meriisgreatlmao · 7 years
TLDR: Jeremy and Blanche exchange some words.
TRIGGER WARNINGS: Assault, Bad Language, Ableist Language, Bullying
Another day. Hopefully one where she didn’t almost die. She cracked her neck, trying to roll the achiness out of her joints. Blanche skipped a last glance in the mirror that day as she left the house. It just wasn’t worth it.
At least, that’s what she told herself. 10 minutes later, she was carefully checking her eyeliner in her rearview mirror.  Blanche pulled into her parking spot, and sighed as she watched everyone rushing to enter the building before the second bell rang.
Blanche felt her heart sink into her chest.
Just until June. She just had to survive until June. And she could graduate and.... Well, she didn’t know what would happen then. Her father still wouldn’t speak with her. Her mother cast her disappointed looks. Maybe going across the country was the only choice.
Blanche took refuge in the bathroom by second period. People were getting to be too much for her these days. In previous years, it was easy to ignore the looks because she was actively trying to hide something. They could look all they wanted, say what they wanted, think what they wanted. What did it matter to her?
But they kept calling her crazy. Crazy, crazy, crazy. She wasn’t crazy. Blanche saw ghosts. Ghosts were real. Vampires were real. Things like that were real. There wasn’t any hiding it. There couldn’t be any hiding it. Blanche was sick of hiding it.
She remembered that boy yelling at her-- the other Blanche’s brother. That was a weird thing to think about. Blanche glanced in the bathroom mirror, brushing an eyelash off her pale cheek. She then saw a pair of eyes staring at her. She sucked in a breath, bracing herself against the sink.
“What are you doing here, Granny?”
“Why didn’t you let Reza kill him?” Granny fired back. Blanche pressed her lips together.
“Granny. You know that’s wrong. Reza wouldn’t have forgiven him.”
“Do you forgive him?”
Blanche straightened slightly. “Reza? It wasn’t his fault that happened.” Granny looked at her sharply.
“I didn’t mean Reza.”
She stared. “You mean Jeremy, Granny?”
Granny nodded.
Blanche sighed slightly, sniffing as she wiped her eyes. “Fuck no way.” Blanche said.
“I wouldn’t either.”
“That doesn’t mean I want to hurt him.”
“I know.” Granny agreed.
Blanche reached for her bag and dug around for some ibuprofen she wasn’t supposed to have on her. “We don’t hurt people Granny.”
Granny stayed silent for a moment. “There is... something wrong.”
Her fingers closed around the bottle of aspirin, and Blanche glanced up, guiltily. “I know.”
Neither of them said it.
“What do we do about it?” Granny whispered to her. They were both unwilling to admit it. Blanche didn’t know how this could have happened to her poor Granny. Blanche shifted.
“Stay away from Rebecca.” Blanche warned. “And whatever the hell that demon’s name is. She said... Rebecca said.... There’s other options. I think. Something about being reborn. And not just disappearing.”
“Blanche.” GRanny said sharply. “I don’t believe in that.”
“There’s got to be something that will make this right.” Blanche insisted, leaning forward to prop her leg up.
“What do you mean?”
“Granny. I’m not studying with Rebecca to get rid of you. She isn’t a ghost hunter. She does it to problem ghosts and those who ask her too.” Blanche said. “She helped people. I’m not doing it to make you angry. You should know that.”
Granny stared at her, unhappily. “I know.”
“I think I can fix this.” Blanche insisted. “I really do.”
“You’re a smart kid.” Granny agreed. “If only you would stand up straight...” Blanche let out a groan. “Or straighten your hair more, or even just put a little bit of makeup on that mole on your neck. And we--”
Blanche cut her off. “Enough.”
“Um--” Blanche’s head whipped to the door. A freshman was staring at her with wide eyes.
“I’m on the phone.” Blanche snapped, holding her phone up. She crutched out without another word.
“--I heard that girls that lose their tempers easily are more likely to be psychotic and get locked up before they turn 20.”
