moipeace12 · 1 month
Utahime Iori
I really like the gege's play word, especially そろそろ禁区 and 単独禁区. Between Utahime and Akina Nakamori.
そろそろ禁区 and 単独禁区 is same reading by そろそろ and 単独 (ソロソロ:sorosoro) so this is funny headcanon that gege heard Kinku song and created Utahime's CT.
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She sings well invovle her CT. It could be a reference to the Kinku song and her singing this song. With the given name Utahime (歌姫) which literally means Diva, she is associated with song and her CT is a play word on Kinku (禁区) - Akina Nakamori.
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It should be said that Utahime is Akina because Gege intended to give her a microphone and cassette but he cut it.
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One thing to note about her CT is the timing issue. She needs time to buff everyone still standing when facing Kenjaku. Forcing people to earn/buy (稼ぐ) time. Maybe she needs to prepare a ritual that increases her CT by 120%, she can buff everyone by 80% like she buffed Gojo.
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But this would have a point if she doesn't increase her CT to 120% and at 100% of her normal effectiveness. Her buff effectiveness will be 80% smaller.
Her incantations are still hidden when she performs the ritual so I think there will still be a scene of her comeback.
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moipeace12 · 1 month
The connection between the God and the Shrine Maiden. Theory of a connection between Gojo and Utahime.
Miko (巫女) is a woman who serves the Japanese gods. The story of Miko is said to be a descendant of Ame no Uzume when performing a dance to bring Amaterasu out of the cave to bring light to humanity.
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The image of a chrysanthemum appearing before Utahime's eyes represents the Japanese emperor symbol. Amaterasu is said to be the ancestor of the Japanese emperors. The god of the sun, god of the universe. The name means "shining in heaven".
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Theory about Satoru and Chrysanthemum. A seventeen-petal chrysanthemum, representing the emperor Go-Daigo (後醍醐天皇). 醍醐 (だいご) same reading with 大悟 (だいご) is also a Buddhist term synonymous with Satoru 悟 (さとる):  enlightenment. Look up the synonym of (さとる) with (大悟) here: https://ja.m.wiktionary.org/wiki/さとる
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So the appearance of a Miko is always associated with the Gods. Specifically Utahime and Satoru.
Gojo has always been considered a symbol of god because he is the strongest and his image is associated with his goal of salvation as a living god serving humanity. Being honored is considered the image of a god being born that no one can touch.
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Utahime's appearance is the only one associated with a miko of serving the Gods. Her role is to convey the oracles of the gods, serving them. Specifically purifying impurities, appeasing souls and granting mana to the gods.
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Usually they are unmarried women because they are dedicated to the god, also known as the god's bride.
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So the fact that Utahime always appears next to Gojo is said to be a connection to their roles. In chapter 223, Utahime uses her CT to support Gojo in battle, performing the Kagura ritual, using a sacred dance offered to the god to summon them to appear.
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Utahime's CT first appearance to increase Gojo's CE is the reason for their appearance together. It is the beginning of the battle, that summon the god out of darkness and bringing light to humanity. They are connected to the relationship between god and miko.
If viewed from that perspective, Gege has linked Utahime and Gojo from the beginning when she appeared as a Miko. The same for her image in Hidden Inventory.
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There is a common story that Miko are unmarried women, so if they get married and follow their husbands, it means they will quit being Miko. Usually Utahime only wears this oufit at work, but on her day off she wears casual clothes.
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Headcanon: jjk ends without the curse and Gojo returns, he will become a normal person, she don't work in dangerous, they get married in world peace.
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moipeace12 · 1 month
Gojo and Utahime may look different on the outside but they are the same. Baseball hobby, teacher, don't skip steps (chap 223), their story is arguing/teasing. The first person that appeared in Gojo's dream and the part of his 3 years youth. 10 years of companionship.
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moipeace12 · 1 month
Weakness, strength, loneliness and love.
As in Kashimo's panel, he asked Sukuna about knowing weakness so he can show kindness and interact with people because he himself is a strong person who only thinks about himself and feel lonely by his power. That he wants to cherish, connect with others.
