location : wonderland timestamp : 3:07 am status : open to all
soft neon glow illuminates the crowd in which she finds comfort within . perhaps it was foolish of her to spend her few free hours beneath the glimmer of the same lights that ensnared her in such a ruthless way , that soaked into her porcelain skin as if a virus. yet , with steady footfalls she’d managed to weave through the sweat perfumed bodies and closer to her destination . heavy gaze trails the open seat by the bar , a feat if she’d ever known one as elbows brush against her exposed skin . tonight it had seemed had done her in worse than she’d expected , covered in cologne and the distinct smell of whiskey that was not her own . carefully she tugs at lace ridden gloves , fingers gripping the fabric as if a lifeline . “ whatever they’re having –– “ her vocals are soft and swathed in honey as she leans slender bodice against countertop. her gaze lingers upon occupied seat , brows arching in question as she speaks next . “ mind if i sit ? “ 
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There were scratches etched into the counter before him, blurring together in Milo’s alcohol-ridden mind. It was a slow descent, he found, the way optimism dissipated with age. What once was a comfortable house became all too lonely during sleepless nights. Now, when Milo’s ever-active thoughts slowed to silence, was when he could understand why Roger seemed so burdened with an uneasy sadness. 
A gentle voice entered Milo’s dull, foggy head. Tired eyes widened in an attempt to erase the exhaustion that never seemed to go away. A faint smile graced his lips at the welcome distraction.
“...by all means.” Milo gestured at the empty seat, elbow firmly nudged into the surface of the counter to prevent his dizziness from being so apparent. “Though...all I’m having is a rum and coke. Not too exciting of a drink.” Milo commented softly, an unfocused gaze peering at her over the frames of his glasses.
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💋 - cain xoxo
There were sweet, hesitant seconds breathed against soft lips. These were the moments he enjoyed the most, he reckoned. The ones where touches were just but a graze along a collar, or goosebumps following the gentle preen of fingertips. Up close, Milo was able to study the grooves in Cain’s skin, gaze quickly followed by a brush of his thumb, a quirky, childish desire of wanting to dip his finger into the curve of Cain’s jawline overcoming him.
As much as Milo hated to admit it, once again he found his way to be back in the same position; inches away from Cain’s face even after the first few times of reminders that this was not a good idea. Cain was crass, hot-tempered, and absolutely not the type of person anybody should be attracted to. Yet, for some reason, Milo found himself pressing him up against the wall, masks forgotten at their feet.
It was just…the annoying, childish personality of Cain’s. Or the rude comments flung Milo’s way that he normally was too polite to say anything about, because Milo prided himself in not sinking to that level - and yet, he’s done exactly that by choking the brat, silencing him to gasps so that he would understand what respect really was.
Lips were wedged between teeth, followed by tongue to lick the pain clean. He bit down harder if only just to listen to a hiss as opposed to Cain’s usual string of bitter remarks. There was a sharp inhale, a breathy exhale, before he was silenced with the press of eager lips. Dancing fingers trailed across the freshly ironed shirt he had on to find Cain’s hip, drawing him closer. The aroma of cologne wafted through Milo’s nose when his mouth found a home in the warm crook of his nape. A hand swept through surprisingly soft locks of hair before grabbing a fistful, forcibly tilting his head back to reveal the full expanse of Cain’s neck. There was defiance in the icy blue of his eyes; one that deserved to be bitten out of him and destroyed.
A hungry mouth melded into hot skin, sucking and nipping until roses of blue and purple flourished across a tan garden. The arctic chill in Cain’s eyes was forgotten in exchange for the wildfire of searing flames that torched Milo’s body from the inside out. Then he pulled away, catching a moment to breathe, and it was in these moments that he enjoyed using the few inches he had on Cain to admire a pretty sight; the red, bitten lips, the marks, the pupils blown with a cold heat he had yet to extinguish fully, and best of all, the silence that overcome him for just a moment to allow a chase of breath.
With fingers pressed into the taut muscle of Cain’s forearm, Milo’s forehead came to touch Cain’s, a ragged laugh tumbling from his mouth and fanning across swollen lips.
“Come.” It was an inviting whisper as Milo tore Cain away from the wall, searching fingers finding refuge in his calloused palm. “...to somewhere with a little more privacy.”
