michi-reads · 1 month
I’m back
Okay I’m nervous to ask this BUT — has anyone done Laios x Kabru x Reader/OC? 👀
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michi-reads · 1 year
Okay I have re-read this like 4 times and I just love this so much. Just everything about it, the heart-quickening realization of connecting with someone in your native tongue and the knowledge that this is their x-th language and they went and studied it for you. Makes me absolutely feral for a full fic like this!
just some random prompts (up to you how you'll use it or not lol):
Din Djarin x forcesensitive/jedi!reader
Reader actually understands Mando'a, got flustered when Din calls her cyarika, mesh'la (maybe have the reader respond in Mando'a too and let's see how it goes from there)
Reader is some masked vigilante of some sort and has a bounty on her head, Din Djarin unmasked her during a fight and turns out she was also reported missing few years ago by her family (maybe make reader a noble-blood to sprinkle some drama)
I recommend the song Close to You by Neon Trees, maybe it's just me but it reminds me of your Din Djarin x Reader drabbles hehe
also, I love your writing so muuuuch. xx
Din Djarin x Female!Reader
Warnings: mild start to something smutty if you squint lol
Word Count: 1,049 (damn it i was so close to under 1k)
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a/n: i have din djarin brain rot smh. also, ngl, i did not proof read this with the intensity i usually try to so🤷🏻‍♀️ OH AND HEY IF YOU HAVEN'T VOTED IN MY POLL YET GO DO SO, IT'S ON MY MASTERLIST.
Mando’a was an interesting language. It was different. That’s what initially drew you to it. Unlike the other languages you studied, Mando’a texts were hard to find. For a while, you had to make do with just scraps of information. That almost made learning it so much more satisfying though. Then, while at University, you met an elder who had grown up adopted by Mandalorians. He had never taken the Creed, drifted away from the culture, but not without becoming fluent in Mando’a. He was the reason the holes in your education were filled, and that meant he was also the reason you could enjoy Din Djarin’s mumbling.
Over the year you traveled with him, he became more and more comfortable with your presence⏤ at least, that’s what you assumed the reasoning was for him becoming more vocal. They were little statements at first. Din would be clearing out his weapon locker, run into a problem, and spit out a string of curses. Peli had once told him that the Razor Crest would be grounded for at least a week and you hung onto every word of Mando’a of the rant he spiraled into about the last quarry who had caused the damage. You had planned on telling him you knew Mando’a⏤ you were going to casually mention it.
Then, he called you mesh’la.
A nickname you hadn’t expected.
Din had a habit of using a lot of nicknames that you’d never expect from him. Cyar’ika. Ner sarad. Cyare. Senaar’ika. Each new, adoring nickname would bring warmth to your face, but you had missed the normal window of opportunity to mention to him that you spoke his language. Especially when, in a panic, he had referred to you as ‘cyar’ika’ for the first time and you asked him what it meant. Din had answered in a simple way, giving you the definition without missing a beat, as if it were a casual thing. For a while, you thought that meant there was no significant weight behind those words.
Your theory of the nicknames just being for fun was shot in the face when you nearly got shot yourself. While out in a city, you had gotten caught in the crossfire. The quarry himself had spotted you and with a sickening grin turned to put you down. Luckily, he had missed⏤ it only clipped you in the arm⏤ but the rampage that Din had gone into was shocking. Not nearly as shocking as when you heard him speak to the quarry after pummeling his face beyond recognition: ‘I’ll bring you in cold for that, bastard. I don’t show mercy to those who target what’s mine’. For the rest of the night, you convinced yourself that it wasn’t what you thought. Sure, the two of you shared lingering touches and the tension had grown since you came aboard, but it had to be something else. 
