michaelaisms · 4 years
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“ even if so i’ll gladly take it, it’s not everyday i get to hear. yeah ? what grade were you thinking of teaching ? i hadn’t always wanted to be a teacher, but it felt perfect.“ not a word that vera often said but it just felt like what she needed to do. “ absolutely, i’ve grown used to that. and the group of kids always makes up for what others may think. or the credit, which i don’t need of course. i’m quite content with it.“
“1st, I thought being part of the introduction to education would be pretty neat. What grade do you teach? I get that, when you have that lightbulb moment about what you want to be - it’s pretty amazing.” It was a moment she was certain everyone feared would never come, and she knew some people never got that moment - so she knew how lucky she was.  “How long have you been working as a teacher?”
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michaelaisms · 4 years
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“ you should. “ vera certainly now would wear her own badge of coolness. “ absolutely, whenever i need a good smile or laugh that and a dozen others are my go to.“  the blonde has to admit with a wide smile. “ oh okay ! now you’ve got an even tougher question. definitely music and reading. are at the top, does teaching count ? i have absolutely loved it since the moment i got my degree.“
Nodding at the answers, she thought over the question for a second before promptly nodding. “I’d say it counts. Though I might be biased, I so almost became a teacher. Honestly, deciding not to be a teacher was one of the hardest choices I’ve made yet.” Not that she’d made  lot of hard decisions, she’d grown up lucky enough that her life had always been... easy without her having to do much. “It’s a totally admirable career,that doesn’t get the credit it deserves most of the time.” 
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michaelaisms · 4 years
he doesn’t really have an answer for her. as much as he agrees with her, there’s often too many people who would rather be cruel. “i’m not sure, but i guess that’s why i try to be extra nice to people.” there’s something funny to him about how she says she was still listening to 90′s music, a decade that he was never even apart of, but he isn’t opposed to listening to other generations of music. not that michaela falls into that category anyway, as she is only a couple of years older than him. “oh, well… i was kind of a really big fan of one direction, and, um…. harry may have been my first crush, so naturally i ended up listening to his solo stuff.” shaking his head, “no, um… i don’t think so? i mean, my friend’s played little shows here and there, and i’ve done some with her, but no one’s approached us before. still waiting for that, um, big break, i guess?”
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“I think Harry was a lot of people’s first crush, but I was always more of a Niall girl.” She mused, figuring it wasn’t too important, so she didn’t need to change the almost dreamy tone to her voice. “Have you tried posting things online? That could help with stage fright too, there’s no immediate reaction so you could put off reading comments till you were in the right headspace for it. Instead of the instant reaction a live crowd gives.”
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michaelaisms · 4 years
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“ right ? i don’t know maybe it’s the process of really putting everything together. “  vera offers, not entirely sure either but if anything it made her want to go home and bake. “ seriously ? well now you’re cool, and nobody can tell you otherwise.“  her own words are said with a beam. “ a little but it’s okay. and yes ! those ones are so good. also killer klowns from outer space, teen wolf and ferris buller. also really underrated and hilarious. see ? kindred spirits. “
Placing a hand over her heart, she used the other to wipe away a fake tear. “Thank you... Means so much, I’ll wear the coolness with pride.” And that was probably the exact reason most people wouldn’t associate her with cool, but sue her, she loved back jokes. “Oh also amazing choices! I don’t think I want to think about the amount of times I’ve watched Ferris Buller, because it would total an embarrassing amount. Baking and eighties movies aside.. What else would you say your favourite things are?”
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michaelaisms · 4 years
                         ‘ why do i have to work? all i want to do is sleep, eat and – sleep more ’
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“Because life sucks?” She shrugged, making the words far more dramatic than they had to be. “At least you get to look forward to your days off?”