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send a symbol for my muse to react to yours… (or add +reverse for my muse to touch yours)
VIOLENT 🔪 – stabbing them 👊 – punching them ✋ – slapping them in the face 👞 – kicking them 🎀 – pulling their hair
FLUFFY/FRIENDLY 🍭 – stroking their hair 🖐 – high fiving them 🤝 – holding their hand 👄– kissing them on their [place of choice] 👐 – hugging them 💅 – painting their [finger/toe] nails  🤧 – comforting them when crying 🤒 – caring for them when sick/injured 💃 – dancing with them 👗 – adjusting their clothes 👒 – brushing their hair
NSFW 👋 – spanking them on the booty 💋 – giving them an open mouth kiss 👅 – giving them a love bite on [place of choice] ✌️ – fingering them/jerking them off 💦 – eating them out 💫 – pulling their hair 🔥 – grinding against them 💧 – bathing them
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Despite what his poor drinking habits may suggest - Cain never lost control. So it was strange to see Milo walk in with Ella. Sure he came here with another girl (and a gorgeous one at that), but seeing the two together didn’t sit right with him. The easy answer was that they had things they needed to discuss. Although confrontation was never one of Cain’s strengths. He’d very much rather push the source of the problems as far away from him as possible. 
This situation (whatever it was) was no exception. Cain didn’t necessarily want to make something of it - at least not in the traditional sense if it were even possible. A pair of kings wasn’t common and he was in no mood to start it. A part of him knows he’s still not over Belle and that it wouldn’t be fair to anyone if he gave off the impression he could give them something he couldn’t. Yes, conscious Cain knew that, but his dreams told a different story. 
As fate would have it, Cain glanced back at Milo at the exact moment the other man did the same. It was enough to quiet the voices. After all it seemed apparent that they both wanted the same thing - each other… or at least in one context. So he follows Milo away from the crowd. For once he’s not the first to speak as the words can’t seem to come out until Milo’s finished. Perhaps giving Milo a chance to remind Cain why they could never work out. “Yeah, you could say that,” he says as he tries to read Milo. “Although I don’t think you quite got the memo.. the point of a masquerade is to wear the mask. Yeah for some it’s hard to hide beauty like exhibit A” Cain adds with a gesture to himself to try to make the awkwardness (whether real or imagined) disappear). “Anyway are you enjoying yourself?”
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The gears of the conversation were slow to start, but as Cain began speaking, Milo could feel the tension ease and relaxation settle into the once tense line of his shoulders. With a sigh, Milo leaned against a nearby wall after the realization that Cain was not in fact about to punch him in the face. Yet.
Out of all the people Milo had been with, it was Cain that remained to be the most frustratingly elusive. And after the night that continued to replay in the back of his head, what ever was or was not transpiring between the two of them left him at a loss. For what ever reason, it was Gretel that appeared in the forefront of Milo’s thoughts as a reminder of what would happen if he didn’t tread carefully. However, it might have already been too late for reason since it was not only once, but twice that Milo had tripped into the same mistake with Cain.
His overthinking dissipated and amusement filled its place when Cain gestured to himself. Laughing quietly, Milo brought a hand to his mouth to shield the noise, suddenly finding the action too intimate given their recent history. 
“...I am.” Milo replied, tone soft. Through glistening lenses, he watched Cain as he stepped closer, the voices of the party guests all but a dull background noise to Cain’s presence. Unfortunately for his already inflated ego, Milo had to mentally agree with Cain’s comment regarding his own attractiveness. Deciding that a compliment would only enhance his arrogance, Milo only acknowledged his statement with a small smirk. 
“I came here with Ella, so I’ve been enjoying myself knowing that I have at least one familiar face to count on...” Milo smiled faintly, rubbing his arm. 
“...did you come with anyone?” He asked quietly, voice crackling with a hesitant huskiness.
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IT STRUCK HER as odd that milo would query about the necklace just to let the topic slip , but from the looks of it , he’d already partaken in his fair share of champagne — that , in turn , raised the question about just how much he’d been drinking since his arrival. incertitude shone in her light eyes as she regarded milo again , something he paid no witness to , as the wallpaper held the entirety of his awareness. he may not have felt the stilted awkwardness , but wendy certainly did. a sip was taken from her own glass , and while milo found himself preoccupied with the wall , her thoughts drifted to peter; they’d been separated soon after their arrival and immediately after , the necklace had come undone , sending her into a state of barely muted panic. she felt safe when she wore the little pendant — protected. those who saw it and understood what it meant were quick to leave her be , had they been searching for trouble.
