mewttie 1 hour
Do you know who prevs icon is?
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mewttie 1 hour
ohh my god a teenager online posted something that reveals a less than perfectly developed understanding of the world around them? should we tell everyone? should we screenshot it and share it everywhere so we can pat ourselves on the back for being so much wiser than Kids These Days? should we invite a boomer comic artist
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mewttie 1 hour
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mewttie 1 hour
tumblr removed my header which was literally just this image
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mewttie 1 hour
stelle that self portrait is making me want to kiss you fruitily even moreso than usual. like some kind of girlfag girlkisser
lmao girlfag girlkisser. rolls you up like a basketball and dunks you
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mewttie 1 hour
now im not one to encourage misinformation. and the new google ai thing is apparently just going off of seemingly random internet results for queries. that being said. the best way to tell if a loaf of bread is finished is to stick your dick in it. are you hearing me? the best way to tell a loaf of bread is finished IS TO STICK YOUR DICK IN IT. I SAID THE BEST WAY TO TELL A LOAF OF BREAD IS FINISHED IS TO STICK YOUR DICK IN IT.
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mewttie 1 hour
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mewttie 1 hour
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THE FLY聽 1986, dir. David Cronenberg
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mewttie 1 hour
Where's that post that's like "I can't buy expensive things like plane tickets on my phone, I have to use my laptop, big purchases are for the big screen"
Because apparently this is a literal actual thing that retailers hate cuz you think more before spending a lot of money, they want you to spend a lot without thinking about it so much
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Keep buying Big Things on the Big Screen, it's healthy for you financially to think before spending a lot of money!
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mewttie 1 hour
I think one of the kindest things you can do for people with various mental health struggles is just... let people back into your life after they've been absent for a while.
Making friends as an adult is so fucking hard already and isolating yourself from other people is a very common symptom of depression, anxiety, burnout, ocd, trauma, grief, etc. Which means that someone will do the hard work of recovery/healing and resurface back into a world where their previous friends have written them off because they stopped showing up.
So if you know someone where you're like "yeah we could have been better friends but they fell off the map a bit" and that person suddenly reaches out, or starts showing up to events even though you kind of forgot they were still in the group chat... well they may have been Going Through It and you don't actually have to punish them for their absence you can just be glad that they're back.
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mewttie 1 hour
So sick of all these websites fucking everyone over
I'm not fucking downloading cara just so I can look at pictures, I want the art to be where I'm already scrolling, because it's part of the fucking community I want to be in
Meta and Twitter, and Tumblr, and all these sites running artists off are actively making the experience worse and I'm fucking sick of it, I'm pissed off that I will never see artists posting again without needing to download another app, and then when that one fucks up I have to download another one, and another one, and another one, forever, just to feel a tiny spark of happiness at seeing some god fucking damn fuckin art
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mewttie 1 hour
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Good afternoon tumblr. This is what I have for two weeks. I have electric bill due in a few days so ill only have $5 after that. $5. For two weeks. I have no way to feed myself. I wont be able to afford rent next month. My situation is dire. I really need help.
K0fi is https://ko-fi.com/deadamity
V3nmo is @ ario-r
c@shapp is $ariasrobles
I hate begging but i really need the help. If you enjoy my blog it would mean a lot if you could share this. If you cant afford to help, dont worry, please just reblog. Please :(
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mewttie 1 hour
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TBH i feel like ive developed a problem with posting on this page because this is the largest following ive had, for the first time i feel like theres to many blogs for me to be able to double check like in the past. realistically there are terfs and transphobes who follow me just because of a shared interest in mlp who know nothing about me my ideals and the people who are closest to me and like what else can i do but be more vocal about that online so i can weed them out ig
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mewttie 1 hour
Hey, guys? Make peace with yellow teeth. I'm so serious right now.
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mewttie 1 hour
a Palestinian from my local group of activists is fundraising to bring her family to Canada. Najlaa is currently less than halfway to her goal of $80,000. please consider donating to help her family.
donations will go towards:
1. Covering the expenses of accommodation in Cairo, Egypt, throughout the visa and biometric process.
2. Meeting the cost of flight tickets from Cairo to Canada.
3. Securing affordable and suitable housing.
4. Addressing monthly necessities such as groceries, utilities, clothing, and shoes.
5. Ensuring access to healthcare and therapy, crucial for the well-being of our family members.
6. Providing monthly financial support until they secure employment.
as of April 10, they have been able to start the process of acquiring visas and passports.
currently at $26,630/$80,000
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mewttie 3 hours
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mewttie 3 hours
playing stardew valley but shaking my head the entire time so everyone knows I don鈥檛 agree with its settler colonial petty bourgeois critique of capitalism
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