mercury50 · 2 days
You can’t be an ally to aro people until you decouple love from morality
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mercury50 · 2 days
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fuck it we ball. ohshc text posts (1/?)
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mercury50 · 5 days
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you all don’t get how important this is to me
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mercury50 · 5 days
Ok but like somehow out of hundreds of pages my favorite bit of moby dick is Starbuck. Because imagine being this guy. This is your job, you like it well enough, you're good at it. It could also kill you. This is your captain, you're supposed to trust him enough to obey him. He's broken. He's the god of your world and he's also completely lost the plot. He threatens to shoot you. He puts his life in your hands. He won't listen. He chases after you and tells you you're right. He hates you. He sees home in your eyes. You hate him. You guard the line that keeps him aloft. He doesn't care how many of your men die. He orders you to stay on the ship where it's safer. You wish you could shoot him in his sleep and save yourself and the others. You guard his line and you call him "my captain" and you beg him to go home with you and when he breaks you again you walk away but only far enough to go back to work. This is your job and it's going to kill you. This man is going to kill you, but he's still your captain. There's a child on an island and maybe he has your eyes and maybe he runs up the hill every morning to be the first to see the sail that brings his father home. You know you won't see that boy again. But he's still your captain.
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mercury50 · 7 days
I feel like people assume Ishmael is older than he realistically would be. He's like 21 MAX. This guy's barely an adult. Can't rent a car. Probably studies marine biology or something. Just a little guy
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mercury50 · 7 days
i think some of you dont like narratives or stories or characters i think you just like fanfiction tropes
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mercury50 · 7 days
this fandom stereotypes annabeth chase as a nerd wayyyyyy too much.
in all those fanfics , shes always cast out as a nerd. glasses. smartypants. but in reality, she’s athletic, good-looking, and smart isn’t a bad thing in real life unless you’ve got ultra thick glasses and lug the full harry potter series to every class. percy, canonically, is actually the one always bullied.
also?? leo valdez has been college-age mathematics for all his life??? like??
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mercury50 · 7 days
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mercury50 · 7 days
the "new normal" couldve been respirators & rapid tests & hepa filters & universal basic income & accessibility & caring about other people.........
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mercury50 · 7 days
At the risk of sounding anti-intellectual, I think that college should be free and also not a requirement for employment outside of highly specialized career fields
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mercury50 · 7 days
Actually the portrait of Charles is red to represent enthusiasm, energy, determination, passion, strength, leadership, and love. It doesn't matter that it looks like he's walking through fountains of blood spilled by the British empire! Some of you people need to learn color theory
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mercury50 · 7 days
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mercury50 · 9 days
Moby Dick Modern AU
Captain Ahab isn't actually a captain but instead a professor in the marine biology department. He does, however, answer to "captain" instead of "professor", and will never call the captain of the ship he is currently on the captain.
Ahab is obsessed with the white whale in that he's been trying to put a GPS tracker on it for years but it always fails someway. Moby Dick is such a distinctive whale, and he really really wants to study it, but it just keeps getting away or moving at the last moment so that the suction cup gps doesn't stick...
The Pequod is a research vessel owned by Ahab's university, Starbuck is the actual captain, but is called the first mate by Ahab because.. Ahab is Ahab. So, the others started calling him that, too.
Ishmael is also a marine biologist by trade however because of his controvertial opinion (whales are fish! most species we consider fish aren't that closely related anyways! it's a description of ecological, not genetic, importance! so whales should be considered fish, too!) he has been largely shunned/considered of no importance in the scientific community. He teaches biology at a highschool instead.
Ishmael is also a trans man. That is also canon to Herman's novel but I need to underline it here bc naming yourself basically "Is-male" is such a funny joke.
Ishmael signs himself up for a research cruise under the guise of not being a biologist but a simple sailor - this ruse is discovered incredibly quickly (it only takes one infodump).
Pip is one of those brilliant kids who skip 5 grades. He's 16 and in the final year of writing his bachelor's thesis. Ahab is his supervisor.
Queequeg is the ship's chief engineer, making him 3rd most important person on the ship (after the captain and first mate; source: my childhood bff's father was one) and also making him a lot of money. The university's usual chief engineer was unavailable and Ishmael was hyped to get his hubby on the same expedition as him.
Speaking of, Ishmael and Queequeg met at a motel in Vegas, got high, cuddled all night, and then got married the next day.
Queequeg usually works on all sort of ships, spending a couple months home with Ishmael and then doing engineering for the next couple months away on the sea.
Tashtego is working on his master's in marine biology and unfortunatelly Ahab's his supervisor same as Pip except Ahab loves Pip's ideas but hates Tashtego's
Daggoo is on a scientific exchange from a university from his home country, he's just a researcher (as in, doesn't study or teach)
Fedallah is there even though he's like. Completely unrelated to marine biology. He's like a professional olympic-level archer but Ahab forged his papers to bring him aboard so that he can finally put that tracker on the Moby Dick.
The rest of the crew are a combo of researchers and regular sailor folk who are, y'know, needed for the ship to function as a ship.
Pip falls into the ocean multiple times while trying to take samples but is saved quickly every time. They just force him to essentially wear buoy marker attached to him at all times in case he was submerged and unseen.
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mercury50 · 9 days
Starbuck: driver, plagued by the intrusive thoughts of ending it all
Ahab: in the passanger's seat, yells at Starbuck for driving like a pussy (without breaking the law)
Ishmael: points to every cow they pass and says "cows!"
Flask, Dagoo and Queequeg: "McDonalds! McDonalds! McDonalds!"
Pip: left behind at the gas station
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mercury50 · 11 days
do you guys ever like forget you're interested in something until you start engaging with it again and you go "oh wait i'm like crazy crazy about this yeah"
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mercury50 · 11 days
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tag yourself - self care edition
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mercury50 · 11 days
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feat. Jinx and her pretty pink eyes (part 5/?)
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