“   mm.   ” her acknowledging hum is accompanied with a nod , a gentle dip of her chin , corners of her mouth just slightly flicking upwards. “   of course , you know , there’s nothing wrong with having a process for your choice ! it’s nice to hear the thought you put into it.   ” her hand rested just below the pendant , now , across bared flesh; the dip in the neckline of her gown was a definite change compared to her normal winter wardrobe , but it’s one night of extravagance she’s decided to afford herself. the detailing was too exquisite to pass up , her friends had agreed.
“   i can see you’ve been sampling the assortment , milo.   ” her jest was fairly good-natured — even if it would always feel just a little uneasy to call her teacher by his name and not his title , thanks to her upbringing , the night was meant for enjoyment. and it was entertaining to see him out of the classroom , tipsy no less. “   did you come with someone ? peter and i came together , though i seem to have lost him in the crowd somewhere …   ” which was not an unnatural occurrence , not in the least.
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Round eyes glanced towards Wendy as she moved her fingers across the collarbone. Once again, Milo’s attention was caught by the small acorn that lay steady against her skin. At the mention of arriving to the ball with Peter, the pieces clicked in Milo’s mind as he finally realized the identity of the “who” who had given Wendy the necklace.
Milo did his best to not show the mild worry and disappointment that tinged his judgement as he thought over his next words behind a kind smile. The classroom was where Milo could lecture on both school-related subjects and other tangents. However, the masquerade, designed for a time of fun and relief, was not. A small sigh appeared in the form of a brief exhale through Milo’s nostrils.
As he rested against the arm of a nearby couch, Milo leaned into his knees to gaze upon Wendy’s face with a reassuring smile.
“...if you are looking for Peter, please, don’t let me hold you up. I’m sure you want to go find your friends as opposed to talking to your professor.” Milo jested with a small chuckle as he threaded fingers through his loose hair. It was a first for him to not immediately speak poorly of Peter the moment he was brought into the conversation. Perhaps it was the champagne, or the fact that not being in the safety of a classroom warded off such lectures, but he loved Wendy; and thus trusted her to make good decisions by herself. 
“I came with Ella, yes. I am not sure if you know her but...” Milo leaned in and whispered, cracking a grin, “...occasionally she sneaks into my lectures to listen, so maybe you do know her. She’s not really allowed to be there, but I won’t tell if you won’t.”
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GREETING MILO INturn with a smile that bled fondness , wendy ducked her head as she basked in the glow of the compliment. most of this was thanks to peter , of course — she certainly hadn’t paid for the dress herself , not while just scraping by working at the bookstore. she was grateful , even if he’d been wholly uninterested in the affair the entire time she’d browsed through various boutiques.
“   thank you , sir.   ” meeting his eyes finally , she allowed him to take the necklace from her hands , standing straight as he moved around her. gaze trailing down to her own fingers , she eyed her manicured nails , checking for any imperfections. it was hard not to worry about how she appeared to others; especially here and now , with everyone dressed to the nines. the slight chill of the chain against her neck caused her to bristle for but a moment , relaxing soon after as milo continued the conversation without pause.
“   oh , it was a gift !   ” a secret quirked her lips then , and she stroked the acorn with her fingertips adoringly before grasping it. “   less of a where and more of a who. thank you again for your help.   ” spinning about to face her professor , wendy eyed his mask with admiration , her own still secured on her delicate features.
“   your mask is lovely , by the way , professor. how has the masquerade been treating you so far ?   ”
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“Oh, please, save the formalities for the classroom. It feels weird to be called ‘sir’ when I’m not trying to be a professor.” Milo chuckled softly, coming back around to face Wendy with a cheerful gaze. Though not close to drunk, he certainly could feel the fizzy champagne he had sipped on during the past hour take the form of a pleasant buzz in the back of his head. 
Fingers came to trace the intricate design on the wall, attention momentarily fixated on the art as opposed to Wendy.