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Especially people weaker than them. Compare with the King of Curse and humans are too weak to be worthy of him.
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Being strong will be lonely. Gojo is said to be similar to Kashimo in that himself is the strongest but is still greedy about something else, unlike Sukuna in that he refuses it, which is love.
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Talking about the weakness that Kashimo mentioned to Sukuna, Sukuna said that care about others is lovingkindness and he doesn't need those things.
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So it can be said that love as Sukuna mentioned is interacting, caring, connecting with others and strong people like Gojo and Kashimo want those things. Love in the sense of connection with each other.
Gojo conveyed everything he had to Sukuna. Sukuna in chapter 221 hinting that Gojo will teach him about love.
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Gojo often mentions Utahime as weak even in gege's sketch because Utahime'CT is not used for fighting alone, it is used to support others, forcing her to connect with someone to increase their CE. Literally her CT must be attached to someone else.
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That's why she's "weak" because it's not used for fighting alone and connect with others. If Gojo knew what weakness was, he would know love. Because unlike Sukuna, the strongest only thinks about himself, he doesn't need to know weakness, what is love.
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Gojo'CT is Limitless which separates him from everyone else and it seems that only when he allows it can others enter his range. He is always associated with loneliness because the strongest brings.
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RCT was the only thing he could initially be exposed to by others but later he healed himself. He also perfected CT himself and became the strongest sorcerer currently.
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Utahime'CT is Solo Forbidden Area. The meaning of her CT is not for solo people and it completely prohibits Gojo. So he chose her as the buff for the final battle to show the importance of him connecting with others. That was conveyed to Sukuna by 200% Hollow Purple.
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That Gojo is strongest but he doesn't mean he's alone. Love gets him through Sukuna's battle.
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Read as headcanon! Welcome!
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moipeace12 · 1 month
Gojohime's crumbs
クエ(kue): Longtooth grouper, a fish that Utahime accidentally received through from hometown tax. It is a top fish, admired by many anglers. They live alone and do not form groups and are very rare.
Funny headcanon that this fish is Gojo implying that when Gojo with Utahime because she was impulsive (accidentally connected with him) but she didn't really want. But he still came with her. So that fish is about to be cooked.
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Gojo/Utahime's birthday has some interesting facts. 雨水: rain water has the same reading (usui) as 薄い: weak, thin. 大雪: heavy snow has the same reading (taisetsu) as 大切: important, precious.
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Singing talents. So Kinku song you can also read with Gojo's Pov, switching character will give you a new experience of their love story.
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The opposite of love is not hate, it's indifference is an excuse to connect with others rather than not relating to someone.
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着信: incoming call in the anime is Uta calling him first. Time is mentioned with Utahime when she wants to buff someone. In the anime, 3:41 is the total number that Utahime called to Gojo. Similarly, 3 minutes and 41 seconds can have the buff from Utahime to Gojo's battle.
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moipeace12 · 3 months
Some of my thoughts about Camellia/Winter and Gojo.
It is also called the flower of modesty because it is beautiful but not fragrant. Gojo appearing in vol 4 and vol 26 has quite a clear difference. In vol 26, he has a gentle image, it represents the change in him.
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This flower is Camellia (Tsubaki): 椿. Although it is called the flower of winter, its name has 春: spring.  The flower blooms in early December and lasts until April. It blooms both winter and spring.
Old images of Gojo are always associated with winter and chapter 236 also has images of falling snow. If we associate winter with the south, then his reincarnation image will be spring (north).
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It is now December 24th and starting to turn to spring. If Gojo is reincarnated, he will return in the image of spring, which represents the north, it is no longer cold and has the meaning of getting warmer.
When I learned about Camellia I felt a bit startled and it's red like blood but the flowers in the cover was pink. When Camellia falls, it resembles a samurai at the end of their life. So it doesn't fall and pink, there's still hope.
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大雪: heavy snow represents Gojo's birthday 7/12, there is a word with the same reading (taisetsu) as 大切: important. Gojo's winter is important to everyone, great influence in the jujutsu world so spring is the season for returning to being a normal person.