Weeks later, while waiting in a cantina for Din to return from obtaining new pucks, a Twi’lek man had saddled up beside you. Despite making it clear you had no interest, the man continued to invade your space. That is, until Din stepped up to your other side and pulled you into his side. The Twi’lek had abandoned his goal very quickly and the words that left Din’s lips stayed with you for weeks on end. ‘Should've known better than to leave someone as beautiful as you alone at the bar’. Still, no matter how badly you wanted to just jump him, you convinced yourself he didn’t want you. He was a friend. That was all.
Until seconds ago. You sat on one of the crates in the Razor Crest’s cargo hold as Din applied a bacta patch to the claw marks across your calf. A run in with a Trandoshan gone wrong. He had pulled off his gloves to provide the care, not something out of the ordinary, but the feel of his fingertips against your skin was not a sensation you’d ever get used to. Din set his entire hand against the upper half of your calf and his thumb caressed the skin there. Without looking up, he murmured, “I will know you forever.”
You fully understood the weight of his words. Din rose to stand and began to walk away to put away the first aid kit. The words fell out of your mouth before you could consider any of the consequences, “I can speak Mando’a, and I am so sorry I didn’t tell you earlier but I panicked.” In the most uncharacteristic move you had seen from him, Din tripped over some of the gear he had been passing in the rush to spin and look back at you. The Mandalorian caught himself before he could do more than stumble. You offered him a sheepish smile, “Sorry. Again.”
“You speak Mando’a?” Din asked in his language. 
“A little.” You nodded then shook your head. “Actually, a lot. I’m⏤ I’m fluent.”
“This entire time?” Din slowly crept back towards you. You nodded. He continued on until he stood between your legs. Din’s hands settled on his hip and you were forced to lean back a bit to keep your nose from being pressed against his chest.
You scrunched your nose in concern, “Are you mad?”
“No. Of course not, my love.” Din replied, his voice low. Din’s bare hand lifted to cup the side of your face. His thumb caressing the side of it. Din pressed in closer again so you were forced to tilt your head up to meet his hidden gaze as he stared down at you. His touch trailed away from your cheek, and he let the pad of his thumb ghost over the outline of your lips⏤ your breath hitched in your throat, heart beating wildly in your chest. Din pressed his thumb against your already parted lips more firmly, the tip of it brushing against your tongue, before he dragged it down further to open your mouth even wider. “But you are in trouble. Are you going to accept your punishment with grace?” Your lips twitched up in a smile as an ache of desire ran down your spine and straight to your core. You leaned in just enough to fully wrap your lips around his thumb. Din chuckled. “Good girl.”
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michi-reads · 1 year
Tbh I think fandom generally needs to get better at sitting with the uncomfortable fact that a story/fanwork/meme/whatever can hurt one person and help another
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michi-reads · 1 year
Out of Touch
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michi-reads · 1 year
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Find your trope here.
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My narrative is doomed.
No presh Tagging: @flordeamatista @cocobutterqwueen @boxofbonesfic @darkficsyouneveraskedfor @shadeysprings @navybrat817 @angrythingstarlight
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michi-reads · 2 years
First Hunt
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Pairing: Din Djarin x Fem!Reader
Word Count: 3k
Rating: M, series and blog are E so minors DNI
Warnings: Canon-typical violence, reader's first bounty (they grow up so fast), brief hand-to-hand combat.
A/N: Alrighty folks, we're really getting into it now. New arc, maybe something brewing between our main characters??? Who knows. 🥰 Big round of applause to @creatively-analytical for beta-reading and letting me yell and scream about Shiny Metal Man. 💖 Asks are always open!!
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You rise before the sun and get ready to leave, your chest still churning with random emotions from the events from the night before but you do your best to shove it all down. As promised, you wake your parents before you leave and say a simple goodbye; everything you needed to tell them had already been said. 
The walk back to the Razor Crest is crisp in the pre-dawn air. The ramp to the back is open by the time you reach the ship so you head in, determined to act completely normal when you faced Mando. Heading straight for your cot, you drop your jacket and call out, “Mando? You here?”
