mistletoc · 6 years
mm. ‘night. wrote a BIT. will be around tomorrow likely. have a store meeting/party at 7:30 am so we’ll have to see how exhausted i am after that. huh!
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mistletoc · 6 years
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“thank you.“ jagger smiled as the glass was placed in front of him and he threaded his hand through his short, cropped hair. “i’ll consider coming back then. what goes in that drink?“ the singer curiously asked and he watched the other move around behind the bar to hand someone else a drink. jagger smirked at his response and he softly chuckled. “i sing and i kinda do it– professionally.” he spoke, thinking about how to bring it. “if you know what i mean. i hate saying thw rod famous but- people show up for my shows when i do them, about twenty thousand every gig. and they buy my albums too.“ he shrugged. “and i sorta lied, the name i was born with is joachim but i’ve been called jagger ever since i was a little kid.“
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       ❝ can’t tell you what’s in it, ❞  will teased, leaning back to rest against the counter behind him. he picked up his glass of water and took another sip from it. ❝ you’re gonna have to come back and find out. ❞  it was nice to have company at night -- one of will’s favorite parts about working in the bar. it was never dull. and tonight it seemed he’d lucked out by staying later than usual; there was a real live celebrity in his midst, even if he had no idea who he was. ❝ twenty thousand, ❞  will let out a low whistle, shaking his head as he grinned at the boy before him. ❝ that’s fucking crazy. gonna have to google you after you leave, won’t i? ❞  he wasn’t sure what to make of this boy -- jagger. for all he knew, the guy was pulling his leg and he was just some normal dude. but he did seem familiar.  ❝ you’re some kinda teen heartthrob? explains why you look so good, i guess. how’d you end up here tonight? ❞
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mistletoc · 6 years
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Aaron was surprised by the other’s comment, and he couldn’t help but smile a little by it. Ever since he started rambling on about how he liked him, he had felt nothing but rejection. Now? Now he was getting the chance to not feel it. It was for one night, and knowing them, they’d probably sober up the next day and go back to hating each other. Aaron turned his head and nuzzled his face into his shoulder, bringing his free hand to Wesley’s arm. “You smell really good,” he mumbled into his shoulder, lifting his head and resting his chin against it. “If we… don’t hate us..” Aaron let go of his hand and moved so he was standing in front of Wesley, his eyes locking on to his. “Does that mean I can… Kiss you? You look fun to kiss. Like… really kissable lips. Soft… You look like you have soft lips.” Aaron slowly leaned in to kiss him but then stopped when his lips touched his ever so lightly, suddenly getting nervous about doing it. Aaron was always extremely anxious when it came to things like that, so maybe even the alcohol wasn’t going to help him with that. Whining softly to himself, he let his face nuzzle into the crook of his neck, his arms wrapping around Wesley’s waist. “I really wanted to do it… but you’re so… you, and I’m so me, and we… are, us and you and me aren’t… I’m not,” he mumbled, talking to himself.”
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           ❝ well, y’know, i try, ❞  wes joked when he heard aaron’s compliment, taking another drink from the lukewarm can in his hand, grimacing at how awful it tasted now that it’d been sitting out. ❝ sweat and cheep beer -- it’s all the rage in the cologne industry these days. ❞  he had no idea how he’d gotten himself in such an odd situation and his hope in finding brad and getting home soon was diminishing quickly.  he studied aaron’s face as he stared at him, not answering when he asked about the kiss; but wes didn’t move. it wasn’t that he was into aaron -- he’d never thought of him in any way other than contempt before, so how could he be? -- but he hadn’t kissed anyone in a while and why not try it? the night really couldn’t get any stranger, he was certain. a twinge of disappoint cascaded over his stomach when aaron pulled away so quickly, and wes hated himself for it.  ❝ you talk so fucking much, ❞  he breathed, feeling aaron’s face pressed to his neck. unsure what to do, he wrapped an arm around the male’s waist, hand resting comfortably on the small of his back. ❝ you can kiss me if you want to. ❞  
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mistletoc · 6 years
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riley can’t help but laugh at how poorly the night was turning out, “i’m so sorry,” he says through his laughs. he just wanted to be spontaneous and take them on a late night picnic, but he was fully unaware that anyone would be using their sprinklers this late into the season. “you’re soaked, it’s cold, and i have a jacket in my car with your name on it if you want it.”