“Thank you, Wendy. It’s supposed to resemble the masks that people wore during the Plague, though I’m sure someone as bright as you caught on to that quickly.” Milo spoke, taking the mask off to examine it in his hands. “You know me. A sucker for something with a history.
“It’s been surprisingly fun!” Milo commented with a laugh. “Getting to see my friends all dressed up has been lovely. And the selection of drinks is pretty impressive as well.” He added with a playful wink.
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Ariel remembered social gatherings like these from under the sea, her late mother being the usual leading figure and planner while her father simply enjoyed everything the Queen of Atlantica had in mind. Alas, this love didn’t last after humans killed her – even more reason to celebrate now, let her spirit and love run through her daughter like a beacon of light. 
One could find Ariel dancing around, each step another step towards a life she’d always wishes for. Though it didn’t take long for someone to call out to her, a voice so familiar and pleasant that she immediately turned around, stopping in her tracks. Milo, of course, the professor. “Milo,” a reassurance for him, but she immediately made her way towards him. “Oh, it’s good to see you here. I almost didn’t recognize you – just your voice,” the irony wasn’t lost on her, but she kept silent about her past. After he’d lifted his mask, however, all former doubts vanished “Are you alone? It’s been far too long,” Ariel continued as she grabbed one of his hands “I’ve been so busy with touring, actually – I’m glad I get to celebrate Christmas at home. What about you?”
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Milo grinned as Ariel’s slender fingers wrapped themselves around his own. Gently, he pulled her close so as to hear her better among the other voices of the crowd. As she spoke, Milo glanced at her outfit and mask and beamed, admiring the beauty that Ariel surrounded herself in for the night.
“You look stunning, Ariel.” He remarked quietly, eyes crinkling with his smile.
“I came with my friend Ella. And I would say that I didn’t recognize you, but your hair is just so distinct.” A laugh escaped his lips, followed by a hand to cover his mouth.
“How has it been for you?” He asked curiously, “I-I can only imagine the stress being around so many people does to someone. It must be nice to finally be home for the holidays. As for me, I’m excited to have a pleasantly quiet Christmas back at my home. Perhaps I’ll have a friend or two over, but I think after tonight, my tolerance for being around so many people will have waned.”
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date: december location: winter masquerade availability: closed to cain @destrvctions
Truthfully, it took every ounce of Milo’s willpower to stop getting a headache from overthinking the events that transpired just a little while ago. Though he was never a fan to get completely wasted at public events, loud and persistent thoughts definitely pushed him to drink three glasses of wine as opposed to his usual two at affairs such as this one. 
Emotionally and socially tired from being around so many people all at once, Milo made the mistake of taking off his mask to expose his face to the public eye in an attempt to relax. Finishing off his glass, Milo was startled when he caught Cain’s eye from a little distance away. A strange mix of nervousness and titillation flooded his chest as he quickly shielded his identity with his mask, as fruitless as it may be.
Seeking out the privacy that the hallway provided, slow and steady steps gradually allowed Milo to tune out the harsh static of hundreds of voices. However, it seemed that another pair of footsteps joined his own, causing him to turn around with a weak smile, hidden underneath his mask.
“...I hope the party’s been treating you well, Cain. This stuff is...what you’re used to right? In your past life, at least...”
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date: december location: winter masquerade availability: closed to @gretelmartinez
Seeking refuge within the refreshments table, Milo sighed in relief at the sight of the food display. Dishes upon dishes of both common and exotic foods graced his eyes, along with liquors that Milo had only seen, but not tasted before. He picked up just one appetizer and chewed it thoughtfully, humming in pleasure at the expanse of flavors that exploded across his tongue. 
The glass of champagne that Milo had gotten for himself impressed him even further; to the point where he simply had to find Ella so that she could try it for herself if she hadn’t already. With two hands wrapped carefully around the neck of the glasses, Milo squinted through his mask in an attempt to seek out his friend through the crowd.
Instead, what caught his eye was an all too familiar figure that had approached the table of food with the same idea in mind. It had been a while since they had seen each other in person, and the sight of Gretel’s face along made guilt blossom within his heart.
“Gretel.” Milo called out before he could stop himself. With the back of his wrist, Milo gently pushed up his mask to slowly reveal his face that was tinged with worry over how Gretel would react. Rapidly, a comforting smile replaced his previous expression as he held out the second glass for Gretel to take. 