Blanche glanced up from her desk. Amanda was looking straight at her. They had a sub in Calculus that day-- Mr. Goodwin was practically asleep. Poor guy. Blanche raised her eyebrows, and leaned forward. Amanda was still staring, waiting for her to respond. She let out a sigh and swiped her books into her bag.
“Well fuck me gently with a chainsaw,” Blanche smiled mockingly at her, watch the shock sink into Amanda’s face. Blanche stood, swung her bag over her shoulder and started crutching to her next class.
That was probably the only good thing about being on crutches. Leaving class 5 minutes early. The downside was she barely had any friends willing to carry er stuff, other than AJ in the few classes they did have together. Blanche heard Amanda bite another insult at her, but she ignored it.
She didn’t need this. Could she do this until June? Why not just drop out now.... Blanche frowned, sighing as she blew a piece of hair out of her face.
Maybe she should just focus on surviving the day.
The rest of the school day was as uneventful as it could be. People were still giving her shit for what happened last Tuesday, added with whatever snark she had given Amanda that morning. Blanche could take it, she had a thick skin before this. It wasn’t like one incident was going to kick her ass.
However, she had been doing her damnedest to avoid Jeremy since the incident with Reza. She'd been doing pretty good until he cornered her as she tried to crutch to her car. Blanche felt someone approach from behind as she stood at her locker, and she had to bite back a groan.
Jeremy slapped the locker next to her as he leaned over her." I need to talk to you." He said. The fearlessness she shown the week before had evaporated. . Blanche pressed her lips together in a thin line, and slammed her locker shut. Her bag rested at her feet, and Jeremy leaned and swooped it up. "I'll carry your stuff." Somehow, she suspected his smile was not as friendly as he was pretending. "Come on."
Blanche grumbled and followed him. He has bandages up his arm, but otherwise he looked fine. She regretted staying later, wanting to avoid the buses and the parking lot drama. But that left hardly any witnesses in the actual school to help her. He lead her to an empty classroom, and Blanche paused. This was not smart. Jeremy gestured for her to go into the class room. Blanche let out a sigh.
Granny had disappeared since the incident, so she was fucked. There was no one to help her once this went wrong. Jeremy shut the door.
"Well this is creepy." Blanche said, dryly.
"Shut the fuck up," he snapped, dropping her backpack on a desk.
"What the fuck happened the other day?" Jeremy glowered at her. Blanche's eyes narrowed. Right. This was a thing.
"I don't know. I stayed after school for math, AJ had detention because someone beat his face in, and we heard a shit ton of commotion."
"Bullshit. There's no way both of you were just conveniently there while some fucking psycho bit me and caused lights explode like the fucking-"
"Can't you just be fucking grateful we were there to help you?!" Blanche cut him off angrily.    Sure it was her fault that had happened, but it wasn't her fault that Granny decided to go batshit or that Reza couldn't control himself.
"Have you seen my arms? And my fucking neck? It looks like I was bitten and-" Her temper flared. She did not want to be having this conversation with someone had been tormenting her for years.
"Jeremy! Jesus fucking Christ, what do you want me to tell you?! Neither of us know what happened- what? You were bitten by a vampire that we fucking fought?! We saved your ass! I don't fucking know how any of it happened!"
"You have to know something you were fucking talking to yourself like the freak you are!" Jeremy spat, stepping forward, pushing her shoulders back. Blanche stumbled back.
"What the fuck, Jeremy!" Blanche snapped, steadying herself.
“What? Can’t back your words up, you stupid girl?”
"How about: I see dead people, you were attacked by a vampire and a poltergeist, and AJ was just fucking there you-"Jeremy's fist connected with her jaw, and Blanche screamed as she fell back off her crutches. Her cast bounced against the ground, her jaw and leg exploding in pain. Blanche cussed, trying to squirm away.
"Please stop!” Blanche spluttered, trying to move.
Jeremy was on top of her, straddling her to hold her down. Blanche looked up, violently jerking as she tried to break free. "Listen you little freak-" Jeremy bent inches from her face, and Blanche growled.