“Up here,” he calls from the cockpit. It was the last place you wanted to see him but you headed up the ladder anyway. 
“Morning!” you greet him cheerily, placing your bag on the seat across from yours.
“Morning,” he responds, swiveling his chair to look at you. “Looks like the conversation went well.”
“You were right, talking to them was the right move. They were incredibly supportive and told me how proud of me they are, which was exactly what I needed to hear.”
“I’m glad.”
Busying yourself with your bag, you ask, “So, did you get everything taken care of you needed to?”
Spinning the chair back, he responds, “Yeah, Tonis gave me a couple of low-level bounties that we can go after together as a trial period for you. If we can snag these guys, I’ll know you’re ready.”
“Ready for what?” you ask, curiosity pulling your gaze to the back of his chair.
“Ready to be on your own.”
The answer gives you another jolt of emotion. You try not to think about it but rather focus on the future in front of you. “Oh. Okay, sounds good. Where are we going first?” 
“Pasaana. It’s pretty close so we’ll get there in later today.”
You settle into your chair, eyes fixed somewhere beyond the viewport and into the sky above you. “I’m ready.”
Mando punches in the coordinates and the Crest starts to rise. As you take off, you watch your town grow smaller and smaller. You feel this chapter of your life coming to a close and, as the atmosphere of Randon changes to the calm of space, you look away from your old life and forward toward what will be. 
- - - - - - - -
“So tell me something about yourself, Mando.” A few hours after you left Randon, you find yourself thoroughly bored. And curious about your travel companion. Unfortunately, Mando didn’t seem to match your curiosity. He ignores the question, busying himself with the controls.
“Oh come on,” you nudge the back of his chair with your foot. “If we’re going to be traveling together for a while I gotta know a little more about you than ‘always wears his helmet’ and ‘sometimes gives good advice’.”
Mando sighs and stands. He shifts to the other co-pilot chair and faces you, leaning forward with his arms resting on his knees. “What do you want to know?”
“I want to know about you. I’m having a hard time figuring you out.”
“Figuring me out?” His head tilts to the side. “Why do you want to figure me out?”
“Because I want to be your friend.” It was a simple admission, something incredibly human. 
He’s silent for long enough that you begin to worry you said the wrong thing. Just as you’re about to apologize and take back your statement, he begins to speak.
“I was adopted by the Mandalorians when I was a child. Both my parents had been killed and I had nowhere to go so they rescued me. I trained for a few years and, once I got my helmet, I fully became Mandalorian.”
You knew a little bit of this already, but the tone of his voice began to shift as he continues.
“I did bounty hunting for a while as a way to bring in money, for myself and for my covert on Nevarro. One day, I took a bounty for an ex-empire guy and had to go get someone for him. That’s how I found Grogu.”
“Your foundling?”
Mando nods before continuing, words tumbling from his hidden lips, “Exactly. Long story short, I brought Grogu back but it didn’t feel right… So I rescued him and spent some time running from a lot of people who were trying to take him. Including Moff Gideon.” The name doesn’t ring a bell, and he notes the look of confusion on your face. 
“Moff Gideon is a warlord seeking the restoration of the Empire. Grogu was a part of that plan, but I’m not sure how.”
“Is he safe now?” 
Another nod. “Yes. He’s back with his kind.”
You smile, “Good. What happened after all that?”
“Not much, I’ve tried to lay low…” His sentence trails off as he pulls at a thread on his gloves. 
“You miss him,” you say, more of a statement than a question. 
“I do.”
If you didn’t know any better, you’d think there was emotion in those two little words. Mando, up until now, seemed a paragon of distance and strength. Listening him talk about Grogu, though, was showing you a softer side. 
“Thank you, Mando,” you reach across and squeeze his hand before sitting back. “And… I’m sorry. For the things I said before we got to Randon. I was saying things without thinking.”
“You don’t need to apologize. You were dealing with a lot.”