“A-Armand de Brignac Rose, I believe...” He stuttered in French, eyes fleeting to the ground before looking back up at her again. “It’s...really good. You should try it, i-if you’ve never tried it before.”
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where: the winter masquerade. who: open to everyone !!
A FLUTE OF champagne set delicately upon a table , wendy turns from the crowd in favor of escaping through the large doors that serve as an entrance point into the hall most have gathered in. light fabric swishes about her ankles as she moves , heels clicking against the marble flooring in time with the music that plays from the live band; one could almost believe this was where she belonged. she certainly looked the part — her dress , her hair , her mask , all immaculate , the picture of honest perfection , were it not for the nervous glint in her eyes and the necklace clutched between nimble fingers. 
striding down the corridor and turning a corner , she finally allows herself a moment to breathe , having put enough space between herself and the noise of the masquerade to examine her necklace. on the fragile chain rests an acorn pendant: it means more to her than she can put into words , and here , surrounded by others , she feels exposed without it. she’d had no intention of wearing it to the event , originally , but she’d stuffed it in her clutch at the last moment. just in case , she’d murmured to herself. now she attempts to put it on herself , naturally , only to end up fumbling with the clasp. it’s an awkward angle to work at when you can’t see what you’re doing , and after a few minutes of botched attempts and furrowed brows , wendy huffs her annoyance and weighs her options.
not for long , thankfully , as help comes in the form of echoing footsteps behind her , and she sucks in a breath before speaking. “   i’m sorry to bother , but would you mind giving me a hand , by any chance ? i can’t seem to get my necklace to hook.   ”
Milo could recognize Wendy’s soft voice anywhere, after hearing it nearly every day in and out of class. A gentle smile appeared in his expression as the sight of Wendy came through the eye openings of his mask. So as not to frighten her, Milo carefully lifted it and let it rest on top of his head to reveal his face.
“Hello, dear.” He greeted airily, eyes flickering briefly to take in Wendy’s outfit that she had seemingly put in so much time for. And if he knew anything about women, it was that they never wanted their efforts in appearances to go unnoticed - no matter their age.
“You look beautiful tonight, Wendy.” The compliment was as genuine as the happy crinkle in his eyes. At the sight of the necklace, Milo carefully came around behind Wendy, using the tips of his finger to delicately brush away any stray hair so as not to get caught within the clasp.
“I like the acorn.” Milo added with a small laugh, taking just a few seconds to successfully hook the necklace and let it hang around Wendy’s neck. “Where did you get it?”
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date: december location: winter masquerade availability: closed to ariel @fairytalebound
As Milo snuck an appetizer underneath his mask, he took the moment to look around and appreciate the beautiful suits and gowns that surrounded him. He smiled to himself at the thought of everyone in Fabletown and then some taking the day to pamper then and lose themselves in opulence for at least a few hours - those that wouldn’t readily return to extravagance at home, of course. 
Seeing a recognizable red head of hair amongst the crowd made Milo light up, and so he did his best to maneuver through the crowd to find the friend that had caught his eye.
“Ariel!” Milo called out, raising his mask so it rested on the top of his head, in case she didn’t catch his identity by voice alone. “It’s good to see you tonight! It’s been a minute since we’ve seen each other, haven’t we?”
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date: december location: winter masquerade availability: closed to @ellabellamy
Walking with his hands in his pockets, Milo cautiously looked around the grand ballroom through the openings of his mask. With Ella’s hand lightly resting in the crook of his elbow, Milo automatically pressed closer to her at the sudden influx of voices and bodies. Having been accustomed to be on his own, with the most amount of people being his own small classroom on a day to day basis, Milo reflexively shied from the crowd. Underneath the safety of his mask, however, he found solace in the fact that very few would recognize his identity - though his stature may give himself away.
“I-It’s beautiful, to say the least. Plenty of grandeur and luxury to spare.” Milo commented, looking up at the towering ice sculpture they passed by. “Back in Atlantis, Kida would throw events similar to this, and yet I still remain to be unaccustomed to such...festivities.” 
