mikatsu 4 years
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mikatsu 4 years
okay but imagine:
moving in with the love of your life
tending to a garden together all summer long
being able to hear them sing in the shower, from outside the bathroom
having impromptu afternoon picnics with them
making pancakes for them to wake up too
cuddling every night whilst watching your fave shows
doing the groceries together聽
holding hands in the park, in the subway, in the streets, everywhere
being able to hold them whenever they feel sad
falling asleep and waking up next to them everyday
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mikatsu 4 years
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evosia聽on ig
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mikatsu 4 years
tattoos are a major turn on.
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mikatsu 4 years
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mikatsu 4 years
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mikatsu 4 years
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Haruki Murakami, IQ84
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mikatsu 4 years
Life is not like water. Things in life don鈥檛 necessarily flow over the shortest possible route.
Haruki Murakami (via sunsetquotes)
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mikatsu 4 years
I can bear any pain as long as it has meaning.
Haruki Murakami (via quotemadness)
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mikatsu 4 years
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mikatsu 4 years
Urgent news from Wuhan
hi guys ik im never on here but pls if u possibly can watch this video from a local wuhan person talking abt the current situation in the city + China as a whole. it鈥檚 10 mins long and in mandarin but there are English subtitles so pls I鈥檓 begging all of u to watch it and rb this post. https://youtu.be/wEkIdGht-S8
if u can鈥檛 watch the video then I also have a translated transcript that people can read linked here. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1CKdVKp9Am9zRxLlqj2PyP8N0vlT_eQ_m6FIMwC7LsiU/edit?usp=sharing
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mikatsu 4 years
this isn鈥檛 fun anymore i need a kiss
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mikatsu 4 years
i have been single for almost two years now and it disappoints me that i have this urging need to develop a relationship with a significant other. to me, it isn鈥檛 so much the sexual lust but just the missing intimacy in my life. i miss texting someone every morning when i first wakeup, developing a level of closeness that i share with no one else, loving someone outside of my family unconditionally. i really just want to love someone again. but there鈥檚 always these obstacles that stop me from pursuing a relationship: school, work, research, studies, the thought of my future. my priorities are in place, and they don鈥檛 have room for the time and effort needed to form something so special. i know that i am able to live without it, but life feels not as good without it.聽
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mikatsu 4 years
i honestly don鈥檛 understand why totally are so frowned upon in today鈥檚 world. i understand the history and the negative stigma that follows it, but within this new generation, we are starting a new slate. i love the idea of having the opportunity to put art onto our skin, whether there is meaning or not. we are our own individuals and have the ability to do what we want, there shouldn鈥檛 be any stigma or angst connected to it.聽
growing up in an asian household, my family always looked down upon many piercings and tattoos, and so throughout my teens i did too. it wasn鈥檛 until i started college, i began to appreciate the creative freedom that comes with piercings and tattoos. i was the second out of my whole family to get one, and for me each of my tattoos have significant meaning to them and i honestly don鈥檛 care about how they look when i鈥檓 90, etc etc.聽
i am so glad that in this generation we are so open to so many different things and have broken some constraints, in a way. even today, some of my parents' friends comment on my tattoos and display their shock and concern on how they may look as i age, but it really doesn鈥檛 matter. we should be doing whatever we want to. it is our bodies and our life.聽
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mikatsu 4 years
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mikatsu 4 years
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mikatsu 4 years
decided to start using tumblr again, more as a blog and just record my thoughts and how my life is going.聽
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