moltenrocky-2 · 5 years
Reblog if you utterly and without hesitation support gay rights
It’ll mean a lot to my friend, who’s having a tough time with bullies lately.
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moltenrocky-2 · 5 years
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moltenrocky-2 · 5 years
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moltenrocky-2 · 5 years
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A little gift for @starxurst!
She gave me a wonderful gift for christmas and asked for a commission, so here’s part 1! I plan to do another thing for ya hun, but have this in the meantime!
Happy holidays and New Year to ya, dear!
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moltenrocky-2 · 5 years
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moltenrocky-2 · 5 years
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moltenrocky-2 · 5 years
Now that i think about it, if avengers and the mcu took place in the 90s who would eddie murphy play? like there is no way he’d play a supporting character esp to a white guy in the 90s….hmmm he’d probably audition and try hard for t’challa, but they’d probably give him blue marvel…but that character didn’t exist in the 90s…and there is no way he’d play Hiemdall lmao.
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moltenrocky-2 · 5 years
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Ladies of Smash ☆ phone wallpapers
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moltenrocky-2 · 5 years
My New SFW Blog
Nope you didn’t read that wrong, I’m moving my sfw. Why? The thing is I goofed up. By that I mean I just made a side blog to my main account instead of another altogether. I remember seeing something before the Dec. 17 purge about using a different email for your sfw blog but I didn’t think anything of it. Sssoooo yeah I messed up. But it’s all fixed now.
I’m gonna reblog this post throughout the week so everyone can follow that instead of this one. I’ll be deleting it within the new year.
Sorry for the mixup everyone. My official sfw blog is @starlightembers32
All characters will be moved to there for asks, rps, or anything in general. Again sorry for the confusion everyone. 😅
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moltenrocky-2 · 5 years
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moltenrocky-2 · 5 years
Holiday Splurb Auction!
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Type: Standard Top (3 Forms)
Gender: Male
Theme: Cranberry Cream Cheese, Yeti
Starting Bid: 20$
Minimum increase: 5$
Parent: Plur (owned by @parodypunksartwork)
Bio: Fluffy in all ways, his personality is akin to a marshmallow. He’ll be terrified to take the initiative at first, and fold in upon himself shivering if he’s ever brought somewhere cold. He’ll be known to fluff up even more if you’re cold, consuming more calories to increase his mass in a hurry.
Keep an eye on him or he’s gonna vomit if he eats too much at once. 
Jiggles much more than your average splurb (hint hint to his adult form) and will ask repeatedly until you build his confidence more (aka to his adult form) if you like him and his appearance. 
Very clingy and affectionate, a sweetheart all over.
Adult form though, he becomes hungrier. And more aggressive. He really likes how small you are compared to his claws.
Still a little self conscious from how big he got, but only needs a little reassurance and he’ll be all over his owner. 
Enjoys cute things and has a deep seated need to show how reliable he is.
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Type: Standard Bottom (3 Forms)
Gender: Female
Theme: Naughty, Krampus
Starting Bid: 20$
Minimum increase: 5$
Parent: N/A (First Gen.)
A bitch. Not gonna sugarcoat it this splurb is not for the faint of heart. Cayenne is a very aggressive splurb at first glance despite her bottom preference. She gives biting commentary and will tease and grind on your nerves oh so expertly.
 You’ll have to teach her not to breach boundaries with a good amount of punishments.
Her spicy personality makes her more bold in the public eye but if you can corner her at home she’ll melt like chocolate under your hands, loving when she finally gets taught a lesson. 
Tugging on her horns or tail are the best way to get her going, as well as little nibbles here and there. Her surface slime is thicker than most around her thighs so it cracks noticeably before re-forming.
She prefers no clothes to any at all, so she’ll strip upon any private moment if she’s forced into decency.
Avid online shitposter, she’s got a sarcastic sense of humor and you can’t be the brunt of all her jokes so she has an online community she likes to hassle.
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Type: Standard Top (3 Forms)
Gender: Male
Theme: Peppermint Bark Cookie
Starting Bid: 20$
Minimum increase: 5$
Parent: Balthazar (owned by @flargahblargh)
As sweet as he tastes, Gusto will love you to the moon and back. He’s always trying to make sure you’re as comfortable and happy as he is, which can be a blessing and a curse.
As he gets older, he becomes even more relaxed, which can be nice at times, but he also uses it to keep you from doing your scheduled work, chores, ect. He’ll slowly coax you into cuddles and a little more steamy downtime, and if you give in, he won’t let you up for hours. You’ll have to lay down the law with this splurb and let him know that while you appreciate down-time, work has to be done.
But don’t expect much work out of him other than emotional support and feeding-time. He’s a growing boy, after all, he’ll need as much of you as he can get, whether you’re doing the dishes, homework, having a call with family, ect. He’ll feed on you till he’s full, then go back and have a nap, so expect a bit of a mess from this sweet boy, but if you’re able to coax him into being a good boy, he doesn’t mind helping clean up here or there. Just don’t expect a ton of work out of him.
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Type: Standard Bottom (3 Forms)
Gender: Female
Theme: Honey and Chocolate, Present
Starting Bid: 20$
Minimum increase: 5$
Parent: CoCoa (owned by @deathfandoms)
Sweet as chocolate and honey, this splurb will love you unconditionally. She wants nothing more than your approval and love, and will cheerfully work her way to get it, though with her bubbly personality, she’s a hard one to resist.