“Even so, it was harsh and unfair to you.”
He inclines his head in acceptance just as the proximity alert goes off, signaling the drop out of hyperdrive. As the stars settle back into place you get your first view of Pasaana. The desert planet loomed ahead of you, slightly larger than your home planet. From first glance, you were reminded of Jakku; swirls of tan and brown took most of the surface. But, as you drop into the atmosphere, large buttes of granite and sandstone become clear. Mando lands the Razor Crest in the shadow of one of those buttes and powers the ship down. 
“Alright, time to give you a run down on who we’re after first. His name is Shoan Harik, a low level bail jumper. He isn’t very violent, just skipped out after posting bail for running spice. First offence. We honestly might be able to walk up to him and put him in cuffs, but we should go over what you learned over the last few weeks just to be safe.”
You nod, heading to the cargo bay. Stepping into the fresher, you change into leather leggings, supple, grippy boots, and a light, long-sleeve shirt with a tan base layer tank top underneath. Using a leather strap, you tie your hair away from your face and take a look in the mirror. 
The person looking back at you is you… Almost. Even just a couple weeks of training has given you a glow; or maybe that was from whatever inner changes were happening. Your eyes are clear and determined. It was like looking through a filter, but definitely not in a bad way. 
You open the fresher door and step out to see Mando at the gun cabinet, grabbing your blaster. “Is this okay for hunting bad guys?” You gesture to the outfit.
“Well it isn’t always ‘bad guys’,” he starts, turning to look at you. As soon as the visor meets your eyes, he stops talking. 
“Everything okay?” You begin to feel self-conscious, reaching up to adjust your shirt. “I thought the boots would be good for any running we had to do and the shirt would be light but also keep me from getting a sunburn…”
“It’s, uh, great,” he clears his throat, shaking himself a little bit. “Smart thinking.”
“Thanks.” A little smile plays on your lips as you grab your thigh holster and begin strapping it on. Mando comes over and hands you your blaster; you slide it into it’s place and savor the comfortable weight. 
Mando finishes putting all his weapons in their places and locks the cabinet back up. He walks straight out of the cargo hold down the already open ramp and into the shadowed sand. You follow and adjust your bag as the ramp closes back up. 
“This is a good spot to run through your exercises before we head to the coordinates Tonis gave me.” 
Nodding, you remove your bag and begin stretching. It comes naturally to you now and, after they’re done, you move into punches. Then the few kicks Mando had a chance to teach you. He stands in front of you, slightly adjusting and correcting as needed, and you work up a sweat for another 10 or so minutes before he stops you. 
“Alright, now your blaster.”
Your hand finds the grip with ease and the blaster slips from its holster. Mando instructs you to aim at certain rocks and bushes and you oblige. Most of your shots hit and a feeling of pride swells in your chest. 
“You’re doing well,” Mando’s praise filling your chest even more, “but you still have a lot to learn. I’ll show you more after we find Shoan.”
“Then let’s go.” Determination again comes to the forefront and you slip your bag back over your shoulders. Mando takes the lead, heading away from the Crest and into the deserts of Pasaana.
- - - - - - - -
The sun is as uncomfortable as it was on Jakku, but the wind helps keep you cool as you and Mando walk toward a canyon. It towers over you, ledges and outcroppings dot the inner walls. Your eyes scour the nooks and crannies for clues or signs of life but, so far, the only things you see are gorpions and other desert bugs scurrying along the shadows and cracks. You repress a shiver every time one tries to head your way, but they always seem to change course and duck a different direction. 
Suddenly, a shot rings out and the blast kicks sand up about two feet to your left. Both you and Mando whip around, blasters pointed in the direction the shot came.
“You should go back to your ship, Mandalorian! And I won’t be joining you,” a voice echos off the canyon walls. 
“Show yourself Shoan!” Mando yells back, helmet searching. You assume there’s some sort of computer in there, helping him track the voice.