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moipeace12 · 3 months
This board has really changed with the cannon version. Utahime is also assigned as a 4th year student but 4th year student doesn't work in jjk? 4th seems to have graduated so gg changed her outfit.
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If calculated that way, when Utahime was in 3th year and Gojo was in first year, they must have had a certain companionship. This also shows that Utahime is a Tokyo student.
So it's reasonable for Gojo's 3 years of youth to have Utahime appear.
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[弱いんだからさーあんま出張るなよ]. The sentence is inherently an imperative sentence. 出張る: to go to another place to work (fight). Gojo's intention is to say that because Utahime is weak, she doesn't go to business trip much.
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There are hc that it is not a good idea for Utahime to leave Tokyo to go to work or she is not in Gojo's sight, so he said it to hide his worry. He said the same thing about trusting Utahime.
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In addition, it is said that Utahime and Sashisu used to go together when Sashisu was in first year, so it is clear that Utahime is close with Shoko. So when Utahime graduated and went on her own activities, Gojo was the one who rushed over to worry about her
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moipeace12 · 3 months
There is an interesting theory about Utahime's role as Miko. In addition to being tied to the gods, they have the ability to allow a spirit to possess them.
That technique is called kuchiyose (口寄せ). There are 3 kuchiyose: Kami-kuchi (神口): to be possessed by gods, Shi-kuchi (死口): to be possessed by a dead person, Iki-kuchi (生口): to be possessed by a living person.
To performe through Miko so that they could convey the intentions of the spirit possessing them. Maybe Gojo returns through Utahime's body. That's just a theory about a necromancy technique in case he's really physically dead.
Confirming that Gojo is dead makes me quite confused as asking Shoko to talk about Megumi's father and if he really comes back, how will he come back? Hopefully he will die as a "young" person and come back in a different form.
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His return through someone else's body may be to complete some unfinished mission and he may disappear completely. I don't think about the theory of increasing RCT to fully revive his body. Either way, his return is always something to look forward to to complete his character.
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moipeace12 · 3 months
There are some pretty interesting kanji words in the Japanese version. As Yorozu said related to love. 同格: equal, same rank. 同様に: similar.
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If associated with similar things to no longer be lonely and understand love, it is quite similar to the opening battle of Gojo and Utahime. Yep, just read it as a headcanon. I'm glad you come and discuss with me.
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moipeace12 · 3 months
This is a thoery about Utahime not originating from Kyoto as she doesn't speak with the Kansai accent and she is Shoko's friend could also indicate that she studied in Tokyo and later became a teacher at Kyoto.
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A headcanon about Utahime becoming a Kyoto teacher is to accompany with Gojo in making the students youth safer and better. Their teaching style is the opposite for each student.
As for Tokyo, the students have enough power and independence. Unlike Kyoto, they have limited presence in their CT and are suitable in supporting teammates.  From there, creating a combination of balance and not leaving any student behind, whether strong or weak.
In addition, there is a reform of the jujutsu world. Together they develop strong allies through education. That's why Gojo easily assigned the job of finding the mole to Utahime and she is also willing to help him.
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They worked quite smoothly and seemed to understand what the other was saying. They have their own code to talk to and are familiar with. Having trust of some extent with Gaku was also a reason for Utahime's ritual to support for their opening battle.
Utahime also never saw Yuji as a vessel of Sukuna shows how great her trust level is in Gojo's student. Utahime does not know about Gaku's problem with Yuji. Gojo also given his students to her for they could assist her.
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moipeace12 · 3 months
Some interesting theories about Yagasuri
Yagasuri is a pattern inspired by arrows with a symbol of aiming at a target and is an image of goodness and luck. Edo period brides are prayed for good luck to ensure they would not return to their hometown when they got married.
Yagasuri is also similar to Hamaya 破魔矢 – a type of lucky charm, used to destroy evil spirits. Yagasuri aiming at Utahime is symbolize that this is a kind of charm for her. From Gojo and towards Utahime carries the image of a lucky charm.
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The image of Yagasuri with Miko (including kimono and hakama) will remind you of the Yagasuri Hakama - one of the traditional outfit that female students wear at graduation ceremonies.