An avid believer in the “if it fits, I sits” rule, when she’s not latched on to her owner, she loves to find pretty boxes and stuff herself inside of them, really bringing home the adorable but beautiful chocolate in a box feel.
As she gets older, she starts realizing the rules of if it fits, i sits doesn’t really apply anymore, and instead opts to simply latch onto her owner at all times she can. To get her to settle a bit, stroking her bow and ribbons will simply melt her (in a good way!) and she’ll be putty in your hands. Always wanting to be seen by her owner, she makes sure to turn it up an octave during the throws of passion.
Watch out for this one. If you fall for those sweet doe eyes and personality to match, you might find yourself drained of energy all too much.
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Type: Accessory (Two Forms)
Gender: Male
Theme: Holiday Lights, Bio-luminescence
Starting Bid: 10$
Minimum increase: 5$
Parent: N/A (First Gen.)
This little accessory splurb will light up your world (literally!) with his bio-luminescence tentacle bulbs. He’s quite proud of his shine, and does everything in his power to make sure he’s seen by all.
A bit egotistical for such a small guy, he shows his love through a dominating personality, loving to put their owner down on their back and run his tentacles and lights across their skin (and loves even more to see them glowing inside their owner).
You have to watch for his meat-head kind of personality, as it tends to get out of hand sometimes. His constant bragging and flaunting can get him into trouble, but put him down too much and he can lose his shine and dull quite a bit out of sadness that his owner doesn’t think he’s all that hot-stuff. It’s a bit of a balancing act to keep him prideful, but keep him from getting hot-headed.
Keep him well balanced, and he’ll offer all the love he has, through domination in bed, and messy, tangled, cuddles afterwards.
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Type: Omega (four forms)
Gender: Female
Theme: Ice-Skater, Snowflake
Starting Bid: 35$
Minimum increase: 5$
Parent: Mint/Cloud (Owned by @all-my-ocs-karma)
While Floe might be an Omega, she has the personality of an Alpha. “Ice-Queen” would best describe her, as she’s cold to many. stuck up, better-than-you-attitude, She keeps her head high.
But, she’s still an Omega, after all. Pet her ego, sing sweet-nothings to her and really get hands-on, and she’ll let her guard down. Tie her up all nice and pretty like a Christmas present and she’ll be completely at your mercy, willingly spreading her legs and offering herself to you.
But don’t expect that to last. As soon as you’re done and the ropes come off, she’s back to her ice-queen self, but with loving kisses and boob-squishes for days.
She might be cold, but that doesn’t mean she has a small heart and little love for her owner. Seeing Floe and her owner in a relationship will often make one question who the owner really is, as Floe will want you wrapped around her pretty claws. The perfect relationship if you love an ice-queen mommy kinda gal.
Auctions end 24 hours after final bid! 
How to bid: Comment the name, and the amount you want to bid for them!
Bidding is available on both Twitter and Tumblr for these posts, but it is up to YOU to keep an eye on which Splurb is available for how much.
And now, we’re adding in a special package deal! After winning the bid on your Splurb, you can choose to add in a package deal for extra goodies!
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Bronze Package 15$: 1 sfw or nsfw sketch + 1 Splurb outfit
The Bronze package will allow you to get 1 sketch (sfw or nsfw) and one outfit design for your Splurb!
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Silver Package 25$: 2 sfw or nsfw sketches + 2 Splurb outfits
The Silver package will allow you to get 2 sketches (nsfw or sfw) and two outfit designs for your Splurb!
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Gold Package 35$: 1 fully colored sfw or nsfw drawing + 3 Splurb Outfits
The Gold Package will allow you to get 1 fully colored drawing (sfw or nsfw) and three outfit designs for your Splurb!
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moltenrocky-2 · 5 years
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I absolutely love @usedbandaid ‘s webtoon Lore Olympus, I cant wait to see more of Persephone using her powers!!
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moltenrocky-2 · 5 years
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Another Lore Olympus redraw. Art in this chapter was cool af. 
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moltenrocky-2 · 5 years
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This better work.
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moltenrocky-2 · 5 years
~ Happy Day ~
Riccii turns on his camera, makes sure everything is charged and working before turning it on, “Hey my aliens and earthlings, Riccii here with a Christmas vlog.” He says cheerily.
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He then turns the camera and begins to film everybody, “Here we have our lovely Santa’s helpers, Roxy and Eva. Looking festive ladies.”
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“Then we have little Salem who’s been eating all the cookies he can find.” Salem just chuckles and waves at the camera.
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“Here we have a pair of Mothers to be and Aunty Stax.” Trish smiles at her son, “You making a vlog honey?” Riccii just laughs, “Yeah.”
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Riccii then continues around the room and then starts too laugh, “I see Plur found the coffee. Well here we have Aunty Rocky, a mushy Plur, Sassy Par and another Mama to be, Flargh.” “Merry Christmas Riccii.” Rocky says with a smile.
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“And last but not least, little Bellamy. Merry Christmas everyone.”
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(My guests~ @shortstreets, @flargahblargh, @starxurst, @tehparodypunk, @starlightembers32​ aka @moltenrocky-2)
2018 Merry Christmas. Have a happy holiday guys~
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moltenrocky-2 · 5 years
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How the Grinch Stole Christmas (2000)
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moltenrocky-2 · 5 years
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