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michaelaisms · 4 years
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“ it certainly is, and especially when you’re mixing things together. oh ! and sampling while you’re baking is amazing too. “  vera has a wide smile written across her features. “ why thank you, same goes for you.“  it might not have seemed like much, but to her ? she appreciated it. “ can’t go wrong with some popcorn and cheesy movies. i couldn’t have picked a better word for it myself. oh there’s just so many, i can’t really pick just one or tie one to my top favorite. how about you ? “
“There is something oddly satisfying about the mixing stage, almost makes me upset when it’s over.” An exaggeration, but it was the part of baking she loved the most - the only exception being the taste test at the end. “Well that’s a new one.” She giggle, the grin on her face saying she was happy. “Nobody has ever called me cool.” She’d never had a problem making friends and had more than enough, but she was certain ‘cool’ was never how anyone would describe her. “Ooo... Walked myself into that one didn’t I? Normally that’d be my answer too but let’s see, and I’ll skip the obvious ones cause everyone loves the big ones... Uncle Buck, Teen Witch and Adventures in Babysitting.”
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michaelaisms · 4 years
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“ you’re welcome.“  vera smiles widely, and then there’s a soft shrug of her shoulders. “ sometimes, used to a lot but i’m slowly getting back into it.“ the blonde didn’t mind at all, aside from the mention of baking reminded her of her parents and things she didn’t want to think about. “ so i’m experimenting, i forgot how relaxing and how much fun it is. i completely understand it is such a stress-relief. i love cheesy 80′s films there’s nothing like them, and cheesy movies in general. of course not, that’d be a tie-breaker. ”
“I always think it’s an under appreciated form of stress relief. I don’t know what it is exactly, but things never seem so bad when you’re baking.” Though she was certain part of it had to do with the fact that baking let her take a break from her thoughts and that was always a nice change. “Yep, okay, it’s official - you’re on my list of cool people around town.” She chuckled. “Gotta love cheesy movies. They’re just... Happiness in movie format. Which I think leads perfectly to what’s your favourite?”
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michaelaisms · 4 years
“maybe other people just need to be nicer.” roarke points out, “i don’t think being supportive should be, um, a sign of uniqueness.” his eyes grow wide at her confession, “oh, my gosh… what? but, like… how?” it’s not a voice of judgment, but rather pure bafflement. “both. i mean, i’m not very good at like actually writing anything down, but i do like to record my ideas anyway. though, um, i’ve mostly learned how to play by following other bands. a lot of the songs that i’ve practiced lately have been covers, but i’d really like to start doing my own stuff more often.” 
“See, that was always my response to. The world could use a lot more kindness. And what does it hurt to support someone else?” She could understand losing one’s temper at certain points, but she reasoned there were a few people around who could benefit from trying to be a little nicer to others. Biting the inside of her laugh to keep from laughing at his expression, she gave a shrug. “His music came out when I was listening to nothing but 90s songs, then I just... Didn’t catch up.” Nodding as he spoke, the music world was one she didn’t know too much about - but she reasoned that wasn’t important. Sometimes all someone needed was a sounding board. “Do you know anyone in the industry, however small a role they have, that could help you out?”
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michaelaisms · 4 years
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“ even i have to admit i’m impressed, and that i seriously don’t blame them. “  vera might not have done something like that herself, but even she had to admit that she was impressed. “ of course not, help yourself. “  the blonde extends the bag of cookies towards the other. “ chocolate chip, ginger, sugar cookie. pick and take however many you want. “ she explains, figuring it might look less strange if they were just ginger. “  fair enough, i don’t even blame you. i probably would too but it’s been ages since i’ve been on a vacation. people just don’t like to listen to it, believe me i’ve told them that too. “  there’s a complete nod of her head in understanding. “ we must be kindred spirits because i wholeheartedly agree. “
“Thank you.” She beamed, taking one of the cookies. A ghost of a smile appeared on her face at the flavour. “Experimenting or is that a recipe you found ages ago?” It may have seemed a little nosy, but baking was one of her favourite hobbies, and she’d take any excuse to talk about it. “Do you enjoy baking? Coming up with new recipes is my go-to stress relief. I think getting it out of the way gets rid of some of the stress. I still check it a few times before I go to make sure but... I am so not a last minute packer. Before I agree on that... What are your thoughts on cheesy 80s films? Can’t agree to being kindred spirits with anyone who doesn’t like them.” 