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        ❝ fuck -- ❞  colin laughed, wringing out the corner of his soaked shirt as he tried to decide if he should just give up on it all together and take the top off  ( but it was too cold outside. )  ❝ this is like straight outta that scene in high school musical, ❞  he grinned, looking over at riley. as usual, he was cheery and optimistic, not really caring about the circumstances -- just happy to be out with riley and in his presence. ❝ it’s cute ... don’t worry about it, ❞   he shrugged, walking towards riley’s car.  ❝ i’m more interested in your car’s heater right now. ❞  
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mistletoc · 6 years
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mistletoc · 6 years
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mistletoc · 6 years
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Aaron stopped talking as the other responded to his question. He gave him an answer that he didn’t like, especially in the current honest, drunken state he was in. As drunk as he was, for the life of him, he wouldn’t be able to explain why he acted the way he did toward Wesley on a daily basis, but if he was sober, maybe he might be able to make sense of it a little. ‘I’m getting a drink’. As he was being dragged, Aaron blinked a few times and followed Wesley. “I’m.. sorry I’m, you know, m… mean to you.. and irri.. You know,” he mumbled. “But… But look at you!” he told him, bringing a hand to his face when they got to the alcohol, his fingers lacing with his. “You are really really perfect. A lot of perfectness and really pretty. And hot. And kind of sexy. Lots of sexy. Lots and lots and lots of…” Aaron trailed off, a blush forming across his cheeks as he let out a chuckle. “A lot of it.”
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       they reached a table with empty cans of cheap beer strewn all over  ( including under and around on the floor of someone’s home )  and wes immediately began searching for an unopened can, feeling accomplished when he discovered one. he yanked the tab off and lifted it to his lips, chugging the entire thing from start to finish -- a feat he hadn’t bothered attempting since freshman year. but desperate times called for whatever he could get. ❝ you know what? fine. ❞  he cracked open a second beer. aaron had been rambling and wes cut him off, pushing the boy’s hand off of his face so that he could take a drink of the new can in hand. if he had to be at this party -- this surreal fucking party -- he would just go with it. until he could find brad and go home, of course. he felt aaron’s fingers fumbling around with his own again, but this time he let him hold on. ❝ let’s pretend we don’t hate each other for a night. i can do that, ❞  he offered, sliding next to him and bumping his hip against aaron’s, still drinking. no knew them there. who cared?
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mistletoc · 6 years
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Aaron nodded his head at the other’s words, disagreeing with what he was saying. “No, you hate me like I pretend to hate you. I don’t… know why we I don’t like you or love you a lot, and you don’t me,” he mumbled, his words jumbled together, not making any sense at all. Aaron looked at him as he grabbed onto his elbow, Aaron slowly replacing his elbow with his hand, his fingers lacing with Wesley’s. “Why do you hate me so much?” he asked him, managing to form a complete, somewhat clear sentence.
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        wesley just stood there staring at aaron --  gawking, really -- unsure what to make of any of this. it felt like they were going in circles over and over again. he was too sober to deal with it. ❝ because you’re annoying -- and kind of mean to me. and irritating. and ... ❞  wes trailed off, unsure what the boy wanted to hear. he had no real reason to dislike aaron so much other than the fact it was just someone that got under his fucking skin on a daily basis. ❝ i don’t know! ❞  he exhaled loudly, falling back against the counter behind him. he fell silent for a moment after the other male took his hand, hesitant on how to proceed. ❝ i’m getting a drink, ❞  he finally huffed, dragging the other along by his hand as he went through the archway into the room he’d got his initial drinks that night  ( which had more than wore off, unfortunately. ) 
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mistletoc · 6 years
oh update writing tonight isnt happening either
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mistletoc · 6 years
2 stressed 2 write 2nite. maybe tomorrow after me & adam’s margarita bender. gudnight luvers. 
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mistletoc · 6 years
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“Me tomorrow will be really pissed, yes. Me tomorrow doesn’t want you tomorrow to know how perfect I think you yesterday and you today are,” he rambled. There was a small frown forming across his face as Wesley kept pushing every move of affection he tried to make. “So you don’t like me like I like you… Figures. You’re… You,” he muttered, stumbling back a bit. Despite being wasted, it was evident that he was genuinely hurt by it. “It’s easier to act like I hate you… No.. none of these feelings and rejections.. and…” Aaron let out a heavy sigh. “I need another drink.”