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There’s a signal towards the bartender just moments prior before he bothers to mention, “Well I’m hardly in competition with the jolly good saint by any means.” He actually couldn’t remember the last time he properly celebrated any holiday, frankly. Or even his birthday .. did his birthday pass already, actually? “If you intended caroling or anything of the kind, I’m afraid I’ll have to pass. I could be convinced to enjoy a quick bite to eat, however.” He only wished to waste away singing poor renditions of the holiday music while being paid and too drunk to worry about his spiraling career. Coincidentally, this was actually his plan this year, as it had been several others past; anything else, he’d very much prefer to be far away from. 
“Well Stuart is forever foolish so this surprises no one at all.” He mentions with a slight twitch of his lips, the corners breaking into a rare smirk as the musician catches the words spilling out in some form of attempted coherency alongside what was left of the other’s drink. “It is nice being on the other side of that, for a change.” Of course, he knew he fared little better on his worst days, which were surprisingly few for someone seemingly with a glass in hand constantly. But then, it was rare for him to attempt much conversation at all after a certain level so there was hope yet he rarely seemed quite so ridiculous and still retained some dignity after all this time. 
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“Caroling?” Milo snorted in disbelief that Roger would even suggest such a thing. “Roger, is that the kind of person I come across as? One who would go caroling? Because if so, I really need to start changing my image.”
He laughed, a hand coming to shield his mouth, stifling the laughter. “You’re the only one with musical talent between the two of us, Roger. I would never subject anyone to the horrors of my off-key singing. But having you over to eat dinner sounds perfectly lovely to me.”
A grin formed on Milo’s expression as he looked towards Stuart, then back towards Roger. “Yeah, he definitely is, isn’t he? Trust me when I say he’s far worse than anybody I’ve met - including you.”
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CLOSED TO: @milo-james-thatch TIME﹠ DATE: 2:14am, december 24  LOCATION: cain’s apartment 
“At first I was afraid, I was petrified -” With each emphasized word, a very intoxicated Cain grips his hairbrush microphone a little tighter. After a long week plagued with strange dreams, it didn’t take long for him to convince himself that he deserves a night where he can completely let loose. There’s nothing more he wants more than to forget and alcohol seemed the most promising. He’s not sure if it’s the thought that the hangover would distract him from whatever was actually on his mind. Which was definitely a first for the man. Wishing for a hangover? He never thought he’d see the day. “Kept thinkin’ I could never live without you by m-” as a random thought enters his mind, he drops the brush which just misses his bare feet. “This song! Needs water! Gotta call Morri.”
As he searches for his phone, he hears the doorbell ring. After pausing to recall if he already called her, he comes up with a better explanation. “A  mind reader! This is why sssssshe’s the bosssss!” Not wanting to - and more accurately, scared to - keep her waiting Cain rushes to the door, but not without nearly tripping over his own feet first. “Fuck Pony. I Will Survive!” he shouts as he opens the door. However the person before him isn’t who he expected at all. In surprise he tilts his head to the side. “Morri ssssomething’s different… Are you sick?”
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The slurred words that erupted from Cain as the door opened in front of Milo made him furrow his eyebrows in confusion. Well, first confusion, then a mild worry for Cain’s mental state, before an un-amused expression settled into the droop of his eyelids at the resolution (and reaffirmation) that Cain was an idiot.
“Morri’s a new one, but I much prefer Milo, which I know you know, so you can stop that at any point, by the way.” Milo raised an eyebrow, looking at the sway in Cain’s stance. 
“If I may offer some advice, I think you’re in no state to be walking around, Cain.” The tone of Milo’s voice was both stern yet gentle; one that of a professor’s light scolding. He mentally thwacked himself when he caught his speech habits in the classroom sneaking into casual conversation yet again.
“You should probably lie down. And I, uh, brought tea, ‘cause, I don’t know, tea always makes me feel better when I’m drunk. Though...I’m not sure you exactly...want to not be drunk and - 
- a-anyways,” Milo exhaled softly, tips of his ears heating from embarrassment in catching his rambling, “let me in? It’s cold.”
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He actually hadn’t drank much earlier in the evening for once, and perhaps that was entirely due to his preoccupation with deadlines – there was far less time to wallow. He had a surprising number of students after all, and had he a choice, there’d simply be red frowning faces or gold stars as this was more typical with the less serious assignments he’d offered. Since he couldn’t really afford to be lazy about the quality of his grading when this time of year rolled around considering their weight, however, everything boiled down to details. Thankfully, he was articulate enough and even devoted enough to usually have a lot to say on the matter of his first love in life.   