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This type of traditional clothing originates from the Meiji era, where Western influences began to be introduced to Japan. Hakama and kimono, boots are the remind of Meiji and Taisho era schoolgirls.
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During Taisho Roman, female students wear hakama and ride bicycles and play sports. ロマン in [大正ロマン] include dream and romantic. The manga: Haikara-san ga Toru depicts women of the Taiso period which created anime, films, plays or television. The character Benio Hanamura wears a kimono with arrow motifs, a maroon hakama, black boots, and a large ribbon on her head. Yagasuri Hakama is said to be influenced by this manga and is widely popular.
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Gojo's story about returning from abroad about the blending between the West and Japan during the Meiji and Taisho eras. Meaning of 143 - "i love you" is also said to originate from Minots's Ledge since 1894 and it has also been called the most dangerous and romantic lighthouse.
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The image of an arrow pointing to the left can also be understood as a metaphor for reading from right to left and from Gojo (341 -> 143).
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moipeace12 · 3 months
Utahime and Japanese Bush Warbler.
Hamamatsu is Japan's music city. A place always associated with musical instruments, music, musical events and musical instrument manufacturing. The mascot is Ieyasu-kun, whose image of piano keys reflects the city's identity.
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Hamamatsu has a bird that represents the city, the ウグイス (uguisu): Japanese Bush Warbler whose beautiful, soothing cry is the symbol of the city of music.
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Uguisu is a bird that heralds the arrival of spring with its characteristic "hohokekyo" call and is one of Japan's three songbirds. They have many different names such as the first sound of spring 初音 (hatsune), spring bird 春告鳥 (harutsugedori).
They are very wary birds, most of them are only heard rather than seen, so they are sometimes confused with warbling white-eye birds. They like places with bushes or bamboo bushes. This behavior may be similar to Utahime's role as secret.
The image of the uguisu is associated with many poetic works such as waka, haiku,... The image of the uguisu and plum is also associated with Japanese culture because it is a beautiful harmonious combination and the good thing.
The word: 泣く(cry) = 鳴く has the same reading (naku) as it means to cry or sing animal, especially birds.
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The image of Utahime is meant to represent the beginning of spring, hope and the end of the cold winter.
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moipeace12 · 3 months
Teasing as a student. This action is mainly reserved for elementary or middle school students because they are still children and don't know how to express their feelings. It often attracts attention and the action tends to have negative results, they are hated.
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When using this form, men often cannot express their feelings, they have difficulty speaking normally and completely contradict their meaning so they use gentle teasing to get women to interact.
Because they are inexperienced and clumsy in love. When men tease women, they don't know that they are hated. They just need to be responded with anger, scolding, or simply interacting and they are quite satisfied. But women don't think same this. They may find him annoying.
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They will laugh, they want to play with that person and pay attention to them but don't know talk normally instead they tease to start a conversation. So if Gojo wants to have a lover, he must be serious, thoughtful, and have sincere feelings.
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In addition, when men notice someone, they tend to brag about themselves. He talks about some personal matters in his life.
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moipeace12 · 3 months
Looking back at Gojo's old chapters, I have an interesting theory that I want to share with everyone. About North/South theory.
Chapter 236 is titled the South with the context of young Gojo. South belongs to the old person, North belongs to the new person.
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In the chapter is the setting of Haneda airport and Terminal 2 (for both international and domestic flights). Where Gojo is staying is at Departure Lobby.
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This is Terminal 1 but the difference is that Terminal 1's Departure Lobby has a different Clock Tower than Terminal 2. It doesn't have a space in the middle of the clock.
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Why is there such a mismatch? Maybe he's in Terminal 2 choosing to go North or South (domestic flight or international flight) and Terminal 1 is shown as a possible hint for domestic flight.
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May be the flight is Japan Airline. JAL just service for Terminal 1.
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As the contrast in location is first Gojo at Terminal 2 as the choice and with Terminal 1 for the decision to go North. The plane was waiting and his wishes were not imaginary, making me have high hopes for this.
