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mihael keehl.
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Near: *grows long hair*
DN fandom:
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America is the world’s largest terrorist state.
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like charlies angels except no one knows how to hold a gun
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with pride approaching, I was reminded I had done a pride dn piece last year, and so here is the follow up, a year later!
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Aww my Wammy boys :3 They’re all so perfect!
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Light: I know what we’re gonna do today, Ryuk.
Ryuk: It’s murder isn’t it?
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This little moment of Soichiro comforting Matsuda after his brush with death isn’t in the manga either, and I think it’s a really lovely addition.
I appreciate it both in that it’s a nice glimpse of Soichiro’s caring fatherly nature, and that it takes a minute to acknowledge the trauma of what Matsuda’s just been through in a way that the manga didn’t really. It’s also just a really nice little moment for the relationship between these two, especially considering this whole thing started from Matsuda feeling like the rest of the team didn’t value him.
Bonus Wedy being like “Yeah, whatever, the kid is traumatized. The important thing is, I look fabulous right now”:
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“Shit.. okay! I’ll call the midwife!” He said grabbing his phone. “Anything you need?” He asked
||New Discoveries||
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The comment on the everclear was odd, but he passed it off as an attempt at some dark humour and nothing to worry about. He caught the smile however, he took it as flirtatious. He never missed an opportunity to flirt.
“I’m sure the hand grenades will get us drunk enough,” he smirked back at the bartender with a wink. “I’ll warn you though, I’m a little flirty with a drunk,”
He looked back to Matt when the bartender went to make their drinks. “He’s cute,” He commented, sexuality hadn’t been discussed but he was sure Matt already knew he liked guys.
Mello smirked,  it was a good idea. He wanted to get drunk and it would help if Matt was drunk also. 
“And he’ll have the strongest thing you got,” Mello said to the bartender.
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Mello rushed to her side, “Fuck are you sure?!” He said, more stressed out than he originally thought he’d be. “Is she coming?! I guess we’ll just have to take Mihael with us..”
||New Discoveries||
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Mello smirked,  it was a good idea. He wanted to get drunk and it would help if Matt was drunk also. 
“And he’ll have the strongest thing you got,” Mello said to the bartender.
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Mello was trying to remain level headed, he just wished Rodger would leave so he could slam Near’s head into the desk. But Rodger was working on his computer and didn’t seem to be leaving anytime soon.
“Not really, an inconvenience at best.” He stated with a tight smile. “Do you ever worry that putting in little effort won’t be could enough anymore? That you'll run out of luck?”
Near pulled on the strand of hair he was twirling around his finger knowing the statement got to him. Mello was readable. So was Near. The conversation was useless and passive aggressive but for every reason Near enjoyed the interactions. “Yes but while you were studying and growing your knowledge on the subject I was up putting glitter on a picture frame for Linda. I understand you study much more than me. Is it stressful? Not being able to pass someone who puts in so little effort?”
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Mello rolled his eyes. “I do actually, so what you drinking?” He smiled. It was nice to have you playful banter with less tension.
Mello smiled, he was happy to drop the subject. It made things easier that way. 
“Yeah, I passed a bar on the way here.” He said, standing a ready to leave. 
He walked with Matt to the bar, taking a seat with him in a booth. “Honestly, I’m glad we’re out of there. It’s pretty depressing going back.” He admitted 
He meant it too, all there was left for him there was memories of stress and failure. And he knew that the kids that remained would be feeling those exact emotions. Though, there were very few memories of him enjoying himself and those were all with Matt.
“What do you want to drink?” He asked
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Mello chuckled. “Well if you were to ever marry someone, they'd be our daughter in law! And if you’re sister were to marry someone they'd be out son in law and you're brother in law.”
||New Discoveries||
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Mello smiled, he was happy to drop the subject. It made things easier that way. 
“Yeah, I passed a bar on the way here.” He said, standing a ready to leave. 
He walked with Matt to the bar, taking a seat with him in a booth. “Honestly, I'm glad we’re out of there. It’s pretty depressing going back.” He admitted 
He meant it too, all there was left for him there was memories of stress and failure. And he knew that the kids that remained would be feeling those exact emotions. Though, there were very few memories of him enjoying himself and those were all with Matt.
“What do you want to drink?” He asked
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