"Get the fuck off me you piece of-" Jeremy snatched the front of her sweatshirt, pulled her up and slammed her back on the ground. Bla
"Shut the fuck up! You walk around like you know everything when you don’t fucking know anything. No one gives a single fuck about you. They could care less if you fucking died, do you hear me? You're a scitzo freak who-" Blanche lurched, but her arms were pinned to her body by his knees. She was in pain, and she was still seeing stars.He shifted on her. Blanche groaned, tried to yell even, but she was having trouble breathing. She was panicking.
What was wrong with Jeremy-- Blanche groaned. SHe was seeing stars still, black spots in her version. His fist connected with her cheek again. Jeremy wrenched himself over to her broken leg. His knees pinned her arms to her side. SHe could feel him ripping at her leg, doing... something to her fucking cast---
“Maybe I’ll give you a fucking reminder of what you actually are. Plenty of room between all those fucking signatures from friends.”
“Get off!” Blanche gasped in pain.
Jeremy finished whatever he was doing picked up her leg, and dropped it. The plaster of the cast bounced and her leg felt like it was on fire. Fuck. “You told me I’d be a fucking disappointment in my life? Well you know what you’re going to be, Blanche?” He rarely referred to her as her first name. He turned back to her, the pressure on her arms relenting.
“Alone. Everyone thinks you’re fucking psycho. You should be locked up away from society so you don’t fucking give anyone a chance to--” Blanche had shifted, and suddenly she felt her fist connect with his face a loud whap. Jeremy was thoroughly unprepared for that, and he fell backwards. Blanche yanked herself out of his grip completely, snatching her crutch, and she bashed him in his already broken nose.
He let out a yelp and backed away holding his face. She was free. Blanche immediately tried to stand.
“You bitch!” He swore at her. “You ugly bit--”
“Don’t you fucking talk to me like that!” Blanche hissed, ignoring the fact that tears had sprung to her eyes. Probably from the pain.“You don’t get to talk to me like that you son of a bitch! All you do is focus on what other people think about you and you let your fucking emotions get the better of you-- You’re a fucking dickhead. I’d rather be alone that have friends like you assholes.”
Blanche angrily wiped her face. Jeremy held his hands up in surrender. Clearly he was unable to take the pain and Blanche felt herself roll her eyes. She steadied herself on a desk, straightening blouse. Blanche looked down a her cast. There was angry words written all over it--- Blanche looked at the uncapped sharpie that lay forgotten on the ground.
Bitch. Scitzo. Freak. Ugly. Creep. Various ugly black lines all down her cast. Tears sprang to her eyes. Goddamn it.
This wasn’t about what had happened the other day with Reza. This was about revenge for calling his out in the parking lot. He had planned this all along.
She had hit him too. That was a fucking problem-- she could easily get in just as much trouble. His eye was starting to swell and one of her rings had given him a tiny cut on his forehead. Blanche prodded her jaw carefully. Ouch. That wouldn’t be anything she couldn’t cover with more makeup, hopefully.
Jeremy was still on the ground. Things diffused the second Blanche had hit him back. Clearly he wasn’t used to jumping someone without his posse.
“Don’t fucking talk to me!” Blanche seethed, leaning against a desk tiredly. “You are garbage!” She spat, and Jeremy glowered up at her, holding his nose. “You treat everybody like fucking dirt to feel better about yourself and if you don’t start changing your fucking tune you’re going to be the one that’s alone.”
Jeremy hustled to his feet, though Blanche wasn’t really ready for a round 2. But he just leaned forward. “Fuck you. Someone will knock that pretty little head of yours off your shoulders someday. You’ll fucking see-- this town is fucked up. And when that happens you’ll see who comes to your fucking funeral.” Blanche’s eyes narrowed. “Fuck you, bitch. And stay the fuck away from me.” He was about to jab her in the shoulder, but Blanche slapped his hand away.
“Don’t you dare fucking touch me, you piece of shit!”
“Bite me!” Jeremy snapped. He pushed her again and fucking stormed out pf the classroom. Blanche stared at him in disbelief, before some sort of hysterical laughter bubbled out of her. SHe sank into a desk, half laughing, half crying. Blanche held her head in her hands.
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meriisgreatlmao · 7 years
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