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moipeace12 · 3 months
This scene where Mei Mei asked about if she cries, whether Gojo comfort her?. She wants it. 是非: often shows two opposing viewpoints (as yes or no/right or wrong)
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So Gojo thought Utahime was crying and would comfort her, but she did not cry, and did not want comfort from Gojo. Mei Mei talked about comforting someone when they cry, she probably knew he would do that and she wanted it or she knows this so she just teased him.
Maybe Mei knew about the fact Gojo comforting Utahime when she cried and she asked for it for herself. Mei saw it or she knew that when Utahime cried, Gojo would comfort her.
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moipeace12 · 3 months
My thoughts about the combination of Gojo and Utahime
To get started with this, you need to note some information as follows: Time/ Utahime's CT range/ Technical reduction of the sorcerer
Scene 1: Utahime is introduced to her technique 単独禁区: Solo Forbidden Area is a temporary curse output magnification for any sorcerer within her range including herself.
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Normally, a sorcerer's efficiency is 100% and for them, mastering the CT is mastering the reductions such as chant, hand sign, etc. will evaluate their skills. But Utahime doesn't ignore anything.
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She uses chant, hand sign, dance, music and the efficiency is achieved by 120% by sublimating the CT as a ritual. Meaning Utahime had sublimated her CT to 120% due to her not skipping any steps.
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But note, here her 120% performance is not for charging Gojo, it's for her CT. (as to produce higher output).
Scene 2: Then comes Gojo's scene, he combines with Utahime and performs chant, his hand seal along with Utahime. The fact that he reduced the step was considered perfect during his student time (meaning the output did not decrease when activated, is 100%).
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So whether he performs chant or hand seal doesn't increase his effectiveness. But when done with Utahime, no step is missed. He also achieved an output efficiency of 120%. Note not to add together. It is highly effective for creating 200% Hollow Purple.
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The combination of Gojo and Utahime does not stop there. Next I will talk about TIME.
The next execution of Hollow Purple, he must maintain time for it. In terms of time mentioned. Utahime also needs time to perform her CT by people having to buy her time so they can receive the charge.
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There is no limit to the range of Utahime's CT, but with time and chant. Gojo can still perform the combination ritual ( receive charge from Utahime). Because the output amplification of the curse output is temporary and may require time to recover. It would be appropriate for the range of Utahime's CT to be wider.
起こり: refers to the cause, the origin when an event begins In the scene before chanting for Red. This cursed energy is called “Origin”. It is the source of Gojo's increased energy output.
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This previously assessed through domain expansion has hit the target, due to the great technical activation coming from “Origin”. The domain expansion had hit the previous target due to Gojo's curse energy being greater than usual.
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After talking about “Origin”, Gojo is also the one who is a highly effective person of the curse energy. Speaking of "Origin" and Gojo makes the hollow purple even stronger. The curse energy that “Origin” was Utahime. Her CT charged to Gojo through chanting, maintaining time.
That helps increase the output energy (Red, Blue, Purple) but at the time will be limited in time and must buy time to recover.
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Domain expansion timing indicates maintaining a state of increased output for the sorcerer. At the same time, it also calculates the time for Utahime's next recharge because it is temporary and requires recovery time for Hollow Purple.
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I think normally when Utahime uses her CT, she doesn't do it herself as a ritual but needs time to recharge others. Performing the ritual with all the steps was intended to increase the effectiveness of her CT. Gojo then combines with her to both increase by 120% and create 200%. This amount is also reasonable as it says regarding the binding vow to produce 120% output. If you want to count the buffs, she buffed him 80%.
巫女舞: Miko-Mai. It refers to the miko's ceremonial dance. She performs the ceremony accompanied by Gagaku (雅楽), a type of elegant, classical court music using traditional instruments such as the biwa. she performed Kagura.
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moipeace12 · 5 months
hello, i really love your analysis about jjk and gojohime. I hope you could like give your post a few tag so it is easier to find. I am sorry if this can make you feel uncomfortable but i believe that it is such a waste that not many people who ship gojohime like me can’t reach the post. Anyway, i am really thankful for your deep analysis and investigation
Yes. Thank you so much for reading my posts. The thing about not tagging is that I really don't want to attract haters to my post, it's a bit private and safe for everyone. I will think about this and will probably do it in the future. 😊😊🥰
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