miasmaburnt · 8 months
"I'M NOT SURE I CAN TRUST YOU" PROMPTS *  assorted dialogue, adjust as necessary
you remember the last time we did this. it didn't go well.
i told myself i'd never trust you again.
you're not very good at keeping promises, are you?
i thought we agreed to work together.
you're the reason i'm in this mess in the first place.
the last time i listened to you, it nearly got me killed.
i guess i don't have a choice.
you're my last hope.
this isn't going to end well.
i stuck out my neck for you once, and look what happened.
you could have told me the truth from the start.
you're a pretty slimy character.
you don't exactly exude trustworthiness.
i can't believe i'm listening to you again.
after everything that happened, i can't look at you the same.
you betrayed me.
how am i supposed to trust you again?
i put everything on the line for you, and you betrayed me.
i'm not taking orders from you.
how do i know you won't stab me in the back?
i promise you, it won't happen again.
you don't have a good track record of keeping promises.
that was bullshit, and you know it.
this time, you can trust me.
they told me what happened last time.
i won't make the same mistakes they did.
keep telling yourself that.
every time i trust you, it comes back to bite me in the ass.
that was the worst lie i've ever heard.
you're a shit liar.
you're not getting anything from me.
i'm not risking my life to save you, that's for sure.
you're talking out of your ass.
i don't believe a word you're saying.
you're full of bullshit.
that was the biggest lie you ever told.
and to think, i trusted you once.
i'm such an idiot for thinking i could trust you.
i'll never look at you the same again.
that was an awful trick.
did you mean to do that?
had i known what you were up to, i never would have agreed to this.
once again, you lied to my face.
they warned me not to trust you.
after all the things i've heard about you, i'm not sure where i stand.
you don't exactly have a very trustworthy face.
you look like a liar to me.
you won't hold up your end of the bargain. you never do.
why did you trick me?
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miasmaburnt · 8 months
The amount of mana here was abysmal. Dhaos wouldn't be well if he continued to linger in this world. It was time for him to move on to the next. His only response to Neraine is to give her a small nod and turn to start walking away.
There isn't so much as a word of farewell out of him. That was a little strange, considering how polite he'd been earlier—but Dhaos didn't see it that way. Their conversation is finished, and so he will extract himself. She had seemed to be in a hurry to leave anyway, and he did not wish to bother her further.
After he departs, he turns and inhales deeply, reaching deep inside of himself to the power he had been granted by his people. A burning star of pure energy and intent that rested within his breast. He called on it, and his body began to rise from the ground, glowing brighter and brighter until he was completely enveloped.
Then, the spell took over, and the light flew forward along the path. Once the process started, Dhaos had little control over it.
It swept across the forest like a blinding comet, slowly rising higher and higher as it gained speed. Gravity around it was distorted, trees bent toward it, leaves tumbled upwards into it...anyone in its path would surely be swept up into it and carried along for the ride.
* * *
When the light touches down, it will be in a large, expansive field. The only sign of civilization will be a well-maintained, large dirt road that stretches out far in both directions. The light fades, and Dhaos feels his feet touch the ground...
The guy stood-up, and up, and up, and up — until Neraine had to take a half-stride back and crane her neck just to match his gaze. He was tall, taller than she anticipated. In the few seconds since her magic had taken root in him, color had returned to his cheek and his golden hair healthier. She swore, she swore, that she had been a ballet that went like this: a young maiden finds a sleeping prince and awakens him with a kiss.
Damn, had her life gotten weird.
And it kept getting weirder as he knelt, folding in half. A display of open humility. Shock ricocheted around Neraine's mind, expressed in her widened eyes, furrowed brow, and parted lips. Neraine's hands spread for her side, an open gesture of both confusion and deference.
"Yeah, it was nothing... man," Neraine managed. "Don't sweat it. I mean that, really, please don't." As in, don't take her actions as worthy of some life debt and spend more time pestering her.
Once he was back-up, Neraine crossed her arms.
"Well, if it's all the same time you," she said. "I'm going to get on with my life. Just uh, try not to pass out in the middle of the woods again. It's not good for your constitution."
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miasmaburnt · 8 months
Dhaos pushes himself up, ignoring how his limbs protest, how his bones ache under the skin. He cannot stop here, not in this place, not before his duty to his people has been fulfilled. It would be a mistake to rest here again. He's aware of this now.
He looks down at the stranger before him, ignoring her vulgar language as easily as one might brush off a stray leaf. Especially in the wake of what she says to him.
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"You saved me...?" Dhaos asks, his voice quiet. He regards her critically for a moment—trying to discern whether or not she is lying to him. He can't sense anyone else nearby, and the mana within this one is strong. She must have...
He lets out a short sigh—one of relief rather than irritation—and kneels down before her, placing his hand over his chest.
"My name is Dhaos. Thank you for saving me, who is but a stranger to you. I will remember your kindness on this day for as long as I walk this universe," he pledges, and he sounds completely sincere and genuine as he does.
He straightens up, adjusting his cape over his shoulders. It's long enough that it brushes against the ground. "I am no one of importance. Just a traveler passing through this world."