“Fat chance!” Shoan responds, “There’s no way you’re taking me!”
“Keep him talking,” Mando whispers to you, “If he keeps yelling I’ll be able to find him faster.”
You nod, choosing words quickly, “Shoan, we’re not here to hurt you.”
“Yeah, right! I know what Mandalorians do!”
“And what’s that?”
“They’re hunters!” An edge of fear creeps into the target’s voice, “He’s going to tell me that he’s just here to bring me in and then an ‘accident’ will happen and I’ll be sent back home in a casket!”
“I’m not sure where you learned about Mandalorians, but he really isn’t here to hurt you,” you look at Mando, confusion on your face. He doesn’t look back on you, focused on finding where Shoan is hiding.
Shoan scoffs, the sound carrying over the wind. “Sure. Whatever you say, girl.”
“I’m serious, just come talk to us and you’ll be safe.”
“And if I don’t?”
You don’t have an answer for him. “Have you found him yet?”
“Almost, just a minute more…”
“Shoan, listen to me. You have a chance here, a chance to make things right. Come with us and accept responsibility for what happened and start over.”
“I’m starting over here, if I go with you I won’t get that chance I’ll just go back to prison.” The emotion is still thick in his voice. 
“I know how scary it is to face your shortcomings and not know what the future looks like. I’m starting over, too, and I’m terrified. But you can either look at your life and keep going down a path you don’t like, or you can completely start over and build from a foundation of honesty and truth to who you want to be.” At this, Mando does look at you, and you look back at him. “Sometimes, it just takes someone believing in you for that change to begin.”
Mando nods at you and then jerks his head in what you assume to be Shoan’s direction. You nod back. 
“You don’t know me. You don’t know what my life was like. I can’t go back.” Shoan says. You and Mando creep in his direction. 
“You don’t have to go back to your old life, but you do have to take responsibility for what you did in that life. Once you’re done with that, you’ll have your entire new life ahead of you.” 
As you slowly move forward, you catch movement out of the corner of your eye. Blindingly fast, a person comes streaking out of a small cave toward Mando.
Without thinking, you spin in his direction and grab for his arm. Using his momentum you pull his hand behind his back, spinning him to face you. His fist comes toward your face and the world slows; you bring your wrist up inside his fist and sweep it away, just like Mando did that first day of training. Your other hand balls up and your fist makes impact on his stomach, knocking the wind out of him and pushing him back. As he’s stumbling, Mando swings around and kicks the back of his knees and he falls to the ground. In the 15 seconds this interaction has taken, Shoan went from rushing Mando to handcuffed on the ground. 
You’re panting next to Mando as he hauls Shoan to standing. “Nice work.”
“Thanks,” you reply, eyes on the bounty. “You okay, Shoan?”
“Why do you care?” he coughs, spitting sand out of his mouth, “You caught me. Can we go now?”
“We’re going,” Mando rumbles, tugging him along as you all head back to the Razor Crest. 
It’s hard not to skip as you walk, the pride in your work capturing Shoan making you feel lighter than air. Mando stomps on, almost dragging Shoan behind him. 
“We could slow down a little, Mando,” you comment, seeing the sweat drip from Shoan’s forehead. “We got him, he’s not going anywhere, let’s not kill him on the way back.”
He doesn’t say anything, but he does slow down. Shoan looks up at you curiously. “You know, you’re not what I expected out of a bounty hunter.”
“I’m not-” you start saying, but Mando interrupts you.
“Stop talking, we’re almost there.”
You give Shoan an “I don’t know” shrug and the three of you keep going in silence. 
The sun is nearly set by the time you make it to the Crest. Mando uses the buttons on his cuffs (“They’re called vambraces.”) to open the ramp and towes Shoan into the ship. You turn to admire the sunset when, suddenly, a loud hissing sound hits your ears. 
