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i had some thoughts about characters ages in svsss...
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Some of my fave hkvhs that I’ve done 🤲🏽
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The Bat Boys and the Fox
Rhys, Cassian, Az and Lucien - A Court of Thorns and Roses
Artist: @chelzd_art
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Meanwhile, on the coasts of Liyue, Captain Beidou has made her greatest discovery yet 💛
This is my last Mermay post of the month. I actually wanted to do every nation but I didn't have the time 😭
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You say they don't have any interactions? Don't worry, I'll make them myself
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My friends are extremely hyped for Hades 2
Close-ups cause I'm really happy with how this turned out
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Crops from the sketch file I started to quarantine my SVSSS drawings
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Hi-res version of the by frostbite.studios & atouchofmagicdesigns ACOTAR dust covers! Bless them for making Lucien and Tamlin look SO FUCKING GOOOOOOOOOOOOOODDDD!!!
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do people in the acotar fandom know about multishipping. specifically those people who are adamantly only shipping elucien or eriel. first of all you can ship elain with both of them, she has two hands?? polyamory exists and could just solve the shipping wars. worried about Gwyn being left out?? Azriel also has two hands, he can date both of them. In fact! I think Azriel should also date Lucien. They can have a big polycule and then all of the shipping wars can be over
on another note. I think it would be the biggest power move sjm could make to make the REAL endgame ship luzriel (?) and elain/gwyn. more gay people, and no more superiority complex arguments from the elucien/elriel truthers
but seriously guys, some of you have worse god complexes than the people I’ve encountered in ranked league of legends in BRONZE (I’m bad at the game) which by the way. we are all in the same shit (bronze) which is literally below average. you are not god’s gift to shipping, and if you don’t stop acting like it then you might just look like the world’s biggest clown when the next book comes out
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”I’m straight” “I’m gay” Okay????? I am the monster????? Rawr rawr rawr??????
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✨Navia! ✨💛
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Xinyan but what if she also had textured hair
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just wait until those Rhysta antis hear about Tamsand. Rhysta is a fun idea that we know could never, ever happen in canon text.
But Tamsand? That’s a ship I really do think could have been plausible in a pre book one world. Like the possibilities are endless when it comes to Tamlin & Rhysand (prior to the murdering each other’s family fiasco, ofc). Even now, they have the energy of past scorned lovers.
You’ll have to pry these ships from my cold, dead hands.
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if you are struggling with choosing which fundraisers to support, please consider donating to the following places providing medical aid, food, and other supplies to palestine at this time:
donate to doctors without borders here
donate to careforgaza here, providing food, medicine and clothing
donate an e-sim to gaza today
donate feminine hygiene kits for women in gaza
donate to the palestinian civilian relief fund
donate to the palestine children's relief fund
donate to the world food programme
donate medical aid for palestinians
donate to the united nations relief for palestine refugees
donate to healpalestine
if you are looking for individual fundraisers to donate to but are struggling to choose, gazafunds gives a spotlight to fundraisers that are not close to their goal.
instead of watching and supporting eurovision tonight, please instead boost this post & donate if you can. keep your eyes on rafah.
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Terrarium wings Brittle things My imaginary Sanctuary Part of my Glass Wings Series
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I promise I will get round to answering my asks but meanwhile………..
Whoever sent this, I’m sorry, but WHAT 😭😭😭
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