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michaelaisms · 4 years
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“ now that is amazing, i truly can’t even blame them for that. “  vera admittedly with her cravings probably would have done the same, so she definitely got that. “  just some cookies, nothing too exciting. care for one ? oh, i’m the same way too, but i guess perhaps it’s better to just pack everything ahead of time. saves a lot of trouble and worrying that something got left behind. naturally it’s what makes us all different, it’d be quite boring if we were all alike. “
“Their level of dedication was impressive.” The words came out before she momentarily broke down in laughter. “You don’t mind sharing?” She felt a little guilty taking something from someone else, but at the same time... Cookies were a weakness, and one she didn’t care to change. “I normally do. The last time I went on vacation, I packed my case a good solid two months before I left, to make sure it was done. See, that’s what I keep telling people! Yes, it’s nice to have people agree with you, but what are you ever going to learn if everyone had the exact same viewpoints? Even if you don’t always agree with differing opinions, it can be incredibly interesting to find out the reasons people have to believe something different to you.”
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michaelaisms · 4 years
Eleanor was hard at work on her constitutional law paper. She questioned why she actually wanted to pursue a law degree, all this reading and writing hardly seemed worth it. The coffee shop wasn’t packed packed, just steady. While typing away furiously, she couldn’t help but feel eyes on her. After a few moments of the lingering feeling continuing, she looked up and at the table next to her the person was staring at her. “Are you trying to read what’s on my computer? Because I assure you, it’s nothing interesting. Unless you find the constitution interesting and would like to read fifteen pages on one part of it.” She shrugged and lowered the screen of her laptop. “So is the looking over my shoulder and at me going to stop or are you going to try to join me over here?”
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Truly, she hadn’t meant to stare. She was simply avoiding her own work, and had apparently been staring straight in front of her as she slipped into a daze - until the words puller her back to reality. “Sorry. I’m supposed to be reading a few articles for class and apparently decided staring into space was more fun.” Shutting down her own laptop screen, deciding that probably said she needed a break. “Fifteen pages huh?” She asked walking over to the other’s table, her things tucked under her arm. “Are you finished, or is it still a work in progress?” 
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michaelaisms · 4 years
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“ that’s true, and there is probably worst things you could get strange looks from, than getting snacks from a purse or bag. “  was vera slightly worried ? a little, but if that was what she had to do then so be it. no point in dwelling on things she figured. “ so i have heard, i certainly try to be. i am in luck ! i did actually bring them with me. glad to know i’m not the only one who does that. “
“Exactly! I mean I saw someone earlier eating a pastry fall over, and instead of getting up... just kept eating while lying on the ground.” She had gone over to offer the other person help up in case they needed it, which they apparently did not. “Well I hope it’s something nice. I’m one of those people who try to remember every small thing possible - that sometimes I forget the main things I need to take with me. But we all have our weird things about ourselves, don’t we?”
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michaelaisms · 4 years
“you got moms genes, i’m pretty sure. at least you don’t have to deal with your body rebelling against you just for doing what you love.” she’d never been able to be still for too long, especially on the weekends. she always needed to be out, dancing as much as she could, and occasionally finding time with friends. these days, she values that time with friends, not taking it for granted the way she once did. “i don’t know how you had the patience. i still hate soccer.” though she would still show up for her brother, always. “everything okay?” her brows furrow slightly at the mention of her needing a distraction, concern setting in. she shakes her head, smiling brightly. “no, i’m okay. being able to carry things again is actually something i appreciate.”
