably fine to read in public. Probably.
This concept can go two ways. Both of which are probably only yummy to me, but here we are?
First way:
Thresh on Jhin's horse. Considering the height difference he's kinda forced to go behind Jhin so Jhin can actually see where he's riding. Western saddles are not too massive as you know, so they are very close. Jhin is practically on Thresh's legs, if not just pressed hard against the horn of the saddle, but it's cuter with the latter turning in to the former. (Jhin being uncomfortable and moving backwards until he's pretty much behind help up by Thresh... jashfasgjga??) I like to headcanon Jhin would ride w neck rein, so one hand on the reins and the other kinda off to the side, either holding something or just resting on his leg. But since Jhin's practically on Thresh's lap, his hand probably ends up on Thresh's leg/thigh. Definitely intentional he would just never admit it or excuse it as a "habit" which is, as you know, a very convincing excuse.
On the topic of Thresh's hands? Please imagine one of Thresh's hands resting on Jhin's free hand. They are holding hands. And they will not say a WORD about this. Thresh's other hand would probably go around Jhin's waist but sometimes I like to imagine him holding Jhin's head up when he gets distracted by 'the scenery' (it's not the scenery that's distracting him ;]). Or other homoerotic posture corrections, whether it be arms or back. Take your pick. Also consider that Thresh would be like, right in Jhin's ear/above his head, so said posture corrections are delivered with a husky whisper in his ear and sorry I'm getting too self indulgent now but CONSIDER.
Might be a little NSFW, you can re-start reading at the next paragraph if you don't wanna see this but. Jhin being too distracted to pay attention to staying seated so when the horse trots he ends up bouncing/rubbing against Thresh unintentionally. They probably BOTH get really worked up/tense for however long they ride, and when they get off... this turns out however you want to imagine it.
Second way:
Jhin on Thresh's horse. Thresh does not ride with a saddle, only a neck rope. In this case however, Jhin can be on either side of Thresh. Being in front of him would go much the same except he'd have to hold on to Thresh's hands/the neckrope for dear life. Thresh using one hand to keep Jhin flush against him? Yes. Jhin not receiving this help and just having to put an INSANE amount of trust in Thresh to not let him fall off if it comes to that? Also yes.
Horny again, resume at next paragraph to skip this, but Thresh probably gets very very worked up regardless of if he helps or not because Jhin cannot stay seated bareback for the life of him, and as in the previous sidenote scenario this involves a lot of rubbing. The reason why I only mention Thresh is because Jhin is too busy trying to not fall off and crack open his skull like an egg to get horny.
Since Jhin usually rides with a saddle and riding bareback requires a ton MORE muscle than using a saddle, his legs probably hurt like hell after the whole thing so: consider Thresh having to carry Jhin around because he can barely walk after all that. Especially if this scenario takes place after Jhin gets off and pretends his legs aren't on fire and he's wobbling all over the place and Thresh has to forcibly pick him up. Augh. (Side note that Thresh would probably have to pick up Jhin to get him on the horse in the first place since I like to think Thresh would ride a draft horse and they're very tall compared to Jhin).
Now for Jhin behind Thresh, the leg pain thing is similar but probably a little better since he can hold on to Thresh but. He has to be flush against Thresh here too. And he has to hug on to him for dear life. Thresh being, well, Thresh, probably brings a hand back to rest on Jhin's hands which are around his abdomen--probably unconsciously because he wanted to be (somehow) closer to Jhin--and he can't explain himself. Jhin, on the other hand, has a whole CRISIS. Suddenly realises just how strong Thresh is, to be able to control his horse with no saddle and with only one hand. He becomes hyper aware of it. Can feel Thresh's muscles from the minimal amount of contact he has with his legs and back, probably also realises how massive Thresh is compared to him... guy is going through a whole awakening back there. Probably so glad he's got that little bandanna on because his face is a whole strawberry. This makes Thresh having to pick him up afterward so much worse because Jhin is going through his "oh no he's HOT" moment. Either he freaks out and tries to fight Thresh on it more than usual or is quieter than usual because he just wants it over with (and in the latter, if you want an almost OOC-soft Thresh, him checking Jhin for a fever because he's usually never that quiet and Jhin having to deal with Thresh touching his face after all this.)
This was going to be involved in the fic I'm writing but. Jhin and Thresh being absolutely soft for their horses and the other getting to see them being all vulnerable and soft and wishing it was them being loved on and cared for with such gentle touches and words and them having to come to terms with those feelings? Please consider that. That is all.
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Is it just not letting me post right away because this is a new sideblog. Suffering I wanna post the JhTh ramble
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