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       wesley stared at the boy  ( standing too close to him )  trying to figure him out. he’d spent so much time despising the boy before him that it hadn’t even occurred to him that the feeling might not be entirely mutual. if there was even a hint of truth to anything aaron was saying, it would be a shock. and even though he couldn’t stand aaron, it made wesley feel bad seeing the other look so down. ❝ whoa now, i don’t think you need another drink, ❞  he shook his head, grabbing onto aaron’s elbow. ❝ i’m not rejecting you; im just confused. this is the last conservation i ever expected to have with you. ❞  he sighed. ❝ maybe i need a drink. ❞
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mistletoc · 6 years
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“no, i uh- i didn’t want to go too crazy tonight.“ he said carefully, looking around the bar slowly. “it just makes me pee like crazy.“ he mumbled, wanting to crack a little joke as he leaned against the wooden bar. jagger smiled softly at the other. will was extremely kind and soft spoken which was a nice change for once. people around him usually yelled, were loud and busy and needed to get everything done in time. “i’m going to be really boring and say that it’s a vodka soda with a slice of lemon. not that interesting. but if you get any satisfaction out of making a super complicated cocktail i’ll be happy to take it.“  he smirked, playing with a coaster that laid on top of the bar. when will said he looked familiar his smile faltered and he chuckled. “never been here before, but i guess you could say i look familiar.“ he nodded. “you got a younger sister? or you know- a television?“ he asked, eyebrows raised.
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           before jagger even finished getting his words out, will was reaching for a bottle of absolut to make his drink. he could’ve chosen a cheaper vodka -- or a no brand vodka -- but he was feeling generous that night.  ❝ vodka soda is a respectable drink,❞  he told the boy, mixing it with club soda on top of some ice.  ❝ next time you’re here, i’ll make you my signature drink. it’s not super complicated, but it’s never gotten a bad review, either. ❞  he pushed the drink towards the male and stepped aside quickly to mix a moscow mule for another patron. but in a moment, he was back with a response to the odd question the boy had posed. ❝ uhh, actually, no -- no tv. most tv i watch is here at the bar, ❞  will answered, gesturing with his elbow towards the giant screen behind jagger’s back.  ❝ only child, too. my folks are back in australia, so ... no sister. what’s your point? ❞ 
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mistletoc · 6 years
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muyeol thought he’d just reply to the boy’s texts and it’d be over with, but was surprised when he felt his phone vibrate once more. he rolled his eyes as he gathered his things from his desk and made his way to his car, the anger inside of the male beginning to bubble over as he thought about his past relationship with seung. the male rarely got into relationships, but took a chance with the other and wasn’t surprised when he got his heart broken. he hated seung for getting his hopes up, only for him to put the walls he’d taken down just for the other, be put back up again.
      muyeol: jesus fuck       muyeol: i don’t fucking care, seung.        muyeol: it’s too late for ‘sorry’. you broke me.       muyeol: i fucking trusted you
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         seung knew muyeol hated him now -- and for good reason -- but not nearly as much as seung hated himself. he felt like he’d destroyed himself ten times over. never in his life had one human had such a grasp on his heart. in the beginning of the relationship, when it all got real, he spiraled and sabotaged muyeol & himself to avoid being weak and ruined, but he had no idea the lingering effects and results would be so much worse. he felt shame every day knowing he’d hurt the one person he cared about, his heart now hallow, head heavy, and stomach aching. and he hated himself even more for still caring. 
       seung: u do care. u have to care        seung: it’s impossible for me to feel like this and you feel nothing        seung: but u deserved so much better than me. still do.        seung: i wish i was better for u
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mistletoc · 6 years
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        ❝ flirting! ❞ she smirked. ❝ if you think i’m flirting now, wait until i actually start trying. ❞ they bounced off of one another with ease, and it made her heart yammer. she always had a tendency for affection when she was tipsy, but she found herself willing time to go faster, just so she could skip to the part where she could feel him on the pads of her fingers without it seeming a little like too soon. there were certain people she had found herself drawn to in her life, but it wasn’t usually people so charming and without threat. if he let her, she envisioned sticking around all night. perhaps even till dawn. ❝ shh. sh. i’m trying to compliment you. plus, we’re not focussing on other people’s mouths right now. i’m right here. ❞ she watched him smoke with a stupidly blissful expression on her face. when he smirked, her stomach twisted. her head dipped, hair shrouding her features, and she absorbed the compliment without a response. she feared her intoxication paired with her obvious crush would only lead to embarrassment. a grin broke apart her face when he mentioned her dress. if it did nothing other that night than catch his attention, it’d more than fulfilled its purpose. ❝ i was hoping you’d say that, or offer me your jacket. but yes. i hope you like extortionately priced red wine and increasingly drunk korean girls, because i had some things in mind… ❞ she chattered happily, leading them back into the warmth of the bar, fighting her foreign instinct to hold his hand.