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A flash of sympathy flickered over her face at the words. For as much as some people put dancing down as nothing more than ‘a silly little hobby’, she’d seen how much effort Scarlet put into her work and the toll that could take. “I did get to skip that, but I still think you’re a superstar for pushing through and doing what you love.” ‘Superstar’ may have been a bit hyperbolic, but she had always been positive ‘biggest cheerleader’ was part of her big sister duties. “The crowd makes it more entertaining. They’re also the only way I know if I should be cheering or not.” Nodding at the words, she was quick to put a smile on her face to stop any worry. “They’re fine. I got the last of my recommendation letters, so I sent in the application for my masters. Classes aren’t too intense right now, so I figured keeping occupied was the best thing. Last time I was waiting to see if I was accepted or not, I ended up painting my room red - and I still don’t know why.” She chuckled, though their parents didn’t seem too thrilled when they came home to find her room partially painted without warning. “How are you doing transiting back to everything you used to do? I can imagine it would... Strange to get used to again.”
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michaelaisms · 4 years
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vera gives an appreciative smile, little did michaela know it did make her feel better. anytime she looked in her bag for ginger cookies she half-expected someone to give her strange looks or question it, but it hadn’t happened yet. they were the only thing that curbed her nausea. “ i’ll admit i thought for sure i’d get a strange look. so thank you for getting it. it’s certainly smart. bags are good for snacks, never know when you’ll need one. best to be prepared. “
Shrugging at the words, she moved to put her phone back into her pocket after pausing the music. “I think if you get through life without some strange looks, you haven’t lived. Some of the best things in life are the weirdest.” For someone who traditionally overthought everything in life, she’d never minded coming off a little quirky. Life was too short to take yourself completely seriously. “Exactly, and it’s best to be prepared right? Did you find what were you looking for? Looking for something, only to realise you forgot it is the worst.” 
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michaelaisms · 4 years
“too bad you weren’t around when i was in high school,” he jokes, “i could have, um, used someone with your way of thinking.” rather than always being told he was just being lazy or wasn’t working fast enough. some progress was definitely better than none. “it’s just something that i have to work on. i guess. no, but unfortunately money is kind of necessary.” pausing for a moment, he tries to figure out the best way to describe his music, “oh, um, kind of somewhere in the middle of folk, dream-pop and indie? that’s probably not helpful at all, um, but think beach house, eliott smith, or um… even harry styles? put it together and that’s basically my music.” 
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“I was always told I have a unique way of looking at things.” She mused, putting on her best dreamy voice. ‘Weird’ was the word most people used, but she had yet to fathom why encouraging people to go after what they wanted - even in hobby form opposed to a career - was a bad thing. “Does it make me a strange person if I say I haven’t heard Harry Styles’ solo music? But I do love the others. Sounds like a perfect mix in my mind. Do you write your own things or is it a cover sort of thing? I can imagine both being a little daunting.”
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michaelaisms · 4 years
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“  no, no, go ahead. i’m sorry. “  vera gave that of a sympathetic smile, she had been looking through her purse for the zip-lock bag of ginger cookies. ( something that had been getting her through each day )  rather than paying attention. “  i missed breakfast, and well i’m surely regretting it. right about now. “  not exactly but what could she do ? 
Walking through the park was one of the easiest ways to relax in her mind. Shove her headphones in and enjoy the scenery - the only problem was sometimes she failed to pay attention to what was in front of her. Quickly putting on her breaks before she hit the woman in front of her, she offered an apologetic smile. “It is the most important meal of the day - and for someone who loves snacks as much as I do... I can’t judge anyone for looking in their bag for something to eat. I never leave home without a granola bar just in case.”
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michaelaisms · 4 years
“How far into January can you still dedicate a drink to the new year and it be /acceptable?” The composer wondered aloud as he swirled the amber liquid *around in his glass, “It has to be the entirety of the month, right?” He shrugged, “February though, that’s pushing it, but yes, cheers.” 
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“As long as you want.” She half-sung, the drinks she’d already had that night apparently catching up with her. “People make up excuses to celebrate half of the time, so I’d say hold onto any legitimate excuse for as long as possible.” Granted, despite current appearances, she was never much of a drinker - but she did always love joining in on celebrations, if only for the atmosphere. “What do you dedicate drinks to in February then?” 
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