“Mando?” you call, running up the ramp into the darkness of the hold. Smoke fills the room and you hear a small whimper, which is suddenly cut off by another hiss.
“Mando!” your heart is racing, wishing you could see through the smoke. It begins to dissipate and your eyes adjust to a strange sight. 
Mando is standing in front of some sort of machine and, behind him, a metal plate hangs from a frame. Inside the plate…
“What did you do to Shoan?” you exclaim, rushing to the machine. Before you get a chance to make it there, Mando grabs your shoulders.
“Don’t touch it,” he pulls you away and spins you around, “I froze him in carbonite, he’s a flight risk.”
“I told him he was going to be safe, Mando, did you kill him?”
“No, it’s just carbon-freezing, he’ll be fine!”
You begin to calm but look over your shoulder at Shoan. His face is terrified, frozen in the whimper you heard on your way in. “He looks so scared…”
“He’ll be okay,” Mando releases you. “I’m sorry I didn’t warn you. I should’ve known you wouldn’t know what this was.”
You know the comment shouldn’t sting- of course you wouldn’t know what “carbon-freezing” was- but it still felt like just another thing he’d have to teach you about. Another in a long list of your gaps in knowledge. You give yourself a mental shake and step away from him. 
“Okay. Let’s just get him back to Tonis so he can get un-carbon-frozen.”
“We still have to find the other guy first. We’ll go back to Randon once we have both bounties.”
A heavy sigh escapes your lips as you walk past Mando to your cot. “Fine, then let’s get going.”
Mando follows behind you, closing the ramp and heading to the ladder. He stops and you feel his gaze on your back. 
“Hey, look at me,” he says, voice soft but serious. You straighten up and look at him. 
“You did well today,” his helmet stays fixed on you. “I didn’t even see him coming and you had him incapacitated before I even reacted.” 
“Not totally, he would’ve gotten the upper hand on me.”
“Don’t minimize your accomplishments. You helped me take him down safely and quickly. You did good. Thank you.”
“You’re welcome, Mando.” He gives you a small nod before ascending to the cockpit. 
You don’t join him, opting instead to settle into your cot. Sitting criss-cross, you pull a book out of your bag and begin to read. Or, rather, try to read. Your eyes skim the words but you don’t really take any meaning from them as your mind starts to wander. 
The day’s events play back through your mind, jumping from moment to moment. The thrill of tussling with Shoan, the sunset on Pasaana, the memory of your face in the mirror, the pause in Mando’s words when you walked out of the fresher… They wind and blur faster and faster. You don’t even notice the whir of the engines as Mando pilots the Razor Crest out of the desert and back into space.
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michi-reads · 2 years
I've seen quite a few people lately apologising for being behind on their reading of fics from friends.
Can I just say, my fics aren't going anywhere. I write for myself, and share them to hopefully give some other people comfort and joy. Whether you get that joy the day it's posted, or a week later, a month a year, it doesn't matter - that's the good thing about fics. They're there when you need them.
Reading / Reacting to my work is not the token you insert to receive my friendship ❤️
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michi-reads · 2 years
For those who saw my post like a year or more ago - please be respectful and nice!!
For anyone missing DUST...
@etchedbox has come back to Tumblr and is slowly posting their series Dust in it’s entirety on AO3 and Tumblr. 
-remember to be respectful. you have no idea what was going on in their personal life so don’t be a dickbag.
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michi-reads · 2 years
Alternative Fic Categories
The main page is organized by Character but some of you sometimes request things like “Fluffy” or “Angst” and I thought this could help.
Please note for some on-going fics I may not offer a category publicly if I think it is a spoiler, for others I think it’s been advertised as such.
consider the rating system here: 
☕ (mild example) ————>  ☕ ☕ ☕ ☕ ☕ (strong example)
ex. Penmanship (Ezra Soulmate AU) , under NSFW,  ☕ ☕ ☕ implying that I think it is a moderately spicy fic
Categories include: Ready To Binge (completed longer fics), SWF, NSFW, Fluffy, Angsty, Happy Endings, Not Happy Endings, Tropes, OC Stories, Reader Inserts, Non-White Characters, and No Romantic Pairings. I’m open to adding more but I thought this could make for more convenience browsing for some of you. Please feel free to offer some suggestions for this as it’s a bit of a bear to do and I know I missed things. 