She had found him in the forest, beneath a canopy of trees and brush. An unconscious man, bathed in the thin, gold light that escaped the boughs and leaves. His body limp, skin pale, and breath thin, Death whispered in his ear. For a moment, Neraine hesitated, contemplating if he was her problem, and he was, because she couldn't walk away. There was nothing noble about it: Nera was scowling even as she knelt at his side.
"Can he be helped?" Nera asked, even as she pressed her fingers beneath his jaw and felt his faded pulse.
"What afflicts him is not an illness of the body," The High Priestess whispered to her. "His soul is rotting. I can do nothing to save him, but you can."
Intuition filled the gaps. What he needed and what she could to provide it. The quiet knowledge and instinct of the High Priestess, nestling deep in Neraine's mind. She knew what she had to do and she knew how to do it. It didn't mean that she was excited about it.
Neraine turned her face up, lips pressing thin, and closing her eyes, steeling herself for the next step. (Why, on God's green Earth did her powers work this way? For fucks sake). She gathered the reserves of her magic. Neraine grasped the man by the jaw, leaned forward, and kissed him. Her lips scraped over his and then she pressed in, until ice and crystal bit at their skin, the chilling cold of her power seeping into him.
Neraine pulled away, hand swiping over her mouth, and rolling back onto her hip. She felt her power thin and wane, as her magic infused the man's body. In seconds his skin flushed and his breath returned to him, a ragged gasp of oxygen. Then, he was upright, looking at her, alive.
"Well, the one who helped your sorry ass, to start," Neraine grunted. "I hope you don't make a habit of passing-out in the middle of the woods, i'm not doing that again." She pressed to her feet and swiped dust and leaf litter off her skirt.
"So, what are you, some kind of runaway prince?"
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miasmaburnt · 8 months
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Who knows how long Dhaos has lain there, unconscious as time passes by him. Before, he'd looked like he was on the brink of death. His skin was sallow and lifeless, his hair was limp, and his chest barely moved. Now, some life has been restored to him.
His eyes open, and he looks up, disorientated. Almost immediately, he senses that he isn't alone and turns his head toward the stranger. He forces himself to a sitting position and looks at the woman.
"You... who are you?" He asks, his voice raspy from disuse. He resists the urge to cough, staring at her with an intensity ill-befitting one who was just on death's door.
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miasmaburnt · 8 months
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sniffs around here...
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miasmaburnt · 1 year
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"Do you, uh... want a hug or something?" He's awkward asking, but his worry is even stronger than the awkwardness.
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miasmaburnt · 1 year
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miasmaburnt · 1 year
Get to know the Mun
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what’s your phone wallpaper : Fanart of the Mysterious Redhead from the end of Abyss
last song you listened to: How to Eat Life - Eve
currently reading : The City of Ember series (nostalgia)
last movie :  does the 1st episode of Oshi no Ko count? it was like 120 minutes...
last show : Jigokuraku / Hell's Paradise (PLS WATCH IT)
what are you wearing right now: Pajamas cuz i just woke up
piercings / tattoos? : None
glasses ? contacts?: Yeah, glasses
last thing you ate? : an apple after dinner
favorite color(s) : Blue, Green, and Purple
current obsession: Tales of the Abyss and Tales of Phantasia
favorite fictional character: It depends on my current fixation, but Luke is always up there.
tagged by: @bishonenprince (thank you!) tagging: you'll have to steal it from me ;0
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miasmaburnt · 1 year
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A White Future, Volume 2 Episode: Ion, Sync, & Florian Translation: Final Part
Prev | (This is the last part!)
Well, it’s been a project that’s taken me half a year, but this is the final part of the green beans’ section. What’s left is Sync’s death and Florian’s epilogue. I want to thank everyone who encouraged me to keep this up, with a special shout out to @vangrants​, @rayless-reblogs​, and everyone else for being there while I was in translation hell. I’d also like to thank my friend Mars for helping with some of the Japanese I couldn’t make heads or tails of.
That said, without further ado, here is the conclusion.
* * *
Keep reading
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miasmaburnt · 1 year
GUYS! GUYS! GUYS! there's a fix to the whole "glitch"! all you have to do is SUBSCRIBE to the thread that you're a part of and you'll get notifications! i say this because the OP is already subscribed to the posts they made by default. but here's proof either way!
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it seems like the SUBSCRIBE button is the way to go because i'm one of those people who struggle using RP Thread Trackers tbh. so i definitely recommend giving this a test run as well as reblogging this to let everyone know about the solution if it worked for you!
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miasmaburnt · 1 year
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Oracle, I've fallen at last But they were the feast Of a permanent blast
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Crossover & OC Friendly Multimuse for the Tale series (primarily Tales of the Abyss). Uses the beta editor & x-kit rewritten. Please read rules before following.
cultivated by Nix
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miasmaburnt · 1 year
Like this post and I’ll send you an ask ❤️
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miasmaburnt · 1 year
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Oracle, I've fallen at last But they were the feast Of a permanent blast
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Crossover & OC Friendly Multimuse for the Tale series (primarily Tales of the Abyss). Uses the beta editor & x-kit rewritten. Please read rules before following.
cultivated by Nix
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miasmaburnt · 1 year
"Tch." Everything Ion did frustrated Sync. If he had been in Ion's place, he knew that he wouldn't let himself be controlled by Mohs. At the first opportunity he had, he would have made sure that no one knew that thought he could be puppeted.