“Unless there are plans I’ve been made unaware of, I have little faith in that, truthfully.” Spoken in regards to well wishes for a season that did little else than dampen his spirits further, the pair of instructors meeting with raised glasses and the shot swallowed down moments after, Roger seeks to switch subjects just as easily. “Did our seafaring friend fail to make it this evening?” By which he meant Eric this time, having missed the man in the crowd apparently. 
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“Oh...not a holidays person, Roger?” Milo laughed quietly and set down his shot glass. Though he discounted Roger’s....”pessimism” as a charming part of his personality, the worry nestled in Milo’s heart never failed to blossom during these moments. 
“Shame because I most definitely had plans of inviting you over at least once over the holidays.” He offered with a gentle touch to his forearm. However, sensing that Roger didn’t want to settle on that topic for very long, a smile formed on Milo’s face as he answered his next question..
“So far, I’ve seen no sign of Eric. But I have been watching enough of Stuart over there making a fool of himself.” Milo nodded towards a fellow co-worker of theirs, drunkenly argue with another. “It’s been kind of entertaining, to be honest.”
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[ CAIN BEAUFORT → MEEKO | SENT ]  : the truswh is miolo [ CAIN BEAUFORT → MEEKO | SENT ]  : you cnat handle thsi DICK  [ CAIN BEAUFORT → MEEKO | SENT ]  : :) [ CAIN BEAUFORT → MEEKO | SENT ]  : im fien! im not evn drnrk
[unsent text to Cain B.]: Handled it once already, on the contrary [text to Cain B.]: Oh wow you actually tried to spell out “Milo.” [text to Cain B.]: You are definitely drunk. [text to Cain B.]: Question still stands: you want some company?
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ERIC CHUCKLED AT the thought. “I appreciate the suggestion, Lo, but I can’t bake. I’ve never baked anything in my life!” Vaguely, he could remember helping his mother cut out cookies in the shape of holiday symbols ― bells, trees, and bows. The young boy had taken the liberty of straying from the cookie cutters and making his own shapes ― a present and a snowball, both of which he was quite proud of. “You’ll have to teach me a few things some time,” he decided. “I was thinking more along the lines of sledding or skiing, but a sweet or two every now and again isn’t so awful for you, is it? Otherwise they wouldn’t be called sweets.” He smiled cheekily.
A grin felt so much more comfortable to wear while in someone’s company, and so he continued wearing it even as he shook his head. “I always forget that you’re a cat person. I don’t know how we ever became friends,” he teased. “That does remind me though that I’ve been thinking about getting a dog. I used to have one ― absolute best dog in the world. You would have loved him… But the second best dog must be out there, right? Just waiting for someone like me to come along. That’s what they say in those commercials. I’m just worried I won’t have enough time for one. How do you balance being a professor and a pet owner?”
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The nickname never failed to warm Milo’s heart. Though it failed to bother him (as much) anymore, it was quite obvious that he wasn’t the most socially adept. Comfort was found within himself as opposed to friends, since it might as well have been a fact at that point that Milo wasn’t preferred as a friend compared to other people - more attractive, less lanky, less nerdy people. 
As much as Milo missed Kida and Atlantis and held them close to his heart, he had to admit that being wanted and loved as a friend in Fabletown was oddly nice. Through Eric and Roger, Milo found a home - even if it was a temporary one, at least he could say his stay was pleasant. 
“That’s what we should do next time we hang out.” Milo grinned softly, eyes crinkling. “We’re baking gingerbread and then we’re gonna make gingerbread houses. If you do that, I’ll let you drag me to go sledding or skiing or whatever.”
A laugh erupted from Milo’s lips, and he quickly muffled it in an effort to avoid odd stares from the sudden, happy sound. “Just because I’m a cat person doesn’t mean I can’t appreciate a dog! Back in Atlantis I had this...lava dog. His name was Obby and was the best purple dog a guy could have.
“I definitely would have gotten along with your dog if he loved you,” Milo smiled softly, “My cat’s kind of low maintenance. He doesn’t need to be walked so it definitely helps with the ‘not interfering with my work’ part. Maybe you just need to step it up, Eric.”
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