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michi-reads · 2 years
life’s too short to be embarrassed you read x reader fan fiction. live ur life and date as many imaginary boys as u want
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michi-reads · 2 years
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on repair
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michi-reads · 2 years
These are all amazing authors and i am going to BINGE (& re-binge some) these this weekend.
Adding one of my personal favs to the list -
@givemethatgold - Fix’r Upper
It’s absolute soft sunshine in a sunroom filled with yearning and just the right amount of angst that keeps you coming back for more.
Please could you share some recommended Frankie Morales fics? He’s my happy place.
God me too.
Okay so I'm on mobile so you'll need to go to the authors masterlist for these.
Weeknights by @frannyzooey - a personal comfort fic of mine. Sweet and soft and smutty with just the right amount of yearning to make my toes curl.
Between the Raindrops by @jazzelsaur - do you need to cry? Like a good cathartic, shake your lungs kinda cry? This is the fic for you.
Forest!Ranger Frankie by @the-ginger-hedge-witch - every day I'm annoyed that I'm not living in a log cabin with this man. He's awkward and sweet and he chops wood and grins like a goof.
Wild Things by @charnelhouse - feral Frankie.... WOOOF.
Wednesday by @asta-lily which is so full of fluff and sweetness and yearning it gives me the best kind if toothache.
Tastes Like Heaven by @magpie-to-the-morning - you're gonna get a new kink from this, and it's so fkn worth it.
Be Kind Rewind by @mothandpidgeon - why is accidental voyeurism so hot? IDK BUT IT IS.
Something New by @prolix-yuy - SEX WORKER FRANKIE. SEX WORKER FRANKIE. this is so goddamn sweet and perfect.
Also; if these don't tickle your fancy, then may I suggest The Pedro Library by @littlemisspascal . It's truly a labour of love and it's such an invaluable resource that they put out for free? And for no other reason than they love this fandom and it's creators and I just think that's so neat ❤️❤️
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michi-reads · 2 years
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Return of the WIFE
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michi-reads · 2 years
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Dieter painting
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michi-reads · 2 years
i want you to stay [dieter bravo x plus size f!reader]
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summary: Dieter Bravo wants you to peg him, and he’s about to fall face first into some feelings.
rating: E [SMUT, anal play, pegging, oral sex, slight allusions to Covid, some weight/self-esteem issues on both their ends, some kind of emotional stuff but idk Dieter that well, we’re just having fun]
pairing: Dieter Bravo x plus size!f!reader
word count: ~4k
note: Happy Bubble eve! Idk what I’ve done here, and I think I hate it, but Dieter is a baby who needed to be pegged by a curvy hottie, so—bon appetit! As always, love my @starlightmornings​ for the beta.
masterlist | taglist | ao3
Three weeks. 
Three weeks he’s been here, and he hasn’t fucked anyone since his arrival. He hasn’t even gotten a blowjob, which is a fucking crime, as far as he’s concerned. Dieter Bravo is an Oscar winner, for Christ’s sake. If an Oscar winner can’t get mediocre head from one of his co-stars, something is definitely wrong. 
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michi-reads · 2 years
Commenting fanfiction is the easiest thing in the world once you start doing it. 
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michi-reads · 2 years
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“Many of my movies have strong female leads - brave, self-sufficient girls that don’t think twice about fighting for what they believe in with all their heart. They’ll need a friend, or a supporter, but never a saviour. Any woman is just as capable of being a hero as any man.” -Hayao Miyazaki
Happy International Women’s Day!
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