But he hadn't been good enough to be chosen. Maybe their original had been a pathetic pushover as well.
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"Of course, Fon Master," Sync replied, using his title sarcastically. "But our original didn't exactly get along with Mohs, given the split in the Order. Isn't it likely that he'll try to have you turn your back on our original's ideals?"
Not that Sync cared, really. But he wanted to ruffle Ion's feathers.
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"... I have no particular feelings about that." Ion reminds himself all the time that it doesn't matter - it would be pointless to make a fuss out of it. He only needs to do this right for long enough that no one will know the truth. This is temporary... but it doesn't change that it bothers him some days.
Ion folds his hands in his lap, staring at Sync and speaking plainly, "Study is different from practice, Sync. I am not as educated in this work as our original, I could easily make the wrong call." He was afraid, too. Afraid of Mohs, and the consequences of making a mistake that may expose him.
"I'm sorry if this frustrates you," Indifference settles further into Ion's voice as he starts working again. "But I have to be sure of what I'm doing first."
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miasmaburnt · 1 year
Dhaos had yet to learn what a teriques was and had no intention of asking. He had a suspicion that no matter where he went in this world, he would be unable to escape the smell of salt in the wind. He turned his head out toward the ocean once more.
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"My name is Dhaos, and this power is my own." He had been the only one on Derris Kharlan who could survive the ritual that had imbued him with this power. His control over mana exceeded anyone else in his world.
And yet, all the power in the world would only help if he could find what he was looking for. "I have come seeking something...but I can tell that I will not find it here. I have no ill will toward you or your world."
Dhaos would have found it interesting if he had been in a better headspace.
"And what sort of power would that be?"
Dhaos was speaking quite plainly, and a part of Walter appreciated that. At the same time, he was still being... evasive, for lack of a better word. That was the part that rubbed him the wrong way. Well. That, and effectively ruffling Walter's pride as a Ferines. It wasn't so unusual, really. Walter just was prideful.
"You have no teriques, so it couldn't have been like that," he observed. Did Dhaos even know what a teriques was? Walter wasn't really certain either way. Surely Dhaos couldn't have just manifested from thin air. Not even the Merines had that kind of power.
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"For that matter, I still don't know your name," he said. "What am I supposed to call you?" Not that Walter had given Dhaos a name to address him by, either. One thing at a time.
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miasmaburnt · 1 year
Luke tries not to be so judgmental of other people anymore, but the way this guy was talking about his clothes irritated him. This was high fashion in Kimlasca! His mouth is etched into a frown. It was hard to be happy about being called cool when everything else sounded like it was making fun of him.
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"The monster on the back is the logo for the clothing line," Luke replied, snapping a little. He crossed his arms in front of him, watching the other move around. "It's not plain! And it's not all white."
He had yellow and off-black to accent it, damn it! Luke glances away from Ramuda, now. "Isn't your hair a little uneven? Did you cut it yourself?"
@miasmaburnt wants a Ramuda!
"Oh em gee!!" Ramuda gasps, hands flying up to his cheeks as he bounces closer. Eyes wide as he looks the stranger up and down, he giggles and grins brightly.
"You're so so cool, mister! Just look at you showing off~!!" He titters, pointing to the stranger's bare midriff before he runs circles around Luke. "Ah, a super scawy monster's on the back of your shirt!! Is it 'cause you're that scawy or 'cause you wanna scare anyone who sneaks up behind you??"
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"But if you're so cool, why's the rest of your outfit so... so plain??" He pouts, a finger to his lips as he seems to think about it. "And white??? If you run around a lot--" he gives no indication why he thinks this, "--then won't it get dirty super easily??"
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miasmaburnt · 1 year
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"It's really not that much trouble," Luke said, tilting his head slightly. Sora was acting pretty odd about this; even Luke could notice it when someone looked scared. He had no idea what to make of it, so he pressed more.
"I don't know how much I can help with research, but I can at least watch your back." Unless Sora thought that Luke wasn't good enough to do that. He...was pretty distractable sometimes. He knew most people didn't feel like they could rely on him.
"Besides, I've never been to that kind of place before. Tear would probably think it's a good idea for me to learn to recognize that kind of area."
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           ► THERE WAS A LOOK  of both shock  &  fear on his face when Luke mentioned going with him. This was not planned. In fact , he had been certain the other would agree on the spot to head back to the inn  &  wait. He had miscalculated  &  now found himself between a rock  &  a hard place.
He had planned to indulge in what he usually did  &  such things were not suitable for someone like Luke. Unlike him , the redhead was  . . .  not as far gone. Waving his hands around , he laughed nervously.
  ❛  Ah well , you know. Super secret research! Oh , Luke. I'm flattered  &  happy you worry about me. Really! I'll be fine though , so there's really no need to trouble yourself over someone like me!  ❜  As he said this , he was slowly taking a few steps away from the other.
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