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            ❝ yes, flirting -- isn’t that what we’re doing? ❞  ivan confirmed with a cheeky nod, crooked smirk still on display since the moment they’d begun their conversation.  ❝ girls like you don’t have to try, do they? guys fall over their own feet trying to get your attention, i’m sure. ❞  despite his words, ivan wasn’t sure he had met a girl like chaerin before. it was maddening that he couldn’t put his finger on it, but she seemed different, unparalleled and without equal. if he believed in auras or anything of the like, he’d point to them. but he didn’t. the world was chaos and so were the people inhabiting it. reluctantly, he lifted his body from against the bricks and made his way back to the door, turning the freezing metal handle and pushing it forward. ❝ after you, ❞  he offered, leaving space for chaerin to pass through. it was laughable how he towered over her now that they were close. ivan was used to being above almost everyone; however, he felt at level with chaerin, despite their height. ❝ my jacket? -- oh no, i don’t offer it up that easily. you’ll get there someday, chaerin, ❞  he laughed softly, shutting the door behind them and following her towards the bar. she’d mentioned wine, but ivan wasn’t interested. if his father had passed one thing down to him, it was his affinity for fastidious liquor, namely whiskey & bourbon. 
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mistletoc · 6 years
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mistletoc · 6 years
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Aaron was definitely drunk, and there was no doubt about it, but he meant what he was saying. If he was sober, he would probably deny everything or wouldn’t be saying any of this at all. “My knight in shining armor,” he told him with a grin, his eyes half closing as he continued to look at the other. Aaron took a few steps closer to him till there were no more steps to take. “Okay then you can’t stand me, but I can stand you. A lot… lot.. lot.  A lot, a lot. I like you a lot. I used to not be able to… stand you, but then…” Aaron let go of his hand and placed his hands on his cheeks. “Woah. You’re perfect.”
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           wesley really couldn’t believe what was coming out of aaron’s mouth. he was used to taking care of his drunk friends at parties -- he wasn’t much of a drinker himself and hated the idea of letting his guard down around strangers in that way -- but this was new. he wasn’t sure what to do. ❝ that’s a lot of ‘a lot’s, ❞  he noted, trying to skirt around the other things the boy had said. but then aaron was cupping his face. wes lifted his arms and placed his hands on aaron’s wrists, sliding them down the boy’s forearms gently as he spoke, trying to calm him down a bit.  ❝ trust me aaron, you don’t think i’m perfect. if sober you heard you right now, he’d be pissed. ❞ 
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mistletoc · 6 years
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jagger was (pleasantly) surprised when the bartender decided to speak to him. he wasn’t entirely expecting it though, so he was kind of taken aback when he did and didn’t exactly know what to do or say except for chuckle carefully. “will. yeah, a beer will do.” jagger managed to speak after all, smiling. jagger didn’t exactly know what to say, so he shrugged. “i don’t know, i never usually do beer. stronger stuff usually.” he said with a slow nod. “’m gonna need a lot more beers for me to dance up on this bar.” the male leaned his elbow on the bar, his chin resting in his hand. when will had asked for his name, jagger raised his eyebrows. the bartender either really had no idea who he was, or he was just pretending. but in fear of actually being recognized, he slowly spoke the name he hadn’t been called since he was two years old. the name on his birth certificate. “joachim.. i’m uh- joachim.”
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            ❝ you don’t usually drink beer? then why are you drinking it here? ❞  will asked. the bar crowd had thinned out by this hour; most of the party-goers that would be out extremely late had found refuge in a more energetic club or bar at this point in the night. there were a few regulars around and some other folks will didn’t recognize, but nothing that needed immediate attention. ❝ what’s your favorite drink? it’s on me. ❞  will laughed softly and took a drink from the glass of water he’d been nursing for the last half hour, leaning against the counter as he conversed with the boy on the other side. ❝ no need to dance on the bar -- just, y’know, not call everyone ‘sir’. ❞  will’s expression was soft, his smile welcoming and a little sleepy. ❝ joachim ... ❞  he repeated, rolling the name over his tongue, trying to pronounce it correctly.  ❝ interesting name. -- you look kinda familiar. have you been to this bar before, or am i totally crazy? ❞ 
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